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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
    Citfta You ask a good question, I had the same thoughts as you about mechanical generators and was most surprised by the output of the McCullock generator, so a look at it with a scope was one of the first things done.
    It wasn't a nice sharp square wave, but it wasn't a smooth sine wave either . . .


    Christopher Sparkman got a nice square wave with his pump motor


    Breakzeitgeist was the first person I saw publish a square wave from his pump motor ( back on 12/14 )


    For the most part, people seem to honestly share what they find as we all try to increase our understanding of truth, if any given nugget of information is either behind or ahead of your current understanding you may find it unsettling, but feel free to disregard it and move on to the next bit of useless data. It's all part of the charm of an open forum.

    The purpose of this post is not to put into question that which others feel, the reason for my posting is to challenge those who are working in this area to think clearer. The machines you are demonstrating are not generating square waves, the load you attach to the "generator" facilitates the production of the squared wave. The mechanism for producing a square is to be found in the mixing of overtones. The load you choose, the compact florescent is less than an ideal load. What is significant is it allows one to produce the desired effect. What you want, and this is my opinion backed by experiment, is a capacitor based load, specifically an RC (resistor capacitor) load. This capacitor is then decoupled from its charging supply and pulsed out to your load. The pulse is to be viewed as a seed. The pulse itself being a square or rectangular wave, is rich in overtones. Through the proper understanding of how coils demodulate waves, these new overtones can be reintroduced back into the system through the process of wave superimposition. When proper phasing is considered, amplification through argumentation becomes possible. Extreme caution is needed here as amplification through augmentation can lead to dangerous runaway conditions.

    As no two systems are identical, what I offer is extremely general. In addition to common sense, basic electrical engineering principles and practices should be ones guide post. Never buy into anyone's dogma, especially since we "know" that this kind of thing can land one in the hospital.

    The following video was made as a response to Christopher Sparkman's video, his was the closest I had ever seen to my wave. His oscillations are not as defined as mine, the shape and nature of his wave is not clean and sharp as mine, and his wave never goes completely square. In spite of all this, his is still the best that I had seen, outside of my circle. His demonstration gives me hope, that the info which is being shared, information I absolutely disagree with, still contains a few gems which may or may not be comprehended by the individual disclosing the information which inspired the replication.

    For the record, I want to make one point CRYSTAL CLEAR. My machine has absolutely nothing to do with washing machine pumps and is as far removed from the concepts that Mr. Morin is disseminating as possible. In other words, what I am sharing with you has absolutely nothing to do with, and absolutely nothing in common with Mr. Morin's disclosure.



    • Originally posted by erfinder View Post

      The mechanism for producing a square is to be found in the mixing of overtones. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

      The pulse is to be viewed as a seed.

      The pulse itself being a square or rectangular wave, is rich in overtones.

      Extreme caution is needed here as amplification through augmentation can lead to dangerous runaway conditions.

      As no two systems are identical, what I offer is extremely general. In addition to common sense, basic electrical engineering principles and practices should be ones guide post. Never buy into anyone's dogma, especially since we "know" that this kind of thing can land one in the hospital.

      The following video was made as a response to Christopher Sparkman's video,

      His demonstration gives me hope


      Great Post E



      From: Marc Belanger
      5:54 AM

      I honestly think the suppressionists following these videos are
      a bunch of free energy video bashers that are trying to do their
      all to protect their portfolio full of investments, however, their
      investments must be oil or energy related and they are either
      doing well as the system requires massive investments to survive,
      or, these ideas have them rattling in their boots.

      They have also been a people that have tried energy in = energy
      out minus the loss without a realization of a pulsed (multi-layered)
      dc wave to equal success before they speak short of the prize.

      These people have not done too much study in the field of free
      energy, and, I feel they need to move their systems to a higher
      ground and tap into that higher level of energy without breaking
      the charge clusters up, and this is exactly what I feel I have been doing.

