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BOOK- Fields of Force: The Development of a World View

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Here he is. And I will be back with the fire walking video


    Met him at least a dozen times, we used to talk by the phone somewhat often, except in the last year of his life.

    There is a circle of "us" and the Platonists that stick together. He will be missed.

    Here he is talking about his father:

    I think I have the same video uploaded somewhere


    • #32
      Hindu Practice

      All things considered nothing has changed.

      Catholic Hindu

      In the usa Tony Robbins Audience Members Treated For Burns After Walking On Hot Coals (VIDEO)
      Last edited by BroMikey; 10-02-2014, 01:28 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
        All things considered nothing has changed.

        Catholic Hindu

        YOU would love his book "SELECTED LETERS OF AK COOMARASWAMY" where he gets nasty letters from priests and nuns etc.

        He replies , correcting them, intelligently and calmly.

        He basically, calmly, and smoothly, roasts them. Its a collection of some of his best letters.

        You can find it on SCRIBD.COM, I scanned it in and uploaded it there , its EVERYWHERE now.

        I used to have about 20 or so of his handwritten letters, I sold a few on Ebay to rare collectors in Europe.


        • #34
          Firewalking USA

          Fire-walking is a metaphysical art they tell me. Here is is in America now

          Animal and human sacrifice in the Hindu lifestyle

          Last edited by BroMikey; 10-02-2014, 01:58 AM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
            You or anyone else can always hit me up for another link of the book I found.

            iI downloaded the original link in the original post tonight so i guess its back up again at least here anyway ..thanks for the info and the link
            I would also be interested in anything else you have to offer rather read the good stuff than confuse myself with bs ......stay well


            • #36
              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Animal and human sacrifice in the Hindu lifestyle


              Modern "hinduism" is a farce, Dr. Coomaraswamy was a self described metaphysician.

              His last books in life were on Greek Platonism.

              HINDU refers to a PEOPLES, not a RELIGION

              The term "HINDUISM" didnt exist until the 1600s, it means nothing.

              The word "Hinduism" comes from the word sindhu, the Indo-Aryan word for "the sea," and came to apply to the peoples in the region east of the Indus River. The word “Hinduism” has no connection to any specific religion at all but a peoples and area. "From the point of view of religion, the Vedic literature divides itself into two parts, viz. the Rigveda on the one hand and the rest of the Vedic literature on the other; the two distinct phases of essentially the same religion may be called Vedic religion and Brahmanism. This division and the above two names hardly need any justification. It is now recognized beyond doubt that, although Brahmanism is nothing but an isolated development of the religion contained in the Rigveda, yet the two religions are entirely different in spirit.While one represents a comparatively exalted form of a purer faith based on nature-worship, the other tends to become artificial,mechanical and hieratic, and makes rites and ceremonies its chief concern." [P.S. Deshmukh,Religion in Vedic Literature, 198].

              "The word Brahmanism seems originally to have been used, and popularly still to be understood, to denote the religion of those inhabitants of India who adored Brahma as their supreme God, in contradistinction to those who professed Buddhism, and, in more recent times, Muhammadanism. But this is founded upon a misconception. Brahma was never universally worshiped; and his acknowledgement as the supreme God is not even true, still less a prominent characteristic of Brahmanical religions and sects." [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 2.799b ].

              "Hinduism has never prepared a body of canonical scriptures or a common prayer book; it has never held a general council or convocation; never defined the relation between laity and clergy; never regulated the canonization of saints or their worship; never established a single centre of religious life; never prescribed a of training for its priests" [Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 6:712 ].
              Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-02-2014, 02:04 AM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by BroMikey
                [SIZE="3"]Cow is Holy in Catholic Hindu worship

                And this compared to Catholics worshiping "holy relics" how? (same nonsense).

                Actually the idea of the "Sacred cow" came to India via ancient Egypt.

                King Ptolemy II Philadelphus, records indicate STRONG contact between India and ancient Egypt

                its recorded on one of the Pillars of King Ashoka.

