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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Oh I can take a joke, I been taking jokes for a decade listening to people make claims and never back them up. Thats ok man, I've enough of Morin and his halfassed attempts at getting OTHERS to do HIS work for him. I'm not getting vile, I'm just not wasting any more time proving simple objective facts when the "ones" working on this would rather deal with volts hertz and thermal output...

    If someone magically pulls WATTS out their hiney after noting Volts and Hertz you guys also may want to reconsider Following the blind.

    Enough for me. I have two Morin setups I'm happy to sell at cost for what I put into building them. Both pumps are 80watt motors rated. One driven by 12vdc motor at ~4amps input, other driven by kollmorgan servo motor at 30vdc and ~2amps input... this latter is the more Inefficient of the two, at barely 50% efficient driving a 120vac 60hz 40watt lamp as load. The 12vdc motor driving the pump was about 82% efficient.

    @wantomake, if all you get is 50vac output, then 1. your dvm is not able to pickup the VAC At a frequency that is NOT mains... ie. not 60hz. If the motors driven at twice the rated RPM then you're outputting 120hz. 2. maybe the motor has bad windings that are somehow internally shorted causing that much reduced VAC to be measured on its output. Check out my vids on youtube at "coruscant l'amore" user and see if they help you at all.


    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Ya gotta be able to take a joke. Another reaction is that peoples true colors will come out where they become vile using lies and profanity in an insane display of their true selves.

    So this also separates the sane from the insane.



    • Originally posted by genessc View Post
      Oh I can take a joke, I been taking jokes for a decade listening to people make claims and never back them up. Thats ok man, I've enough of Morin and his halfassed attempts at getting OTHERS to do HIS work for him. I'm not getting vile, I'm just not wasting any more time proving simple objective facts when the "ones" working on this would rather deal with volts hertz and thermal output...

      If someone magically pulls WATTS out their hiney after noting Volts and Hertz you guys also may want to reconsider Following the blind.

      Enough for me. I have two Morin setups I'm happy to sell at cost for what I put into building them. Both pumps are 80watt motors rated. One driven by 12vdc motor at ~4amps input, other driven by kollmorgan servo motor at 30vdc and ~2amps input... this latter is the more Inefficient of the two, at barely 50% efficient driving a 120vac 60hz 40watt lamp as load. The 12vdc motor driving the pump was about 82% efficient.

      Hello Gene

      I didn't mean to suggest that you were offended and responding in a vile format, but then you are not the only person Gerard is dealing with. From the way you care about others by answering their questions, I would say you are a kind person. You have never been off color in any of your entries.

      You are clearly a highly educated man who desires to investigate with an open mind. Not all of the people have as good of table manners out here.

      I would say this is the first time I ever heard anyone share real results on input and output. I think folks get embarrassed when it doesn't go OU, who knows and there are sooo many people who know sooo much, God forbid they should become embarrased by asking a question, they might become laughed at.

      It is good to see someone will actually do the tests objectively and post results honestly and openly. Embarrassing as it may be. To me that alone marks you as a true gatherer of the test because your investigation is selfless. Maybe seeing this type of energy manifest is enough without having conventional COP higher than one.

      As a for instance John Bedini has shown about an 85% efficiencies on his Energizers circuitry and for some unbeknown reason the circuit draws energy from out of nowhere into the batteries or capacitors even with all the losses OU is manifest.

      Are you considering these past tested with COLD LECTRIC? or are you speaking purely from an EE standpoint?

      I heard you say you have some Energizers, but now I am wondering if that part of the theory is something you reject.

      Does cold electricity manifest in your opinion or is it just electricity? Or does that mean anything to you?

      This is why Gerard leaves out the input. The Energizer is measured at the input but output is never measurable producing 1/3 the current but spikes with lower voltages becomes harder to make a cumulative mathematical number for.

      On the other hand Gerard is "SAYING" it is "COLD LECTRIC" and showing readings of zero current and getting no shocks when touched.

      It sure it nice to see the manifestation of a new form of energy, don't you think? Or is this stuff just circuit conversions, same ole same ole to you?

      I am trying to find out your opinion.

      Last edited by BroMikey; 03-09-2015, 10:45 PM.


