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BiTT OverUnity Transformer Bi-Toroid Thane H. Bill A.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by sprocket View Post
    I don't claim for a minute to understand how he plans to achieve this - particularly with a transformer whose claimed efficiency (COP) is presently 'only' 1.19 or 1.29.

    I think you are reading too much into this reactive power thing. ................. Bill is claiming to have a charger that will generate 250W over & above what it is using to power itself, and powering itself to boot, all from a transformer with an efficiency of say 1.29.
    Hey Sprocket great response

    I understand completely how people feel, with all of the frustrations.

    Here are the details on how you paid for reactive.

    But that really isn't the point. My problem is I can't explain what reactive power can do to someone who doesn't care to hear about it. Many feel this way so you represent the majority here.

    Your COP evaluation is highly flawed as the statement from Bill said that COP was 1st generation. Even in the video it was higher than this, around 160 percent. Also Bill show power going back to the supply while delivery real power. Did you not see the video?

    It's difficult to explain what Bill was doing if you don't want to know how it works, but I'll try anyway. If you have some technically back ground in this alternate energy work you would know that as voltages go up so does the power for a given amp draw.

    What bill A. showed in the demo was an infinite COP as well as a COP of 160 percent where voltages were so low there is no way he could charge a 12v battery. Thane charges batteries in a car size motor while accelerating.

    Infinite gentlemen.

    I guess what I am saying here is that the demo is in no way a scaled up practical circuit, just a demo. It would take at least 15vdc output to charge a 12vdc battery fully loaded. Open circuit might measure in the 100's of voltage but I am sure Bills embedded controls won't allow any dangerous voltages to persist. In other words controls for safety.

    I think Bill A has been working on a 5th generation all year but I can't be sure just what is considered a generation. Bill has improved it over the years to where the reactive is high and real power very low. Yet the secondaries see it all as working power even though 75 percent of it can be sent back for reuse.

    At your house only real power is paid for. When you think about it you see that the BiTT/SFT needs a generator in the audio frequency range to power the primary, this is not where the magic is. The magic of recirculation comes with the reflected/recirculated energy flowing between secondaries if hooked up right. Now the reactive power can be sent back around again in the coils where this same reactive power is unable to do in a normal transformer.

    Their reactive measurement are based on conventional transformers and is not the same calculation as a BiTT/SFT because the phase angle is something never seen before.

    Bottomline? We don't know how it works so it is all a guessing game.

    But let's not report COP's that are not applicable.

    I suggest going back to Bill's site with a more open mind and save your money for your very own "Little Black Box"

    Last edited by BroMikey; 11-25-2014, 01:17 AM.


    • #47
      Mike, it's hard to know at times how to respond to your posts - a great deal of verbiage, while ignoring most of the specific points that are raised. Also, my post was about Bill Alek, not Thane Heinz, so I am limiting any discussion to Bill's work from here on.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      [SIZE="3"][I][B]Hey Sprocket great response

      I understand completely how people feel, with all of the frustrations.

      Here are the details on how you paid for reactive.

      But that really isn't the point. My problem is I can't explain what reactive power can do to someone who doesn't care to hear about it. Many feel this way so you represent the majority here.
      Try! I was college-educated in electronics, although that was more than 25 years ago. Frankly, it is you that doesn't seem to understand reactive power. You seem to believe this is the ultimate free-lunch. If I stick a unpolarised capacitor across the mains supply, there is real work being done to charge/discharge it, zero watts are being consumed yet several volt-amps are measurable. Any practical setup will involve KW's of energy, the only practical source-energy being the mains supply. You have 2 options, drive your primary at mains frequency or at a higher frequency, let's call it the 'resonant frequency' of the transformer. Pulling kvars from the mains will definitely grab the attention of the power companies before long and you will end up paying for it financially. Since both Bill & Thane state that only higher frequencies works, you will therefore need a high frequency AC supply capable of at least 100's of watts of output, but given the transformer COP's being talked about, more likely a KW or more. Powering this monstrosity from the mains, you are no longer using reactive but real power, meaning you end up being charged for it as a 'domestic' customer. Furthermore, the guys behind the QEG have aptly demonstrated the difficulties in extracting real power from reactive - ie they have failed miserably, publically managing only to drive a 500W load with more than 1KW of input. Please feel free to correct me on any of the above - I'm here to learn! - but kindly refrain from more condescending platitudes that add nothing to an interesting subject.

