Would someone be able to give us an up to date word on how he is? I hope he is keeping his nutrition up to scratch - avocados, brocolli etc.
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Basic Free Energy Device
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Originally posted by wrtner View PostWould someone be able to give us an up to date word on how he is? I hope he is keeping his nutrition up to scratch - avocados, brocolli etc.
Did you read his post from yesterday? If anything changes either Matt or I can post an update if Dave asks us to.Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.
Emmy Material
Emmy awards anyone?
Join the cast with Matt playing the part of the ugly american, Dave the innocent victim, with i_ron the nasty cruel heartless abuser.
Should get an honourable mention at least?
Yeesh and I thought I had joined an adult forum.
But apparently it is more like a radical islamic sharia law forum where any criticism of Allah leads to an instant vendetta against the criticizer.
We are all aware of the saying, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs" Yet here we have a situation where no proof is given and no proof will ever be given ... but to use the word HOAX is forbidden, OK, just a thought, my bad
Where do we go from here? baseball bats and brass knuckles? Knives and guns? Nah, I think we should move straight to drones and mini nukes!!!
RonLast edited by i_ron; 08-04-2016, 03:38 PM.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostWhy don't you tell him why you have to compare him to a fraud? Why don't tell everyone....UH??? Why is that the first thing you have to say? Go ahead make another excuse, see if that helps.
No two ways about it your a piece garbage. You ended this thread.. Have fun with it.
I do not accept your bluster and aggressive rudeness as proof of a working model.
Originally posted by i_ron View PostMatt, what you are ignoring here is...I have built your stuff and it didn't work. I have every reason to be sceptical. Until I see a working demonstration that has been verified by qualified people I have the right to be sceptical.
I do not accept your bluster and aggressive rudeness as proof of a working model.
By the way I am highly qualified to judge Matt's abilities as I have over 50 years experience working in electronics as my occupation. The number one reason I have seen on this forum for things not working as claimed is because the builder insists he has a better way and doesn't follow directions. Of course the number two reason is they didn't really work in the first place. But that is not the problem here. There are just too many of us that have proven this does work. Even some skeptics have been impressed by what they have seen.
So I'll say it again, if you don't want to help then hit road.
CarrollJust because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.
Originally posted by citfta View Posti_ron,
You got off to a really bad start with your post accusing Dave of being a fraud. I see you have now edited that post but those of us that consider Dave a friend have not forgotten what you posted. Why did you not just simply ask if there was anything new to report? You claim to have read several earlier posts so I am guessing you have been following this thread. If you have then you should have realized this thread is about a work in progress and as progress is made it is shared. Sometimes there is a lot to share and sometimes things go along for a while with nothing new to share.
As for you crybabies that want all the information about the generator that Matt and Dave are working on, that is not what this thread is about. This thread is to share research and results about the best way to use the three battery generating system that we have already shown is a way to get overunity or at least extend the use of your batteries well beyond their normal use. You guys remind me of the grasshopper in the Aesop's fable about the grasshopper and the ants. Read it and you might learn something.
That is rather a weak argument that this is just the three battery forum, when it was Dave who posted his claim here.
What seems to be missing in statements by Dave's followers is... I was there and saw that it works, or, my replication of Dave's device works just as he said.
As for the advice built and see... that is about the most nonsensical advice I have ever heard. I love building rotating devices and have built dozens of them. Yet I have never had a no lenz generator.
I can understand someone who has built a working FE device and wishes to not go public with it I know if I had an FE device the first thing I would do is tell my friends and one or two forums. But for someone to come on this list and taunt his fellow researchers with, "hey I have a cop 12 device! but I am not going to disclose any information to you..." is about the rudest most despicable behaviour I can imagine, and I include Matt in that statement also.
Post Mortem
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post.
You ended this thread..
Its all built on my tech. Its not going anywhere especially not to the public on this forum.`Ask for, or demand whatever you want I have no intention of giving anything up on that front.