      I am doing this from a deep valley area that does not have great
      antenna capabilities. This is what seems to happen when the
      charges are gathered using a ground signal somewhere in the
      mix, it eliminates
      it's input, however, the generator is sitting on the asphalt
      without an isolant, and it works to create an overunity charge at it's
      final output. That's my only discrepancy, but, it may mean there could
      be a high enough resistance to ground that it doesn't matter. Let's put
      it this way, there's no low impedance ground anywhere in the system
      and it seems to work to operate a lot of appliances of a very large
      wattage output over that of it's max load rating without heating up,
      boosting the generator up to it's maximum, or blowing fuses/circuit
      breakers. The output voltage is as high as it's input too, so, no such
      luck for the suppressionists.
      Last edited by BroMikey; 09-14-2015, 09:08 PM.


      • A youtube Comment to MIKE ROWLAND

        From: Marc Belanger
        6:13 PM

        There is a phenomenon that has happened somewhere near the turn of the century.. ( )I have literally witnessed this happen on a job and did not know what was happening until I researched it. In my case, when the problem occured in a massive overunity during a system failure, The transformers that created a massive overvoltage on the job had a broken ground and it was due to the "tank ground" which is a brass split bolt with a threaded end on it that screws into the transformer's case and connects a 1/0 bare copper ground wire, as well as the system ground, which is run from end to end in any system, not as a neutral like secondary voltages have... Anyway, the grounding strap was missing from the secondary wiring, and, the ground is literally supposed to be connected on both sides of the transformer. as well as the center tap on the secondary (X0 bushing).

        They were not, the neutral wasn't grounded back at the destination, in a manhole, and, the only ground that was supposed to be connected from the high voltage cable and the ground grid was broken off due to the size of the wires and whoever installed it tightened it down, then bent it and broke the stud off in the transformer. Since the secondary side wasn't grounded, one home and 2 businesses were connected to the output, however, no ground was connected beyond the transformer leading to a perfect scenario for the Gerard recreation.

        The systems used here are all delta systems on the primary side and they do not contain a ground, however, since the case is normally grounded, the grounded medium serves as a "wye capacitor" from each phase. Since the ground was not there, the capacitance is now the coil which contains inductance and capacitance, and, the capacitance is in parallel with the inductor, creating the same scenario as the experiment. One of the customers had a generator without a lockout in their breaker box, and old 3 phase Dayton 8500 watt generator and it backfed the system because the mains were not interlocked nor opened up.

        When the system backfed, the fault in a manhole was being decimated by plasma which completely burned the high voltage cables clear, and all ovrhead cutouts that fed the system were opened up, there were no tee's in the system, it was only a single 3 phase feed. The rest of the secondaries were operational at a very high voltage, in fact most of the homes lighting was receiving well over 250 volts and was either incredibly bright, or they blew out. The estimated wattage to burn HV cables clear would exceed the normal ampacity of the cable by a minimum of double it's normal rating. Since the transformer had larger internal fuses than the cutouts, the system was being way overloaded from the generator which made absolutely no sense at all..

        The circuit size was a 4/0 which is good for approximately 200 amps in a conduit . The circuit runs at 13,800 volts, one phase to ground is 7970 volts, 13,800 volts phase to phase. The ampacity of 200 amps x 13,800 volts would be 2,760,000 watts. The fuse in the can was 100 amps, and, the cutout fuse was 65 amps.

        Even one phase to ground would have been 7970 x 100 amps= 797,000 watts. Since the fuses in the transformer did not blow, they were either resistant to the circuit due to the overvoltage, or, the amperage was lower than the fuse size. The fire and plasma was more intense than any other high voltage fault I have ever seen and, I have never seen one continuously keep feeding the fire, blowing up, then arcing and melting the cabling more and more.

