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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • @Mark

    I don't want you here. I feel sorry for you if medicine is causing your trouble but I have others contacting me now that said you told them you would help with funds and when the deal was made you did not answer your mail.

    So this makes you untrustworthy. I am not mad, just not interested in your reply. Find another thread please.

    I don't trust anything about you. Is that clear? Several of us have been tricked by you over funding and this is very dishonest.

    This thread is no place for dishonest people. You didn't have to go out of your way to lie. It seems like you enjoy it.

    Good Bye Mark with an
    :S: Hiss somewhere else.

    Originally posted by mscoffman View Post
    Concerning the true OU test.

    My tendancy would be to have available four x times 3KW 240VAC water
    heater elements as loads. What you want to see is the generator support 1
    load but not be supporting 2 or 3 of these loads when it is not connected to
    the transformers. (somehow, without destroying the generator). But
    supporting 2, 3 or even 4 of these loads when connected to loads through
    the transformers. No calorimetery - but wattage is proportional to output
    voltage relative to 120V or 240V, so measure output voltage. If you can
    show you can do this OU, you will have proven useful levels of overunity
    energy production.

    It you can do this one should be sensitive to what a kilawatt meter says is
    the PF power factor between the generator and transformer as you may
    have some VAR's (virtual watts) rotating between the generator and the
    transformer or between chopsaw and output transformer. But don't be
    concerned about this before you find overunity.

    If you want to have a running chopsaw for audio diagnostics that would be
    fine, just don't count the raw nameplate wattage. You will have to consider
    whether you want the chopsaw to be a load, an electronic monitoring
    instrument, or as part of the generation subsystem itself.

    This may all sound gonzo, but that is what OU seems to prefer and what the
    user will need to see to make this system viable. Check out the GEGENE
    Induction Cookpot heater experiment to see about what overunity energy
    might look like.

    Why not make the first test of the system for what ones *needs* to see
    as low levels of overunity may be on a disconnected path from that at high



    • Question about the source

      Good Question Man

      I have been rolling that idea around in my mind trying to collect up pieces of Gerards broken English/statement to get an answer for myself.

      One video he uses an inverter and in another video he SAYS the he tried other GENSET'S and this one is the one that works good. I don't think Gerard knows everything about this yet but like any experimental video we report what we see and the next time we may change our minds.

      Gerard later came back to address this subject with an inverter SAYS "As long as the inverter wasn't a modified wave" in so many words. Or it couldn't be a cheapo inverter that did not give a clean waveform.

      And like we all know coils want clean signals of either ac or dc but not noise.

      Also @ MagnaMoRo

      I think the extra copper is good for energy collection and storage as well as a good clean ac sinewave.

      That is the best answer I can give.

      The one thing that JOHN BEDINI has taught us all is that coils with plenty of mass can be better for energy conversion devices than just the standard mini coils found in commercial produces that are engineered to the redline.

      The extra coil mass lowers heat. Why am I telling you guys that, you already know it


      Originally posted by wantomake View Post
      Thanks Bromikey,
      I can't contribute here, wish I could, but would like to replicate this some day.

      A question if you don't mind; can any generator with magnets on the rotor produce "cold radiation" or only the McCullough mite-e-lite? If I missed this I'll go back again and re-read.

      Great thread and thank you,


      • First tests by Hitby

        Hitby already has over 2000 views on this. I got to the end of the thread and didn't see the link, so here it is here. It looks like some interesting experiments will be reported on soon.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • great video

          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          Look at this video from an excellent researcher. Kurt has given his all to thousands of circuits with video to prove it.

          Here you can see the very same type of transformer as the line pole transformers. They are in oil, step up to produce electrostatic energies and back down again.

          So of you have not watched Kurt, I have. Kurt has embarrassed the entire global university level higher learning departments with his very simple experiments.

          In this video take note first to the darlington pair, meaning one NPN transistor and one PNP transistor working together to pulse voltage to his first mini pole pig.

          So why am I saying that? Because the oscillating set of semiconductors are in the place of the McCulloch. The McCulloch barium ferrite magneto bi-polar genset windings function similarly.

          Now, look at the meter. What do you see? What did Kurt say the voltage was? What is Kurt powering? How much in and how much out? Aren't these the right questions?


          Look at the 4 Lights. These are brighter than they normally would be running on dead electricity, in the first video. You don't know this because you didn't watch Kurt's video's yet so I will provide you with what you need.

          Looking at the meter showing about 50ma maybe, something so small about the needle thickness at 24vdc from the two batteries. Kurt is saying less so I am over estimating.

          Yet Kurt is driving 4 lights rated at 3 watts each for a total of at least a 12 watt output. Yet his input is phenomenally small.

          How much is the input?

          24 or 25vdc most likely coming from Kurt's two batteries times amperage looks like this.

