thank you John, this is appreciated !
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The Resonance Energy Device Explained
Hi John, Hello everyone,
the last submitted posts is confusing especially when i said the E-TBC is able to change its shape... when i wrote my posts my mind was inside this device trying to understand how the electrons act, so the E-TBC as energetic device can change its shape; this is discussed previously as real and imaginary E-TBC, the most difficult process is how the capacitive side of E-TBC can be charged upon oscillation, this is possible due to the unique geometry of E-TBC so when the electrons start changing its spin direction the CCW side of E-TBC can act as CW from behind this is a dynamic symmetry so this device can act like a quantum motor with very high speed ... in a simple ordinary mention electric generators the moving coil inside the magnetic field have to complete the turn in order to generate electricity, in the E-TBC when the electrons change the spin it will find the CCW as CW from the other side, all voltage electrons will just turn into current electrons, from energetic point of view X point can act like an open circuit, so it provide a kind of natural timing! the spark gap isn't needed unless for unwanted high voltage spike, how useful active energy can be obtained from reactive system ? when we only deal with the real physical E-TBC it's useless reactive energy,now the known electromagnetic propagation model in space is no longer valid :
in my point of view it's extremely complicated since we imagine a moving electromagnetic field inside a static empty space the magnetic portion of electromagnetic field interact with the empty space itself to generate another electric portion which in turn have to pass through the empty space again to generate the magnetic field !! the electromagnetic field coming from point A is no longer the same when arrive at point B for example... it's a process of replication!! over energy is already implemented in nature
i will try to explain more about how the E-TBC can produce active power later !
GOOD night
completing the previous ideas about how the E-TBC generate the other half of electricity, how useful active energy can be obtained from reactive system ?! was my question that need a reply, it's a reactive system regarding the real E-TBC, but if we add the imaginary E-TBC that situated in the unseen negative sea of energy things will be changed completely, the spark gap isn't needed for energy amplification in this device because the serial resonance provide this kind of ON/OFF mechanism through electrons spin separation behavior, this time is very crucial... fortunately we have seen the scope graph from the mixed E-TBC which prove this characteristic, the mixed E-TBC is a special device cover all the E-TBC behaviors but in positive energy side, negative side remain the biggest player but the scope can't detect radiant positive particle in a single E-TBC ( not mixed ), in the mixed E-TBC both side can be seen ...
the following is what i wrote in my presentation :
For the first time period, we have (C discharging across L);
+ energy increase magnetic energy ---- I
- energy increase electric energy ---- V
For the second time period we have (L charging C);
+ energy increase electric energy ---- V
- energy increase magnetic energy ---- I
since magnetic energy is the current and electrical energy is the voltage and because they are out of phase(reactive energy), positive energy will work in harmony with negative energy and no cancellation will appear.
my problem was the resonance this is why i though about the SG between CD, as discussed this is an energy destructive mistake that must be avoided order to gather the 3 elements needed in this device, they are magnetic current electric voltage and the matter particles which can be attracted from a center tap in L2 coil.
in a few words the amplification inside this device take advantage of the ability of electrons to change its spin, it take the advantage of the ability of electron to interact with negative energy side, the real E-TBC and the imaginary E-TBC together work in harmony, useful energy can be attained through X point if we benefit from electron changing spin as quantum spark gap rather than using normal spark-gap !
just to share some test result regarding the resonance using another toroid inductance ( i use a TV yoke ) :
putting a pure resistance in the middle R=22 ohm to emulate the E-TBC the scope graph show a good voltage respond across the resistance at resonance point, i still need further test to implement this system in HV environment.
Hi John,
the E-TBC is designed to work as oscillator ,the extension of ordinary bifilar coil to become an E-TBC conduct to this, feeding an E-TBC with its resonance frequency using electromagnetic wave may give a good result, i still didn't test this, so maybe it work, the electric portion of your electromagnetic waves must be high in order to stimulate a good amount of electrons, so the process of replication will work good, this device is a voltage device as you know.
if you have a good ferrite toroid you can use it as a core for your E-TBC , you can use your previous idea about winding the coil along the toroid so you are sure the electromagnetic coupling with the ferrite is good, now the frequency can be lower as 100 KHZ, in this case it's easy to achieve the resonance in high voltage.
it's possible to use C1/C2 system which is composed of 4 plate, c2 will be charged using the electric field only now you can feed the E-TBC with c2, maybe this system is still unknown but it's very good but i can't guarantee its work in this device !