      Your COP evaluation is highly flawed as the statement from Bill said that COP was 1st generation. Even in the video it was higher than this, around 160 percent. Also Bill show power going back to the supply while delivery real power. Did you not see the video?
      How can you possibly say that - I am quoting Bill Alek's own figures! Yes, I saw the video and when the secondary was loaded, the current being supplied dropped - there was never a suggestion of the load delivering more power back to the supply! Moreover, several attending the demo were most unhappy about this 'real power' being delivered that you speak about, but were too polite to make an issue of it. They point out that the voltage across the load drops drastically from the unloaded value when the load is applied rendering Bill's math on real-power meaningless. Are we even referring to the same video!?!?!

      It's difficult to explain what Bill was doing if you don't want to know how it works, but I'll try anyway. If you have some technically back ground in this alternate energy work you would know that as voltages go up so does the power for a given amp draw.

      What bill A. showed in the demo was an infinite COP as well as a COP of 160 percent where voltages were so low there is no way he could charge a 12v battery. Thane charges batteries in a car size motor while accelerating.
      More condescension... You didn't try very hard did you, because that doesn't explain anything - just more vague references. Posting yet more links by way of explanation just highlights your own lack of understanding. I am well aware of the voltage/current relationship with respect to reactive power, but at this point, I'm not at all sure that you understand it!


      • #48
        Originally posted by sprocket View Post
        Yes, I saw the video and when the secondary was loaded, the current being supplied dropped - there was never a suggestion of the load delivering more power back to the supply! Moreover, several attending the demo were most unhappy about this 'real power' being delivered that you speak about, but were too polite to make an issue of it. They point out that the voltage across the load drops drastically from the unloaded value when the load is applied rendering Bill's math on real-power meaningless. Are we even referring to the same video!?!?!
        The high quality video Russ took of Bill's SFT was the one I worked from. In this demonstration, I still have serious questions about the audio amp used. I would really like to see Bill use the PA amp that I'm working with and get the same readings. Try as I might, I simply cannot get "a negative power factor" or anything in excess of 90 degree phase shift. The more careful I am in the measurements the taller that 90 degree wall gets. This makes me think there is something about Bill's amplifier that is giving him anomalous readings.

        So does BIll use an audio amplifier in his prototype product? I don't think he does. Looks much more like a DC switcher setup. And when you go there, your measurement formulas go out the window.

        Yes Mike, sprocket has some legitimate concerns. Like most every demonstration, we really need to see a looper, a real looper, because if it's done without fakery, there's no way to deny it.


        • #49

          Sorry Sprocket

          That is one of my weaknesses, hitting to hard sometimes when I see mis quotes. I can see you are far more adept is conventional EE than I am.I don't know all of what you are talking about because you have retained more EE practices than I.

          Now that we have that out of the way let me say than I don't think I would have gotten you to open up either unless this exchange took place.

          So you don't want to talk about Thane? But want to talk about Bill's? Okay brace yourself I am going to strike again but I'll try to be more of a diplomat.

          sprocket;267540]Mike, .............................. my post was about Bill Alek, not Thane Heinz, so I am limiting any discussion to Bill's work from here on.
          I was college-educated in electronics, although that was more than 25 years ago.
          Since both Bill & Thane state that only higher frequencies works,
          Furthermore, the guys behind the QEG have aptly demonstrated the difficulties

          When we talk about Bill's work we don't need the wall power at all, we are working from batteries yet you talk mostly about vars out of the wall Did I miss something. Okay enough of the rowdy fun stuff

          By the way sprocket yes I get a little sassy in my demeanor when people such as yourself who are well educated miss important facts and only focus on ones that prove their conventional views.

          It is nothing personal against you Sprocket, I can tell, you are a great guy judging from the way you have handled some of my hard hitting posts.

          Hey I didn't know you were so seasoned dude and I am glad to find someone with these gifts or talents. Super.

          Okay now then, maybe you can help me with the video? Correct me if I am wrong in your own words. Just funning.

