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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • AC Ammeter

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    On a more serious note: Meters don't lie? Is that what you are saying? Or reading the meter?
    It is clear on the video that the clamp meter is set to read AC Amperes. There does not appear to be a setting on that meter for DC Amperes. This is not uncommon because the method and hardware in the instrument is quite different between AC and DC detection and DC is more costly so cheaper meters often do not include DC Ampere capability.

    You can see the selector dial set to 66 A~. That means 66 Amperes AC full range. You can also see AC on the left side of the meter's viewing screen confirming it is set to AC.

    When he clamps around the battery cable, the meter isn't lying, it is simply reading the AC component of the current in the wire or ripple and not the DC Amperes. The instrument appears to be working properly. It is an operator error; using the incorrect instrument. citfta explains this in his post.

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Gerard has PHD's coming and going at the Lab, they fund the whole thing. They read meters fine.
    It would be interesting to know more about these guys and why you appear to trust them yet discredit universities so often, even later in that post.

    Last edited by bistander; 12-02-2019, 09:44 PM.


    • Since it isn't clear from the video, attached is a pic of the Ideal meter line-up. As can be seen Gerard Morin was using model 61-766 - this meter has no DC-current function. He would have needed either models 61-765 or 61-768 (from this line-up) to have been able to measure DC-current. I can therefore conclude that at best, Mr Morin is unfamiliar with the use of clamp meters.
      Attached Files


      • Originally posted by bistander View Post
        It is clear on the video that the clamp meter is set to read AC Amperes. There does not appear to be a setting on that meter for DC Amperes. This is not uncommon because the method and hardware in the instrument is quite different between AC and DC detection and DC is more costly so cheaper meters often do not include DC Ampere capability.

        You can see the selector dial set to 66 A~. That means 66 Amperes AC full range. You can also see AC on the left side of the meter's viewing screen confirming it is set to AC.

        When he clamps around the battery cable, the meter isn't lying, it is simply reading the AC component of the current in the wire or ripple and not the DC Amperes. The instrument appears to be working properly. It is an operator error; using the incorrect instrument. citfta explains this in his post.

        It would be interesting to know more about these guys and why you appear to trust them yet discredit universities so often, even later in that post.



        Universities are okay for half the truth. The rest of the truth is "HIDDEN"

        so the gov/schools are a "CULT" it's the "CULT OF PERSONALITY"

        Gerard is smarter than all of the university professors combined in the

        sense that Gerard won't push and believe lies.

        I like Gerard because he is not phony. Every high level tech college or

        gov/run university I have been in all say the same thing. "Can't go outside"

        Now maybe you see why I like Gerard. He is one of only a few who will try.

        If you are going to go to a school, do it for the sake of finding out why.

        Why do I need a certain thing for a certain job? Really question.

        The schools won't allow that. Here is wht they permit and say.

        "We can't address every question or we will never get done with one

        assignment." For instance the religious college I went to taught the

        Bible, sometimes the giving of money comes up in scripture. These schools

        will not answer questions why money is made into a commandment.

        Well we could go on, but it is all about money and that shiny gold tooth.

        The big smile and that shiny gold tooth, "THE CULT OF PERSONALITY"

        That is the short story, money and control.

        Gerard does not look like much compared to those who have millions at

        their disposal. The teachers are not permitted to go beyond what is

        written is their books. Don't get me wrong I love books as long as what

        is in the book makes any sense.

        In school we learn to read meters, then we are told meters don't lie

        unless otherwise specified.Always some extenuating circumstance.

        And when students want to explore outside the book box they are given

        a bad grade and told they are wasting their time. Time that is theirs to

        use for learning new things is deemed worthless. Get the students while

        they are young to waste their youthful energy and they will have only

        enough time to feed their families when they are older.

        The most important time in a persons life, when they have the sharp

        mind and huge amounts of energy is when they are young. 16,17,18,19

        years just put a gun in their hands because they are prime time but

        don't use their power the proper way.

        Gerard goes outside where the air is fresh and clean. I am

        out here now trying to sort all of this brainwashing out.

        Gerard has many high level engineering friends who need him, why?

        Do you people ever ask why? Why do they need Gerard? Think

        about it.

        The meter reading trick keeps him out of hot water.
        Last edited by BroMikey; 10-04-2015, 08:17 PM.


        • Relevance

          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          How is that video even remotely relevant?


          • Originally posted by bistander View Post
            How is that video even remotely relevant?

            I figured you would miss it. The man in the video is talking about a DC

            motor and the top being an EXTREMELY efficient arrangement because

            of the mechanical as well as the motor. It is geared. Gerards video has a

            GEARED generator. Are you fellows that slow?