If you can come up with a post where I made the statement you just attributed to me, I would gladly pay you $1,000.00. But you cannot, because I never made such a statement. That is YOUR interpretation of the fact that I made some statements of FACT about inputs and outputs on my motor/generator and then didn't give you all the details of the generator construction like you wanted.
And if you think I am EVER going to disclose them to you NOW, you are even less intelligent than I believe you to be.
Matt and I are done here, but for a few final thoughts for you to let rattle around in your head for a while.
If my generator puts out just 12 watts of power, but all of the input into the motor that makes it run goes THROUGH the motor and is recovered on the other side, what would YOU determine the COP of that system to be?
And if same generator put out 50 watts of power, but all of the input into the motor that makes it run goes THROUGH the motor and is recovered on the other side, what would YOU determine the COP of that system to be?
And if my generator puts out 2,000 watts of power, but all of the input into the motor that makes it run goes THROUGH the motor and is recovered on the other side, what would YOU determine the COP of that system to be?
And you DOUBT I have a COP of 12? LOL Now, you can only get 100% under perfect circumstances, and it is tough. But 80% recovery is EASY and Peter Lindemann got 90% on the one he built with NO boost module.
Whether the generator speeds up under load or slows down the motor and causes it to draw MORE amps DOES NOT MATTER if all the power that is used to run the motor is recovered.
It is the CIRCUIT we have been trying to share that makes ALL the difference. We understand there are problems with the circuit, even with the addition of the boost module it is tough to get the primaries to maintain all the time, and we are working to solve the problems. We had hoped to do this together, but you have decided to make this about a whole other issue and neither Matt nor I have the patience or the time to deal with you anymore. We have research to do. WE know WHY the boost module is causing us a problem and Matt is pretty sure he knows how to fix it. I have already been in contact privately with a few folks here, and when we have the solution we will share with them because they BUILT the thing based on our recommendation, spent money and time, and we feel some obligation to them. AND THEY SHOWED US ALL WHAT THEY HAD DONE. Others whom I haven't contacted can always PM me. I will still be following a few threads on the forum, but as of now, I am done posting here.
Oh and by the way, I have said this before, but Matt built a two coil generator run by a standard motor using a timer to run it as a pulse motor, and that generator SPED UP UNDER LOAD. AND the output was more than twice the input with NO RECOVERY circuit used. He contacted me and I REPLICATED his generator, and I'll be danged if it didn't SPEED UP UNDER LOAD. And when I ran it with my 3 battery recovery circuit I got damn excited. Then I invested the money to build several versions of a 12 coil LARGE generator that would SPEED UP UNDER LOAD based on what Matt had shown me. That is what I have at the present. I probably have over $4,000.00 into versions of this generator, and I am not done YET because there are at least THREE modifications I need to make so that it will produce MORE POWER.
You want to know the secret to building a system that will output many times more power than you put into it? It's called getting off your ass and doing the work instead of whining that someone won't share. Making contributions and working with people and developing relationships and trust. I know the things I know because I built a RELATIONSHIP with Matt and when he wanted someone to replicate what he had, he contacted me. I was far from the smartest person he knew on these forums. That's for sure.
Anyway guys, it's been an interesting ride. When we are done with everything we are working on, have made our millions, and have patents in place, we'll be back to share it all. The designs, not the millions. LOL. Take care.
I came back to edit this last post to share one final thing. If you are trying to build a real system that really does what we say is possible, you are probably NOT going to get there with CRAP batteries you got at Walmart. And the SMALLER the battery the more you have to deal with the internal resistance of the battery to accepting the charge. When you're talking about moving power around to reuse it over and over and over, the batteries are CRITICAL. I USE Walmart batteries during initial testing to see how badly the circuit is messing up my batteries. and then I move to my 6 volt deep cycle golf cart batteries and the results are ALWAYS BETTER with the EXACT SAME CIRCUIT. Finally I move to the following batteries: U.S. Battery | Leader in Deep Cycle Batteries | US 185E XC2 - U.S. Battery | Leader in Deep Cycle Batteries They are $376.00 plus tax from the closest place here that sells them. I have ten of them. The results improve AGAIN over the 6 volt deep cycle golf cart batteries.
