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Gerard Morin's Video - The Doubt about OverUnity is Over

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  • Here is from the IR Fluke Temp Meter:

    Do not operate the probe near large electrical or
    magnetic fields such as arc welders and
    induction heaters. These fields can cause
    measurement errors.

    hope this clears the cold readings near the big transformers or hv telsa coils


    • Pointless skepticism?

      What is the point of a long discussion about how he is "probably a fake"? We should be collaborating ideas on what is going on here, and comparing them to past successes in order to come to an educated theory of operation. You can say that you don't think it is real because of A,B, and C, but unless you replicated it or worked with him directly, what credibility do you have?
      Personally, I see validity in his small scale replication being a unique type of generator. The magnet stays equidistant from the inductors, and can be rotated at a very high frequency practically.
      When the resonant frequency of an inductor is reached and surpassed, the inductors behave like capacitors (they exhibit negative inductance). In this case, when the coils are wound correctly, the capacitive effect of the inductor is "shorted out" when the bloch walls align with the inductors. Capacitor shorting notoriously produces unusual effects (see Ismael Aviso's work, as well as Tesla's infamous hairpin circuit).
      To me, this sounds feasible, but I WON'T KNOW UNTIL I TRY TO REPLICATE IT. I spent $50 on a water pump, and I intend to replicate this experiment. If I give it my all and I fail, it still doesn't mean he was a fraud, it simply was a failed attempt.
      I wish I could see people working together on web sites like these instead of bickering and making no progress. I mean no offense, it is just an observation.
      I will update my progress as I make it.


      • Update Video

        Originally posted by hello_all View Post
        Here are my 2 cents:

        Cold temp - I have seen the high voltage causes the infrared temp meter to messup , showing negative readings , it is all over the place and changes when moving the meter near the transformer, maybe due to lot of field around that place.

        -he did not load the source generator , but instead turn down the heating load in middle of it, all I can make it was well below the generator capacity.
        Way below 2000 watts I think. The things he explained earlier were max power ratings under full load 6000 watts . Let me explain if I have 100 watts bulb and then a dimmer , I can make it work on 10watts to 100watts but it will light dim to full brightness.

        - secondly this guy is asking for money thru western union and gets angry if u ask questions. Same behavior from corn artists.

        - he has perfect setup of big high power transformers and big industrial tools , which even 1% people will not try or budget for replication.

        - looks like he has tried and experimented with the tesla high voltage conversions and could not achieve the results , but now wanted a big coverage of people to send him money.

        - I don't expect much here , except he will disappear with the donations from people who he can build trust.
        I think we all know not to send Morin any money, but I do think there is some truth to what he says.

        Certainly, it would please TPTB to discredit him.

        I'm still waiting on his update video which he promised a while back but has yet to deliver on.

        What's the deal with that, I wonder?





        • i happen to believe the guys theory that the ir meter is malfunctioning. ever seeen any electronics, pulling on past experiences, that yo8u get them near something like that, at that distance and they malfunction?

          i'm goign to blieeve that statement but not believe that maybe he's not maybe not making it up that he's got something. because ive not seen the opposite.


          • With my experiments useing the pump motor I have not found any magnifying effects as Gerard has claimed. Now I am the first to admit that maybe I have missed something in my setup or have not found the sweet spot or whatever. I do find it disturbing that Gerard has not included amp readings. I truly hope he has something and more testing will bear fruit.
            I don't think he is a fake but most all of us that experiment with this kind of stuff has fooled ourselves at one time or another thinking we have found something special only to find later that we had overlooked something important.


            • Small scale replication

              If there is any significance to this circuit, I believe the key to unlocking the phenomenon exists at high frequencies. Either add magnets to your motor (if it is a DC motor) or gear it up.
              In his videos, I was struck by how much voltage was coming out, considering that magnetic flux prefers iron to air by over a thousand times, and the magnet is not coming in close contact with the inductors.
              The coils should be bucking like the Kromrey converter. I am not sure if you will need to modify the coil arrangement to satisfy this condition.
              If nothing else, this circuit should be able to run a Tesla Hairpin circuit. Just place a pot on the motor to control frequency, and find a spark gap quenching method that operates at the same frequency as the AC from the pump. If any longitudinal dielectricity effects are present, they should manifest themselves most obviously in this circuit.
              Thanks for sharing and good luck!


              • Finally got my drain pump in today and got around to taking it apart. There is a big plastic part on the front that is attached to the shaft and wont come off. Not sure what to do about that yet.

                Here are some pics:

                I am going to try to run it with just a stock motor and see what happens once I can figure out how to get it attached.



                • must be a different pump

                  Alterez, I have one of those as well. I couldn't get the plastic impeller part off of mine either.