          I thought the plus 90 degree phase shift meant something special. Was I wrong? Am I losing it here or just hallucinating? Let me go back and find the right minute on the video.

          Well anyway i guess I am just splitting hairs. You mean you don't think Bill could have been running off a battery just as easily?

          Wait a minute my head is spinning here. Let's start over for me because I am losing myself. In the videos QEG or who knows, backs up Bills false claims? Now I am really messed up.

          Let me back up. You say you don't want to talk about others, just Bills work, Thane is out but QEG is in? I hate confusion. I am trying to keep my kool dude and be kind.

          sprocket;267540]Mike, .............................. my post was about Bill Alek, not Thane Heinz, so I am limiting any discussion to Bill's work from here on.
          I was college-educated in electronics, although that was more than 25 years ago.
          Since both Bill & Thane state that only higher frequencies works,
          Furthermore, the guys behind the QEG have aptly demonstrated the difficulties

          Let's start over again. You have valid points and I don't doubt that, however we can not put Thane out like the dog, because this is all about his work.

          I was about to post another patent drawing of Thanes work showing how the ReGenX is the BiToroid or the off shoot tech.

          The BiTT is the SFT. The SFT is being developed like a switch mode power supply was developed to take the place of a block transformer. You see Sprocket i look at things in an overall way, you are specific about certain details, both of us are correct in what we say.

          I am not attacking your post, just trying to add to it. This is a very complex discussion to evaluate what is being developed.

          Don't tell me that certain portions of my post are irrelevant when I bring in Thane, now I can't say that any nicer. If we can't use Thane as a point of reference then there is no discussion.

          Thane has windings upon windings, in his EV engine using Bi-Toroidal coil packs that charge the battery, pump the motor windings at the same time as the engine rev's up. Throw out the bulky batteries and the battle is won.

          The SFT of BiTT or Bi-toroidal windings work by shifting the phase angle and I don't know if any Laws are being violated. All I know is that when resistive loads are used at a 90 degree shift or better far less energy is consumed than is being produced.

          In the ReGenX work, a battery runs a motor connected to a generator that charges the battery and the battery inverts power to the motor and around and around we go.

          In the Bill A. work, a battery runs a non rotating motor winding(Primary)sending power to two collection windings(Generator) hooked to a resistive load to charge the battery back up again.

          No difference, other than one goes down the road and the other goes under your desk.

          Now what did I miss? I am not a heavy in EE. I do not dwell on the impossibilities probably because i don't understand theoretical EE formulations well. Give me a quadratic and I am home. I have tried to do some of that other stuff the last 40 years but most of that stuff has turned out to be more theoretical Philosophy than true EE.

          I am glad you are here Sprocket at least you can hold your own.

          Dude, in the video Bill has to stop everyone to point out part way through the demo when everyone thought that the demo was over, that it was not over? Hello? Not over yet, Bill's says.

          That was practically equivalent to throwing his book against the wall for the Mild natured Bill, to have to settle everyone down, who were all rambling on. The room of people were talking right over top of Bill.

          They thought Bill was done, when Bill was only half way.

          So everyone heard Bill say it was not done, NOT DONE, Okay NOT DONE.

          Bill had to come right out and say this to get everyone back on focus.

          Bill kind of mumbles and is quiet. At-a-boy Bill.

          So Bill stooped raising his voice and went back to his normal DB range

          Now, what would be more important than a 160 percent COP? that the Gentlemen Bill A. would have to hit the ceiling to regain the floor?

          If Bill had been done, that would have been a great ending as far as I am concerned along with most people.

          Bill was very excited about this next portion of his demo. Bill showed a condition in the circuit as he adjusted it's operation that was sending BACK power to his amplifier while real power on the other end was being consumed.

          Thane has done this also, he did it first. Dog-One mentioned that his amplifier must be different because most amplifiers would not be able to receive power back into the circuit without overloading. Amplifiers are designed to put out power so a reverse power should overload it.

          Right Dog? See i do not know which amplifiers might be better for this application.

          Anyway if I missed something I am here to learn

          Tell it like it is gentlemen.

          Enjoy your day Sprocket don't take it so personal. You represent the majority who most of them will never say a word. Great going.


          sprocket;267540]Mike, .............................. my post was about Bill Alek, not Thane Heinz, so I am limiting any discussion to Bill's work from here on.

