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  • Hi All,

    Finally, I got all my parts to modify motor to Matt's configuration. And have a question, just to be sure, it should be 3 wires with 40/30/30 turns on each side?

    Any new info about generator? I just ask, because if I will need to wait again so long for parts, so maybe I can order something now.



    • Component parts

      This video was posted on another thread., and he has SOME of the component parts I have been talking about, so has a CHANCE of being very successful.

      I have NO IDEA if it actually works, but I can see it has MANY of the component parts.
      2. EFFICIENT pulse motor
      3. Generator coils with an even number of magnets and odd number of coils. This negates magnetic lock of the rotor magnets to the coils and almost allows the generator to "freewheel"

      As far as I can tell there are a couple element he is missing for sure, and they are:
      4. running his motor between the positives so that hardly ANYTHING is used to run the motor.
      5. The battery rotating circuit Carroll posted here that allows ALL batteries the chance to move into the third position and charge. Resting batteries AFTER charging or discharging gives them a chance to CEASE ion flow in whatever direction it has been going before YOU expend energy trying to stop it and reverse it. Long term, it is BEST NOT to charge and discharge batteries at the same time.

      and there is no way for me to know if he has:
      6. Generator coils that allow the motor to speed up when the generator is under load.

      It is a heck of a start and a BEAUTIFUL piece of craftsmanship. I really like it, but I wouldn't believe it is the real deal WITHOUT those missing components and UNTIL I saw it running on my bench. I'm
      kinda skeptical that way.

      This is exactly the RIGHT kind of generator. I would question the size of the core in the generator coils as well as the size of the coils themselves. Bigger is better. If you want to be sure you have coils that will speed the motor up under load, go here and learn a little about how to make coils:

      This is not the ONLY way to build the right kind of coil, but it is ONE way that works.

      I believe in the possibilities of what this individual has posted, because I have something very similar on my bench that I have been working with for several years now, continually improving both mechanically and performance wise. I will say that his device could well be a self runner, but with coils the size he has it is NOT going to put out much external usable power. Some, but definitely not up to its POTENTIAL.

      Here is a picture of what is on my bench, and it is similar to what he has. Efficient pulse motor turning a Lenz free generator running on the RIGHT circuit. You have to look closely to see, but all my batteries are under the bench and every battery is connected to a terminal strip that runs across the front of the bench. There are actually several sets of different kind of batteries under that bench. More than 30 batteries in all, so I can rotate between sets and connect up different configurations for different things. Also, you can see from the picture that I am in the middle of redoing my light board. Those are each 300 watt bulbs, and I will have several of them when I am finished. There are 12 coils on my machine and each bulb requires two coils to light it to maximum brightness, which is actually a little brighter than when plugged into the wall, so that is between 1800 and 2000 watts output depending on the RPM of the motor.
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      Last edited by Turion; 01-25-2017, 04:59 PM.
      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Coils

        JohnStone JohnStone is offline
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        Join Date: Feb 2009
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        I do not feel the outer shell of copper is for shielding. We can very clearly see that the tape is solderd heavily (silvey stain) in order to close the cover as conductive cylinder.
        Yes, you are right. Tesla used such a conductie ciylinder (it was iron - I remember) in order to get special effects but I do not remember what it was. Nevertheless we know that such measures DO HAVE effects that are commonly not known and researched. So we need to do it.
        1. Bifilar winding with thin wire (alternative with aluminum foil for SEVER capacitance)
        2. Keeping bifilar winding open, shorted or connected to a tuned resistor or maybe connected somehow to secondary winding
        3. Secondary winding for power output with thicker wire
        4. Outer sleeve from copper (this might apply to motor / generator in one unit only because we saw coils from Thane wher we can see very clearly the windings on outer layer.) But we need to understadn that these sleeves were often manufactured out of wire that was not enamelled and teh winding was then shorted to itself. This was much more simpler than manufacturing a solid sleeve.

        BTW: Vladimir Utkin pondered on shorted windings as well: Vladimir Utkin's Free-Energy Secrets - March 2012 see chapter "SECRET 2

        Is the above post from John Stone something a coil needs to produce more output? Just learning and wondering.



        • Response

          Something like that would help contain the flux field, so it might help induce a higher voltage in the coil during the magnet pass. But then again, there are other things that might do the same thing. BIGGER MAGNETS. Magnets closer to the core, since I believe that is an exponential relationship. Magnets on BOTH ends of the coil.