                  My thought is to try to make a matching "socket" for it to slip into.
                  Still not sure exactly how to do that, perhaps a cast epoxy, or other type moldable / machineable substance.


                  • I cut a piece of tube and made four slits in it and glued right on to that finned part.


                    • Originally posted by altrez View Post
                      Finally got my drain pump in today and got around to taking it apart. There is a big plastic part on the front that is attached to the shaft and wont come off. Not sure what to do about that yet.
                      Just cut it with a dremel tool or grinder and brake it off.
                      This is just a dc to ac converter. No magic. They never show you how much current that 24V DC motor draw from the 36V batteries.

                      My pump motor is a 230V one. It looks just like the one Mr Gerard Morin used. I did a test using my dremel tool to drive it. It can run 33000rpm at full setting. I can’t measure rpm with my rpm meter. I think the measure area is too small. With the dremel at full speed no load, the output is very high and produce a 4mm spark.
                      I used a 15W cfl bulb. I adjusted the dremel speed to about 40% to get 230V out loaded with the cfl and it burns happily. So roughly about 13000rpm. The dremel is rated 125W so 40% could be about 50W input. I did not connect an ammeter to the input
                      I also touched the bulb terminals with the back of my hand. Needless to say it shocked the living hell out of me.
                      Edit:It did lit up a 40W incandescent bulb. The dremel was running full speed and I got the output to the 220V bulb up to 185V. I tried a 100W bulb and got nothing out. Not even a glow.
                      So, no cold electricity or gains from this pump motor.
                      Last edited by nvisser; 01-15-2015, 10:42 AM.


                      • Originally posted by nvisser View Post
                        Just cut it with a dremel tool or grinder and brake it off.
                        This is just a dc to ac converter. No magic. They never show you how much current that 24V DC motor draw from the 36V batteries.

                        My pump motor is a 230V one. It looks just like the one Mr Gerard Morin used. I did a test using my dremel tool to drive it. It can run 33000rpm at full setting. I can’t measure rpm with my rpm meter. I think the measure area is too small. With the dremel at full speed no load, the output is very high and produce a 4mm spark.
                        I used a 15W cfl bulb. I adjusted the dremel speed to about 40% to get 230V out loaded with the cfl and it burns happily. So roughly about 13000rpm. The dremel is rated 125W so 40% could be about 50W input. I did not connect an ammeter to the input
                        I also touched the bulb terminals with the back of my hand. Needless to say it shocked the living hell out of me.
                        It will not lit up a 40W incandescent bulb. Not even a glow.
                        So, no cold electricity or gains from this pump motor.
                        Yeah I am going to grind it down and attach a tube with house clamps and see what happens. I am not expecting much but its worth a shot. I will test with two ammeters one on the input from the batteries and one on the output into the lamp.



                        • culloch gen.

                          hello everyone
                          I want to get some news on the topic: the MC CULLOCH generator. It seems that the history of this generator is more complicated than I have seen at first sight, and patented rotor - generator, it has TKM Electric Corporation. Here you have a copy paste after a newspaper of that time:
                          regard. lorinrandone

