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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
    You don't have to physically connect a wire between the pigs and the scope if radiant energy is involved. The "square" wave tells me that frequencies higher than 60 Hz. are involved which means radiant, i.e. radio frequencies. In other words, the experiment is putting out radio waves!

    Don't connect the oscilloscope to anything. Set the input to AC. Connect a loop of wire between the tip and ground clip of the probe and observe the wave form. I would guess a wire about 12 to 24 inches long would be long enough. (30 to 60 cm.) Keep the the scope and probe at least 6 ft. (2 m.) away from the pigs.

    A screen shot with the set up operating and not operating would be enough to give most of us an idea what, if anything, might be happening.
    Hey thats a great idea. I am so glad you are all here helping me get this all straight, I about had a stroke on Ken's last entry. Here is a correction so we don't show the test wrong.

    I also have changed all other diagrams "SKI-matics"

    The Arial loop on the probe is a super thought.



    • connected cans

      Hey Bromikey,
      This may have no relevance to the setup, but why is there a wire connected from can to can?

      From the experiment on post #112 you linked to Kurt's video. When I replicated this exact setup, there is much frequency interference from this and can light a bulb with the energy coming off both bodies of the car coils. In fact when the two are placed 1/16 of an inch of each other there's a spark gap created.

      Just curious,


      • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
        Hey Bromikey,
        This may have no relevance to the setup, but why is there a wire connected from can to can?

        From the experiment on post #112 you linked to Kurt's video. When I replicated this exact setup, there is much frequency interference from this and can light a bulb with the energy coming off both bodies of the car coils. In fact when the two are placed 1/16 of an inch of each other there's a spark gap created.

        Just curious,
        Hi wantomake

        I must of been half asleep when I left out the wire to the can grounds and neutral terminals. So right, thanks, we don't want any spark gaps yet.

        The diagram has been revised again thanks to you. It is good to know that you are doing the small setup. Give it a video when you are ready and let us take a look.

        Here is a common picture of a 25KW unit with 3 terminals plus grounding strap, if I can find a picture of a 50KW I will post that also but it often if not always has 4 terminals and plus ground?? Not sure yet. I have never had one in my possession. We still do not have a 50KW unit.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-18-2015, 08:58 PM.


        • Originally posted by genessc

          Of course it does, its then drawing MAX CURRENT. (presume your statement is in regards to shorting one winding in a trafo... since you didn't provide any other context.)

          yes that is correct. Hitby wired it up at my request which was a complete blunder on my part, then gave the GENSET a yank. It came up to nearly running speed where the fields kick in and choked out all in the same breath.

          I said this to Hiyby, OH MY you didn't connect it up after it was running did you? He said of course not. Hitby is way past me. I am a rookie. And lovin every minute of it.

          On your amplifier quote, I agree that a car amplifier works just the way you have described it. Also let me add this. You talk and I learn from you and just because I don't reply to all of your content doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it.

          I learn every time you talk.

          I know you are pointing this out because so many state that his or experiment is amplifying energy, such as Gerard did.

          The clip I posted was in reference to the McCulloch waveform.

          Gerard says many other things but I wanted every one to note his delivery on the AC coming off the genset not having a peak. Further Gerard says that the sharp peak is heat and that is why this McCulloch being a Bi-Polar radiant generator is the best choice.

          Like ERFINDER just posted something on how he is able to go from AC to a DC wave with a machine he has created. As if I know the significance of that? I wish I understood the significance of some of these statements.

          Keep talking, because others are learning what goes right over my head.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-20-2015, 07:21 AM.


          • Lot's of us are listening, not much to add right now. I'm really enjoying the exchanges. Genessc, keep it coming man! BroMicky, don't beat yourself up, you are the one keeping this thread vibrant


            • Originally posted by Asgardian View Post
              Lot's of us are listening, not much to add right now. I'm really enjoying the exchanges. Genessc, keep it coming man! BroMicky, don't beat yourself up, you are the one keeping this thread vibrant
              Thanks So much

              I just hate to make mistakes and it takes me long to forgive myself. I don't want others hurt off this HV project. They all have been warned to not start this project yet either. You know some hard heads will anyway.

              The information is now correct to the best of my ability, thanks to the group members keeping me on the straight and narrow.