      • Electrostatics

        Very high voltages exhibit all the same characteristics as Electrostatic voltages. Here are some of the reasons people get shocked.

        The video should help us to get our minds on ways to keep from creating potential differences between you, the floor and the device you are working on.

        In the picture a techy using a glove made of rubber grabbed a high voltage line and damaged his hand. Others are instantly vaporized.


        • Here we see someone is taking the pancake motors with magnets to an industrial scale. If anyone knows what they are saying let me know. Motor/Generator is what it is.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-10-2015, 06:04 AM.


          • A potential newcomer

            Hello team, had a new person post in three of my videos yesterday (questions and replies follow) - Found it interesting that he made different statements & questions to each within hours of one another, but did not seem to realize that almost a week’s time passed between each video.

            Anyway, we invited him to join us here on the forum to be part of our discussion, so welcome him when he shows up.
            On other notes, What does everyone think of the McCulloch waveform? Only seen comments from BroMikey & Tom.

            Originally posted by Tom Hanks
            Feb 9 7:49 AM Gerard replication 5kw to 10kw transformer test

            What is there to interpret?
            You have a 2:1 step up transformer.
            You double the voltage coming out as that going in and half the current.
            The power coming out (105W) = the power going in (131W) less the transformer losses (131-105=26W).
            This is electricity 101.
            Thanks for the video.
            Excellent way of showing power in and out (Gerard Morin does not do this and should).
            Tom, in this test we were simply demonstrating that we had all the needed equipment to compare power in to power out, Please feel free to join the conversation on the energetic forum, link included in description, I was brought in to do unbiased testing of the original inventor (Gerard Morin) claims.

            Originally posted by Tom Hanks
            Feb 9 8:13 AM McCulloch Genset waveform

            I don't get it.
            This generator makes an erratic output wave instead of a decent sine wave.
            What does mean?
            Is this just a poor quality generator?
            And the fact that the signal is intermittent rather than continous, what does mean?
            Again, I assume it is defective?
            Tom, you should know better than to assume - the meaning is still open to interpretation at this time, Please feel free to join the conversation on the energetic forum, link included in description, I was brought in to do unbiased testing of the original inventor (Gerard Morin) claims.

            Originally posted by Tom Hanks
            Feb 9 2:01 PM Gerard Morin replication 10kw to 5kw transformer test

            You reversed it and instead of a 1:2 step up transformer, you now have a 2:1 step down transformer. This is very illustrative for anyone wanting to see a transformer in action. Is there something else
            Tom, yes there possibly is something else, Please feel free to join the conversation on the energetic forum, link included in description, I was brought in to do unbiased testing of the original inventor (Gerard Morin) claims.

            My apology for no Big transformer test yet, it started raining after the generator test and hasn't let up yet but we needed the water always a silver lining.



            • 40 not 80

              Originally posted by genessc View Post
              Oh I can take a joke, I been taking jokes for a decade listening to people make claims and never back them up. Thats ok man, I've enough of Morin and his halfassed attempts at getting OTHERS to do HIS work for him. I'm not getting vile, I'm just not wasting any more time proving simple objective facts when the "ones" working on this would rather deal with volts hertz and thermal output...

              If someone magically pulls WATTS out their hiney after noting Volts and Hertz you guys also may want to reconsider Following the blind.

              Enough for me. I have two Morin setups I'm happy to sell at cost for what I put into building them. Both pumps are 80watt motors rated. One driven by 12vdc motor at ~4amps input, other driven by kollmorgan servo motor at 30vdc and ~2amps input... this latter is the more Inefficient of the two, at barely 50% efficient driving a 120vac 60hz 40watt lamp as load. The 12vdc motor driving the pump was about 82% efficient.

              @wantomake, if all you get is 50vac output, then 1. your dvm is not able to pickup the VAC At a frequency that is NOT mains... ie. not 60hz. If the motors driven at twice the rated RPM then you're outputting 120hz. 2. maybe the motor has bad windings that are somehow internally shorted causing that much reduced VAC to be measured on its output. Check out my vids on youtube at "coruscant l'amore" user and see if they help you at all.

              Thanks Gene and Mikey,
              I found my problem-this pump I have is rated at 40 not 80 watts. It's the smaller unit.

