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Gerard Morin's Video - The Doubt about OverUnity is Over
Buck Wheat Strikes Again
Not saying it is or isn't OU on your experiments with the dual ignition coils running 12 watts of lights, but how do you explain running 12 watts of lighting on a few mili-amps at 12vdc input?
Are we going to say the meter didn't read right?
Kurt used 24vdc and 12vdc for the input and in each case his amp draw was below 50 mili-amps. Now your experiments may be showing other results.
Thank you for taking the time to say that you tried it and it doesn't work because one guy can get it and the next guys can't. However if Kurts data is incorrect I have not scene that posting.
Okay again, practically 0 amps on the input coming off the drive battery running a darlington pair at 12 vdc that produced 12 watts of lighting.
Then Kurt even unhooked from the battery and ran on a cap for a long long long time as the light slowly diminished. This reminded me of Lasersabers Lopper and Akula's circuits.
So what I am getting at here is that by you saying that you could not get it to produce these effects does not make it an impossibility. You will have to show a more comprehensive test procedure proving to me it doesn't give any effects.
Also I don't want to get nasty here but one of two things seem to always prevail on these forms, either people give themselves to 100's of hours of video to show effects and the other group says it can't work with no video, no data, no nothing.
THAT ticks me to no end. I don't want to insult you sir but I will need an equal amount of testing data from you as Kurt , Laserhacker and Akula has offered before I will just go with your idea that it doesn't work.
I think your suggestion is right, we should look close at the generator winding like VIDBID had brought to our attention. On the other hand just using a small generator like this one without the huge mass of copper would not by itself run that much power.
Personally I would not buy a large transformer like this because I think the effects can be magnified a great deal more at higher frequencies like Kurt used with the auto ignition coils. The ignition coils have ferrite in them, the power pole transformers are good to about 120hz.
@ Everyone
What I want to know is this, if the small generator is all that is needed why did the man use 2 large line pole transformers AND a small generator?
I mean don't we think he tried to see how much his little genny could put out all by itself? Is he that bad of an investigator that he didn't check his max generator output? Are we really ready to insult the man in this way?
I will reserve my right to make final judgements WHEN and only when I see comparison results. I have not found all of the video's on this effect on Youtube so please post video results so i have something to go on other than "I can't get it to work".
Let's assume for a minute that it does work.
Thank you
Originally posted by Zardox View Post
Bro Mikey - I worked on the dual ignition coil when kurt showed that. It was fun to play with but not OU. Gerard mentioned that he thought the effect could maybe be done useing a inverter but not a solid state type. So maybe I could use a half waive from the washing machine motor to drive it. I am not sure if it can be done with pulsed dc or not.
Last edited by BroMikey; 12-28-2014, 12:29 AM.
Quick Mention
I picked up one of those oil filled electric radiator type heaters. When you turn that on high (1500 watts) it noticeably dims the lights and I'm plugged in eight feet away from my 100 amp breaker panel with #12 wiring.
I know Gerard didn't show us, but I'd bet even that McCulloch generator would strain with two of these heaters attached; three would pop something for sure.
The Video Data
The Man clearly states that he is making 14,000vac by using his generator input of 120vac @ 2800 watts MAX
Do the math 120vac X 23.5amps = 2800 watts. Now how in the world does that equal 6600 watts, you lost everyone Matt. I want to trust your measurements. I am trying to understand what you have to offer.
I really wonder what you are talking about. How did the party go?
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostI don't doubt the guy,
So do the math a 30 amp fuse at 220 vac is 6600 watts. So realistically its all possible. He has not exceeded anything.
But again I am not doubting he might have found something but.................
How hard can it be to make a clear and precise presentation of the facts as he wants to show them?
I believe the magnets sweep over the copper ribbons, inducing voltage, but there is a period where magnets are not over the conductors. I believe during that period, the magnetic field in the coil collapses and cold electricity is created at that point.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostI think you can skip those transformers and look more to the generator, unless of course you want to transmit over a given area.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostBefore you buy transformers build a McCulloch gen.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostI don't think those are magnets in the rotor. How would you get North South in either coil with that arrangement..?
I think those are steel to guide the flux. The plate behind the second rotor is magnetized. The steel slots are timed to produce power in either the left or right and depending on how the power is pulled from the coil depends on if you get +60 or _60 out of the coil.
VIDBIDLast edited by vidbid; 12-28-2014, 02:34 AM.Regards,
Both "Magnetic" Discs Rotate - See Video
Originally posted by vidbid View PostGood point. According to the diagram that I posted, it appears to me that both magnetic rotors rotate, but I could very well be wrong about that. The fact is, at this present point in time, all I believe I know is (1) one rotor with magnets in it rotates and (2) the coils are stationary.
I did a little research. If you look at the video, the two discs do rotate.
The stationary coils are placed between those two rotating discs.
VIDBIDLast edited by vidbid; 12-28-2014, 02:35 AM.Regards,
McCulloch Generator for Sale on Ebay
Vintage McCulloch Mite E Lite MK5 20 115V 230V Portable Genterator 5HP Engine | eBay
It's expensive for a broken generator.
Maybe somebody could Jew him down.
Generator Fiction or fact?
Originally posted by Dog-One View PostI picked up one of those oil filled electric radiator type heaters. When you turn that on high (1500 watts) it noticeably dims the lights and I'm plugged in eight feet away from my 100 amp breaker panel with #12 wiring.
I know Gerard didn't show us, but I'd bet even that McCulloch generator would strain with two of these heaters attached; three would pop something for sure.