        It was at a minimum equivalent to what a 150 amp fuse at 15kV would do, and, at that rate, the fuse would either blow or the cable would blow open in one shot. This didn't do that, it just kept burning and burning until the generator was shut down. The generator was installed by the business owner, he hired an old HV contractor to install it, and, during the arcing and failure, it's #6 ground wire blew completely off of the genset, as well, the ground braid that led from the neutral blew completely off in the time the failure was happening.

        It was the strangest thing I have ever seen , and, I never saw this again until I recreated the instance. I recreated the scenario at my shop with a padmounted single phase transformer, ungrounded, and, a pole type single phase transformer like Gerard did, way before him and I ever talked about his video... It was literally the reason i asked him to contact me, and, he was glad to speak about it for hours. I kept this a secret for well over 2 years . Anyway, as soon as I find a way to power the generator I will post the other half of the video. I'd like to make a few videos with several types of gen input to see what happens.


        • Here is the way that people who are educated feel when they see

          something about energy fields that does not fit the school boy

          profile. Fear of losing one's position after years of diligent sacrifice

          of following protocol. They threaten, we will pull your license, you are

          mentally unstable, a threat to society. Bow to mob run university

          protocol or die the death of an outcast. Intimidate and subjugate.

          All coming from the big boss.

          A Letter to Mike Rowland

          From Marc Belanger
          Yesterday 8:01 AM

          Thank you. I'm always glad to post my experiences, as well, try to back it up with links to similar instances that make me feel i am not alone. I only believe in this stuff because of what I have witnessed, and, at the time of the events I witnessed, I had a professional telling me to either post my comments the correct way and not leave any margin for error before doiung so because it could ruin all of my credibility.

          I haven't gone to a point where I have shown locals anything about it, nor would I go to the press with it unless the device was running in front of me every second of the day without flaw. It is something we could research and work on together as a people instead of having those people disregard what is possible, making it all seem to be impossible no matter how hard we all try.

          Devices are popping out of the woodwork everywhere and it is only because we are tied together by the information super highway and have ties to posts that can't b taken down as quick as they launch. It was a bad idea for the government to allow such an informational system if they didn't want to face an impending economic doom, however, internet and all other forms of entertainment have a huge price on them and it is eliminating the taxes drawn in on the electricity, so, we should be able to free ourselves from the energy doom they have forced us into soon, however, I will have to find another means of income if this happens and It has to remain in the field of my expertise.

          I don't think it makes me greedy, it's just something that I have to be able to live off of for the rest of my life whether it comes as a lump sum, or it comes as a weekly check. Everybody needs to live so, I am quite certain I will be able to stay at the top of my game producing components of this system since I have a thorough understanding of how it all works.


          • Update : Sorry for no video updates lately guys I have been building a lab in Australia as well. I have been
            working 7 days a week.. We will have a video coming soon. We have completed the self loop. We are now moving to solve the issue with
            the controller.

            It should be Minimum 10-15Kv, which will be a self looping system. Roughly will run 500-700 watt intake, 10-15Kv output.
            Anaheim Automation has not given us any support whatsoever, they seem to be refusing to assist.

            There will be a video in the coming future, we want to finish the testing, we have had some issues with the
            controller for getting the proper speed, but the self loop is done now.. once we finish it at the proper speed, we will put the video out. It's all about leverage and ratio, and frequency.

            Side note, Marc Belanger is a good guy, and he does good work. Guys like him will help in ushering in this new tech as more is known.


            • GOD speed Gerald. Did you say looping is complete? I can hardly believe. Please go on and let it all out, it is time to put end to this controlled demolition of our life's.
              Thank you for hanging in there and thanks also to your financial supporters.
              Their contribution is not going to be forgotten.


              • Attention Smart Builders

                This video contains materials and part numbers for a means

                of controlling a pancake magnet motor. AKA 3 phase smart drive

                controller. MESA 8i20 also wiring for coils included.

                YourGreenDream - Hobby alternative energy production education and resources. Fisher and Paykel Smart Drive generators for windmills, windpower and hydro generators.