          That's the BIGGEST ISSUE I have with these forums and why I don't post much anymore. There is no ACCUMULATION of information. We don't have a BUNCH of folks with the same rotor with the same sized magnets working with the same coil running it with the same motor so that we can begin to accumulate data. It's every man for himself. And we end up doing the same crap over and over that other people have done because nobody realizes it.

          What I have won't work for you because YOU don't have the same rotor with the same magnets that I have. And what YOU have won't work for me.

          I had the strangest thing happen to me yesterday that I have ever seen. I was running a specific coil on my coil testing setup to determine if it would speed up under load. THAT I have seen many, many, MANY times. My STOCK razor scooter motor was hooked to a power supply that I adjusted to get a specific RPM on my rotor. It took me a couple minutes to get it dialed in, and then it was running constantly at that RPM, spinning magnets past my coil. It ran that way for a couple of minutes consistently while I putzed around with my Laser Tach and my volt meter. Then I shorted the coil out to see how it would affect the RPM. The motor sped up. I checked the input voltage and amps, and they were the same. So I un-shorted the coil and the motor sped up AGAIN. No change in input voltage or input amps. So I shorted the coil, and the motor sped up again. Un-shorted it and the motor sped up again. I kept shorting and unshorting the coil until the motor had gained over a thousand rpm, and then I quit. At NO TIME did the amp draw or the voltage supplied by the power supply increase (according to the meters on the power supply.

          I restarted the power supply and the motor immediately sped up and ran at the speed I had tuned it in for yesterday. I repeated the shorting and unsporting of the coil with the same kind of results, and NO increase in voltage or amp draw. Since this was a STOCK razor scooter motor, I replaced it with a different motor and the results were the same. The start RPM was a little lower, (4 rpm) but it was a different motor and they are not all EXACTY the same. That coil is still on my tester. I am going to run it at least one more time so I can do a better job of filming the results than I did yesterday.

          Tesla said that in EVERY coil there's a relationship between its self-induction and and its capacity that permits a current (OF a specific frequency) to pass through it with NO OTHER OPPOSITION than that of of ohmic resistance. No back EMF. Heck of a motor coil. Heck of a GENERATING coil.

          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Hi Dave,

            We don't have a BUNCH of folks with the same rotor with the same sized magnets working with the same coil running it with the same motor so that we can begin to accumulate data. It's every man for himself. And we end up doing the same crap over and over that other people have done because nobody realizes it
            That's why I asked for the specs of yours and Matt's smaller generator a while ago..



            • Mario,
              That's not my info to disclose. I DO know that Matt was working on it, and that he was going to share when he had everything the way he wanted it so that there could be no question about what he has done. I have run mine and had success, and run it and had failure, depending on the motor I used to run it.

