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Ed Leedskalnin's Flywheel

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  • Ed Leedskalnin's Flywheel

    It's supposed to be simple right?

    The right-hand rule of Electricity says if current is traveling in the direction of your thumb then a magnetic flux is traveling in the direction of your curled fingers.

    So if the wheel goes clockwise, to generate thrust in a clockwise direction one must drop your current. (I think the force/torque formula for motors is the same also.)

    This current wants to go to ground: the only path to ground is through the center handle (core) which has been offset, (timing) which allows for the chain and collector bar to charge fully before discharging through the spark gap (hook and handle) when they get close.

    Filling the core with salt water, the most abundant resource on earth, you have a frictionless connection to the magnet's neutrals from the core allowing you to keep them charged as some of the energy on it's way to ground touches these points. (See Faraday's homopolar motor which is essentially another version of the flywheel in general.)

    The copper pipe would be a Tesla ground antenna of sorts. Eric Dollard briefly mentioned it in one of his videos and even drew it on a dry erase board and it was identical to Ed's. This could be used for wireless most likely as a Tesla coil is pretty much the same thing as a copper pipe right? Tesla in his writings on it discovers an odd phenomenon where the signal increases/got clearer over time, something to be looked into.

    If you visualize it, the energy flow makes a figure eight. Out the magnets/core (waters) and up to Heaven (circuit not touching ground), down to Earth (ground), up from earth (ground antenna circuit, back to core. Pretty much exact science from Genesis 1. Water and everything included.

    "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. And God said, 'Let there be: Light.' And there was Light."

    Same thing we see here that Ed is doing he even calls it Light. It's pretty much proof God is who He says He is in the Bible because He made it this way.

    Energy is moving charges that are vibrating according to your science book. "Spirit moved... God said..." Shoot Universe: Uni - Latin prefix meaning single, verse - written or spoken sentence.

    I believe it is this way what do you think? In the end it's all about Jesus right? You know Daniel 12 is right around the corner afterall!

  • #2
    So technically the fuel source would be...

    How long the salt water stays conductive keeping your magnets charged... passing a lot of current/voltages through it would heat up and evaporate the water over time. Ed's flywheel showed signs of heat/burn damage on the top of his flywheel.


    • #3
      Real interesting stuff Brother. I will keep an eye on this thread.



      • #4
        What happens when you pack a diamagnetic(?) material around an array of conjoined magnets like that?

        Resonance to all !


        • #5
          Resonance to all

          True we cannot forget the acoustic aspect to the system as a whole because like when a cloud discharges to earth it releases both lightning and thunder, particles and waves. It is interesting I just got my PMH and I am winding my spools but before I did I opened my guitar tuner app on my phone and hung the PMH from a rope in the garage and gave it a good whack, I got C# @ 440hz. The two 6" spools without wire on them sang at Eb @440hz. Haven't check the 3" spool yet. I'd like to do a build like Youtube user Vinny St. Vincent, for now I'm doing the PMH built to Ed's Specs. Wish we had more feedback I think this is how this works but I'd like other people's opinions/beliefs.


          • #6
            Originally posted by altrez View Post
            Real interesting stuff Brother. I will keep an eye on this thread.

            Thanks bro!


            • #7
              The thing about Ed Leedskalnin's Flywheel is that nobody has ever seen it work, nobody's ever made a working replica that actually powered a load.

              Using religious imagery instead of a logical explanation just helps makes it less credulous.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dingus View Post
                The thing about Ed Leedskalnin's Flywheel is that nobody has ever seen it work, nobody's ever made a working replica that actually powered a load.

                Using religious imagery instead of a logical explanation just helps makes it less credulous.
                Sorry you feel religion makes things less credible. The logical expression was introduced using religious imagery perhaps but most of the theories surrounding Ed dive deep into mystery and fiction quick when the theories arise. However this one, uses basic physics to explain and just so happens to match with what the Bible says. Forget that the Bible has been around much longer than your science book and we have proven numerous accounts recorded in its pages to be accurate. They found Jericho, they found the thousands of chariots under the Red Sea, the earth being round and the universe expanding: all that in the Bible hundreds of years prior to "science" and it's counted for a religious book. Einstein and Newton both when interviewed mentioned many of their ideas came to them while reading the Bible. Shoot e=mc squared is in Genesis. In order to move on water you gotta move a certain speed and direction, certain frequency, oh yeah Light is energy so yeah right there in Genesis if you know how to read it. "For they will be willingly ignorant that the heavens were made of old and the earth stands out of the water and in the water." 2nd Peter 3:5. Looking at the pic from Ed's wheel if it were filled I mean almost identical to scripture. Earth(ground) is connected in the water (core shaft) and out of the water (to ground). It's simple really. God bless. Oh and I am working on proving it I just wired my coils for the PMH built to Eds size and I ordered 120 model t magnets and flywheel parts the other day so hopefully pics and videos to come. So maybe with your help we can figure it out. Really I'm trying to cheat a little and get th answer from the creator rather than the creation.


                • #9
                  I'm sure it won't work, but good luck anyway.


                  • #10
                    no no. credible means believable or trustworthy. credulous means hardto believe so that fellow said less credulous or more believable. thats a compliment! im gonna watcgh this thread too.i like the way you think.


                    • #11
                      No, I meant it as an insult. I just phrased what I said wrong.


                      • #12
                        got the magnets in

                        Over thanksgiving holiday I got all 120 Model T V-mags. Ed said the orbit of U-shape magnets was broken and comparing the V-mags to the U-mags you can see with a simple magnetic film viewer he was right. Ordered the wrong wire for the PMH coils but got the right stuff on the way. Initially my wire was 16 gauge insulated copper wire but the enameled 16 gauge is what you really need for its thin insulation which allows you to get the wires closer and more turns per level. Previous coils I only got 300 turns... not even close.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by mykal; 11-30-2014, 06:09 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mykal View Post
                          Over thanksgiving holiday I got all 120 Model T V-mags. Ed said the orbit of U-shape magnets was broken and comparing the V-mags to the U-mags you can see with a simple magnetic film viewer he was right. Ordered the wrong wire for the PMH coils but got the right stuff on the way. Initially my wire was 16 gauge insulated copper wire but the enameled 16 gauge is what you really need for its thin insulation which allows you to get the wires closer and more turns per level. Previous coils I only got 300 turns... not even close.
                          Hi there
                          The following link might help shed some light

