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Ancient High Performance Motors Discovered

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  • #61
    Hi farmhand

    Its so sad that things get like this, I really dislike it. Anyone who has to resort to personal abuse has lost all credibility to me, I'm not saying don't fire back when under attack as you may see from things I have posted. I'm sorry you came under attack, I didn't see it but heard a little in the aftermath.

    You have cross-examined me in the past and pulled no punches, but it was courteous, factual and to the point. We never abused or offended each other, at least I don't think so. In those discussions we all can learn from each other. Its the sort of debate I welcome. I never claim to know everything and sometimes I find that I have been barking up the wrong tree, so in those situations a good grilling reveals any lack of knowledge.

    My recent threads have been about efficiency improvements, no its not overunity but that's not the point. The methods used can be conventional or unconventional and if applied to the right device could make the difference between being in over unity or not. I sincerely believe I have redirected BEMF in a Universal Motor, I make it an output with interesting results. If you want a chat about it some time let me know. We briefly discussed it some time ago and you got me looking in a different direction, Thanks We also have a mutual friend that has been helping me understand some other things too.

    I do think the site has gone down hill, but at the time all the trouble was happening, I wasn't visiting the site much.

    This little spinney thing (love the term) I do find interesting, not because it is the answer to what we are looking for, but because it is something I did not expect in nature. It also calls many theories into question and that's the debate I expected. When the accusation of it being a hoax came up I did a bit more digging and found that biologists believe it to be real, and this is backed up by peer reviewed articles in major scientific journals.

    Could it be put to practical use? maybe super glueing 100 trillion bacteria to the back of my boat? I doubt it, but it may lead to things in the future.


    • #62
      Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
      I have been offering you help, I'm trying to defuse the situation for you.

      Contrary to your belief that I want an attack, I clearly don't. It was not an invitation, it was a suspicion that those with strong religious beliefs would disagree with me strongly. It would be on topic to debate if the article posted offered any proof of creation or proof that Darwinism is flawed. Instead you launched a personal attack on me and others.

      I was expecting a debate on theological or similar grounds, and not a personal attack. That is what derailed this thread.

      Personal abuse has no place on this forum, so I suggest that if you do really want to get this forum back to what it was, you refrain from personal abuse and ridicule. No one enjoys it or wants it.

      You continue to refer to me in your posts as if I am some sort of justification for your outbursts, this is not acceptable.

      I'm not going to discuss what others have said and done, they are responsible for their own actions, as are you.

      I don't expect that you will apologise, although you should, but I do desire that you will discontinue this destructive course of action.
      If you can't handle it, don't start it. And you could have asked for a debate without insulting anyone. You did that on purpose. Why?

      Because you are incapable of allowing a thread to stay on subject. Just like I told ya. You always have to change the subject to your simulated agenda or drag it in the mud. And your not alone, your one of many. All of you clowns are this way.

      You should do some self reflection.

      Don't worry though your not going to know when or who coming with it, but you'll do it again. Something really good right on the surface,easy to see, and the first you'll do is blast it with BS simulated theory. You'll try to explain it. You might even bash the owners personal beliefs.

      Remember what I said, don't forget it. Cause I am going to point it out, and you go to crying like you always about how terrible I am, and all the BS excuses you can come up with to justify you own behavior.

      Wait and see.



      • #63
        Holy Christ Mr. Jones time to kick the hillbilly heroin. Somebody tipped your sacred cow and and you lose your freakin mind and attack virtually everyone who has posted in my thread and for what?Do you suppose the invisible man in the sky needs your protection? Jeez louise I thought some of m co-workers were insane but you take the cake brother. The inside of your head must be a very uncomfortable place.


        • #64
          I just want to make sure people understand what they say runs people off. Its offensive to some one, why say it. You can still get your opinion across and not be offensive

          Make a big deal about and maybe next they will be more careful in what they say , not because they need to be polite, but because they worry about the outcome. Spare the rod...
          They wrote back and spurred it on just as fast as I dished it out.