DaveLast edited by Turion; 08-05-2016, 12:04 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
@ i_ron
Originally posted by i_ron View PostWe are all aware of the saying, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs" Yet here we have a situation where no proof is given and no proof will ever be given ... but to use the word HOAX is forbidden, OK, just a thought, my bad
You should read Dave's first post in this thread and it has always been the case that anyone who starts a thread can lay out the ground rules for the conversation and everyone that wants to participate in such a thread should follow those rules out of respect.
Build something and post about it - not that difficult.
You were already told he was not doing well and you're talking about taking info to the grave, etc... that is sick and wrong on every account and then you say you wanted to learn more about his situation first? So you make it about the value you personally give to someone's condition that determines whether or not you are going to act decent about it. I wouldn't put up with that either.
Peter didn't need an instruction manual handed to him on a silver platter in order to make it work - he simply built it and demonstrated it at the conference and since the batteries were fully charged, he got a lot more running time out of them than they're rated for and they're cheap little starter batteries - not deep cycles. That machine cost probably almost $5k to put together - Peter didn't need to see anyone else's results before he got started on his own build and invested his own money. All the foundational principles are laid out right here and anyone that actually just builds something according to them are going to learn something and if everything is matched well enough, they're going to surprise themselves. Peter obviously has a lot of experience with these kind of circuits and has worked with John Bedini for a long time so he can see what is happening before most but it is still no excuse to feel entitled to something when it wasn't promised to you and you are not willing to honor the rules of this thread that are laid out in post #1.
Please refrain from posting in this thread unless you want to start sharing your replication efforts based on the information shared. If you want to simply criticize, then go start your own thread spelling out what you don't like about this thread and that way, it will not disrupt what is going on here. Also, it's obvious that you're not being censored since you have the opportunity to post your issues elsewhere in this same forum.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
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Many, many thanks!!!
To Dave and Matt,
Thank you, so much, for showing us all that the 3 Battery Power Supply can power motors and other things while recovering ALL the energy that is "used." I thought I understood it before, but building the system and SEEING IT with my own eyes was PRICELESS!! You Guys ROCK! A singularly STELLAR contribution to this field!!
You have more than achieved your goal with this thread and I totally support your decision to move beyond "babysitting" the ungrateful disrupters here and getting back to your own experiments!
To Everyone Else,
The machine I built, which is shown in Post #1256 and included again here, is made entirely from parts I purchased at TeslaGenX.com. That includes the coils, the coil frames, the motor rotors, the frame of the machine, and the motor drive circuits. That's 98% of the physical structure. I did add a few pieces of wood as horizontal stabilizers, to make sure that all of the vertical frame pieces remained parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the base. This kept the bearings in alignment and allowed higher speeds on the rotors.
The coil core material is "cut welding rod," which is standard for any Bedini SG project. The blue cart the unit is sitting on I got from Harbor Freight. I also got the blue LEDs and the red meters from Harbor Freight. The 12 gauge wire I used I found at a local True Value Hardware store in the automotive section. The Lawn and Garden batteries I used came from Walmart. The 2 X 4's I used to build the frame around the batteries so they couldn't move and short the system out, I got at Home Depot. The 10-amp analog input ammeter I got at allelectronics.com. All of the quick disconnect terminal blocks I got from Radio Shack.
The closest tolerances between the coils and the rotors is 0.25 inches, meaning that no special machine work is needed. So, for the most part, there aren't any exotic materials or difficult to get components in the entire machine, with the exception of: 1) the 10W, 1K potentiometer used to control the trigger circuit, and 2) the experimental automatic battery rotator, which is a PIC chip controlled rack of latching relays.
My machine is not finished yet, but just seeing that the motor section can run well passed the amp/hour rating of the batteries using the 3BPS, even before fine tuning, completely opened my eyes to new possibilities. All I can say is that there is an astonishing gift for you in this thread. Learn it if you can!!
