Hello Dwane, ( just a quick reply )
copper foils are the less available, i used it in the violet ray device , i found it in a special cables where the copper make the shield , precisely HV cable , the foils come with little width ( about 2 cm ) .
the idea of using copper foils in the ETBC is to unbalance the internal resistance of ETBC so we gain an excess of electrons ( this is not a proven theory )
the best way is still using a magnetic material as a core , something easy to find like stainless steel ( thin ) , we need to combine this with DC pulse system i think about using a pico farad capacitor to gain a high speed .. there's a scenario but i need to think again !
the solid state circuit we tried is just a good way to see what's going on, the system still take the power from the main as you stated before ! the resonance in HV remain something painful but i think there's a way to go further without complexity, later i will explain my idea maybe we could find a solution !