              I did apply higher dc (higher rpm) and produced more output of 80+ volts !!! Which lite the bulb much brighter. So that is still proof to me at least, that there's more to this.

              Hitby, great vids and glad you are here. I can't offer any scientific comments, but I can experiment and help if possible.



              • Hi Mikey,

                Bedinis claim on the battery charging energizers was that it produced a time compressed pulse which is then allowed to expand in the batteries electrolyte. That pulse hitting the electrolyte then starts pushing the ions in the electrolyte around in a sort of Bouncy way, meaning the spike pushes the ions hard and then dissappears... then pushes hard and dissappears... and its that pushing on the ions that imbues the ions with motion which acts in the direction of "charging up" the battery. This was usually the lead acid WET cell batteries, not AGM or sealed lead acid gel cells.

                The effect I could verify from Bedini was that the Energizer charges caps to ridiculous voltages if the coils windings are matched 1:1 for power:collection windings... In some measure the energizer is a pulse down converter in that it will run at 300hz or so with a 6inch diameter rotor with 6 all North out magnets on it at even intervals. This radial designed rotor affects an Actual SINEWAVE on the coil if you scope it and spin it by hand.

                The Unique thing about this All north out radial rotor is that the SINEWAVE still appears to be Symmetric, meaning its a nice curvy sine. There is a noted difference and it has to do with Current and where its localized on that rotor tho. The North outfacing pole is the main current face for that pole... thus it has current density and is being interacted with the r60 welding rod core of the stator which is spinning the wheel... however when the South comes by, the Volt signal is present given the sinewave... but the CURRENT is nowhere to be found... the south poles current face is inpointing and not available to interact directly with the stators core... so while the sines voltage goes past the coil to reguage, the majority of the south poles current is not being attracted directly into the core so its able to slide past and gain rpm... because that direct south face is not cogging off the solenoid core.

                I am not an EE, I took a year of college and got tired of learning within the box man called out for. I am self taught and try to critically think for myself. Discernment is something one has to grow in the area of free energy cuz there are always new guys coming out with the same old shenanigans and pushing people to build whatever before they even finish and prove they have OU. (take for example the QEG from the FTW people... now they're selling COURSES for a device thats only 80% efficient for a couple hundred bux.)

                Hot and Cold are not electricities... hot and cold are the effects of a circuits function on the local area that its embedded in. Most closed circuits heat up... The ones that tend to cool down are ones that are OPEN systems integrated into the ambient environment... as it ends up pulling at the heat locally and removing it from ambient.

                My view of energy, given the decade plus benching, is that DC is all there is. AC is an artifact of DC given we humans stuck on the surface of earth in a single local which cannot keep pace with the rotation of the earth and thus not stay constantly in the daylight of the constant Day that is the Truth here on earth. The Sun never leaves the earths surface... we only think of night and day because to our relative placement within the form we experience it in such a way... The universe is a HV DC engine... and a dynamic here or there induced in such a way could create enough shear at a galactic level to induce new galaxies to form...

                Also I note that in DC there are TWO simultaneously active components. Whenever you short a battery into a wire/circuit, you get two flows on the wire, one from + to - and one from - to + and they are usually not symmetric. (I think this is why EEs are told to pick to design either from the negative pole or from the positive pole and just build it out, instead of being told to account for both polar forms in their circuit design. Sorta how education hamstrings the populace up front by making them associate with a right hand or left hand writing style. Nevermind we got two hands and COULD become ambidextrous if people weren't coddling people into being needy all the time.)

                I haven't seen a new form of energy being manifested... there are only the triple of the non-motional foundation and then the two polar forms which have their form on that foundation for a period of time before receding back into the foundation formed on the nothing from whence it came.

                The tesla switch is a good thing to study, it will show you the truth of the universe if you grasp what its sharing... all volt potentials are relative and one can create whatever volt inter-relation they want based on how they wire up the volt source potentials.

                Anyways nuff from me. Good luck on the morin stuff.


                P.S. glad you sorted your issue wanttomake. nicely done.

                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                As a for instance John Bedini has shown about an 85% efficiencies on his Energizers circuitry and for some unbeknown reason the circuit draws energy from out of nowhere into the batteries or capacitors even with all the losses OU is manifest.

