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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • TransformerTest2

    Hey Hitby

    What do you think about syphoning off energy to a low voltage battery to use that power to loop with? I know Spark Gaps do things but this one does more things. Have you ever got into the Gray Tube?

    Enclosed is a possible test but I am unsure where and how to connect the batteries other terminal.


    • possible future transformer test

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      Hey Hitby - What do you think about syphoning off energy to a low voltage battery to use that power to loop with? I know Spark Gaps do things but this one does more things. Have you ever got into the Gray Tube?

      Mikey, love all the video links you’ve been finding & sharing of late.

      Your latest idea of using a Gray Tube as a means of syphoning energy is a good one and it may be a great way to get that last little bit out of these transformers, although (as you know) it will have to be about step six and we are still back on step 2 but it’s a great idea!!! - will keep it on the list of things to do for future testing.

      Have worked with Norman Wootan who made a wonderful presentation on the E. V. Gray Motor at a KeelyNet (Jerry Decker) conference a few years ago and we still keep in touch. So I might have some ideas on what to do in that area.



      • Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
        Mikey, love all the video links you’ve been finding & sharing of late.

        Have worked with Norman Wootan who made a wonderful presentation on the E. V. Gray Motor at a KeelyNet (Jerry Decker) conference a few years ago ..........................
        l keep in touch. So I might have some ideas on what to do in that area.

        Ah Hah I knew it

        Yer a reall cotton picker ya know that? Hangin out with all with the best there is in the field, one of those series inventor types. I can't bring anything up you don't know about

        You are our main man dude.

        I talked to Norman 2 years ago on CONEHEADS yahoo and at that time I didn't know where to start. Norman is the guy who went to Dodge City (50 miles from me) to enquire about a piece of equipment that had been pushed around from the ED GRAY work. He found it at an old fillin station out back.

        Can you imagine?

        Take your time on hauling those pole pigs around. Hope you don't blow out your back. Glad it ain't me From the way my shop sits it would require that I remove somethings to setup a project that size, let alone running a fork truck up in there, planting pigs.

        Don't drop it on yer foot. Your shop is a sweet deal for millions of small parts but I think you may have to make some space to bring the whole deal in doors. I never asked but maybe you have one of those pump up manual pallet jacks?

        It is too bad I don't live closer I could give you a big hand



        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          I found Chris's Video guys, also I can not email him as his account is broken some how. Chris emails me and I post here and he can read it.

          I've posted the brief answer to the question of this differing wave form directly at the YouTube video comments section. It states:
          "The wave form that you see in the scope is a direct result of the way the microscopic magnetic domains react within the structure of the core material when they meet with magnetic resistance while trying to produce electrical force in the coil winding to meet the demands of the load. The iron core is acting as sort of a magnetic cushion between the spinning magnet and the coils."

          Here though, I will also add this:
          The reason that the scope does not detect an alteration in the sin wave coming off the grid is purely because of the bulk of the energy (amperage) available off of the grid as compared with that available from the comparatively minuscule amperage available through the magnet, iron core and coils of the pump.

          If one were to test the grid with much larger loads you would then detect a similar change. Ever seen your lights dim when a well pump motor starts. That is exactly why capacitors are often used in the circuit, to give that extra needed push.


          • Back up generators

            Here is a Yamaha yard generator waveform loaded and unloaded.


            Honda Waveform


            Another Honda



            • Originally posted by MagnaMoRo View Post
              I've posted the brief answer to the question of this differing wave form directly at the YouTube video comments section. It states:
              "The wave form that you see in the scope is a direct result of the way the microscopic magnetic domains react within the structure of the core material when they meet with magnetic resistance while trying to produce electrical force in the coil winding to meet the demands of the load. The iron core is acting as sort of a magnetic cushion between the spinning magnet and the coils."

              Here though, I will also add this:
              The reason that the scope does not detect an alteration in the sin wave coming off the grid is purely because of the bulk of the energy (amperage) available off of the grid as compared with that available from the comparatively minuscule amperage available through the magnet, iron core and coils of the pump.

              If one were to test the grid with much larger loads you would then detect a similar change. Ever seen your lights dim when a well pump motor starts. That is exactly why capacitors are often used in the circuit, to give that extra needed push.


