Originally posted by Duncan
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And on side note it has been defined on several occasions now that this is a builders thread. Comments and questions are welcome but long drawn out theory is not. Thank you for understanding.
Originally posted by Turion
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The real goal for me is to reduce the motors ability to pass current. This will happen by pulsing it with a solid state driver and doing recovery on those pulses to feed back into the positive side of the motor. What ever ends up going to battery 3 is then captured there.
The motor then turns the gen, and I am going to release the specs on that soon, with models and diagrams in case anybody else wants to print one or just build by hand. I am waiting till I get mine going to make sure that it will be relatively tuned for a lenz free run, and also to see the output is correct.
The gen is used to charge battery 3. Based on the total amount of current going to battery 3 we will be able to adjust Boost 2 to move current up to the primaries. If all goes well the primaries and the b3 will be at the same voltage, hopefully something between 14-15 volt. At that point the output of the gen minus 20% will the standard load for the system.
For instant the gen put out 125 watts we would be able to pull a constant 100 watt load between the potentials while keeping the batteries charged. No rotating, no fuss, just usable power.
Maybe IF I can can all this going then I'll try to add in a computer to do some Shortest Path AI and make the thing self tuning and interactive.
I'll share as much as I can if anyone else is interested.
***PS One thing I forgot was the ammeters may not show the same amp draw. You may have 2 amp between the potentials and 1 going back up. By looking at the amps and the voltage in the batteries you should be able to formulate a ratio that keeps everything balanced.***