                          BUSINESS LEADERS INSPECT ASSEMBLY — Watching an assembly operation dl kfo McCulloch Mite-E-Lite'' plant' arV, A COMPETITIVE LINE OF PRODUCTS — Inspecting a copy of on.e of the firm's promotional brochures, First Trust Com- behind plant employe, from'left to right, Carl. E. Reuning, First Trust Co. president; Walter G. Taber, the bank's executive vice nny President Carl E. Hoiming and Mite-E-Lite President William Hollo discuss promotional plans. Beside them appear the P resiclent and a member of the Mite-E-Lite board of 'directors; Donald A. Bowersox, Mite"-E-JL.ite' vice president; William Roilo, . . Mite-E-Lite president, Joseph Sullivan, president of Greater Wellsville Industries, Inc., and^JD'an Gleason, plant supervisor, who is our principal production models of the Mite-E-Lite generator, Today. McCulloch Milo-E- Lile, Inc., a subsidiary of McCulloch Corporal ion of Los Angeles, manufactures a porkihle generator that is one of t h c world's first successful entries in the field of permanent magnet alternators. It is one of the lightest, most compact, trouble free alternators in the industry, thanks to its unique axial air gap design. The firm manufactures this product on a 10.5 acre site in a Wellsville industrial park, maintains a $75,000 annual payroll and averages $400,000 annually on local (western New York) purchases for materials. Mite-E-Lite, which already e.x- porls its product to every country in the free world, expects to triple its volume over (he next (liree years in its present product line, in addition to branching out into several new fields of endeavor. .Sales are expected lo total well over $1 million for the fiscal year I9(i6-(i7. Faith in Wellsville This success story could never have been written without the complete and working faith of the town and its business leaders in Wellsville as a prime site for new industry. The local bank, the local industrial development corporation, the chamber of commerce, the town's newspaper — all played prominent roles in Mite-E-Lite's location, growth and expansion in Wellsville. The story began back in May I960, when a pair of prominent Allegany County businessmen- owners of a- grey iron foundry in the nearby • community of Friendship — found themselves in a position to diversify. They joined forces with the present president of Mite-E- Lite. William Rollo. Their aim was to establish a new corporation in Wellsville with an interesting new product — a portable generator, to be produced cooperatively by the new corporation and TKM Electric Corporation of Rochester. TKM- possessed the electrical patents and was to produce the rotor and stator for the mechanism. This group, comprising a cross-section of Wellsville business and industrial leaders, believed in the proposed new company and agreed to do all in its power to -bring a new industry to Wellsville. First Trust proposed a $100,000 bond issue to raise the money needed 10 finance the new firm, and cemonstrated its confidence by becoming the first subscriber. The voluntary subscription, thanks lo top drawer salesmanship by the bank and 100 per cent editorial support of the Wellsville Daily Reporter, was completely sold out in three days. The pedple of Wellsville had given their answer — a resounding welcome to the proposed new industi'y'. After the sale, First Trust established a working line- of credit with the fledgling firm which continues to this day 1 . ABOUT READY. FOR SHIPMENT — Donald A. Bowersox, vice president and WillHm Rntin flent of McCulloch Mite-E-Lite. Inc., pause to in sped' a" Shipment of some oT !ie fim "°' tors destined for domestic as well as overseas shipment. n- • gen er a' genera- To the Editor: Let's hope it does not happen. Let's hope that Lt. G6v. Malcom Wilson officially ^-declines the 1 'appointment to' fill a vacancy on the State Court of Appeals, which Gov. R feller offered hiimonly two after the Nov. 8th election. 'So far Lt. Gov. Wilson has declined the appointment, but it appears to be a rather weak declination. This vacancy on the State Court of Appeals was clearly in the horizon when Mr. Wilson accepted the GOP nomination last September to be Gov-. Rockefeller's running mate. If the Lt. Governor desired to make a shift to the State Court of Appeals, the time to so indicate would have been at the Republican Convention in Rochester, and not after he had been re-elected as Lt. Governor. The vacancy thai exists will occur on the same clay when Associate Judge Stanley H. Fuld steps up to succeed Chief Judge Charles S. Desmond, who is retiring. Should the lieutenant governor resign either before or after taking his oath of office; there is no provision in the state constitution to fill the vacancy which would then exist for the next four years. If Mr': Wilson should resign, then presumably the president proterri of the State Senate, Sen. Brydges of Niagara County, would, "assume all the duties of the lieutenant governor," in add'tion to his present duties, which are considerable. In. the past, the office of LJU Gov. has not been what most people would call the most exciting and challenging office of, our stale government. However," in recent years the Lt. Gov. qf this state and many others ha.% had lo assume more execu? live responsibility thin had fcwi merly been the case. During the, recent campaign several valid proposals were made to expand the responsibilities of th's . ofs fice. , .„{ It seems quite clear that NYS; cannot afford to be without 'd Lt. Gov for four years. LtX Governor Wilson, having 'accepted the nomination and won; the election to a third term? should expect to serve a full term. Let's hope he officially declines Gov. Rockefeller's of> fer to fill this vacancy on the State Court of Appeals. R, Theodore Smith Jamestown • Sale to McCulloch , The business volume of the .new firm progressed yearly. .Its early success came to the attention of McCulloch Corporation of Los Angeles, world's largest chain saw manufactur- , er and outboard motor produc- . er, . who was seeking to broad,en its operations. Hearth saw, ', in a possible affiliation with a w.orld - wide organization like „ McCulloch, a golden chance to .enter the export field. In addition, the Mite-E-Lite trade name had caught on, and the ..possible advantages to be gained from a .combination 'of two ...well-known trade names was intriguing. Negotiations, in which Greater.. Wellsviile » Industries, ...Inc. (> was an active participant,' be- 'gan in the fall of 1964 for McCulloch's