          I was college-educated in electronics, although that was more than 25 years ago.

          Since both Bill & Thane state that only higher frequencies works,

          Furthermore, the guys behind the QEG have aptly demonstrated the difficulties

          Please feel free to correct me on any of the above - I'm here to learn! - but kindly refrain from more condescending platitudes that add nothing to an interesting subject.

          How can you possibly say that - I am quoting Bill Alek's own figures! Yes, I saw the video

          there was never a suggestion of the load delivering more power back to the supply!

          Are we even referring to the same video!?!?!

          More condescension... You didn't try very hard did you, because that doesn't explain anything - just more vague references. Posting yet more links by way of explanation just highlights your own lack of understanding. I am well aware of the voltage/current relationship with respect to reactive power, but at this point, I'm not at all sure that you understand it!

          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-25-2014, 08:22 PM.


          • #50
            Mike, I am not taking it (that) personally, but I admit that the slap-stick nature of your posting is hard-going at times, especially the way you jump from topic to topic, ignoring points raised that I feel are relevant. Your making a point of noting my leaving Thane out of the conversation is also misleading - that was a follow-on post to my one on Auroratek and Bill's radio show, it has nothing to do with Thane, hence his omission. In fact, I think I posted a Thane video in this very thread which I would have liked to discuss, but you just ignored it because it was questioning Thane's measurements! You can't have it both ways! Your comment that Bill's tech has nothing to do with mains power is only right in the sense of how we are told it is supposed to operate. But so far it is all supposition - so far there is nothing to support that this actually works, not even a demo. Irrespective of how the primary is powered, it is hard to see how it can be done 'without-cost' - as Bill tells us is possible. This is also where Bill & Thane part company - Thane has a patent and some convincing videos available that show there is something interesting going on, Bill has yet to provide any evidence that this thing is for real. Not much to ask for I think, especially since these are meant to be available to buy in a month or so!

            Personally, I think I'll just sit back and adopt a wait-and-see policy from now on, and let you get on with the show here. We shall know more soon enough!


            • #51
              Super Post

              Thank you Sprocket, you are very kind.

              Nuts I forgot to tell you something. The way I look at this real and reactive out of phase at 90 degrees is that the same battery running and inverter would take only 20 percent of the power a standard transformer primary would take.

              See what i mean? Now if that is true like stated, who can verify such a reaction? Are you an experimenter? Try it. You can do the math later is the way I look at it.

              Take the SFT like I have just 3 coils of equal winds and hit it with 60hz and you will have your answer in 15 minutes. So whats the hold up?

              Bless your heart.


              Originally posted by sprocket View Post
              Mike, I am not taking it (that) personally, but I admit that the slap-stick nature of your posting is hard-going at times, especially the way you jump from topic to topic, ignoring points raised that I feel are relevant. Your making a point of noting my leaving Thane out of the conversation is also misleading - that was a follow-on post to my one on Auroratek and Bill's radio show, it has nothing to do with Thane, hence his omission. In fact, I think I posted a Thane video in this very thread which I would have liked to discuss, but you just ignored it because it was questioning Thane's measurements! You can't have it both ways! Your comment that Bill's tech has nothing to do with mains power is only right in the sense of how we are told it is supposed to operate. But so far it is all supposition - so far there is nothing to support that this actually works, not even a demo. Irrespective of how the primary is powered, it is hard to see how it can be done 'without-cost' - as Bill tells us is possible. This is also where Bill & Thane part company - Thane has a patent and some convincing videos available that show there is something interesting going on, Bill has yet to provide any evidence that this thing is for real. Not much to ask for I think, especially since these are meant to be available to buy in a month or so!

              Personally, I think I'll just sit back and adopt a wait-and-see policy from now on, and let you get on with the show here. We shall know more soon enough!


              • #52
                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                Bill was very excited about this next portion of his demo. Bill showed a condition in the circuit as he adjusted it's operation that was sending BACK power to his amplifier while real power on the other end was being consumed.

                Thane has done this also, he did it first. Dog-One mentioned that his amplifier must be different because most amplifiers would not be able to receive power back into the circuit without overloading. Amplifiers are designed to put out power so a reverse power should overload it.