              This project is a success. We are a team who pays the bills and gets our man HITBY what he needs. The experimental data is first not Gerard's test.

              As you all can see, we are testing everything. Waveforms, voltages and amps. According to the video no amp reading was possible. The first thing Hitby did was show us an amp draw. Good man Hitby.

              Gerard maybe right in that readings can fool people. Some meter are to slow.

              The question still remains "Do we have an OU device"?


              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-19-2015, 02:12 AM.


              • Originally posted by citfta
                Saying the AC coming off the generator has no peak makes no sense at all. The very definition of an AC signal is that it reaches a peak and then changes polarity until it reaches a peak of the opposite polarity. The only electrical signal without a peak is a steady state DC signal.

                On another note there is no way to know how much power is actually getting to the heaters. They are resistance units. If the power is only 50 volts instead of 110 they don't care. They just won't get as hot. And the saw running proves nothing either unless he actually uses it to cut something. Any motor will run on greatly reduced voltage until you put a load on it. The power cord going from the transformer to the heaters and saw would be smoking if it was actually carrying enough current to supply the 6000 watts he claims he is getting. The long cord going from the generator to the transformer is limiting the current enough to prevent the fuse in the generator from blowing. If he tried that with a nice short heavy cord he would blow that 30 amp fuse pretty quickly.

                Just a 2 cent opinion from a retired industrial maintenance electrician.


                PS: I will admit I did not watch the entire video. 10 minutes was all I could take.

                I saw your name as the last poster in this thread and had a feeling that there was a voice of reason behind the post. Thanks for calling attention to the lack of evidence in the video. I'm dumbfounded as to why everybody thinks this guy has something amazing. All I've seen is a barrel full of half the evidence. Gerard Morin has no scientific rigor. However, I would be delighted if somebody working on this in this thread proves me wrong. It sure would be nice if it were that simple.



                • @citfta

                  All good points. However the long cord never spared any of my Gensets from being power hungry, but like you say there is a voltage drop that usually will be compensated for in raw amperage.

                  I know Gerard did sound strange to us when he states that the McCulloch waveform does not have a "Sharp Peak" so therefore it is more like radiant. I am not sure what Gerard is thinking. I am only quoting him off the video.

                  Also I don't know how much time you and some of our nay sayers have had to review the material concerning the actual waveform as shown by HITBY? But it is true, the SHARP peak that is again not just a peak but "A SHARP PEAK"

                  The difference between a peak and a sharp peak is notable notice the extra word "sharp"?. So when we are quoting Gerard let's get it right. Gerard is saying that the SHARP PEAK is not present in the McCulloch waveform.

                  Naturally we all know a peak is anything above a straight line

                  Now as far as your statement on the output being 50volts shows you have not reviewed all of the information presented. Also i fear that because you can't stand more than10 minutes of Gerard you already have made up your mind.

                  The chop saw will not run right on less than 80 volts without sounding like a sick horse. I am not saying you are wrong. It is just an itch we are scratching here since HITBY has had all of the equipment in his possession for a number of years, less the Genset.

                  We are not going to stop with the Gerard Morin tests. We know as anyone involved with Tesla Technology should that HV can play an important roll in producing over unity.

                  It may be that Gerard is just a dreamer, I don't know. I do like Gerard and his way of getting the ball rolling. To many people set on their hands quoting the current laws of science, so they can never stumble on to anything that they reject as a real idea.

                  I hope the 10 minutes you spent studying Gerard's stuff didn't cause you a doctors appointment in the morin. Just a little pun.

                  What I can't figure out is why smart people such as yourself don't think OU is possible with HV. Many other ways exist to get the extra as well.

                  Either way, regardless of what I think, all of your conclusions are completely viable with our current standards and so Gerard must be a complete retard. Gerard says we have a problem with calculations because the system do not run on amps it runs on COLD RADIATION. What a nut Hey? And me too for listening.

                  This is the same treatment most OU energy inventors receive. Did you know that? Ask them, they all say that they were treated like this. There are hundreds of them.

                  I refuse to do that.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 03-19-2015, 07:40 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Web000x View Post
                    I'm dumbfounded as to why everybody thinks this guy has something amazing. All I've seen is a barrel full of half the evidence. Gerard Morin has no scientific rigor.
                    Hey Dave

                    Good to see you back around this year.Gettin any OU on another project? Or just doin the rounds?