            I think you better sit and listen for a while.

            Practice listening. Your true intent is showing out again.

            You wouldn't make a good patent office lawyer anyway.

            Gentlemen, the video you are attacking is in no way a pain staking

            nor comprehensive delivery of data to the masses. If it were we would

            need voltages on both devices and amp draws. Plus the power factor

            and frequency. You guys are not capable of grasping all of that nor

            is the average experimenter.

            Again you guys just want to pick sheet with the chickens.

            Where is your device? Where is anything in the form of hardware

            that you have produced? See what i mean? You don't have anything

            except an agenda.

            Many great inventors have given all of the data that you desire and were

            met with the same disbelief to the point of having the inventors names

            put in the public spot light with the intent of degrading. Some had lost

            their jobs because of people like you who hate free will. Gerard does not

            answer to you. If you want to do something intelligent, show us your

            highly efficient anything.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 10-05-2015, 01:09 AM.


            • Nonsense


              I've tried to remain silent and let you come to your own well thought conclusions but feel the need to interject. You are spewing BS. Stop running around with your lack of understanding and glorifying all of these 'researchers' who have shown nothing. You are misdirecting innocent newbies with your drivel; you too Gerard.

              Like cifta, my background is also in industrial maintenance. This means I deal with 3 phase motors, transformers, and other electrical circuits DAILY. For the most part what they teach you in school holds water in the field. I've NEVER seen a conventional motor or transformer run away from me in some excess energy, radiant condition. They are built NOT TO DO THAT. I do believe in something more to electricity than the conventional understanding and that excess energy may be available, but don't think it will come from off the shelf products.

              Do your own homework. Get back to that bitoroid transformer and show your results using a scope. From what you said, you had overunity. Show us what YOU CAN DO. F everybody else. I have been waiting for your analysis of that for a while. I proved that mine was a measurement error. Show me yours.

              Feel free to call me a conventionally educated hack. It is your only defense to logic.

              Sorry for being a D!ck, but it was time.



              • Originally posted by Web000x View Post

                I've tried to remain silent and let you come to your own well thought conclusions but feel the need to interject.

                Feel free to call me a conventionally educated hack. It is your only defense to logic.

                Sorry for being a D!ck.................
                Hey there you are, where have you been all these months? I guess your

                heart is not in this anyway, is it? Whatever happen to posting a device

                that does work if you are so sure no one else has one?

                Same ole hat for you HEY MATE? Just another day.

                Magnets over coils can do good things, you should try it and see.

                I just know I am resonating with someone.

                Measurements and school boy math has solved nothing for 200 years.

                Innocent newborns? How many times can I show the same thing?
                Last edited by BroMikey; 10-05-2015, 01:21 AM.


                • Originally posted by citfta
                  Bro. Mikey,

                  ...... you suffer severely from the double edge sword of ignorance. By that I mean you are so ignorant that you don't realize how ignorant you are.

                  You are an arrogant jackass ................................................

                  I sincerely try treat everyone with dignity and respect. But you............................blindly worshiping your false gods.

                  You know the only reason we won't see those readings is because they will show Gerard to be the fraud he really is.

                  You are an arrogant jackass..................
                  An I am suppose to leave the newborns with a grumpy old man?

                  This is better than creepy show 101.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 10-05-2015, 02:07 AM.


                  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                    Originally posted by bistander View Post
                    How is that video even remotely relevant?
                    I figured you would miss it. The man in the video is talking about a DC

                    motor and the top being an EXTREMELY efficient arrangement because

                    of the mechanical as well as the motor. It is geared. Gerards video has a

                    GEARED generator. Are you fellows that slow?
                    We were discussing the video which you introduced in post #725 concerning the ammeter discrepancy. There is no gear on that machine. You posted the geared unit video the following day.



                    • Data

                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      ...... we would

                      need voltages on both devices and amp draws. Plus the power factor

                      and frequency. You guys are not capable of grasping all of that nor

                      is the average experimenter.
                      I am fully capable of grasping all of that. I have a strong background in electrical machinery testing, power and energy. It sounds like the several members who chimed in lately to this thread would also grasp all of that. And your average experimenter should be able to grasp it or at least start to understand and learn it.


                      • Originally posted by bistander View Post
                        I am fully capable of grasping all of that. I have a strong background in electrical machinery testing, power and energy. It sounds like the several members who chimed in lately to this thread would also grasp all of that. And your average experimenter should be able to grasp it or at least start to understand and learn it.
                        Yes all true I am sure, and we are some of the most advanced thinkers on the planet

                        but Gerard is not addressing just us so his video's target the garage inventor.