                Right Dog? See i do not know which amplifiers might be better for this application.
                Bill's audio amplifier was way too small to have the output matching transformer on it that mine has. Which means, his SFT was being driven directly by semiconductors--typical of most car audio amps. I think Dave had the same sort of audio amp as Bill. So is this type of amp "better" than mine? Yeah sure, it you are looking for negative power factors. But is that data really correct? Why when you drive the same SFT with a sine wave delivered through a high power audio transformer, do you no longer get those numbers?

                What I'm getting at is there is more to the story. For me, the SFT isn't the magic. What was missing from Bill's demonstration was the actual power being consumed by the audio amp. Suppose this amount was five times higher than what Bill showed going to the SFT. That should mean something, but we never saw that data point. If we would have seen something like this, no more shares of stock would have been sold. But then, we would still have to figure out how Bill got those strange readings. How do you get a 106 degree volt/amp phase offset? What inside that amplifier makes that possible? My hunch is big capacitors that instead of having voltage leading current, current is leading voltage by a whole bunch. So much so, that you can't tell the amperage is actually leading the voltage by 360 - 106 or 254 degrees. I highly doubt Bill's Fluke o-scope could figure that out. If this is what was really happening, we're not dead in the water, we just need to understand it better and see if there is a path here we should pursue. Maybe the combination of big capacitors driving an SFT is the real secret, but until we know the actual power draw of the audio amp, we are still shooting blanks into the dark.

                BTW, I have always used series connections on the two secondaries because the voltage output of my setup is too small for parallel operation. When I tried hooking them up in parallel though, I didn't get a distorted waveform. I do have equal cores with equal windings, which might be why.
                Last edited by Dog-One; 11-26-2014, 02:07 AM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                  Bill's audio amplifier was way too small to have the output matching transformer on it that mine has. Which means, his SFT was being driven directly by semiconductors--typical of most car audio amps. I think Dave had the same sort of audio amp as Bill. So is this type of amp "better" than mine? Yeah sure, it you are looking for negative power factors. But is that data really correct? Why when you drive the same SFT with a sine wave delivered through a high power audio transformer, do you no longer get those numbers?
                  The only reason that I had the illusion of a negative power factor was because that there was too much inductance in my 1 ohm current sensing resistor. Once I solved that problem, my waveforms were as expected with the solid state amp. It doesn't matter if you are using transformers or solid state amplifiers, your voltage and amperage relations will paint an accurate picture of what is going within the circuit with regard to power flow.


                  • #54
                    Amplifier Efficiencies

                    The sound of Faith is earth shattering

                    Amplifier efficiency is no longer 50 percent. Look at the short Document.


                    Yes transformer style output on amplifiers has been on my mind all day, I think we are attuned Dog. It does seem that we need a circuit that can be of a high efficiency and since Bill is an electronics wiz kid forever he probably gets the finest one's for efficiencies not sound quality.

                    Lindemann stated way back that a mosfet can operate at 180 percent efficiency range so I think class D (PWM) amplifiers as spoken of in the doc is worth a look see. 85 percent I think is max. Not bad.

                    All that I can come up with is circuit management where a feed back loop would lower the drive power yet keep a steady frequency running.

                    You must remember how advanced Bill A. is in his field of embedded stuff.

                    What I want to do is follow this train of thought and power up with the beginners circuit first for the purpose of saving power at the generator side.

                    Yes I am still trying to think of how to get a circuit to receive energy back and not have it go into shut down or overload. Like you say Dog-One maybe something as simple as a capacitor? Well that would be nice.

                    The only way an amplifier can work well would to have it be somehow set at a certain value to where current limiting keeps it from going higher.

                    I do not give up on things i feel are great projects. Current limiting is one way to control an input. However the way this should work is the amp is set to a given input and the output being resistive outputs a specific value.

                    It has to be preset and is not a variable phase angle so you must settle on what your circuit will do and tune it to that level. Either you are going to run a 80 degrees or 106 degrees but not both or all angles in between.

                    That being said would be a form of current limiting right there. The amp is 85 percent and you put in 10v at 1 amp so 8.5 watts hits the primary at a 85 degree phase angle and BINGO you are on your way to Hollywood.