              This is what the transition looks like when you design the system properly. Forgive me for stating this, but Morins comments regarding what makes the square possible and why you can't see this in the mains makes no sense! Believe what you want though. I have reviewed all of his videos (very very very painful experience) and have never seen him demonstrating the morphing wave phenomena, this leads me to believe that he wasn't aware of it. I am very aware of it, as are a few others, I recall a watching a video shot in 84, in that video the machine being demonstrated produced a rectangular (proper description of the wave, because it is not square) output wave form, inspired me to find a way to do it. The video link provided is a testament to my having found a way, one of many.

              What I'm getting at is, this phenomena that Chris tripped over is real, in all fairness I tripped over it myself, but unlike Chris, all stopped when I first experienced it, nothing mattered except mastering the evolution of that wave.

              Clean up those dirty wave forms, get those transitions tight, comprehend what it takes to increase the number of oscillations and thereby the sharpness of the wave. You got a **** load of work to do, this isn't as easy as you all are beginning to assume, but you will discover that for yourself as you if you, proceed in this direction. Good luck.....



              • Dude E Thanks 4 that

                I don't really know what you are using or saying. What is going through my mind are the various winding in standard wound gensets. A monopole (Clock,clock,clock in the back ground) is something closer to the big magnet generator like the McCulloch has? I think.

                It sounded like you were using a homemade dohicky. Lot of work? I don't know what you mean. You mean we gotta get it back to a sinewave?

                Thanks for letting us all know what you found out. The wheels with magnets are really cool machines and thanks to the inventor guys like John Bedini, we are all seeing things we never would have, if all we had was our standard motor generator windings. The standard unit produce something else while coils with magnet types produce a number of waveforms.

                Do you think the square wave is good? I didn't get that part in your disclosure. Or do you think the sine is better. Either way at least we know someone who has witnessed these forms.

                Thank-A-Mill E


                Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                This is what the transition looks like when you design the system properly. Forgive me for stating this, but Morins comments regarding what makes the square possible and why you can't see this in the mains makes no sense! Believe what you want though. I have reviewed all of his videos (very very very painful experience) and have never seen him demonstrating the morphing wave phenomena, this leads me to believe that he wasn't aware of it. I am very aware of it, as are a few others, I recall a watching a video shot in 84, in that video the machine being demonstrated produced a rectangular (proper description of the wave, because it is not square) output wave form, inspired me to find a way to do it. The video link provided is a testament to my having found a way, one of many.

                What I'm getting at is, this phenomena that Chris tripped over is real, in all fairness I tripped over it myself, but unlike Chris, all stopped when I first experienced it, nothing mattered except mastering the evolution of that wave.

                Clean up those dirty wave forms, get those transitions tight, comprehend what it takes to increase the number of oscillations and thereby the sharpness of the wave. You got a **** load of work to do, this isn't as easy as you all are beginning to assume, but you will discover that for yourself as you if you, proceed in this direction. Good luck.....



                • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  [SIZE="4"]Dude E Thanks 4 that

                  I don't really know what you are using or saying. What is going through my mind are the various winding in standard wound gensets. A monopole (Clock,clock,clock in the back ground) is something closer to the big magnet generator like the McCulloch has? I think.
                  What I am using is irrelevant, irrelevant because Chris isn't using what I am using and is demonstrating a similar phenomena, compare our waves, how they behave, how they look. What I am saying is clean up your setup, work on your understanding of the setup so as to generate cleaner wave forms.

                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  It sounded like you were using a homemade dohicky. Lot of work? I don't know what you mean. You mean we gotta get it back to a sinewave?
                  Resorting to terms like "dohicky", not taking each others efforts seriously is probably one of the main reasons why we will not progress as a community.

                  The machine I used to demonstrate the morphing sine to square wave is my own design and construction, and yes it was a lot of work, in its conception and construction.

                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  Thanks for letting us all know what you found out. The wheels with magnets are really cool machines and thanks to the inventor guys like John Bedini, we are all seeing things we never would have, if all we had was our standard motor generator windings. The standard unit produce something else while coils with magnet types produce a number of waveforms.
                  I showed you the wave form which you all will see if you decide to take what you are doing seriously, if you give things a more thought than you are giving it. I have yet to let you know "what I found out...".

                  99 percent of the machines you find out there including that generator that centers the discussions you all are having as of late, incorporate wheels with, its not really clear what you are trying to say with your statement.