                Are you considering these past tested with COLD LECTRIC? or are you speaking purely from an EE standpoint?

                I heard you say you have some Energizers, but now I am wondering if that part of the theory is something you reject.

                Does cold electricity manifest in your opinion or is it just electricity? Or does that mean anything to you?

                This is why Gerard leaves out the input. The Energizer is measured at the input but output is never measurable producing 1/3 the current but spikes with lower voltages becomes harder to make a cumulative mathematical number for.

                On the other hand Gerard is "SAYING" it is "COLD LECTRIC" and showing readings of zero current and getting no shocks when touched.

                It sure it nice to see the manifestation of a new form of energy, don't you think? Or is this stuff just circuit conversions, same ole same ole to you?

                I am trying to find out your opinion.



                • Question

                  Great vids. I found the 80 watt pump from your eBay link.

                  How do you determine "cold" or hot energy without sacrificing a finger. I'll never purposely place one finger across the leads of any generator.

                  After all the tiny holes in my hands from Kurts video's. Yes I'd rather ask questions and keep all ten.



                  • Thats a bit of fear mongering there Mikey. The SHOCK is an Artifact of the Current available as thats what determines the actual "leader length" of the voltages reach.

                    I have experienced some biting shocks at 25kvac using 12nF as my capacity which allowed the leaders from my bellerian device to go thru the plastic handle of my little screwdriver and shock the living crap outta me... that screwdriver flew across the room with that hand jerk...

                    I then re-down shifted the capacity to 1.6nF and this creates a leader length that is much shorter and thus unable to short thru the plastic of the screwdriver handle. At that capacity I can deal with the direct hits to me as the current leader hasn't been setup to be long enough to get into me very deeply...

                    A 11kvac high voltage line from the power company is gonna have literally AMPS of power behind it at that 11kvac... and its that AMPRAGE that is what tears thru a conductor of whatever impedance once a path is rendered ionized.

                    None of the home brew devices will be outputting amps at such high voltages... heck even the microwave transformers only put out 2000vac at 500mA (generally). Thats enough to make a pretty Fire looking arcover between some carbon gouging rods in a pair of aluminum lugs...

                    Just be aware that capacity determines Current available... and you can check your HV output from your systems max current capability by just shorting the two HV leads thru an analog ammeter and see what it registers for current... that would be the max current one might induce thru them from such a supply, tho usually given the impedance of the human body it would probably be a bit less.


                    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                    Very high voltages exhibit all the same characteristics as Electrostatic voltages. Here are some of the reasons people get shocked.

                    The video should help us to get our minds on ways to keep from creating potential differences between you, the floor and the device you are working on.


                    In the picture a techy using a glove made of rubber grabbed a high voltage line and damaged his hand. Others are instantly vaporized.


                    • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                      Great vids. I found the 80 watt pump from your eBay link.

                      How do you determine "cold" or hot energy without sacrificing a finger. I'll never purposely place one finger across the leads of any generator.

                      After all the tiny holes in my hands from Kurts video's. Yes I'd rather ask questions and keep all ten.


                      Gene is right

                      This safety information does not apply to these tiny bench top experiments. You must remember that we are also focusing on pallet size transformers.

                      The 11kvolts with some amps is one thing but the 11kw-50kw numbers look similar but they are not. You will never see a fire big enough to torch your hand from most desktop devices. Especially not this magnet motor one Gerard shows.

                      In fact Gerard shows him grabbing the wires no problem.

                      Don't grab the wires on a pole pig, that is all I am saying. There will be people who see all the chatter about hot and cold electricity and figure this stuff is cold so it is safer.

                      I don't want to present any false impressions here about the pole transformers being good clean safe electricity, different from hot current, see me grab the wire? Ya know, like Gerard?

                      No way, this pole transformer is highly dangerous. Personally after watching video's with children climbing trees to their deaths and men being vaporized in substations, I did not know how this energy manifests.

                      It looks just like a fire and locks the victim in place and no outside help will save that person in most cases because they are dead instantly.

                      If anyone is planning to work with these pole transformers please be careful and watch the video's on youtube how even skilled worker are killed instantly.

