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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Donations

    Here is another way of funding the Gerard Morin project. This is a way to keep information a personal matter.

    Thank you for your kind donation. We are honored by your participation.

    We have a Genset coming.

    Michael Rowland (Central Kansas)


    • Maybe you don't have to cut that rotor open after all. See attached picture.
      Here is a possible parts source as well.

      Originally posted by Turion View Post
      I have TWO of the McCulloch generators. The first is the small one run by a 2 1/2 horse Briggs and Stratton Engine. I don't know what the output on that one is. The second is a 3300 watt unit run by an 8 hp Briggs motor.

      My intention is to have the gas engines removed from BOTH of these units and replaced. I will replace the larger gas engine with an AC motor so that I can see if the setup can be looped. I will replace the motor on the smaller one with a modified (Matt's modification) DC motor for some experiments I want to conduct.

      I have two pole pigs set aside for me that I can pick up a week from today. It will be the week after that before I can get to a machine shop to get the modifications done on the two generators.

      ALL of this (future expense) is dependent on the sale of my house which is in progress. I am also in the process of moving, so my NEW shop is in NO CONDITION to do ANY experiments, and probably won't be for a couple weeks. So I am up in the air for a bit, but once things settle down (The moving van comes Monday) I will be able to focus on stuff. I have several projects I need to complete, including my OWN generator project, the Steele Braden generator, which I am VERY interested in completing, motors to rewind, coil cores to test. You name it. It's a damn good thing I am retired and can work on this crap full time (when not working on remodeling my house) because I have a really huge pile on my plate.

      I am NOT asking for money for any of this. I paid for the two generators myself. I will pay for the pole pigs myself, and I will pay for the generator mods myself. I have enough test equipment to give accurate test results. All I need is some time. Which is WHY I said I would be replicating. Whether I am the first or the fifth, it doesn't matter. I will still get it done, mostly because the one person whose test results I trust is me. There are folks out there who will fudge the results or claim something that actually works does not. That is why I replicate those things that interest me regardless of what other people choose to do.

      I will get this done too, but it is going to take me some time. That's the bottom line. Ask Steele Braden. It has been MONTHS since I started on a replication of his generator. I have all the parts, just not enough time to get it done. I had to remodel my house to get it sold. Now I have another house to remodel while I am living in it, and after that an entire retirement home to build. I am all about the projects.

      Here's a pic of the two gens, and one of the mess that is my shop at this point. My shop is only 10x23, and it is packed full of crap that needs to be sorted and put away.

      Attached Files
      Last edited by OrionLightShip; 02-16-2015, 06:52 AM.


      • Funding Gerard Morin Projects

        One of our team is a good composer and so I present to you our storyline to the Gerard Morin Experimenter funding campaign. This is brought to you by 10K. All of the figures listed are subject to change.

        Here it is


        The purpose of this campaign is to raise money for replicating Gerald's Energy Amplification Experiments.

        We are an independent group of engineers, mechanics, scientists, not affiliated with Gerald Morin, who are in the process of replicating Gerald Morin's work. The monies raised will go directly to sourcing parts for the experiments.

        So far we have 3 groups of scientists working loosely together towards replication.

        One of the experiments that we seek to replicate is the “pole pig” experiment.

        In this experiment, Gerald generates ~3000 watts of electricity from a generator and powers ~6000 watts of devices.

        This video is the “pole pig” experiment we are replicating. (note, we are not affiliated with the group or Gerald Morin)

        In order to properly replicate this experiment we are looking at costs of
        ~$200-$500 for a McCulloch Generator
        ~$800 for a 75 kw pole pig
        ~$600 for a 50 kw pole pig
        ~$1000 for additional experiments and parts.

        All of our results will be published to the public.

        These videos below from Gerald's youtube channel, provide more explanation of the energy amplification technique we are seeking to replicate.

        This is one of the original experiments Gerald has done to prove that he is amplifying the energy from his batteries.

