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  • #46
    you TALK OVER TOP OF ME in an attempt to look like ANYBODY cares what you think.

    Me and another person while you guys ignored any questios while doing your FARCE of a topic, and when eric dollard gets involved you start calling everything incoherent.

    the exact government line of the day. there so brilliant arent yuo fixing so many problems on earth the government they love that one pretending anybody gives a **** about htem or anything you do.

    You ignore me and someone else who agree your topic is a farce and just throw insults.

    and your lines of a few centuries and the life of the universe. haah those 2 are also good jokes. i guess your hint

    I get it its a government threat hint to the morons.

    but you forget how moronic they, them the stupid people are. you have to have the bowling pins as it where set up first before you can knock them down for them to be .. 1 well lets look at this thing i made up, first off them people you expect to, do everythign you say in this case, believe in a fake big bang theory, or black hole theory, so you can keep, science, or any thinking dumbed down with morons like einstein who doesnt know nothing. never knew anything never showed anything because its all made up. its made up crap they cant even explain it themselves and act like that whatever reason they care about it, they have to know what it is, becuase their so smart.

    like its too hard for anyone else to understand.

    thats what your little threat included. centuries and the life of the universe is what you said.

    ok conversation about your stupidness is over. you are a moron.

    now 2 people think this topic is a farce. that was my point. if you didnt read that and see i came back 6 months or more later to make that point, then your a dumbass.

    i am through with this topic and you both. i wouldnt piss on it, but you guys act like its brilliant. its dumb its stupid its a waste of everyones time.

    what gets me and theoria is only interested in insulting me and not talking to me, is how he thought this was feasible to begin with. or why he insults me on a simple question about a load stone.

    im done with this little 2 trick pony show


    • #47
      you guys go **** yourself. if you think this is feasible then go do it. dont expect everyone else to do some trick that is comprehensibly illogical.

      spend 2 seconds thinking but man you gotta waste everyone elses time and your own and tons of wasted time banging your head against a wall to think your so brilliant.

      most stupid people dont have the time to sell things to people cuase their too busy trying to keep warm because they dont know how to rub two sticks together.
      thats the big joke about you. or to argue with 2 people who disagree with them


      • #48
        Regarding the universe & Einstein, you could be right - much of the evidence put forward seems anecdotal, and often contradictory. But you obviously have a bee in your bonnet, so I'll let you get back to being angry with the world!


        • #49
          you are responding to the topic. the ****ign starting topic here, and i say dollard says its dumb to YOUR reply, and you, see no coherency. yoru stupid.