                YourGreenDream - Hobby alternative energy production education and resources. Fisher and Paykel Smart Drive generators for windmills, windpower and hydro generators.




                Last edited by BroMikey; 09-20-2015, 08:24 PM.


                • Gerard Motor PROOF of RF



                  • New videos are up.
                    Another one coming very shortly.. showing where I am in the Australian Lab.


                    • Free Energy believers

                      Originally posted by Gerard_Morin View Post
                      New videos are up.
                      Another one coming very shortly.. showing where I am in the Australian Lab.

                      Thanks Gerard

                      We know how long it takes to do a successful design and how much

                      time and money. Take your time. We can wait a little longer

                      to see how the extra energy is all around us, if only we could start

                      with believing. I mean we gulped down the Gov./dogma because

                      we saw the big money buildings and shiny gold ring on out teachers

                      hand, thinking, they must be doing something right. We believed all of

                      the lies, oh and let's not forget all of the truth we learned in the mix.

                      Just enough dogma to choke out the success.

                      Maybe this time we will see through their smoke screen.

                      Invention is on the rise. And from now on I won't

                      let any leader tell me it can't be done.


                      • Australian Lab

                        I am going to be in Australia next week, and would love to come to see the lab. Just wondering if that is possible.
                        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          I am going to be in Australia next week, and would love to come to see the lab. Just wondering if that is possible.

                          Did you hear that Gerard??



                          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                            It is incorrect to draw conculsions about power from only measurements of current (Amperes). The voltage and phase angle (Power Factor) must be considered. Also, AC ammeters will not read direct current, DC, as done on the battery.


                            • That controller he waited for is not a 12vdc VFD/inverter.

                              Gerard is only in the beginning stages of goating the trolls.

                              On a more serious note: Meters don't lie? Is that what you are

                              saying? Or reading the meter?

                              I am not sure if you understand the meaning of Gerards setup.

                              5000volts possible? He could send that to one of his big cans.

                              Gerard is doing to many things all at the same time to explain

                              to you. The 12v inverter is a confirmation looping addition.

                              This video deals with a device as a power source that is highly

                              efficient. Gerard has PHD's coming and going at the Lab, they fund

                              the whole thing. They read meters fine.

                              Before we can discuss looping, lets talk about the controller he

                              has ordered from a top notch industrial supply house.

                              The inverter/controller/VFD is capable of the motors full

                              voltage and these are the readings Gerard has briefly shown.

                              Gerard was very careful to eliminate the trolls excuse that high

                              frequencies are throwing off the meters.

                              Do the trolls understand my statement, no, they just jump all over

                              like a kangaroo, picking at the project from it's very inception like

                              a vulture. Biting, devouring and so forth, if I have missed anything

                              I can always BRB.

                              The motor was being run at a dutycycle low enough to keep the

                              frequency down to where a very cheap meter will read properly.

                              This was done for you, did you get that part? No, you didn't because

                              your goal has nothing to do with going outside of the box to find the

                              truth about the university lies.

                              Go and sell all of your university tee shirts and jersey so you will have

                              treasury in the alternative energy fields. For heaven sakes.

                              Thanks for getting me started. Gerard is running a specialized control

                              module that plugs into the wall and is capable of several hundred volts

                              going to the pancake motor. The controller was not running full load.

                              Gerard was running the control around the same in as out. However

                              think about what we know about mosfets, they can be as high as 1.5x

                              Over Unity. Our technology is taking us in a new direction so let's not

                              think zinc plated vacuum tubes.

                              Dearest innocent bistander

                              Originally posted by bistander View Post
                              It is incorrect to draw conculsions about power from only measurements of current (Amperes). The voltage and phase angle (Power Factor) must be considered. Also, AC ammeters will not read direct current, DC, as done on the battery.
                              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-04-2015, 03:04 AM.


                              • Ladies and Gentlemen you won't want to miss this update from Gerard.

                                More experimenting coming, new things on the horizon, expect good things.

                                Amen get up off of it and do the work.