        Here is a recent interview with Gerald

        Thank you for helping us to find Over Unity Energy devices that will run an average size home. At first the project Should produce around 3500 watts of excess power and from there we can tune the coils.

        Stay tuned. We hope the world will be a brighter place in the future.


        • Thank You for your help

          We have received donations from several of those who had originally made a pledged last month, right when we need it.

          Thank you for your kind regards. In the future I will be at your service. You see many people talk only, but you are showing that you really care by the act of giving.

          Actions speak loudly and your gift shows that you are indeed a worthy partner.

          Let us know when you need help the next time and we will all be there for one another.

          Sincerely your Team experimenters



          • Hi Everyone,

            I know there are some errors in the story line for the campaign, I just wanted to provide some text for the campaign. I figured you guys could fill in the blanks on the errors, including the types of the pole pigs and prices and what not.

            Hitby, hope you got that $50 donation from me today ok.

            Good job guys. This is an exciting time we live in.


            • Nicely done 10K

              I think that will do just fine 10K.

              Also on another note check this out guys. This shows the average pricing yet this one is to far away, it is in California.

              Who knows maybe someone needs one down there. Make sure your 25kva is 12.5kv also if you are going to use the slightly lower voltage range.

              I have seen this done at 30,000 volts and it works.

              2013 Power Partners Inc 50KVA Pole Mount Transformer 120 240 | eBay

              Originally posted by 10k View Post
              Hi Everyone,

              I know there are some errors in the story line for the campaign, I just wanted to provide some text for the campaign. I figured you guys could fill in the blanks on the errors, including the types of the pole pigs and prices and what not.

              Hitby, hope you got that $50 donation from me today ok.

              Good job guys. This is an exciting time we live in.
              Last edited by BroMikey; 02-17-2015, 06:05 AM.


              • Many Thanks 10k

                Nice to have you on board, and much appreciation for the help you have provided to BroMikey in setting up the story line for the campaign.

                Our team needed a wordsmith, and then you showed up, we truly have been blessed with your help.

                and yes we did get your donation yesterday. The timing is perfect because one of the McCulloch Generators is headed this way and should appear with a COD sticker on it in the next 72 hours, pictures will be posted to the forum at that time.

                I second your statement; We do truly live in exciting times.

                As a team, We are going to figure all this out, Multiple Scientists Confirm Free Energy

                * Just talked with Travis, he will find out more about his deployment timeline and call me back when he knows that he will be in my area with the Generator, said it should be sometime in the next few weeks.
                “Hurry up and wait” is a necessary evil of being vigilant. Can hardly wait This is going to happen!!!

                Last edited by Hitby13kw; 02-17-2015, 06:46 PM. Reason: add a link


                • Just made my promised contribution of $100.00 by PayPal. Please let me know if it comes through. I won't be able to help out with more, as I need my $$ to purchase pole pigs of my own to go along with the two McCulloch gens I have at this time. I will gladly share my results when I have something to offer.
                  Last edited by Turion; 02-17-2015, 09:00 PM.
                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Hello all my name is Kenneth Hakansson, and I just stumpled upon Gerard's project channel on youtube. I have been really interested in Eric Dollard and now Gerards ideas and such stuff.

                    I am a beginner in this, so I am not very skilled or experienced in the world of current and magnetics and stuff like that .. But I find it super interesting ..

                    Well, I was thinking is it possible to donate smaller amount as well to this project ? I don't have a lot of money "disability pension" but I would like to help
                    if I can.

                    Also I am in Sweden so if it is possible to use paypal or so it would make it easier

                    you all have a good one



                    • Smaller Donations

                      Here is our official page for donations, big or small we are honored by your help. We will collect money, display the amounts, show payments for parts and publish results to everyone.

                      We will give you our indept discoveries with step by step repeatable instructions.

                      Thank you Kenneth for your support in getting this experiment to all.


