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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • I'm in search of a phone number for Eric P Dollard.
    Forum - Eric P. Dollard - Official Homepage
    I know he has some threads here.
    I believe I have the missing parts he's looking for, the phenomenon.. That i can repeat over and over.
    It's important that I contact him. not the snail mail.


    • Originally posted by Gerard_Morin View Post
      It's important that I contact him. not the snail
      Hello Gerard. Send a PM to Aaron, who is the administrator here, and he should be able to get you in touch with Eric Dollard, or to at least forward your message to Eric. Just send a PM here to the user name Aaron.


      • thanks Level..
        I have done that now.


        • This thread is getting more and more exciting now with Gerard posting and especially the possibility that Eric Dollard might even chip in with suggestions or thoughts about it all ..

          Not to take anything away from all you other awesome people that are performing experiments and sharing the results ..

          The world needs more friendly collaboration and joint efforts without just thinking in terms of $$$ ..

          keep up the good work ladies and gents ..


          • were in the process of putting a lab together
            We are just renovating the inside of the building, roughly 6000 sq feet.
            Also, I'm converting a 108 amp single phase brush generator, to a brush-less generator bi-polar current, then we are putting it through a very large transformer, converting 108 amp bi-polar generator, we should
            be able to produce 5 Mega Watt.. out of the transformer. It's a industrial transformer.


            • Wait, so first you say NO AMPS, now you're talking about a 108 AMP single phase generator... If its no amps, why are you bothering to note the amp rating? Shouldn't the part you care about be the VOLT rating? (at what RPM and with how many poles on the motor being used as generator?)

              Just trying to make sense of your understanding which seems to shift by the moment.


              Originally posted by Gerard_Morin View Post
              were in the process of putting a lab together
              We are just renovating the inside of the building, roughly 6000 sq feet.
              Also, I'm converting a 108 amp single phase brush generator, to a brush-less generator bi-polar current, then we are putting it through a very large transformer, converting 108 amp bi-polar generator, we should
              be able to produce 5 Mega Watt.. out of the transformer. It's a industrial transformer.


              • Genessc

                Are you open for a suggestion?

                Now that Gerard is posting, let's allow him to report his progress. There will be plenty of time later to debate... results.


                • Originally posted by Gerard_Morin View Post
                  were in the process of putting a lab together
                  We are just renovating the inside of the building, roughly 6000 sq feet.
                  Also, I'm converting a 108 amp single phase brush generator, to a brush-less generator bi-polar current, then we are putting it through a very large transformer, converting 108 amp bi-polar generator, we should
                  be able to produce 5 Mega Watt.. out of the transformer. It's a industrial transformer.

                  Wow Gerard

                  108 amps is just a tickle to make 5 megawatts. looking forward to
                  your next entry when you can sometime this year.

                  A 10,000 or 20,000 input to get 5,000,000 is a sweet deal, some of us can still count


                  • Sure David,

                    Lets see where he takes it next eh?


                    Originally posted by DavidE View Post

                    Are you open for a suggestion?

                    Now that Gerard is posting, let's allow him to report his progress. There will be plenty of time later to debate... results.


                    • Funding project

                      Hello follow experimenters

                      Our fund raising cycle of 60 days has completed as of April 15th and they wait a full 15 days to send me the money. Soon I will have the $100 that is left over. I want to thank each one of you who gave so cheerfully
                      to get these tests done. Hitby has a beautiful genset to work with and to have such an experienced man do our tests was an honor.

                      Hitby has performed everything that was expected of him and much more.

                      His pay is like our pay, just seeing some progress in learning. Hitby is also doing other projects but wants to continue working with the bi=polar genset in the future as a means of isolation.

                      Keeping away from the grid to do experimental testing means having
                      our own power source and the McCulloch does quite nicely.

                      Gerard has not mentioned why we may have failed. However we never did have a 50kw pole transformer to work with and since tuning
                      plays an important part, maybe this is why.

                      We have posted many youtube video's showing the results of our experiments that are only slightly similar to Gerards. For instance we had to use what we had, stepping up and down and all around might have thrown some of our larger unit tests way off.

                      Yet we did do a 10kw down to a 5kw test that is the closest we got but those units were not single phase units till they were adapted over and that part I am unsure of.

                      We did the high voltage tests to the best of our ability with what we had to work with and is a great success as far as I am concerned. We learned a bunch from it as is always the case when experimenting.

                      This testing has inspired others to use the mini version of similar transformers, ones having oil in them like the car coils of the past had.

                      Of course people have been using those to test with for 100 years.

                      The money will be sent to Hitby when I can get it myself and is not much other than a kind gesture for all he has done for us.

                      Thank you for your kindness!!!

                      This is not the end of our testing, just the end of our 60 days funding project.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 04-29-2015, 07:59 AM.