          And NO my heads fine, I do this as matter of course. Keeps the trash out, or out my way anyway.



          • #65
            Hi Xenophanes

            Best not to feed the fire we are dealing with a megalomaniacal sociopath with delusions of grandeur who uses abuse as a source of pleasure which is sadism.

            megalomaniacal - definition of megalomaniacal by The Free Dictionary
            How to Spot a Sociopath: 20 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
            Why Do People Abuse? - Abuse
            Sadism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

            He needs help, trying to reason with him only gives him an excuse to increase the intensity of what he does. Ok I will give him enough rope to hang himself with this post but the best course of action is to not respond to him and discuss how to help him without addressing him directly.

            I offered to help him, and of course with people that have this psychological profile, he cannot accept that he needs help. The truth is that he thinks he is normal.

            I dont want him to go see s shrink in the U.S. as they are likely to prescribe him psychotropic drugs which will completely destroy his mind, you must have seen about that in the news. Hopefully he will get help from people who know effective ways of treating his affliction. I wont post about them here because that will make him less likely to try them as he has a vendetta against me and some others.

            All we can do is discuss ways of helping him without including him in the conversation. By doing this, he wont be able to stop himself from reading them as its like reading private mail as far as his mind works, another thing that these psychological types do. When he has read them, although in denial, some of it will get through to him and he might start to seek the help he needs.

            Back on topic, what do you think about the implications of this biological motor?

            I find it hard to accept that so many ideal accidental changes could occur at the same time as would be required by Darwinism.

            I also find it hard to believe that an omnipotent being would have to follow the laws he set down for us, especially the way he has been written about in the religious texts. Could it be a third option? Possibly but that’s another can of worms.

            What can we learn from this "apparent" motor? I’m sure the nanotech guys are studying it very closely

            How do proteins move laterally to each other? what is the mechanism? is magnetism and/or electrical charge involved?


            • #66
              Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
              Hi Xenophanes

              So, why are you all still rolling in the mud with the pig?


              • #67
                Point taken


                • #68

                  Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                  So, why are you all still rolling in the mud with the pig?

                  We are dealing with a degree of disrespect and to offer one liners like this only serves to make it worse. I don't know if you understood some of the last few days as we all spoke.

                  Bottom line is you won't be permitted to lift your leg on others threads if they specify that it is for builders only.

                  Do try to keep the peace dear.

                  @ Everyone else

                  We are all responsible to help one another with all of our known weaknesses.

                  When that becomes impossible we get very little constructive work.

                  One thing we all can do very well is go around correcting everyone's terminology such as "FREE ENERGY" is really something else. Or having a spatial is really a fat cat, who cares, RIGHT?

                  Well I do not like to be interrupted so we must all focus on the story line of the author's thread.

                  For instance if I am building one of my pipe dreams and it is making you mad because I seem as dumb as a rock to you, TO BAD. Keep it to yourself.

                  I have heard what has been written about respecting others place and this will be enforced trust me on that, but we need each other to do this.


                  It is hard enough for me to concentrate on so many scientific data without addressing endless diversion. You are a this you are a that all of the funniest one liners that show your hate. Okay?

                  When I worked on a simple CAP DUMB my thread was derailed intentionally by very experienced personal who enjoy destroying others simple out of frustration and jealousy.

                  This science adventure will be here when I am dead so fighting over who is greater is meaningless.

                  Once we learn to forgive and overlook things will smooth out.

                  I look foreword to this development.

                  Let's speak as friends even if deep down we might not feel like it and watch what good will arise.

                  Mikey You guys are all I have when it comes to learning outside the box and we are few in number.
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 09-26-2014, 05:22 AM.


                  • #69
                    Amen to all of the above. Just thought the motors were somewhat interesting,didn`t mean to start a riot.