          25 X .050 amps = 1.2 watts

          Wow that is a huge COP of at least 10X yet Kurt is reporting as high as 50X.

          These experiments are very real and show how the larger pole pigs could actually provide enough useable current for an average home.

          The second video is thrown in to show it running the mini pigs on 12vdc and plus he talks about the lights and their ratings for his load. Plus he pulls the battery and loops it so it just runs on and runs on with no power source.

          This is called ringing down as the looping energy going around the system being recycled many times slowly diminishes. Yet it is without a power source other than a cap to capture and resend energy.

          I must be a weirdo because i get greatly encouraged with that test.

          Thanks Bromikey,
          That's why I asked about using different types generators so it may be possible to replicate cold electricity with a lower budget.

          I was able to get good results like Kurt did in his videos. Very cool indeed. Trying different generators, transformers, and loads.

          Thanks again,


          • 2,3,6,12 Phase Transformers

            Here is an engineer from the 50's talking about Transformer distribution and how that field was explored by him and others.

            I think we can always learn something new about these line pole systems, such as the ones Gerard has instructed us to use.

            Why 3 Phase Power? Why not 6 or 12?



            • A basic explanation of the magnetic rotor in the McCulloch generator

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

              I think we can always learn something new about these line pole systems, such as the ones Gerard has instructed us to use.


              @BroMikey - nice, makes a person go Hmmmmm

              @team – Put together a quick video about the magnetic rotor,

              In this video we have used the basic magnetic field explanation that every student has been exposed to since grade school,
              for a correct view of the forces involved you will have to familiarize yourself with the work of Ken Lee Wheeler - aka TheoriaApophasis

              Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism
              1st edition July 1 2014
              3rd edition September 25, 2014

              Ufopolitics's Bucket

              – plan to run it on a scope next - more to come.



              • Liked the vid!

                Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
                @team – Put together a quick video about the magnetic rotor,

                In this video we have used the basic magnetic field explanation that every student has been exposed to since grade school,
                for a correct view of the forces involved you will have to familiarize yourself with the work of Ken Lee Wheeler - aka TheoriaApophasis
                Very nice! Answered all my questions!
                Many thanks!



                • Winter Projects

                  Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
                  @BroMikey - nice, makes a person go Hmmmmm

                  @team – Put together a quick video about the magnetic rotor,

                  – plan to run it on a scope next - more to come.

                  Yeah Great winter time job, we are at -1 in the night time here. Glad to see you flat bar stock windings. Maybe you want that one first? Or try them both over time?

                  Take your time, the weather is going to break and you can have a lot more freedom in the yard in about a week. Taking it apart and cleaning the unit, inspecting is what all wanted to see. You are truly the man for the job.

                  I have been thinking about making some mini pole pigs out of 5000volt Micro-Wave-Transformer coils by stacking 3 secondaries together facing two of the E-Cores. Some of my larger MOT's. I have a dozen.

                  Then I would have to use mineral oil around them in some sort of aluminum canister. I have the insulators also. Just food for thought.

                  I never realized Ken Wheeler had that book, I down loaded it before, way back but just skimmed through it. I see KEN's avatar with the vortex fields.

                  The cold weather makes for a good indoor strategy of scoping the waveform.
                  First the cleaning and resetting of the tolerances between front and back magnets to coils is in order. That flat stock is the way to go. But who knows fore sure. I didn't know that some coils only had a flat stock coating on the outer edge to make it look like the coils completely flat stock.

                  Seems like the factory must have run out of the good stuff and went to wire. It may also be that the paper thin enamel on the flat stock coil had some problems with leakage, so they went to standard wire.

                  I am so glad to see you get what you need to get this project underway. I have noticed that scientist use these transformers to send DC pulses into the primary for getting EXTREMELY HV out. These transformers have many possibilities.

                  Also I heard Gerard say that the magnets were horse shoe in shape inside the rotor and it may be that he took one apart or had some form of measuring device to follow the lines of force right through the rotor wall.

                  Can't wait to see that pretty sine-wave. Great going hiyby, you can feel the excitement on this setup. People around the world KNOW, that this is the right way to experiment. All eyes are glued



                  • Hello
                    I could not resist the temptation, sorry
                    This generator reminded me the Hogan & Jakovlewich generator. It was posted by hanon1492 here:


                    The main difference is the two copper (or aluminium ?) plates enclosing the magnets.

                    Attached Files


                    • Thank You Alvaro . . .

                      Originally posted by interdesign21 View Post
                      I could not resist the temptation, sorry
                      This generator reminded me the Hogan & Jakovlewich generator. It was posted by hanon1492 here:


                      The main difference is the two copper (or aluminium ?) plates enclosing the magnets.

                      interdesign21 Never say your sorry when bringing truth to the table. Alvaro, we need to be giving you thanks for seeing another connection,
                      yes the Hogan & Jakovlewich (patent ES0225316) generator seems to be the Spanish interpretation of the McCulloch generator

                      – Again for bringing this link to our attention and a Thanks to hanon1492 for the translation to English,
                      and to Ufopolitics for all the excellent diagrams he shared in that thread (much better explanation than I could give).