FINAL NOTE: I totally agree with Dave's final comment in Post #1270 above. The impedance of the system is critical to excellent results. That means using big batteries that are in good condition and the practice of laying out the circuit to use the shortest possible lengths of large diameter wire with clean connections. This works, folks, and there are multiple ways to get there!
Again, spectacular THANKS to Dave and Matt for all of the genius, tolerance, and generosity you have shared in this thread.
My very best regards,
PeterLast edited by Peter Lindemann; 08-05-2016, 08:08 PM.
I don't usually jump into squabbles, but I_ron will be my first "ignore"
Originally posted by i_ron View PostIf David was ill why was this not posted on this forum?
nunya business
Hey matt i did as you suggested and I was filled with pleasure, thank you!
Now I am worried that was not your intent? Did I get it right?
out of the same mind that is forming prayers
I am pleased to hear that you in recovery mode.
pure selfish, fake caring
I will say a prayer for you.
no-one I know would want your prayers...worthless. my own person judgment call
I could have just minded my own business, and I know Matt and Dave can defend themselves just fine, but there are people seeking to understand and working toward independence, and we ask questions and share if we have anything worth it. Then you have demanders and beggars, trolls. We expect them to come, and they don't know a gift when one is staring them in the face. May God bless you David B., and you too Matthew J., even though you told me to leave you aloneAlman
Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View PostTo Dave and Matt,
Thank you, so much, for showing us all that the 3 Battery Power Supply can power motors and other things while recovering ALL the energy that is "used." I thought I understood it before, but building the system and SEEING IT with my own eyes was PRICELESS!! You Guys ROCK! A singularly STELLAR contribution to this field!!
You have more than achieved your goal with this thread and I totally support your decision to move beyond "babysitting" the ungrateful disrupters here and getting back to your own experiments!
To Everyone Else,
The machine I built, which is shown in Post #1256 and included again here, is made entirely from parts I purchased at TeslaGenX.com. That includes the coils, the coil frames, the motor rotors, the frame of the machine, and the motor drive circuits. That's 98% of the physical structure. I did add a few pieces of wood as horizontal stabilizers, to make sure that all of the vertical frame pieces remained parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the base. This kept the bearings in alignment and allowed higher speeds on the rotors.
The coil core material is "cut welding rod," which is standard for any Bedini SG project. The blue cart the unit is sitting on I got from Harbor Freight. I also got the blue LEDs and the red meters from Harbor Freight. The 12 gauge wire I used I found at a local True Value Hardware store in the automotive section. The Lawn and Garden batteries I used came from Walmart. The 2 X 4's I used to build the frame around the batteries so they couldn't move and short the system out, I got at Home Depot. The 10-amp analog input ammeter I got at allelectronics.com. All of the quick disconnect terminal blocks I got from Radio Shack.
The closest tolerances between the coils and the rotors is 0.25 inches, meaning that no special machine work is needed. So, for the most part, there aren't any exotic materials or difficult to get components in the entire machine, with the exception of: 1) the 10W, 1K potentiometer used to control the trigger circuit, and 2) the experimental automatic battery rotator, which is a PIC chip controlled rack of latching relays.
My machine is not finished yet, but just seeing that the motor section can run well passed the amp/hour rating of the batteries using the 3BPS, even before fine tuning, completely opened my eyes to new possibilities. All I can say is that there is an astonishing gift for you in this thread. Learn it if you can!!
FINAL NOTE: I totally agree with Dave's final comment in Post #1270 above. The impedance of the system is critical to excellent results. That means using big batteries that are in good condition and the practice of laying out the circuit to use the shortest possible lengths of large diameter wire with clean connections. This works, folks, and there are multiple ways to get there!
Again, spectacular THANKS to Dave and Matt for all of the genius, tolerance, and generosity you have shared in this thread.
My very best regards,
Dave, hope you will be fine soon.
Dave and Matt, thank you for your sharing!! Hope you will stay with the builder on this forum...
Take care!