Now that is an intelligent comment. You probably wouldn't want a gold star pasted on your forehead huh?To old 4 that hey.
Just funnin
That is the cold hard truth Dog. Hook up any generator 120vac I have them here and dem babies squeal like stuck pigs if you over load them.
If all that was needed is the McCulloch because it makes cold electricity then 2 large transformers would not be needed. We could just plug in 6000 watts of heaters and they would all run full speed ahead like the video shows.
Something maybe happening BETWEEN the gen windings and large pole transformer windings, AND must be because the guy said it was the only generator that works.
So like you say Dog- that puny generator he has there can't do the whole deal all by its lonesome.
I think the frequency of his generator is about the same as most 3600 rpm gensets so the flat winding made out of bar stock are the only difference I see.
Kurt has the whole idea laid out, just like the generator for the BiTT or the ignition coils a form of AC is fed into a HV transformer twice stepping and up and down.
The same thing is suggested in the DON Smith work. The same thing with the Tesla wireless transfer. There are many video's that pertain to this discussion that are hidden under another uncommon tittle. We will find them.
Common sense teaches us that many so called inventors say a lot of things but are dishonest. We don't know if this guys facts are correct. Like Matt said as far as he was concerned the guy did not show enough data to satisfy him. No scope shot. No volt meter readings.
Just running his game saying that it is working with no clear numbers.
So we better listen to the voice of experience. Too many scams out here.
Still Kurt is not lying, this much i know. The other guy? Who knows!
MikeyLast edited by BroMikey; 12-28-2014, 02:58 AM.
Originally posted by BroMikey View PostThe Man clearly states that he is making 14,000vac by using his generator input of 120vac @ 2800 watts MAX
Do the math 120vac X 23.5amps = 2800 watts. Now how in the world does that equal 6600 watts, you lost everyone Matt. I want to trust your measurements. I am trying to understand what you have to offer.
I really wonder what you are talking about. How did the party go?
I am not trying to insult anyone I am trying to look at the facts if you wanna run me off with insults then go ahead and keep trying. The facts are you look at a movie and you derive bogus information from it. When some one who is literate in the subject makes opposition to your fantasy then you retaliate. Your loss.
I will ignore you now, thats all you have earned. So should everyone else who want to solve the mystery and not just watch more unexplainable You Tube videos While reading over sized child like writing. Grow up this an open sober discussion.
Originally posted by vidbid View PostGood point. According to the diagram that I posted, it appears to me that both magnetic rotors rotate, but I could very well be wrong about that. The fact is, at this point, all I really know is (1) one rotor with magnets in it rotates and (2) the coils are stationary.
I put the parts together this afternoon and I am going to try to get the very effect to work as I believe it works. Or close anyway. The real kicker is the windings on the coil. 16 total per coil. That is such a low impedance it does not even make sense that it would generate with out the use of some large neo blocks (IE BIG scary magnets). At least I have never seen such a thing.
So if those little slots are actually magnets I am missing something completely but if the whole back plate some kinda diametric magnet and the slots in the rotors are magnetic conductors I can start to see how it could conduct that much voltage at that low of a speed.
The transformer thing may play factor but we can test that easy if someone has the wire to spare. The Tesla patent tells us exactly how. Tesla even included the quarter wave measurements for the coils. Its easy to figure out for sure.
Or you can use the example he gave in the video. 120/240 Vac to 13700 volt and back down to 120/220 vac. Since we don't know the input use 12 volt. A Kilowatt meter from the wall hooked to 120 to 12 vac transformer from radio shack. That keeps 60 hertz. Then just wind the pancake coil. 1/115 ratio. Set it up with earth grounds as Tesla shows it. If you put load in it and the kilowatt meter doesn't correspond to the load then you have found it.
8 hours of work a roll of wire and 40 dollars worth of parts.
If it doesn't work then maybe we can do the input power with a low voltage replica of the McCulloch gen.
I'll get beck to you on that soon.
Originally posted by vidbid View PostI don't believe the McCulloch is using a classical bifilar as the kind shown in Tesla's patent, but it is apparent that it does use two parallel coils.
I believe that this type of McCulloch generator works on the same principle as a magneto generator.
The output may need rectifying and reinverting perhaps. I saw some valves but was there an unexplained inverter kicking around. Just a thought.Last edited by lotec; 12-28-2014, 03:13 AM.
120vac at 23.5 amps
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostHe said the gen had a 30 amp fuse. If it was putting out 220 vac, by the way he didn't say, thats 6600 watts.
So don't get your feeling hurt when I make comments about what he said. If you are going to quote "THE MAN SAID" and he did say that his 30 amp breaker was still intact, then also quote him correctly when he said he was running at 120vac at 2800 watts. Yes he did say that. Yes.
No does not mean yes and yes does not mean no. Its the other way around.
Relax Matt I like to poke fun.
You say he didn't say it was 120vac at 2800 watts but I say he did say that.
Did anyone else see the video? Want to back me up or are you all afraid of Matt? It ain't worth your time I know. Well go look at the video Matt.
It's okay Matt, you have other things on your mind and I have done the same thing before so relax. I think your right about the scams out here and we should hear what you are saying in this respect.
Hey don't take everything so personal. That way i can hit you pretty hard and if you are still there I'll have another target.Just funnin. You are making me look good.
Oh yeah, I always do what I want and I don't trust very many people here so take it for what its worth. You want to be top dog fully trusted by all then you will have to earn that.
Go for it dude you are the man. I am old and ready to fade out of the scenes.