              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • hi matt.hi all. i couldn't view your last circuit. so i tried a circuit to suit bifilar wound brushless motor coils that feeds the recovery back in as you describe. it's based on my usual j.t scheme. it only powers half the turns in a motor, tho you could probably get away with 2/3 or 3/4 powered and the rest for recovery. the transistor could be switched by other means.
                Pic 1 works with an unloaded bifilar wound rc motor. hooked up to a smps with reg. 12.0v output and a 39000 uf cap for smoothing and the dmm between the supply and the big cap, with s1 open, tuning vr1 for max rpm, current is 610 ma. s1 closed,tuned for max rpm is 410 ma. the transistor is switched by a mini isolation transformer rated at 3k:3k reactance, i usually use 40 v 1 a 1n5819 diodes, (in parallel for more current).they measure about .17 v drop. they are a little bit leaky backwards,but usually beneficial to the bottom line in these schemes, and they have higher rated schottky cousins with similar numbers. c1 is 100uf low esr. tip 122 and vr1 is a 100k lin pot.curiously the current doesn't increase when i load the motor by pinching the shaft until it is nearly stalled in either mode.?? i would expect the shorter the pulse,the more efficient this gets, rapid pulses with a high duty cycle, during every power stroke, would go better.
                i'm also workin on a circuit to pulse a standard brushed motor. i got a brushed pancake motor to play with. the rotor has coreless windings, which can handle a very rapid pulse rate, smps frequencies, and still kick back.
                pic 3 works with the pancake motor. when being pulsed, max v on c1, with t2's collector disconnected is 120v, current draw at max rpm is 870 ma. with t2's collector connected, (after discharging c1), the current draw at max rpm is 700 ma. that's only about 20% off. motors with iron cored windings will kick back harder than air cored windings, but there's another issue with standard brushed motors. generator effect bemf is going against the spike output. it's like throwing a frisbee into a stiff breeze. a brushless or matt modified brushed motor is at or near the zero crossing point at switch off, so minimal bemf/opposition to the spike energy.
                it took me a while to figure this circuit out. without the diode with the yellow dot the motor power supply goes through the j.t. and holds t1 on. go figure. i use a fr302 for this 1 to avoid any back leakage. the j.t has a bc 547. anything with a built in diode can't be tuned properly. deleting the 2 diodes at the emitter of the 547 will smoke t2. the collapsing field spike is in series with the battery which closes the loop to charge c1. now 470 uf. and the same pathway maintains c1 at a minimum of input v - diode drops. no heat sink is needed on t2 in this case. splitting the signal source for t1 and t2 makes it easier to tune. i think the upper tap is more conducive to switching t1 off last, so the spikes don't get wasted in the event that t2 switches off last. i found i can optimize the base resistances, with 100k pots, so that each tip flows the right amount of current, with the right timing, then replace it with the right fixed resistance. tuning is adjusting t1's signal so it flows all of the current the motor can take, without staying on, and setting t2's signal so that c1's voltage is at or a bit over input v. much over means turn up the signal to t2's base, but still have it switch off first.
                pic 5 is a variation of pic 3 hooked up to 1 phase of a brushless floppy drive motor. there are 16 alternating poles in the motor hub. so the transistors are on for about a 16th of a rotation, then off for a similar period. the frequency measures around 680-700 hz at max rpm,a bit under 5000, so 1 on period is about 1/1400th of a sec, about .7 of a millisecond. more signal strength might go better. it needs darlington transistors to fully switch the current. on something homebuilt with 400 turn coils and neo magnets there would be more than adequate signal strength.
                pic 6 is another scheme hooked up to the floppy disc motor. the power supply provides the base current to the 2nd stage npn and pnp. 3 bright white leds and 4.3k set the signal strength. dcr is 2.8 ohms/ phase. the 2nd stage transistors have to switch off at the exact same instant, or the spike energy will be shorted and lost. this scheme might be close to what your already doing, based on your description.
                ** ok, with pic 6 hooked up to 2 phases,input current is 115 ma,recovered/recycled power is 32 ma, motor consumption is 147 ma, just under 22 % back. better than 6-7% back on 1 phase, but a long way short of getting the majority back. and flash caps are the most efficient for c1, 300 uf here.
                I never thought of, or tried feeding the recovered power back in to a motor like this until you spelled it out in post 1592. pretty basic, but sounds like a great plan. you guys probably already know this stuff, but i thought it was worth posting. nice gen dave.
                cheers all.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by voltan; 03-09-2017, 08:56 PM.


                • On one of the Russian resources posted video- Fuelless power generator in the palm

                  A year ago, I returned to the subject and tried to carry out a project that's based on modern element base and the effect described above.
                  However, in order to get any tangible amount of energy I had to cross a Helmholtz coil Tesla coils.
                  As a result of this prototype of an alternative energy source for the mobile phone it has been constructed.
                  Oscillating circuit have raspedelёnnuyu tank, so do not need capacitors, except for trimming capacitors, baluns system most of these circuits.
                  To activate the required primary impulse generator, but I deliberately abandoned the auxiliary power supply to the magneto to an auxiliary source of energy is not aroused suspicion.
                  Schematic diagram removes energy from the circuit portions and converts it to direct current.
                  Free energy generator can run on different types of loads.
                  To demonstrate the operation of the generator as a battery charger, standard USB socket has been encased in charge.
                  The prototype generates a current of 150 mA at a voltage of 5 volts. If such a generator to make a more compact and integrated into a mobile phone or tablet, then it can be used to recharge the battery around the clock.
                  - ???????????? ??????????, ??? ? ??????. ????? 3
                  The scheme does not give the author probably sells


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post

                    Tesla said that in EVERY coil there's a relationship between its self-induction and and its capacity that permits a current (OF a specific frequency) to pass through it with NO OTHER OPPOSITION than that of of ohmic resistance. No back EMF. Heck of a motor coil. Heck of a GENERATING coil.

