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Perpetual Toys True or False?

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  • Perpetual Toys True or False?

    True or False? 3 new videos
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  • #2
    Originally posted by veproject1 View Post
    false of course,

    but love your videos because they make stooopid people think

    and they make supposed smart people think even MORE.

    Now, make a TWIST on the magic faucet trick, but say that the falling water also PUMPS the water up the tube.


    • #3
      good idea but how to visualize the pumping?


      • #4
        Originally posted by veproject1 View Post
        good idea but how to visualize the pumping?

        show the falling water compressing a diaphragm,

        and the water falls either LEFT or RIGHT, alternating, compressing the diaphragm like a see-saw.

        left diaphragm shoots water out the TOP right side of the faucet which then compresses the RIGHT SIDE diaphragm



        • #5
          Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
          Now, make a TWIST on the magic faucet trick, but say that the falling water also PUMPS the water up the tube.
          Ken, if you start helping private joker with these videos, I'm going to quit buying your books.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
            Ken, if you start helping private joker with these videos, I'm going to quit buying your books.

            Nobody BOUGHT ONE YET, they're FREE

            veproject1 is a cool cat. Anyone that makes people think is a cool cat.


            • #7

              Originally posted by veproject1 View Post

              Maybe the MONOPOLE motor could work like this principle shows then the coils would charge the battery.



              • #8
                Is it a Boy?

                Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                Ken, if you start helping private joker with these videos, I'm going to quit buying your books.

                I didn't know Theoria was a little boy name, I thought Theoria was a female chicken But the definition is SEER or High One. Super wiseman? You smoke a pipe Too

                Now that I know better I will just call this book writer Kenny

                Cheers, Mikey


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  But the definition is SEER or High One.

                  wrong, you dont know ancient Greek

                  the ROOT is Theurgia, or synthesis, ie epistrophe.

                  thanks for the 10 cent attempt at translating greek philosophical term.


                  • #10
                    Being Polite

                    Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                    wrong, you dont know ancient Greek

                    the ROOT is Theurgia, or synthesis, ie epistrophe.

                    thanks for the 10 cent attempt at translating greek philosophical term.
                    I was being polite. It means Witch Doctor to western Christianity.

                    Theurgy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    That is why I put in the pipe joke.

                    The many.

                    Mystical oneness? Did I get it right?

                    Henosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-29-2014, 02:36 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      It means Witch Doctor to western Christianity.

                      EVERYTHING non-Christian
                      means "witch doctor" to Xtianity


                      • #12
                        GREAT videos

                        Really great video's!
                        And they belong in this place, because I know a few people here who would certainly be fooled by them. Sometimes I really wonder what people learn at school.

                        Of course they are all false:
                        1 - The force acts perpendicular to the plane of contact, meaning radial in this case.
                        2 - The force acting on the larger area can be split into 2 forces, 1 downward and 1 horizontally outward. The latter being equal and opposite to the force acting on the smaller area.
                        3 - If one magnet pushes the other, the other also pushes the first. Action - reaction. Both magnets are pushed apart and both are connected to the car. Net force = 0.

                        But, that said, I really like them and more people should see them.

                        Make one with a gyroscope! That is bound to trick people. See "prof"(???) Laithwaite's video's. Example: a force acting on a gyroscope creates movement at a 90 deg angle, thus it does not perform work, but is does create movement. Using this you can make a car run on gravity.... Tons of tricks can be done.



                        • #13

                          Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                          EVERYTHING non-Christian
                          means "witch doctor" to Xtianity

                          So those definitions mean nothing when it says that this practice of summoning up gOds or and spirits and or guides to become one with the multitude of all or some of these, Is wrong.

                          So rewrite the definition then?

                          Did I get it right?

                          You see the definition is clear, you will not agree? With the definition? No?

                          The definition is all I have to go on. So this is wrong?

                          Then what should be the definition of these terms? I have never heard these specific terms nor paid them any mind til today.

                          So on your word I looked for the definitions. If this is not proper then I need a new definition.

                          I don't care if this is what people think, they have the right to think any way they like. On the other hand though I don't completely understand every view, all I have is the dictionary to give me some sort of answer.

                          The term that you gave me says this the practice of rituals centering on summoning up deities to become one with.

                          Is this not correct? Do not take offense for the question. This is your desire and you are free.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                            So those definitions mean nothing when it says that this practice of summoning up gOds or and spirits and or guides to become one with the multitude of all or some of these, Is wrong.
                            So rewrite the definition then?
                            Did I get it right?

                            No, you got it wrong
                            . You made the typical low-brow ERROR of confusing ORIGINAL DENOTATION with LATER DAY CONNOTATION.

                            Such as the Pentagram, original a Pythagorean DENOTATION model of golden ratio incommensurability..........LATER DAY CONNOTATION however is Satanism etc etc

                            The later day CONNOTATION is one thing,..... the original DENOTATION is another thing.

                            But such fine nuances are what differentiate the pedestrians (intellectually) from the drivers.

                            However thats hardly a FINE nuance.

                            Same way the term fag used to mean cigarette , and gay meant you were happy.

                            I guess they didnt teach that in your school Connotation VS. original Denotation.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by veproject1 View Post

                              Im sorry we let your thread get 'hijacked"

                              OUR fault. Your vids are AWESOME STUFF, and are mental gasoline for thinking

                              back to the regularly scheduled programming