                Seems youre confusing HINDU the PEOPLES with what dumb westerners call "Hinduism"

                Dr. AK Coomarawamy was a perennial metaphysician, not a "Hindu" (dvaita or advaita vedantist) .

                NOR do I have any connection with same.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BroMikey
                  To each his own.

                  Youre trying to make an insulting connection where I have NO connection.

                  Whats more you're embarrassing yourself.


                  • #39
                    Enemy of creation doctrine

                    Dude this was his lifes mission to teach all of the wonderful arts of his land.

                    He was married 3 times in a few months and was an enemy of the truth. There are 4 stages of Sharia

                    All India Muslim Personal Law Board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    You can not separate culture and religion. The only reason Indian's deny their practices is because they know it is not exceptable to the WEST,yet.

                    He glorified Nietzsche, need I say more? The infiltration stage is over.

                    The battle is on for the souls of men. There are only two nations who have ever professed to worshiping the UNKNOWN GOD in all of RECORDED HISTORY. His name is Jehovah.

                    The names of those two Nations are ISRAEL and the United States Of America.

                    The rest of the nations worship the gods that Coomaraswamy spent his life glorifying.

                    Now the question is, what has all of this got to do with wisdom

                    History of Coomaraswamy's writings

                    He built a bridge between East and West that was designed to carry a two-way traffic: his metaphysical writings aimed, among other things, at demonstrating the unity of the Vedanta and Platonism. His works also sought to rehabilitate original Buddhism, a tradition that Guénon had for a long time limited to a rebellion of the Kshatriyas against Brahmin authority.

                    "Alan Antliff documents ( I Am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite) how the Indian art critic and anti-imperialist Ananda Coomaraswamy combined Nietzsche's individualism
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 10-02-2014, 07:01 AM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      Dude this was his lifes mission to teach all of the wonderful arts of his land.

                      He was married 3 times in a few months and was an enemy of the truth. There are 4 stages of Sharia

                      All India Muslim Personal Law Board - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      You can not separate culture and religion. The only reason Indian's deny their practices is because they know it is not exceptable to the WEST,yet.

                      He glorified Nietzsche, need I say more? The infiltration stage is over.

                      The battle is on for the souls of men. There are only two nations who have ever professed to worshiping the UNKNOWN GOD in all of RECORDED HISTORY. His name is Jehovah.

                      The names of those two Nations are ISRAEL and the United States Of America.

                      The rest of the nations worship the gods that Coomaraswamy spent his life glorifying.

                      "was an enemy of the truth"
                      Many of the finest minds in the past 100 years have unanimously agreed his was a champion of truth at all costs. So, thats a rancid lie straight from the pits of ignorance and Hades.

                      "gods that Coomaraswamy spent his life glorifying."
                      He never did any such thing, in fact he wrote many books stating that said 'gods' were merely metaphysical symbolism. Another rancid lie.

                      Thats without any doubt the largest pile of pathetic and delusional lies and spew I have read in a very very long time.

                      In fact he disliked greatly, western existentialism , especially Nietzsche, so thats a rancid lie.

                      Seek help.

                      Funny thing, if he was still alive and you tried to debate the Bible with him, hed mop the floor with your face without lifting a finger.

                      Catholic preists would seek him out for help on old testament meaning and TRANSLATION

                      Tell ya what, when YOU write over 3000 ARTICLES and books

                      get put on the national STAMP

                      and collect the world largest collection of ancient artwork ever held by a single human

                      and learn over 30 languages.

                      Then youll come almost CLOSE to having something to say about him
                      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-02-2014, 07:36 AM.


                      • #41
                        Still Learning

                        He is a very illusive figure I understand.

                        When I say he was an enemy of the truth I mean the truth found in the Bible doctrines. The Catholic version of Mother Mary worship has nothing to do with the self existent one whatsoever.

                        Parroting quotations reveals nothing.

                        There is not organized religion on the face of the entire earth who represents HIM.

                        Here are the Indians using SHARIA LAW. The four stages are no longer hidden from view. This truely is the age of enlightenment.