                        Similar to what John Bedini did 40 years ago when he showed a little

                        girl tuning up a bicycle wheel using a circuit that won the science fair

                        prize. There was no internet so this was in the local newspaper.

                        Originally posted by bistander View Post
                        I am fully capable of grasping all of that. I have a strong background in electrical machinery testing, power and energy. It sounds like the several members who chimed in lately to this thread would also grasp all of that. And your average experimenter should be able to grasp it or at least start to understand and learn it.

                        Yeah well most of what I said to your post was not for you it was for

                        someone who always shows out on these forums with no experiment.

                        So then to answer your question to the best of my ability. First of all

                        I don't have to answer those other people because they ask me questions

                        so they can try to socially murder me. I call that a foolish question.

                        When I detect an attacker and his silly question I answer back with a stupid

                        foolish answer. Because that is all that they will ever be worth. And deserve.

                        On the the other hand when someone comes to me like you are I have

                        to say this is very humbling and so your answer will be from the bottom

                        of my heart.

                        You sited post 725 and this is not the geared motor one so we are

                        now on the same page together with the entire group. I will start by

                        saying that Gerard is not the first man to run a magnet motor into

                        OVERUNITY. And he is not the first to use a large PANCAKE motor.

                        I posted this a while back showing a company selling units like

                        Gerard's that are 4-6 feet in diameter PANCAKE motors. The motors

                        like this have magnets on the outer hub pointed inward. These magnets

                        move. It is an awesome site to see a 6 foot diameter motor like that

                        spin up to high speeds with no vibration whatsoever. Truly a site to see.

                        I will get to your question in a minute. There are at least two large firms

                        making these machines using electrical motor and electrical generator

                        where looping is accomplished and excess power to run lathes, drill press,

                        you name it.

                        What Gerard has discovered is that tuning electrically along side of

                        leverage/momentum can be used to find a resonant node that sets

                        up a reactive energy field. This means that companies are setting up

                        work shops with a machine designed like Gerards idea WITH certain

                        loads that the engineers must tune to. It is not perfect but when

                        the tuning of reactive power from a converter (such as Gerard is

                        attempting) to a factory load is done right the power in the system

                        is recycled.

                        Many inventors talk about these reactive power recycling converters.

                        Tesla always said "METHOD OF CONVERSION" and this converter looks

                        like it is just burning power in the conventional sense.

                        In post 725? What is it? Is that your question? Gerard is just showing

                        off his rig, that is it nothing more than, power in/power out and

                        what looks like MIGHT be "more"? but the figures are not all in.

                        As I said this is a preliminary entry by Gerard. He has been waiting

                        for months on a simple controller from a big wig supplier. Now the

                        control is in and Gerard is going to do some experiments. I mean

                        a bunch of them. This unit could take the place of the McCulloch

                        magneto genset. It has been stressed early on in Gerards setups

                        that only using the special energy to input to a converter will cause

                        the effect. Bedini uses weak magnets and coils also and Gerard is seeking

                        to use only off the shelf motors that have coils and big magnets.

                        This makes these experiments much more attractive to the masses.

                        Pull a motor from the shelf, stick a controller on it and you have spikes,

                        impulse, square waves depending on how the unit is fed and controlled.

                        Gerard is saying things like "leverage" when he really is talking about the

                        flywheel effect using the larger diameter pancake motors with all of the

                        weight of those magnets gaining momentum. The torque is good on these

                        motors. I don't know where he is going from here.

                        I would stay tuned, it can't hurt anything, no one else is saying much

                        about anything. An idea here, an experiment there. Solar panels are

                        a weak excuse for OVERUNITY production in my opinion. Might as well

                        put up a water wheel while we are at it and from there collect uranium

                        for the next 500 years.

                        If you want to get off into power factor on Gerards setup it is going

                        to be kind of hard without any data from Gerard. In time Gerard will

                        show us what he is doing in a more complete manner.

                        He wants to power his pole pigs with a pancake motor as well.

                        Don't go away the fun is just starting.........
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 10-05-2015, 08:29 AM.


                        • Your answer???

                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                          On the the other hand when someone comes to me like you are I have

                          to say this is very humbling and so your answer will be from the bottom

                          of my heart.

                          You sited post 725 and this is not the geared motor one so we are

                          now on the same page together with the entire group.

                          I will get to your question in a minute.

                          In post 725? What is it? Is that your question? Gerard is just showing

                          off his rig, that is it nothing more than, power in/power out and

                          what looks like MIGHT be "more"?
                          That's it? Your answer?