                    Hi Dave,

                    I hope you do not have health issues and the reason for your not having posted anything in about a month and a half is what you wrote in reply #1624 above.
                    Nevertheless, I do hope you and Matt are doing fine.

                    Regarding the text I quoted from you: it is from the patent "Coil for Electromagnets" of course and as I undertood it an LC resonant condition should be attained to have only the Ohmic resistance opposition for the current. And to get resonance in the 50Hz to up say 120Hz or higher frequency range (depending on rotor RPM from say 3000 and up) you would need a relatively high L and high C values, right? But high L values may involve lots of number of turns which goes with relatively high DC resistance hence loss, this is an unwanted "feature" for both a generator or motor coil. Of course one could use low inductance value coils to reduce Ohmic losses but then to get resonance rather high C values are a must.

                    So I wonder how you go about solving such issues?



                    • @ Gyula,

                      What happens in RLC circuit where inductor is made from several paralleled strands?
                      L increases
                      C increases
                      R decreases

                      Just my 2 cents.

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • Thanks, "many a little makes a mickle" so your 2 cents also count.



                        • reply


                          My health is great. I just got back from a two week vacation, and leave for a trip to Hawaii for a wedding in another couple weeks, so I am really busy. I haven't posted lately because I have nothing more to say. I have shared all the knowledge I have about how to make a free energy device.
                          I have several machines that were built to demonstrate specific things I have learned, and each machine was built to take advantage of that ONE thing in order maximize its performance. Some put out more than they took to run, and some did NOT, but DID prove or disprove a particular concept or idea. I am building a machine that will incorporate ALL the things I have learned into one machine that I can use as a platform for further research, but also as a demonstration piece. It looks like it will cost me close to $2,000.00 (most of which is wire for coils) to build it, so right now that is taking up all my time, and I see no sense rehashing stuff over and over that nobody pays any attention to anyway. If they did, they would all be EXACTLY where I am now, because I have shared EVERYTHING along the way EXCEPT how I wound my coils and THAT I have talked about how to find out how to do. I'm not going to hold anyone's hand. EVERYTHING you need to know about how to build a working free energy device has been disclosed on this forum, or at least we have told you what patent to READ. Not all the info is in THIS thread, but it's a good place to start.

                          Matt may eventually come on here and share how to build his little generator, or maybe not. He has been incredibly busy making a living and I KNOW he has at least TWO energy projects that he wishes he had more time for.

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Hi Dave,

                            Okay, I understand, thank you for the kind answer. I am pleased you are going fine.



                            • More info

                              Check out Thane's patent and reread the Tesla patent you already know about. The answers are THERE if you look for them. There are way more than just ONE correct answer to a generator that speeds up under load.
                              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                It looks like it will cost me close to $2,000.00 (most of which is wire for coils) to build it, so right now that is taking up all my time, and I see no sense rehashing stuff over and over that nobody pays any attention to anyway. If they did, they would all be EXACTLY where I am now, because I have shared EVERYTHING along the way EXCEPT how I wound my coils and THAT I have talked about how to find out how to do. I'm not going to hold anyone's hand. EVERYTHING you need to know about how to build a working free energy device has been disclosed on this forum, or at least we have told you what patent to READ. Not all the info is in THIS thread, but it's a good place to start.

                                Matt may eventually come on here and share how to build his little generator, or maybe not. He has been incredibly busy making a living and I KNOW he has at least TWO energy projects that he wishes he had more time for.

                                I just joined this forum and have been reading back through all the various threads you and Matt post in (along with all the other excellent material here).

                                So far I have only built a small reed switch bedini circuit, but I was able to turn a neon purple with it, enough to convince me that whether there is "free" energy or not these alternative circuits are worth learning about.

                                Thank you for all your work, I have not started replicating everything, but have been working on Tesla switch variations for my own understanding, I will move on to your motor once I feel comfortable enough with the switching.

                                It takes time to walk a path, even if the path has been walked before by others; thank you for the time you (and so many other people) put in here to share this knowledge that should belong to all mankind. It may feel like you are plowing the sea, but the work you are doing is valuable even if the specific advancements you produce don't have a practical use right now.

                                Last a question, though the topic seems beaten to death, all of these circuits seem rather finicky, easy for them to fall out of resonance, etc; I assume that your repeated calls for a flywheel are to smooth this out, do you have any other bits of advice for someone new to this to help keep things more stable?

                                Please forgive any mistakes or misconceptions, I am new to this and am trying to learn.