acquisition of Hearth. ( The transaction was finalized in the spring of 1965. Hearth Industries, Inc. thus became Mc^Culloch Mite-E-Lite, Inc., . a .New York State corporation i and. a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent firm in Los Angeles. A separate identity was retained and the officers of the -firm, all Wellsville area citizens, remained substantially the same. Realizing their great debt to bhe people and business groups of Wellsville, company officials T insisted on two prerequisites for '.sale of the company to McCulloch: — The portable generator firm would remain in Wellsville. — Hearth bond holders, a' the time of sale, would be considered as stockholders in re ceiving the. same amount of Magazine Widely Distributes Plug For Wellsville The current issue of "Business in New York State," in which the above article on Wellsville's McCulloch, Mite-E- Lite Inc. plant appears has a very wide circulation across the nation and in numerous foreign lands. Published by the Slat* 1 Commerce Department, the bimonthly magazine goes out to private and public industries, Chambers of Commerce, industrial, commercial, and recreational organizations of all kinds, libraries, and newspapers, radio and tejevision stations. jyiany copies are sent out to international trade associations around the world. The above story, which detail* the typ,e of success story possible through community coon eration and support of small But well - founded industrial 'operations, was chosen for pub location as an excellent example of the community-project ronpnpt of industrial develop money had they converted their .bonds to stock. Forty per cent of a bond could be taken in stock at recall. . Gratitude to People Mr. Rollo, in describing Mite- E-Lite's gratitude 'to the people of Wellsville said: •"While, the success of Hearth Industries and McCulloch Mite- E-Lite has been most gratifying to the officers, directors and stockholders, this accomplishment could, in no way have been accomplished without the tremendous help given by the community of Wellsville and, in particular, the bank relationship we have enjoyed with the First Trust Company of Allegany County. The faith the bank has shown in the management, the product and the prepress of our company has been just tremendous." Carl E. Reuning, p resilient of First Trust, aptly describes the role of the entire community: "The success of the ' Mite-E- Lite venture here, in Wellsville resulted from a combination of responsible and capable people who promoted it; a new concept of a needed product; good publicity; community support; and sound banking relationships. . .The corporation has continually strengthened'its position from year to;.jjefar'by retaining all net earnings'." The bank's confidence has been fully rewarded by a very pleasant relationship." New Product Line.s The Wellsville firm is looking ahead and hopes to add new product lines, which, in turn, will add to the firm's present 'employment of 10. Future possibilities lie in the fields of hydraulic power equipment and pneumatic products. "Since the acquisition of Hearth by the McCulloch organization," noted Joseph F. Sullivan, president of Greater Wellsville Industries, Inc., "there has been an impt'ove- me'rit' in "the product line 'which has given it a greater sales appeal, resulting in increased sales to date, and forecasted sales for the next three years indicate a substantial increase in the volume on the current manufactured product. . .The management and production staffs of the organization are of the highest quality availing themselves of the most modern managerial and production methods. A reflection of these methods is in the rate in inventory turnover — 11 times annually, a good barometer for a successful business." ; Future in Exporting It is in the export field that Mite-E-Lite's greatest future lies. Under its extensive national and world-wide ' distribut o r system, McCulloch has begun to substantially increase marketing and sales promotion of the Mite-E-Lite generators overseas. Exporting new comprises 10 per cent of Mite-E-Lite's total volume and this figure seems destined to rise. McCulloch plants and sales organizations are located in Rexdale, Canada; Mcchclen, . Belgium; Ilong Kong BCC; and Sydney, Australia. Interestingly enough, more Mite-E-Lite sales are made in Japan — a country famous for its import volume to the United States — than any other country except the United States itself. Wellsville is a shining ex' ample of what a community's faith in itself can accomplish. Sparked by its business leaders, Wellsville and McCulloch Mite-E-Lite, Inc. have combined to present a pleasant picture of concerted and dedicated community action at work in New York State.
                          Wellsville Daily Reporter from Wellsville, New York · Page 4


                          • Here is McCulloch patent, I think

                            Thanks to lorinandone post, I got enough clues to find this patent. W. Kober assinged earlier patents to TKM electric. So, I search for a little while and found this.


                            This patent assigned to Garret corp in LA. McCulloch HQ in LA. Dates fit filed 1962, granted 1967. I think W. Kober design enr for early and later mfgrs?

                            Hope this helps,


                            • Patent found

                              Nice work Chris. I looked but didn't find much.


                              Originally posted by Tishatang View Post
                              Thanks to lorinandone post, I got enough clues to find this patent. W. Kober assinged earlier patents to TKM electric. So, I search for a little while and found this.


                              This patent assigned to Garret corp in LA. McCulloch HQ in LA. Dates fit filed 1962, granted 1967. I think W. Kober design enr for early and later mfgrs?

                              Hope this helps,


                              • PHP Code:
                                Thanks to lorinandone postI got enough clues to find this patentWKober assinged earlier patents to TKM electricSoI search for a little while and found this

                                hello Tishatang
                                I am glad that you have found a patent, and I'm glad you found another runway to clarify the secret of this generator. It seems that still has some patents before arriving the final form of the generator CULLOCH.
                                Regard. lorinrandone