                      • Marc Bellanger

                        Tried one of Marc's circuits with 12v auto relay and was not overunity for me, interesting though. Here he is using Morin's idea with his own. For what its worth. Aln
                        New PELEX DEVICE Successfully Looped!
                        Last edited by alman; 04-29-2015, 03:36 PM.


                        • Originally posted by alman View Post
                          Tried one of Marc's circuits with 12v auto relay and was not overunity for me, interesting though. Here he is using Morin's idea with his own. For what its worth. Aln
                          New PELEX DEVICE Successfully Looped!
                          Thanks Alman

                          Here is another one





                          • Here is a similar setup like Gerard pole transformers work.

                            There are two transformers that are used the same way by
                            stepping up the voltage and then this high voltages is passed
                            to an identical transformer to step the voltage back down.

                            This is the same. However you will notice the high frequency
                            inverter, a fly-back transformer and spark-gap are used.

                            In going power in approx 13 watts, out going = 720 watts.

                            So we can now see that Gerard was onto something.

                            Even though Gerard did not have a high frequency maybe
                            he just thought he was getting more out. The Tesla
                            inventions show this as a viable strategy.

                            This is shown also in the Patrick Kelly PDF books because
                            other inventors have this stuff working.



                            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                              In going power in approx 13 watts, out going = 720 watts.
                              So we can now see that Gerard was onto something.
                              The 'measurements' and subsequent 'power calculations' shown in the video are wrong or otherwise very unclear. If whoever made the video does not understand how to do proper power measurements (which they do not seem to understand), they should ask someone who does to explain to them what they would need to do, instead of just making things up.

                              The input power measurement/calculation is unclear about what setting they had the clamp meter set to. Clamp meters are typically designed to measure high AC sinewave currents in the 50/60 Hz range, or high DC currents if the clamp meter has DC current measurement capability. Such clamp meters meant for measuring high currents are typically not very accurate when measuring small currents.

                              The 'output power measurement' is complete nonsense, and shows they have no idea what they are doing at all. Also, again it is not clear what setting they had the meter on and what current they were measuring (AC or DC or pulsating DC, and what frequency, and what waveform shape). Therefore the current measurement itself is very questionable. Without knowing the waveform shape and other details it is meaningless.

                              I won't go into any more details because if someone is really interested in trying to understand what a given circuit is really doing, then, if they have no idea how to make proper power measurements, they would ask people who do understand how to do proper power measurements to help them to do proper measurements. They wouldn't just make things up as was done in this video.

                              Unfortunately I saw the same thing happening in Gerard Morin's videos. He obviously does not have much understanding of electrical and electronics systems and how to do proper measurements, and he also was making incorrect assumptions and incorrect measurements and then drawing conclusions from his incorrect assumptions and incorrect measurements.

                              What it boils down to is whether someone is genuinely interest in facts and reality, or whether they are really just interested in deluding them self or others. If a person is interested in facts and doesn't know how to do proper power measurements in an electrical or electronics circuit, they would seek out people who do know how to do proper measurements and ask for assistance. If a person is just interested in fantasy, even though in reality they have no idea how to make proper measurements, they will just make stuff up and then claim that they have over unity based on their incorrect analysis and measurements. A person obviously can't just bumble their way through this sort of stuff without knowing exactly what they are doing. As always, garbage in equals garbage out.

                              People should decide whether they are interested in reality or fantasy. I do get the impression that many people really are just interested in fantasy and really couldn't care less about what is really going on. To each their own, but people should be aware that there is a lot of fantasy getting posted to forums like this or to youtube, which is nothing but wishful thinking and nonsense.
                              Reality, what a concept!
                              Last edited by level; 05-07-2015, 04:45 PM.


                              • Originally posted by level View Post

                                People should decide whether they are interested in reality or fantasy. I do get the impression that many people really are just interested in fantasy and really couldn't care less about what is really going on. To each their own, but people should be aware that there is a lot of fantasy getting posted to forums like this or to youtube, which is nothing but wishful thinking and nonsense.
                                Reality, what a concept!
                                You said it brother! I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                                Originally posted by citfta
                                What Tesla inventions show this? Show me just one. Don't resort to insults if you can't. Either show me one Tesla invention that shows this is a viable strategy or admit you made this up. I have been studying Tesla for over 50 years and I have never seen any patent that shows raising a current to a high voltage and then stepping it down again will get you any extra power. I may have missed that invention so show me what it looks like and the patent number for it.


                                PS: If your reply is full of insults then I will know for sure and so will everyone reading this thread that you are full of a lot of hot air and can't back up what you claim.
                                "The Tesla inventions show this as a viable strategy."

                                No you just did not!

                                By the way, what ever happened to Hitby.....
                                He was giving honest test measurements and now he has been gone for three weeks. Has anyone checked on his welfare? Is he busy burying copper rods?