                          He shows nothing about power! No Power In. No Power Out. Nothing except a few current readings some of which were erroneous.

                          So how long did it run from the battery? Overnight? He said he'd let us know.



                          • New video from Gerard




                            • Originally posted by Dfortune View Post

                              Thanks Big "D"

                              Intelligent comments welcome here. Thanks 4 the vid.

                              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-06-2015, 02:55 AM.


                              • See what I told you all? He is not giving you any magic bullet like

                                you have been lead to think and want to hear. The magic bullet is

                                taking a paper clip and a household broom and making a UFO to

                                leave orbit. No No, just another method of conversion.

                                Let me give you all an example of what happened to me accidentally.

                                I bought 2 Wisconsin 2 cylinder air cooled skid load style engines from

                                a guy who pumped water in the fields who retired. He sold them to me

                                because he was getting out of the area of working on stuff.

                                I filled them both with drain oil right down the carburetor and let them

                                set 5 years. One day I pulled one out and hooked it to a belt for a 3500

                                watt industrial generator.

                                To make a long story short the power grid went down a few times that

                                I needed it for powering the house. One time it was off for 7 days in

                                a row. Most of the people in the hood ran their craftsman and I ran

                                by big skid loader genset.

                                Don,t ask me why but all I paid was maybe $25-35 max for propane

                                running for 1 week on an average load of no more than 2-3000 watts.

                                It was cold weather so I was running the furnace blower all of the time.

                                The next door guy said he was paying $50 per day for gasoline.

                                Another man said his bill was $75 per day for gasoline back when prices were

                                $4 per gallon.

                                The point here is that when I made the genset I made sure that I used

                                the propane because it runs on gasoline also. I learned that a 15:1 ratio

                                is the way gasoline mixes but propane will leen out to 50:1 so this made

                                a huge improvement on conversion to electricity. I am not done, but

                                let me ask you this. Do you think the genset companies understand what I

                                am talking about? Sure they do and they go the other way because they

                                are in bed with the petroleum companies.

                                Now I thought how could I improve this genset? For some unknown

                                mechanical reason these skid loader engines are very high torque and

                                at very low RPM's the efficiency/fuel consumption goes way down under

                                light loads. This was what I wanted. I wanted to run an air cooled

                                high temp engine into it's most efficient power band.

                                The engine is a 40hp and I only use about 3-5hp out of it all day long.

                                The pulley system to match rpm and power is very important.

                                I have a 2.5" pulley on the generator and a 7" on the engine.

                                This generator is a brand new old stock tractor generator for powering

                                air conditioning units in the hot sun. Completely closed cage, bright

                                red as big or a little bigger actually than a basket ball. Or a small

                                beach ball really when i think about size. I am 260lbs of solid blubber

                                and it is so heavy that i can barely handle it without a Dolley.

                                It has special windings too.

                                It comes with a built in box on the top that has a voltage meter in it. These

                                generators also can be set up to start the tractor if you buy a switch box

                                that briefly diverts high amps from a car battery and feeds this power

                                to a powerful winding inside the generator.

                                All for $350, but no body wants one. There they sit, brand new old stock

                                from the days when tractors could be started by more than one source.

                                So I start the skid loader engine using a battery and also generate

                                power with it at 120vac after it is running. The engine is so quiet at it's

                                full load rating that you can't hear it around the other side of the house

                                let alone inside the house.

                                Next I learned to heat my propane in unconventional ways. This expands

                                the molecule and decreases fuel consumption dramatically. A little here

                                and a little there and now I can out do those cheap gensets many many


                                Was I ever surprised. I didn't plan it. All I did was use my better judgement

                                when designing. One thing I use to do was sit in a car in the winter time

                                and watch the gas gauge go down. People up north don't shut their trucks

                                off when they go into Walmart if the weather is to cold.

                                I learned certain engines can idle on almost nothing so I knew that

                                running on fumes was possible.

                                Think a project through, and as you do you can cut losses.

                                That is all poor Gerard is trying to say.

                                Don't you people hear the man? He is a wonderful person and

                                want to encourage each of you with the only thing he has,

                                his time and desire to excel.

                                Atta Boy Gerard, go gettem

                                Many such highly efficient conversions are possible if we only put

                                our heads together. This is why Gerard talks about the gov/school

                                plot to dumb us down make us into a zombie, who run the roads long

                                hours at work with only time for a single beer before the clock

                                strikes 12. That is a yucky existence.

                                I will show you my simple controller plans Gerard, coming up.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 10-06-2015, 04:29 AM.

