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  • #46
    I cant speak for others, but I truly do hope you do something creative for a change, I know you are capable of it. Its your personal attacks on people that makes people dislike you so much, along with the distortions and misrepresentations.

    Try being pleasant, respectful and diplomatic, even when someone disagrees with you and you might get a better reception.

    My answer to your question is, you don't want to know.


    • #47
      Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
      I cant speak for others, but I truly do hope you do something creative for a change, I know you are capable of it. Its your personal attacks on people that makes people dislike you so much, along with the distortions and misrepresentations.

      Try being pleasant, respectful and diplomatic, even when someone disagrees with you and you might get a better reception.

      My answer to your question is, you don't want to know.
      Sure I wanna know. You didn't get any. Keep your behavioral advice to yourself.

      I am not interested in your or the others perception of me. My whole intent is to just see this place like it used to be, working. Unfortunately you and the others are incapable of adding to that. And you'll see it clearly, soon.

      Mark my words you will at every chance you get, whether you intend to or not, Derail someones work to fit your agenda. Mark my words.


      • #48
        You want to know... but your not interested Hmmm a bit of a duality there. It seems that some people who respect you and have met you are shocked by your behaviour while others just say "thats Matt way, just ignore him". Some others are much less polite. I wont be any more specific on this as it does not benefit anyone.

        Like you I want to see this forum working again but that seems unlikely when people cant have a civil discussion. You enforce that by being uncivil yourself.

        I want to get knowledge out to the public, I want them to try it and I want them to try their own things too, because maybe they will find some things I have missed.

        I know that not everyone will understand or agree with what I say. In those cases I will try to explain better and ask their opinion. On several occasions I have been able to see something new or a new direction to move in as a result of what they have told me. Its called being open to new ideas.

        I suggest that if we continue these exchanges, we try to do it on thing that we agree on. If you don’t agree that fine too, but don't use condescending or derogatory language as that demands a less than pleasant response.


        • #49
          Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
          You want to know... but your not interested Hmmm a bit of a duality there..

          When you engage a knuckle dragging monkey, you should expect them to throw their feces and rattle their cage.

          you're shaking the monkey cage and irritating the chimp inside.

          You cant debate Plato's doctrine with swine - ancient saying.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            Sure I wanna know. You didn't get any. Keep your behavioral advice to yourself.

            I am not interested in your or the others perception of me. My whole intent is to just see this place like it used to be, working. Unfortunately you and the others are incapable of adding to that. And you'll see it clearly, soon.

            Mark my words you will at every chance you get, whether you intend to or not, Derail someones work to fit your agenda. Mark my words.
            Are you done with your comments yet? You derailed this thread, not us. If you really want to help, act like it. Delete your posts not related to the subject and I'm sure everyone else who reacted to your comments will do likewise. I will delete mines if you do.



            • #51
              Sure I'll do that, but start here first:

              That post acknowledge by the author was insulting and derailed the subject. He even opened himself up to a bashing which he got.

              I told ya, you guys had short memories, So short you blame me for his insults, his derailment.

              Tell them all Brown its hard when you can't even help yourself.



              • #52
                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                Sure I'll do that, but start here first:

                That post acknowledge by the author was insulting and derailed the subject. He even opened himself up to a bashing which he got.

                I told ya, you guys had short memories, So short you blame me for his insults, his derailment.

                Tell them all Brown its hard when you can't even help yourself.

                Maybe you should see a shrink, you are really sick up there.



                • #53
                  What makes me sick?
                  The man went out of his way to insult anybody who would consider themselves a Christian. He had to do it didn't he? Why? It didn't insult me..

                  Would it be OK to insult their ethnicity or gender? How about their education level? Or country of Origin?

                  Are those fair game too?

                  The man wants to insult he should be ready to be insulted, in fact he said "I'm going to get attacked"

                  TA does it all time as well, insults people all the time.

                  Is it OK??

                  Is it ON Subject??

                  Bro Mikey can't keep a story straight, written in text he still screws it up. Read that last post. Did I say that there was OU devices everywhere. No I said people were working, building.

