A few years back I bought a DPScope kit. Took the time to build it carefully. First time I turned it on, worked great! Got to use it 2 more times before it died. Next I went on EBay and bought a used Tektronix for ~ $180. Still using it. Yes it was more than I wanted to spend, but some things just don't pay to go cheap.
You will want something that can take the transient spikes that we work with. You can't always predict the peak. I think the cheap, usb units don't have the protection.
Take Care,
A few years back I bought a DPScope kit. Took the time to build it carefully. First time I turned it on, worked great! Got to use it 2 more times before it died. Next I went on EBay and bought a used Tektronix for ~ $180. Still using it. Yes it was more than I wanted to spend, but some things just don't pay to go cheap.
You will want something that can take the transient spikes that we work with. You can't always predict the peak. I think the cheap, usb units don't have the protection.
Take Care,