                      Rubber boots and please no pole pig demo's in the pouring down rain HIYBY. (Had to throw that one in for you)

                      I know people think they have all point covered when they do tests with these huge units. All I am asking is that everyone play it safe.

                      Even a simple MOT can produce 5000vdc at 120vac X10amp input or 1KW and is enough to harm you. The pole transformers that we are dealing with, based on the Genset inputs could provide instantaneous surges of 10KW.

                      Not to be confused with 10kv. Also how voltages are produced changes the level of danger. Many times these rating can be based on stored energy in capacitors and once that is gone the units power levels drop off.

                      These tests are made right off of a Genset mini grid directly to another AC winding, if the wires are shorted to ground the Genset could provide as high as 10,000 watts of which might be potentially amplifiied to 20,000 watts.

                      This is enough instantaneous energy to provide power for 4 residential homes, MINIMUM.



                      • someone do drawaing and write numbers on it. id be more excited i cant read all this.

                        how does one run a 4stroke 150cc motor like that one engine says .. 24/7 without your bills being higher than from the electric company?


                        • Q&A

                          Originally posted by ldrancer View Post
                          someone do drawaing and write numbers on it. id be more excited i cant read all this.

                          how does one run a 4stroke 150cc motor like that one engine says .. 24/7 without your bills being higher than from the electric company?
                          I am glad you asked that question. Today I found out from our mad Scientist (HitBy) that he is proceeding in the experiment as planned. The first step is to get a feel for what your GENSET can do.

                          Bare with me ldrancer I will answer you.

                          So Hitby is running the GENSET under normal conditions using up gasoline right and left. Can't make no money that way. However what it will do is give each of us more analytical investigators more data to go on than Gerard gave.

                          The Genset connected to the pole transformers is the exact replication so we are sticking to what we were told to do.


                          What you are thinking is the next step once we take the first step. The first step it to run the tests as we were told to do and if we can get OU like we think, THEN, and only then, will we take the NEXT step.

                          The NEXT step it to return some of that electrical energy to the drive system so the drive motor will NOT be a gasoline drive motor.

                          At the next step it will be powered by an electrical motor and that electrical motor will turn the GENSET magnet rotor instead of a briggs gas motor.


                          That was a super run down on so many things on your last post. I am rereading that post, learning so much. Thank you for the effort, it is going to good use, not just me but many others are taking advantage of your experiences as well.

                          Q&A or Question and Answer is a good place to be always learning

                          HiyBy showed us his waveform off the windings produced by rotating magnets and from what I see the wave shape does not have a peak, instead it's peak seems to be chopped off like a square wave.

                          Anyone got any ideas on what that means?

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-11-2015, 02:32 AM.


                          • Serious replicators club

                            Gerard replicators only

                            BTW this man is very serious about details and if you look on his youtube you will see more on Gerard. Motor generator to motor generator, yes that is twice, motor Generator then to another motor generator. The guy is a little off on his assessment of Gerards pole pig setup but he does show real testing on the smaller systems.

                            May God bless you.




                            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-11-2015, 04:17 AM.


                            • Christopher Sparkman

                              I found Chris's Video guys, also I can not email him as his account is broken some how. Chris emails me and I post here and he can read it.


                              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-11-2015, 07:30 AM.


                              • Great work Chris

                                You are showing the waveform that everyone wanted to see before when Gerard did the original tests at his place. You have a very nice scope, accurate.

                                The waveform began to break up at the middle with the very light load that the LED bulb presented and the CFL's run approx 3X more power showing the center had moved over on each side into a ringing pattern.

                                This is what John Bedini describes partly as a characteristic of radiant power and that Engineers work hard to get rid of all that ringing in circuits.

                                John B has shown that there is energy in irregular wave shape forms on his black board talks. I seems that an open loop system is directly related to allowing the ringing to take place so the energy can self adjust.

                                Another expression might be to entrain the flow of energy naturally. So seeing the waves conform to each device being powered is enlightening. This makes me wonder if every load device will have it's own special wave.

                                This is something people have never witnessed before as a rule so testing this setup is an important learning experience and possibly a key to extra energy inducing circuits.

                                Everyone will soon see what the common denominators are for high COP machines as we enter into an explosion of inventions in the next few years.


                                Lots of people have inventions running now.

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-12-2015, 08:32 AM.

