I believe this topic warrants a thread.

Published on Dec 21, 2014
The mystery of Over Unity is done. The Law of loss
does not apply, Newton, Faraday etc.. are based on multiplication.
This is amplification. 2 Pole Transformers
1500-2000 watt Mcculloch 4 HP Generator.
non brush / engine
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Spf5WVGgSY
Transformer terminal is considerably colder than the ambient temperature.

Inside the McCulloch Generator
Please watch the video and share your ideas about it.

Published on Dec 21, 2014
The mystery of Over Unity is done. The Law of loss
does not apply, Newton, Faraday etc.. are based on multiplication.
This is amplification. 2 Pole Transformers
1500-2000 watt Mcculloch 4 HP Generator.
non brush / engine
Transformer terminal is considerably colder than the ambient temperature.

Inside the McCulloch Generator
Please watch the video and share your ideas about it.