                    Well I lost myself there, can't think it through yet.


                    Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                    Bill's audio amplifier was way too small to have the output matching transformer on it that mine has. Which means, his SFT was being driven directly by semiconductors--typical of most car audio amps. I think Dave had the same sort of audio amp as Bill. So is this type of amp "better" than mine? Yeah sure, it you are looking for negative power factors. But is that data really correct? Why when you drive the same SFT with a sine wave delivered through a high power audio transformer, do you no longer get those numbers?

                    What I'm getting at is there is more to the story. For me, the SFT isn't the magic. What was missing from Bill's demonstration was the actual power being consumed by the audio amp. Suppose this amount was five times higher than what Bill showed going to the SFT. That should mean something, but we never saw that data point. If we would have seen something like this, no more shares of stock would have been sold. But then, we would still have to figure out how Bill got those strange readings. How do you get a 106 degree volt/amp phase offset? What inside that amplifier makes that possible? My hunch is big capacitors that instead of having voltage leading current, current is leading voltage by a whole bunch. So much so, that you can't tell the amperage is actually leading the voltage by 360 - 106 or 254 degrees. I highly doubt Bill's Fluke o-scope could figure that out. If this is what was really happening, we're not dead in the water, we just need to understand it better and see if there is a path here we should pursue. Maybe the combination of big capacitors driving an SFT is the real secret, but until we know the actual power draw of the audio amp, we are still shooting blanks into the dark.

                    BTW, I have always used series connections on the two secondaries because the voltage output of my setup is too small for parallel operation. When I tried hooking them up in parallel though, I didn't get a distorted waveform. I do have equal cores with equal windings, which might be why.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                      The only reason that I had the illusion of a negative power factor was because that there was too much inductance in my 1 ohm current sensing resistor. Once I solved that problem, my waveforms were as expected with the solid state amp.

                      What waveform? What degrees did you get after that, you never answered that question. If you in fact do have a SFT, it would be 90 degrees out of phase to start with.

                      I have not heard from you much, in fact when you do post it is to say it doesn't work but never an explanation. Or the only time you post is to say what someone else is doing could be off, but when you are asked a question there is no reply.

                      I think you said something like you ran all of the frequencies and you are at 75-80 percent like a conventional transformer but that is impossible with say a 75 degree phase angle.

                      In other words you have no data to back up that yours does not work, just" I can't get it" and my question is "Can't get what"?

                      We have nothing to go on.

                      When all of this was gone over about phase angles and power factor you said that a 90 degree angle would be better than an 18 degree angle yet you say that there is no improvement.

                      That does not make any sense, I am sorry.

                      So are you saying that you are loading your BiTT/SFT down so hard it is running an 18 degree angle?

                      We are shooting in the dark with your data.

                      People speculate and that is fine, but you claim to be running a SFT so what do the figures look like? What is your phase angle?

                      I already know what your phase angle is not. You said multiple times that it is not over 100.

                      You ran a few tests hey? and gave up huh?
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-26-2014, 06:07 AM.


                      • #56
                        power factor is zero

                        The Bi-Toroid Transformer (BiTT) by Potential Difference Inc.

                        The Bi-Toroid Transformer (BiTT) employs two secondary coils and a low reluctance outer flux path route for secondary coil on-load induced flux to couple (and add to each other and the no-load primary "reactive" flux) and provide the magnetic flux required to maintain the voltage across the load.

                        The BiTT also employs the 45 degree current delay characteristics of the ReGenX Coil.

                        This means that the majority of the secondary induced BEMF flux emanates from the secondary coils when the source sine wave has peaked and is PAST the source sine wave crest (at TDC).

                        The primary is operating with maximum current and maximum flux around the sine wave crest and also maximum core reluctance which is a function of flux magnitude in the core.

                        Secondary BEMF induced flux current follows the "path of least reluctance" in the outer flux path ring and avoids the high reluctance route back through the primary core leg.

                        As a result the secondary on-load induced flux has NO (negative) impact on the primary coil, I.e. the primary coil's net impedance is NOT lowered thus the primary current does not increase NOR does the load power factor have any effect on the primary power factor. The BiTT operates at no-load power levels when on-load because there is nothing to cause the primary to change.

