Originally posted by wantomake
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Glad SOMEBODY is getting a kick out of our fun and games experimenting

Some of the HV experiments come to mind, of all kinds. Don Smith uses HV and so does the Kapagen stuff. In the Don Smith work we see coils stepping up voltage while 2-3 coils like it are set to collect the energy produced.
HitBy and I have talked about some other test proceedures along these lines, till Gerard gets back to us. Well we still need to pull up the bigger pole pigs into place and run tests with these first.
What you may not know is the sometimes a person will stumble onto a setup that works by accident and in this case it might just be tuning. That is tuning was not needed with the 50kw units because transformer capacitance may have accidentally worked out to be perfect in Gerards case.
All coils have their own value of capacitance. What we might be able to do is to tune each set of coils while we watch for improvements. Looking at Don Smith we see Don saying that his coils had to be tuned with capacitors.
Hitby and I agree and Hitby has caps for both 20,000 volts and 440 volts to play with values. Another thing we noted was that the input transformer in Gerards video was shorted out across the unused terminal. When we do that the Genset crashes so we are not sure what is going on there.
What we do know is that we have 1 pig twice the rating of the other so a 10kw going to a 5kw and this always costs us a 100 extra watts to make the transitions from transformer to transformer.
In Gerards video he shows the temperature decrease from ambient on the HV side and I forgot to ask HITBY if our setup does this. It is possible that if the temp drop is not present then the OU will not appear.
Mikey PS @Hitby did you notice a comment on your youtube video? The guy says Gerard did not have an earth ground