I've been doing research for the design of the bunker/retreat/retirement home I am building into the side of a hill in Northern California in the foothills of the Sierras. Some of that is for alternative sources of energy, and I have spent some time looking at and designing some things based on the ideas of Solar Chimneys. This is an old technology made more efficient with the use of modern materials, and if you are a thrifty guy, you could put some things together out of what you have lying around. It is far easier to incorporate into new construction than retrofitting an existing home, but can be used for cooling and the production of energy.
Here are some sources of introductory information with examples and info.
Solar Chimneys Can Convert Hot Air to Energy, But Is Funding a Mirage?
Here is a facility using it for cooling, which was my plan. That and a Trombe wall for heating. But building into a hillside, I really don't need much of either.
Hope this proves beneficial to some of you.
Here are some sources of introductory information with examples and info.
Solar Chimneys Can Convert Hot Air to Energy, But Is Funding a Mirage?
Here is a facility using it for cooling, which was my plan. That and a Trombe wall for heating. But building into a hillside, I really don't need much of either.
Hope this proves beneficial to some of you.