                        In this case the BiTT primary power factor is zero and the BiTT input power is zero Watts while real power is being delivered to the load and the BiTT operates at infinite efficiency as identified by Dr. Fusina of Canadian National Defence, Dr. Habash of Ottawa University and Rob Woudenberg of Phillips.

                        In fact because current is delayed in the secondaries as per a ReGenX coil operation the BiTT actually can operate with a negative power factor while sending power back to the source when on-load and supplying power to a load as well while operating at infinite efficiency.

                        If any delayed secondary flux finds its way into the primary core as the primary current is reduced (along with core reluctance) this flux has the effect of increasing the primary core impedance and reducing the on-load source current.

                        This fact is well observed by Rob Woudenberg at Phillips in BiTT computer simulations and by Mr. Clean in his cool BiTT replications:


                        • #57

                          ~Russ from Rwgresearch analist of the demo of AuroraTek teslatech 2014

                          120 turns on the secondary's?

                          right coil is:120mH and 17 ohms.
                          left coil is:122mH and 15 ohms.

                          20 turns on the primary?

                          3.07mH 1.4ohms.

                          output connected in parrall but there outside of one connected to the out side of the other. (netruil?)

                          "its 3:1 ratio"
                          "all the same wire size"

                          it looked to be about 18-22 awg

                          metglas cores. found some here:

                          MK Magnetics, Inc. | Tape Wound Core Specialists | Custom Tape Wound Soft Magnetic Cores | C-Cores, E-Cores, Toroids, Nanocrystalline

                          not the right core i dont think:
                          Hitachi Metals - AMCC-400 CORE SET - AMCC-400 Shop Magnets Online

                          still working on dimentions of the cores....
                          will do this once i get some more still shots to mesure...



                          • #58

                            Bill Alek of AuroraTek

                            Success! After two weeks of testing, I have a power transformer that is outputting watts. For a given load, the transformer has an efficiency of 200% and runs a few degrees BELOW ambient room temperature. In addition, when I short the secondary, the primary voltage-to-current phase angle exceeds 90 degrees, which is unheard-of in the electrical engineering world! This means it's sending watts of electric power BACK to the generator. The transformer efficiency is not only infinite, but becomes NEGATIVE. The generator delivering power to the transformer is NO longer a generator but a motor - absolutely fascinating! No other electrical device I know of is capable of doing this.


                            • #59
                              From another thread, FWIW Mikey:
                              There might be a relevant connection (or might not )
                              Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                              I might be wrong, but will offer my understanding of the role of the standing wave, for what it's worth. I thought the standing wave enabled excess electrical charge to be taken off a resonant coil without disturbing the coil's resonating action, provided it is done with the right kind of pickup coil. If I understand it correctly, the series-wound bifilar coil will not produce secondary reflection in a primary. In this way, the primary is unaffected, and can continue to resonate. From what I have read from other builders, a shorted series wound bifilar coil will enable the excess energy of the standing wave to be drawn off without disturbing the primary's resonance. I have also read one builder stating that as he added further swbifi coils, he was able to draw off more energy from the resonating primary. Whether the energy comes from reactive power or perhaps from the dielectric medium, I don't know.


                              • #60
                                Good Stuff

                                Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                                From another thread, FWIW Mikey:
                                There might be a relevant connection (or might not ) Originally Posted by Bob Smith View Post
                                I might be wrong, but will offer my understanding of the role of the standing wave, for what it's worth. I thought the standing wave enabled excess electrical charge to be taken off a resonant coil without disturbing the coil's resonating action, provided it is done with the right kind of pickup coil. If I understand it correctly, the series-wound bifilar coil will not produce secondary reflection in a primary. In this way, the primary is unaffected, and can continue to resonate. From what I have read from other builders, a shorted series wound bifilar coil will enable the excess energy of the standing wave to be drawn off without disturbing the primary's resonance. I have also read one builder stating that as he added further swbifi coils, he was able to draw off more energy from the resonating primary. Whether the energy comes from reactive power or perhaps from the dielectric medium, I don't know.
                                Hey Bob glad to hear from you. It's a good read. maybe another couple of sets of secondaries would up the output.