                  Most give JB props, and I find that the majority who do, are hopelessly oblivious as to what that man has presented to them on a silver plated platter. That being said, I take a little offense when I read you mentioning his name and giving him credit for something that I am almost certain you haven't comprehended yet. Please don't take offense to that last statement. If you were truly aware of gravity of what JB has presented you would not be busying yourself with the subject under discussion.

                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                  Do you think the square wave is good? I didn't get that part in your disclosure. Or do you think the sine is better. Either way at least we know someone who has witnessed these forms.

                  Thank-A-Mill E

                  Your question of whether I think the square wave is good is an indication of your having absolutely no knowledge of how and why the square wave manifests. That's not a good place to be in, you are entering into an area which demands caution, and absolute attention to detail. A sound grasp on the basics is mandatory, your text book is wrong according to those who wipe their dirty rear ends with its pages. Fact is, you aren't going to get far without a basic understanding of what is contained in those now soiled lines of text.

                  You folks playing with those huge transformers are playing a dangerous game, ignorance of the law is no excuse for not practicing it. Output wave forms becoming rectangular is an indication of the impedance characteristics of the circuit also changing. If current can transmission without opposition, you better be able to deal with those conditions, or be in ready to pay the price for not being in the position to deal with those circumstances when they arrive.

                  In conclusion, you are now aware of the fact that one who takes this work serious can demonstrate CLEAN sine to square transitions, and has a workable understanding of the mechanism which makes this possible. I am not starting a dialog here, I just felt like showing you what the wave looks like when you do it right. I have no desire to present anymore than I have with the video I just linked you to.

                  Be safe, be smart, good luck...



                  • Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                    I showed you the wave form which you all will see if you decide to take what you are doing seriously, if you give things a more thought than you are giving it. I have yet to let you know "what I found out...".

                    Most give JB props, and I find that the majority who do, are hopelessly oblivious as to what that man has presented to them on a silver plated platter.

                    You folks playing with those huge transformers are playing a dangerous game, ignorance of the law is no excuse for not practicing it. Output wave forms becoming rectangular is an indication of the impedance characteristics of the circuit also changing. If current can transmission without opposition, you better be able to deal with those conditions, or be in ready to pay the price for not being in the position to deal with those circumstances when they arrive.

                    In conclusion, you are now aware of the fact that one who takes this work serious can demonstrate CLEAN sine to square transitions, and has a workable understanding of the mechanism which makes this possible. I am not starting a dialog here, I just felt like showing you what the wave looks like when you do it right. I have no desire to present anymore than I have with the video I just linked you to.

                    Be safe, be smart, good luck...

                    No problem E

                    I am beginning to see how litle I really do understand any of this. The text books give us most delusions and the danger with these huge transformers should be taken seriously.

                    This is why we gave the test to HITBY as he has more experience than most, maybe even you, but that is not the point here is it. The point is I talk a lot and it is evident that I don't know what I am talking about half the time.

                    That is the truth and I thank you for chiming in even though I don't get it, someone here will. Like I said before, someone has to be last in line and that is where I come in.

                    It is all fun to me.

                    Now before I go let me say that all of the gensets I have over here are nothing but windings. They have no huge magnetic rotor that consistently offers a powerful fields. Oh they might have a tiny one at the core of the rotor to get the process statred but that can be done by simply gitting any motor with a battery for a few seconds.

                    I have motors that I do that with, connecting the battery and disconnecting it magnetizes the rotor of any motor to make is possible to now generate with.

                    To me these normal genset generator sections are the same as our current motors. On the other hand the McCulloch has a dual rotor compilation that is about 50 pounds worth. One neo or a few magnetic line formed in the core of a motor to make it generate is not the same thing.

                    No I do not understand the John bedini stuff very well but I know that is a good invention. It is like cooking E. If I have eggs and I put it in a pan to cook they are not the same as eggs & cheese.

                    Every device is it's own creation and does a separate thing. If you looked at the genset video's I posted you would be seeing this. Most waveforms from these yard generators when under load show the same as no load on a scope.

                    I think about the Bedini work all of the time and I wish I was smarter than I am with that stuff. The only video I saw of John giving away the secret to his monopole is in part 22. John is using Howard Johnson gates of a specialized form to get what we don't have.