                      • Good one guys many thanks for your detailed composite


                        patent ES0225316


                        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-01-2015, 08:27 PM.


                        • McCulloch patent

                          To me this McCulloch Patent is a misrepresentation. Look at the misleading windings.

                          Here we can see some similarities with the "Grant Patent"

                          This one is more accurate.




                          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-01-2015, 09:00 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
                            yes the Hogan & Jakovlewich (patent ES0225316) generator seems to be the Spanish interpretation of the McCulloch generator
                            I`ll rather say that the McCulloch and the H&J patents may be just
                            "coincidental", as the Spanish patent was issued about a decade earlier !
                            And remember that Hogan was (or is) a US citizen !!!


                            • I'm really interested in something of a more tabletop nature. In his latest Q&A video, Gerard Morin says quite a bit about impulse electricity. Eric Dollard talks about impulse electricity being the next step in Tesla's motor design, after seeing the limitations of AC polyphase motors.

                              I think it's the principles at work here that are most important, and Morin's way is only one way. He himself says quite candidly that he doesn't have all the answers, and is still learning. He's a humble but realistic guy who recognizes the flaws in electromagnetic theory that keep inventors away from harnessing energy in more abundant ways, and he calls it the way he sees it. I can't help but like him.

                              Anyway, I viewed a few replications of his work after it first came out, and finding the right kind of off the shelf motor (like the frontload washer motor, pump and dishwasher pump) seem to work well for replications. Here's the link to his last Q&A. If it's already up here, I apologize:


                              • Updating

                                Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                                I'm really interested in something of a more tabletop nature. In his latest Q&A video, Gerard Morin says quite a bit about impulse electricity. Eric Dollard talks about impulse electricity being the next step in Tesla's motor design, after seeing the limitations of AC polyphase motors.

                                I think it's the principles at work here that are most important, and Morin's way is only one way. He himself says quite candidly that he doesn't have all the answers, and is still learning. He's a humble but realistic guy who recognizes the flaws in electromagnetic theory that keep inventors away from harnessing energy in more abundant ways, and he calls it the way he sees it. I can't help but like him.

                                Anyway, I viewed a few replications of his work after it first came out, and finding the right kind of off the shelf motor (like the frontload washer motor, pump and dishwasher pump) seem to work well for replications. Here's the link to his last Q&A. If it's already up here, I apologize:
                                Hi Bob

                                Yes the idea of looping has come up for later after the initial root experiment. Good point to show Gerard's updated electric motor to the McCulloch system.

                                I was listening to Gerard in the video say he was going to try to use those big pancake motors, some kinda way. Something about using pulse DC to run the flat washer motors?

                                Well it got me thinking about looping. Gerard is a regular guy with a bunch of practical experience that tells him something is not right about the standard Lectric.

                                All of this got me thinking Thinking how to loop. We all all know the drill when it comes to the radiant energy looping troubles. You can just put the output back to the input, right?

                                Well all heard that and some of even tried it and found out that looping is turning out to require more than what we might have envisioned.

                                When I ponder looping I remember JOHN BEDINI's energy from the vacuum series where (I forget the number) John explains how the energy transfer must take place in it's most basic form. What he said was that the coils make the radiant and then that radiant is rectified. Next the energy fills a capacitor and is disconnected completely from the radiant producing source and is dumped over the input and the process repeats.

                                This has always stuck with me over the long years of finding zero's for answers. Thank You John. Nothing can ever take those teaching series away from me. People may roll there eyes at the mention of these teaching or think they are to elementary but who do we know that really understands what John Bedini said in those lectures.

                                The truth is we are all just beginning to shake off the old ideas of burning up energy. Recycling energy? sounds like we are hallucinating dreamers to our average pinup engineer puppet who got all A's.

                                The energy must be pulsed in the front end and the energy must be collected up and pulsed back again. Gerard said he was unsure where his new setup would lead him. A wild guess tells me that Gerard will finding the best form of a pulse train to run one flat motor while the other one connected will do the same job as the washer pump motor does to generate radiant. Just like the small system that uses straight DC from the cordless drill batteries.

                                If Gerard can efficiently run the first motor on pulses, he will have it whipped.

                                I have 2 coils from the 1970's automobiles that are brand new. These have oil in them and are a great experiment for all. Mini pole pigs I call them.

                                We could also use smaller pole pigs such as what HITBY has. He has a 5KW. Get the smaller ones like a 5kw and a 10kw. You can get a 5kw for $100 and a 10kw for $200 if you look.