                        Indian Women Use Sharia Law To Fight For Gender Equality In Court System

                        Yes there is much confusion with so many ways to so many gods in all religion.

                        The Indian's I know from Detroit are very nice people. I always enjoy each of them. I have not seen them in years. Very set on doing great things. All of them think in terms of many gods or of the many ways of festival worship as they name there names.

                        Same with all other cultures. Many gods all leading to another life until they attend GODHOOD. If we can't come to any agreement about specifics due to the vastness of the writings then we can look at it by generalizing first.

                        Sharia Law demands the assimilation of all viewpoints outside of that doctrine.

                        The secret strategy of Sharia is out of the box. Sure Sharia knows she is naked and still attempt to hid.

                        Heads will continue to roll if Sharia is not adhered to. This is the religion of choice for the NEW WORLD ORDER. They are Bohemians. Also these big names you mention are club members at one time or another in order to get in high positions.

                        It is or use to be a secret. No more. People still deny it.

                        The name Catholic Orthodox Hindu is like saying do anything and say anything you want, when you want to hang a tag on what God is or does.

                        This is blindness "Universal delusion"

                        If you are ever going to find out who the real GOD is, it starts by following HIS law. Not Sharia or the list of other LAWS in other cultures.

                        Throwing children into fire pits is still taking place today and always will. There are more modern ways of slaughtering these days.

                        Slaughter is what we are seeing and will see till those who live by the sword fall on the mountains. We are seeing the end of the old hatred now.

                        I am afraid you won't see what I am talking about Theo. but regardless of the fact that Israel is controlled by Kazars posing a Jews, any nation who tries to murder it will fall on the mountains. The USA will always help.

                        As for the USA? It has become a pus-wart in the face of THE ALMIGHTY so time is running out for HER. Our days here in the USA are numbered.

                        What is coming as rulership goes will be hated by all Nations and they will kill this coming world Gov in the end. Right now they are all sweet talking each other but all sides know that it is impossible.

                        When the poop hits the fan we will see what is in the hearts of men. Seeing who they serve, what gods? They serve their own GodHood no more.

                        Every man is brutish. We know nothing.

                        Going to bed and yeah I deleted the embarrassing photos



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          When I say he was an enemy of the truth I mean the truth found in the Bible doctrines

                          Youve got NOTHING intelligent to say on the topic.

                          Everything you spewed out was lies and nonsense. Nor have you read any of his works.

                          Your quote above is just religious twaddle, .....has nothing at all to do with him or his works.

                          This thread has nothing to do with religion, not any sick variety of same.

                          Religions contain no truths, they're secularized metaphysics for the Sheeple.

                          Pathetic is the only word for it son.
                          Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-02-2014, 08:25 AM.


                          • #43

                            Sorry I'll go now and leave you alone.

                            Check this out.

                            Glorified false gods they are all the same.

                   .mozilla:en-USfficial&channel=np&tbs=srcf:H4sIAAAAAAAAACWKUQqAMA zFbuOPzDt1W9GJ9pWuRby9UL9CSB5YV-M5t4Z7GZKoF_1ap8JT1RXhUTmkIcbZzHNSNFfY_1atFZGheBFy UjwaAsH_1X7TjxgAAAA&tbm=vid&start=10

                            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                            Youve got NOTHING intelligent to say on the topic.

                            Everything you spewed out was lies and nonsense. Nor have you read any of his works.

                            Your quote above is just religious twaddle, .....has nothing at all to do with him or his works.

                            This thread has nothing to do with religion, not any sick variety of same.

                            Religions contain no truths, they're secularized metaphysics for the Sheeple.

                            Pathetic is the only word for it son.
                            Last edited by BroMikey; 10-02-2014, 08:56 AM.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                              Sorry I'll go now and leave you alone.

                              Check this out.

                              Glorified false gods they are all the same.

                              As if the implication being there are "true" gods ROFL

                              Im no creationist son, take your God(s) and stick them somewhere.

                              All religions are sick degenerate pits for simple minded sheep.