                      Michael Rowland (Central Kansas)

                      Originally posted by Stringmanipulator View Post
                      Hello all my name is Kenneth Hakansson, and I just stumpled upon Gerard's project channel on youtube. I have been really interested in Eric Dollard and now Gerards ideas and such stuff.

                      I am a beginner in this, so I am not very skilled or experienced in the world of current and magnetics and stuff like that .. But I find it super interesting ..

                      Well, I was thinking is it possible to donate smaller amount as well to this project ? I don't have a lot of money "disability pension" but I would like to help
                      if I can.

                      Also I am in Sweden so if it is possible to use paypal or so it would make it easier

                      you all have a good one



                      • A gift in Action

                        Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        Just made my promised contribution of $100.00 by PayPal. Please let me know if it comes through. I won't be able to help out with more, as I need my $$ to purchase pole pigs of my own to go along with the two McCulloch gens I have at this time. I will gladly share my results when I have something to offer.
                        Thank you for your kind offering to share this light burden. As a team player you are one of the first among us to be called friend as well as follow experimenter. You have done your part Sir.



                        • Here is an idea one might want to attempt as an intermediate before
                          one converts a mite-e-lite generator to an all electric motor - Operate
                          the generator's internal combustion engine on compressed air. Even if
                          there are significant engine problems with the carburetor or ignition
                          system of an ICE engine this method might still work. Lapping the
                          valves and having quality piston rings like after an engine rebuild
                          would be the key to highest efficiency operation.

                          The air compressor would be operated from electricity from the
                          output transformer. Most likely one would not get 3600RPM or
                          60Hz. from the engine when running on compressed air but a DC
                          power supply and a 120VAC inverter could be used.

                          Web link:

                          compressed air spin up - YouTube

                          This is the simplest modification I've seen, others modifications
                          including capturing return air, were seen on youtube. Some
                          modern air compressors seem unusually efficient.



                          • Idea's

                            Thank you for your tireless contribution of ideas. We need every to come up with as many ways to perform our experiments as possible. That is one I did not think of.

                            On another note we may not have time to spend learning the air technology at the same time. Hitby will probably get the sludge out of the Genset Carb and get it running just fine.

                            I use Propane on engines setting around to long. I will run the engine warming it up with Gasoline in the tank but no gas can flow at first. Then as the engine warms up on the propane the heat begins to loosen up the sediments.

                            Many tests will be accomplished over time. We will consider your entries.

                            Thank you


                            Originally posted by mscoffman View Post
                            Here is an idea one might want to attempt as an intermediate before
                            one converts a mite-e-lite generator to an all electric motor - Operate
                            the generator's internal combustion engine on compressed air. Even if
                            there are significant engine problems with the carburetor or ignition
                            system of an ICE engine this method might still work. Lapping the
                            valves and having quality piston rings like after an engine rebuild
                            would be the key to highest efficiency operation.

                            The air compressor would be operated from electricity from the
                            output transformer. Most likely one would not get 3600RPM or
                            60Hz. from the engine when running on compressed air but a DC
                            power supply and a 120VAC inverter could be used.

                            Web link:

                            compressed air spin up - YouTube

                            This is the simplest modification I've seen, others modifications
                            including capturing return air, were seen on youtube. Some
                            modern air compressors seem unusually efficient.



                            • I would like to thank Peter and Kenneth for their resent donation.

                              We now have an additional amount to cover some needed expenses that have come to my attention.

                              News Flash.

                              HitBy13kw is one of our science investigators who is being shipped the McCulloch Genset, well it has been tentative up until today. There is a meeting/rendezvous planned on at a selected roadside location where the exchange of the Generator will take place THIS WEEKEND!!!



                              • Continuing


                                Hitby told me he thinks your idea is good. I didn't know this but he says all you have to do is to feed air into the spark plug hole after disabling the intake valves rocker arm.

                                Plus Hitby tells me he has a huge air compressor to do the job if it comes to that. It is a repeatable idea? I guess so.

                                You guys are making my day.