                    The big magnets show something completely different than a battery causing a few lines of force on an iron core. This is the way I think. It maybe elemental.

                    No Genset that I know of in all of the history of genset design and building has that size dual magnetic rotor found in it. The rest of them only use a magnet to produce a tiny field to get the effect going and from there it is expanded.

                    Gerard pointed this out. Gerard stated that for some reason this McCulloch made the process possible where the other Gensets did not.

                    I don't know why you were in great pain to see Gerard's love offering in the form of a video as he stated cost him 10 years of his life to find out.

                    You are going to have to wait till I find out on my own because I am very limited on puting together technical jargon. I have to try it first.

                    My book worm days taught me that processes are altered by the slightest item that you would never think made any difference. Everything means something.

                    But I see you are talking about Chris and his tiny motor and I am talking about a 200 pound McCulloch connected to 900 pounds of transformer.

                    Thanks for the wishes

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-15-2015, 10:09 PM.


                    • Check out Efinder Looks like Motor generator test set up. Wow E what a bunch of work you have over there.

                      Check out Efinder



                      • Hey guys check out what HITBY found on magnets.

                        E you should like this one.



                        • BroM

                          The sentiment that is shared by erfinder should be seriously considered. This place does not need more circus threads and communication laced with terms that have no scientific basis.

                          If this place is for serious discovery, then serious work should dominate the exchanges. More experimental work, more observations, less opinions. Otherwise all of this other exchange begins to look like a barrier to real potential results.

                          Once this discipline frames the effort, serious observations will begin to show patterns of the larger truth that needs to be understood. Once we learn to focus on the steps, stages and effects, the sooner we can consider assembling a machine that may work the way we intend.

                          So BROMIKEY? Please less circus, more substance.


                          • McCulloch generator feeding pole transformers

                            Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                            This is what the transition looks like when you design the system properly. Forgive me for stating this, but Morins comments regarding what makes the square possible and why you can't see this in the mains makes no sense! Believe what you want though. I have reviewed all of his videos (very very very painful experience) and have never seen him demonstrating the morphing wave phenomena, this leads me to believe that he wasn't aware of it. I am very aware of it, as are a few others, I recall a watching a video shot in 84, in that video the machine being demonstrated produced a rectangular (proper description of the wave, because it is not square) output wave form, inspired me to find a way to do it. The video link provided is a testament to my having found a way, one of many.
                            erfinder does make some valid points, and his input is always most welcome on this thread. - I don't think Gerard is aware of waveforms either . . . .

                            We have started testing running power through the step up / step down mini power substation setup that Gerard talks about in his videos.

                            So far in all the testing done, we have always had to supply more power to the system than we have been able to draw off the system.

                            The most significant finding in these latest test was that the unique rectangular waveform of the McCulloch generator was transferred through the pole transformers under no or light load, and that as the load was increased the waveform was distorted back closer and closer to a true sinusoidal wave. Check out my latest test, Further testing will continue.



                            • Hi David

                              I just can't seem to help myself today, maybe tomorrow I will act natural.

                              Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls presenting the one and only POLE PIG stunt done by friend and fellow mad scientist HITBY13KW who has completed our first preliminary test

                              Great going dude. I wonder what Gerard will have to say about that?

                              It's not OU yet guys so better stay tuned 4 the real meat and potato's to come. Next in this corner we will have HIYBY jumping through a HV loop energized to 14,800 volts?

                              Wait I better change that, but it makes for a good circus sound.

                              It's all in fun guys, loosen yern tie a bit. Treat it like an all day sucker. Enjoy

                              Originally posted by DavidE View Post

                              The sentiment that is shared by erfinder should be seriously considered. This place does not need more circus threads and communication laced with terms that have no scientific basis.

                              If this place is for serious discovery, then serious work should dominate the exchanges. More experimental work, more observations, less opinions. Otherwise all of this other exchange begins to look like a barrier to real potential results.

                              Once this discipline frames the effort, serious observations will begin to show patterns of the larger truth that needs to be understood. Once we learn to focus on the steps, stages and effects, the sooner we can consider assembling a machine that may work the way we intend.

                              So BROMIKEY? Please less circus, more substance.


                              • Circus?

                                Thanks Bromikey,
                                For keeping this fun and interesting.

                                Thanks Hitby, glad someone is testing and showing results.