                  That second post can edited or deleted and I'll take my stuff down. But you remember Brown opened the door. Not me, I just walked in and gave him what he really wanted.

                  What makes me sick?



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BroMikey
                    Everyone has a horn to blow

                    The issue might be that hes been blowing his own horn for far too long.

                    par for the course for the www, just another poo flinging chimp


                    • #55
                      @TA you still haven't posted anything to prove you have ever done anything other than talk.

                      Why is that? I thought you had all this stuff under your belt?

                      Break it out, my Monkey friend. Or do you have a another slick zoological answer.


                      • #56
                        In a bowl

                        Lets put it all in a bowl mix it up see what you get.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by shylo View Post
                          Lets put it all in a bowl mix it up see what you get.

                          ancient saying "it only takes a spoonful of POO to ruin a giant pot of stew"


                          • #58
                            Or is it a spoon full you....? Still scared to post anything real HUH?

                            Have fun playing with yourself.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              Sure I'll do that, but start here first:

                              Tell them all Brown its hard when you can't even help yourself.

                              I have been offering you help, I'm trying to defuse the situation for you.

                              "I'm going to get attacked".......... But you remember Brown opened the door. Not me, I just walked in and gave him what he really wanted.
                              Contrary to your belief that I want an attack, I clearly don't. It was not an invitation, it was a suspicion that those with strong religious beliefs would disagree with me strongly. It would be on topic to debate if the article posted offered any proof of creation or proof that Darwinism is flawed. Instead you launched a personal attack on me and others.

                              I was expecting a debate on theological or similar grounds, and not a personal attack. That is what derailed this thread.

                              Personal abuse has no place on this forum, so I suggest that if you do really want to get this forum back to what it was, you refrain from personal abuse and ridicule. No one enjoys it or wants it.

                              You continue to refer to me in your posts as if I am some sort of justification for your outbursts, this is not acceptable.

                              I'm not going to discuss what others have said and done, they are responsible for their own actions, as are you.

                              I don't expect that you will apologise, although you should, but I do desire that you will discontinue this destructive course of action.


                              • #60
                                mbrownn, I disagree that personal abuse has no place on this forum, you must
                                have missed all the sick and personal abuse directed towards me. I have it save
                                somewhere, but I'm sure you seen it. Nothing was done about it even when
                                several people complained to the Mods through the proper channels, I wasn't
                                the first to complain about the sexually explicit abuse directed at me either.

                                If Matt thinks I am somehow responsible for "ruining" this place then that"s
                                his opinion and I respect his right to that view. But he's wrong, I resisted
                                UFO's BS from the start, and I ask questions so as to get people to explain
                                themselves into a corner.

                                I demonstrated by experiment conclusively that UFO was Dead wrong about
                                his magnetic field reversals in a pulsed solenoid by achieving the same result with
                                pure DC, the PM was "levitated" in the solenoid without need of any magnetic
                                field reversals, He was wrong about such a simple thing it seems he could be
                                wrong about anything. He has shown nothing anywhere near 100% efficient.

                                If people have something to share open source then just share it, if it works
                                people will build it and use it and you will get the credit.

                                And if no one replicates but the setup is OU then just use it and be happy,
                                share it with friends and family.

                                What ruins a free energy forum is too many false and broken promises and
                                too many BS claims and too many people trying to create something from

                                If the site is ruined for Matt then it's not my doing, it all the BS claims and
                                silly argument rather than scientific experiment and careful observation
                                combined with Logic and common sense.

                                As for the little spinny thingy, small thins can spin fast and the closer we look
                                the more complex some things really are, considering the age of this Universe
                                cycle complex things should be expected naturally.

                                Main thing is it's not OU and it's less than 100% efficient, just try to spin a
                                500 Kg rotor at 100 000 rpm and see what happens and how much energy it
                                requires to get it up to speed.

                                Tiny spinny thingy's are of no use to us, the energy involved is miniscule.

                                Curious yes, something to learn maybe. It is interesting for sure.