Hello everyone,
i still have some difficulty to achieve the resonance in HV environment, in low voltage oscillation mode the resonance was achieved in 26 KHZ, it was the principal frequency, in HV mode there's some frequency drifting problem, at the moment i am working to solve this problem, any ideas, comments, are welcome.
just to share an interesting link about HV experiments that maybe helpful in out case
Thomas Townsend Brown: Scientific Notebooks, Vol. 1
Originally posted by John.K1 View PostHi Med. Can you hand sketch or better made a picture of your setup?
Also my question is: how did you measure self (or Spatial) resonant frequency of your coil/capacitor ( how do you now to what frequency to tune it)
Hi John,
the setup is very easy, just use the famous NE555 variable frequency oscillator to see the resonance frequency of the following setup without the E-TBC, if you have a frequency generator it will be better, i think you know how to measure the resonance frequency of parallel L/C , the objective here is to avoid the use of expensive ( and not easy to find ) high voltage capacitors by replacing it with high inductance toroid now a few hundreds of nano farad will do the job instead of using micro farad capacitor which is expensive as i said :
here you are the schematic :
in HV if the resonance is achieved without the use of E-TBC it will be very easy to tune your device when the E-TBC is added, now according the resistance of your E-TBC the voltage taken will depend on, it's better to use a thick wire to form the inductance of toroid coil to minimize the resistance , in other hand we could adjust the frequency to achieve the desired voltage if the voltage is too high at the resonance pick point .
regards .
Hi Med.
I know ho to measure the resonance. I just wanted to make sure you know
Do you account with the impedance of your signal generator? Also I do believe all the impedance of separate blocks of the system should match to avoid the undesirable noise.
This is why I was suggesting to use the RF input (Tesla coil nearby or inserted inside of ETBC ) You do not need to care about the impedance of your signal generator then. Small Tesla based on one transistor Brovin Kacher, will do fine I guess.
If you know what frequency resonate your ETBC, you can adjust Tesla to operate on the same or its multiple frequency?
With the set up as displayed above with the toroid it is a bit tricky. The phase shift (dependent on frequency) might play some role there.
Your schematic in not absolutely right- The ETBC should be displayed as a bifilar coil. The winding sense is not noted there too. Use the dot convention please.
Hi John,
i don't have a signal generator, only a variable frequency square waves generator that i builtelectronic parts here are not available as in Europe, so i am looking for easy setup at least to see some power from this device
the winding sense of the E-TBC don't matter because it's a symmetric device, all the E-TBC are the same device not like ordinary solenoid coil, in other hand this what make this device a great over energy device !
i know my setup is problematic in some points according your view but it worth to be tested , your suggestion is good also, in all case this device need a high voltage between A and B when CD is short circuited.
Originally posted by med.3012 View PostHi John,
i don't have a signal generator, only a variable frequency square waves generator that i builtelectronic parts here are not available as in Europe, so i am looking for easy setup at least to see some power from this device
the winding sense of the E-TBC don't matter because it's a symmetric device, all the E-TBC are the same device not like ordinary solenoid coil, in other hand this what make this device a great over energy device !
i know my setup is problematic in some points according your view but it worth to be tested , your suggestion is good also, in all case this device need a high voltage between A and B when CD is short circuited.
here is what i have been thinking about buying for transformer projects.
DDS Function Signal Generator Module DIY Kit Triangle Square Sine Wave LCD NG | eBay
Last edited by BroMikey; 09-23-2015, 03:44 AM.
Just make sure it is possible to sweep the frequency. Once I bought some and and I was disappointed as I had to set desired frequency before sending to the output. You need SG where you can sweep the frequency during the operation!!!Just some advice
Originally posted by BroMikey View PostHi Med
here is what i have been thinking about buying for transformer projects.
DDS Function Signal Generator Module DIY Kit Triangle Square Sine Wave LCD NG | eBay
thanks so much for your post but Ebay don't ship to Algeria and i know the reason !!we have a bad custom service here, especially when the product is electronic part, i have a bad experience with them
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