                    • Still experimenting

                      Hey Hitby,
                      Since you are the best to judge at this point, and thanks for your efforts and time, does this idea need more testing and such? From the scaled down version testing I'm doing there's more to be found out with this setup.

                      Leading and keeping a ship moving is hard and lonely, but if the supporting crew is there then you will get to your destination.

                      Push full sails ahead Captain, keep this circus moving Ringmaster!!!!

                      From the crew,


                      • A suggestion if I may. Continue with the experiment of course. However why doesnt hitby, chris, bromikey, genssec just go meet with gerard. Film the pole pig experiment again and get answers to these questions yall have. Then repeat, repeat, repeat.....


                        • Originally posted by genessc
                          I would if he (Gerard) exhibited an understanding of the basics of electricity. As is, he just makes **** up as he comments about whatever... If YOU would like to try and make sense of that, by all means. I tend to be able to discern an idiot from someone who knows what they're talking about.

                          Did Tesla understand the basics of electricity or did he just make stuff up?

                          What if someone like Chris visited Gerard with a list of questions, testing equipment, and a camera?

                          Maybe these tests and data you guys are collecting can be gathered from Gerards experiment?


                          • OU projects

                            Originally posted by citfta
                            I realize you are not familiar with me because I have been away from this forum for over a year. I am not a naysayer about OU. I have seen it twice. Once when working with Matt Jones' version of the Tesla Switch and once when working with Dave Bowling's 3BGS. I am 69 years old and have been working on OU projects for over 5 years since I retired. I also have over 50 years experience working with electronics. I started at 14 working in my Dad's TV and Radio repair shop.

                            I think I am well qualified to recognize someone talking garbage about electricity. If I knew nothing about electronics or optics and you showed me a digital camera and then took my picture and showed me you had captured my image and put it in that little box I would probably believe anything you told me about how you did it. However if I already knew about digital cameras and how they worked I would recognize when you were feeding me a line of garbage.

                            By the way if high voltage is the secret to OU that doesn't explain why he uses the pole pigs. I think that is only for show. He could just at easily have used some neon sign transformers or any other high voltage transformer rated for whatever load he wanted to use. His ideas are nothing more than a simplified version of the Don Smith device that no one has gotten to work either.

                            Begging your pardon Sir

                            I would love to see those projects in full production. That is so awesome. I apologize for my misconception of your response. It would be great to see all of these systems understood.

                            Glad to see you back around and a player. Gotta run right now and will get back to you.

                            Again let me say those men who have the OU projects are valid units by John Bedini's standards. This little project we are doing is just exploration with HV. Really we don't know where we are going with it.

                            @Gene and @citfta There are so many comments I would like to make on the peaks and waveforms but will listen to your more experienced report instead. I need to keep you guys talkin. Polk, jab, shove

                            Michael Rowland (Central Kansas)
                            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-19-2015, 07:05 PM.


                            • citfta

                              I think I am well qualified to recognize someone talking garbage about electricity.
                              I love your spirit, but you speak about this like there is one kind of electricity, or you are fluent to all forms of electricity. One of the biggest challenges that I see in many experimental setups, is that very often the observable results suggest more than one type of energy at play to produce an outcome.

                              Do not think that my comment or question here is designed to deter you from participating. To the contrary, just opening the conversation so that we are careful about global statements that are less than evident when considering all available data.


                              • Terminology seems to be a problem from what I can see, from very early on in this thread. Maybe it doesn't matter too much, so long as we get to where we need to go.

                                But once you've seen certain things, you realize that cut and dried explanations may not cover what's being manifested in and thru a circuit. What constitutes cold or hot electricity, what are the conditions that give rise to their manifestation and what is their common origin? Are there truly closed systems? Can what is widely considered a closed system still produce (and I use that term loosely; "cohere" - Doc Stiffler's term - might be better) cold electricity? I'd have to say yes, but only because I believe that at some point, said closed system is actually open to aetheric influences.

                                Not everyone will see things the way I do, but I think we have a lot to learn in this GM setup. We can consider the role of resonance in separating magnetism and dielectricity in an inductor, and the role of both in the production of cold and hot electricity.

                                Anyway, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to have the last word, but share these thoughts for what it's worth, hoping that it might help us consider ways to move forward in some kind of coherent line of analysis.

