You will need a way to put a load on the motor. One way is to shaft connect it to another motor which you can then use as a generator. You can use a bridge rectifier to rectify the output and run 12 volt loads. Then you would need little 12 volt loads, like car tail light bulbs, to attach to both battery 3 and to the motor-as-generator to balance the two out. These are the primary things you need for all experimenting on the 3BGS setup.
We hope to go far beyond that here shortly, but all those things would still be useful. Basic volt meters so you can measure your voltage and any test equipment you can get your hands on. An oscilloscope is needed if you are going to get serious. I am going for my third two channel scope just so I can pull in data from different locations. Meters give too many flaky readings with this stuff.
You will need a way to put a load on the motor. One way is to shaft connect it to another motor which you can then use as a generator. You can use a bridge rectifier to rectify the output and run 12 volt loads. Then you would need little 12 volt loads, like car tail light bulbs, to attach to both battery 3 and to the motor-as-generator to balance the two out. These are the primary things you need for all experimenting on the 3BGS setup.
We hope to go far beyond that here shortly, but all those things would still be useful. Basic volt meters so you can measure your voltage and any test equipment you can get your hands on. An oscilloscope is needed if you are going to get serious. I am going for my third two channel scope just so I can pull in data from different locations. Meters give too many flaky readings with this stuff.