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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • 3bgs

    I have spent the last 8 years of my life working with the 3BGS and running things off potential differences. I've built lots of variations of the Tesla switch (Several with Matt's help) I have seen amazing things, and have learned a lot. But I am striving for consistency and having something that is easy to replicate.

    Lately I have focused on running (an inverter with loads) between the positive of a generator and the positive of a battery to give me the potential difference, using a (pulse) motor which runs off the battery to power the generator and as a load to keep the battery from charging, and thus maintaining the potential difference.

    The motor, generator and some of what we are doing is why I started the "Basic Free Energy Device" thread and abandoned the "3BGS or Three Battery Generating System" thread. I know what the 3BGS is capable of, because I have seen it. I also know it is NOT consistent, and replications may or may NOT work depending on the batteries you use. That's a frustrating road. The ONE thing I have taken away from that project is that when battery 3 flips polarity, amazing things can happen, and usually do.

    I contributed $$ to THIS project because I felt like we need to have an honest replication with data to either support Gerard's claims in some fashion, or put them to bed. And things are ALWAYS learned with experimentation. When this thread first started, I offered to contribute some $$, and I did because it is always my intention to be a man of my word, whether I believe something is for real or not.
    The Benitez patents are there for all to see. They work. Matt spent a considerable amount of time working with a group of us to replicate the switch and get it working. I have NO DOUBTS about THAT technology. I believe the jury is still out on THIS. So far I haven's seen anything that would lead me to sell my house to invest in it.

    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • I never saw these. Thanks 4 that. There is so much I have not seen.

      Free-Energy Devices - Energy-Tapping Pulsed Systems

      Originally posted by Turion View Post
      I have spent the last 8 years of my life working with the 3BGS and running things off potential differences. I've built lots of variations of the Tesla switch (Several with Matt's help) I have seen amazing things, and have learned a lot. But I am striving for consistency and having something that is easy to replicate.

      Lately I have focused on running (an inverter with loads) between the positive of a generator and the positive of a battery to give me the potential difference, using a (pulse) motor which runs off the battery to power the generator and as a load to keep the battery from charging, and thus maintaining the potential difference.

      The motor, generator and some of what we are doing is why I started the "Basic Free Energy Device" thread and abandoned the "3BGS or Three Battery Generating System" thread. I know what the 3BGS is capable of, because I have seen it. I also know it is NOT consistent, and replications may or may NOT work depending on the batteries you use. That's a frustrating road. The ONE thing I have taken away from that project is that when battery 3 flips polarity, amazing things can happen, and usually do.

      I contributed $$ to THIS project because I felt like we need to have an honest replication with data to either support Gerard's claims in some fashion, or put them to bed. And things are ALWAYS learned with experimentation. When this thread first started, I offered to contribute some $$, and I did because it is always my intention to be a man of my word, whether I believe something is for real or not.
      The Benitez patents are there for all to see. They work. Matt spent a considerable amount of time working with a group of us to replicate the switch and get it working. I have NO DOUBTS about THAT technology. I believe the jury is still out on THIS. So far I haven's seen anything that would lead me to sell my house to invest in it.



      • Bob Smith


        • HitBy

          I just got off the phone with HITBY. He is setting up a new deal. This time no scope and no earth grounding. Also the 25kw pole pig will be powered up with that going to the second pig.

          HitBy has alot to do and is full time at it. We really did pick the right guy. The shunts in the amp meters were discussed also as another limiting factor.

          I think 200-300 amp shunts might pose less of a resistance to the system. Hitby is polishing off his digital temp probe.

          The next test in a combination of 100 is on the horizon. HitBy has wanted to do more with HV over the years and now is back in the swing. This test will be to run a 25kw unit into a 10kw unit.

          Keeping Gerard proportions would be a running input of 1200 watts and a load of not more than 3000 watts. I can't help but bring up the subject of a spark gap. We are not going to be running a spark gap this next test but maybe someone who knows about what a spark gap does can share their experiences?

          HV testing might also include a custom built GRAY TUBE at some point. I don't think a GRAY TUBE is an OU producer yet it has potential for looping HV systems, at such time we see OU appear.

          Also this time HITBY is going to use his chopsaw to cut metal with it.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-20-2015, 01:11 AM.


          • citfta

            Let me give you an example. Suppose you are talking to a diesel mechanic and you tell him diesel engines have to have spark plugs to run. He is immediately going to know you are spouting garbage. Or you tell him a diesel engine will run with only 50 psi of compression. He is going to know without a doubt you are full of disinformation.

            Let me ask you something. If OU really exists (and I believe it does) and the powers that be don't want you to have it, what is the best way to prevent you discovering how to get it? In almost every modern country the people have free access to the internet and all it has to offer. If the solution to OU is out there and you can't control the whole world what do you do? You bury it under so much misinformation it makes it very hard to find. You put out a ton of fake garbage and hope a lot of people will get all bogged down in trying to make it work they don't have time to look for the real thing. After they have spent a bunch of money with no results they give up believing OU is real. And you have accomplished your mission of suppressing OU.
            There is a body of knowledge that demonstrates that diesel engines can run without any liquid fuel.

            Depending on how you interpret what OU is, there are many machines that output more work than measured input today. I hope we don't spend any time debating that evidence.

            Let's focus on sharing real experimental evidence, including all possibilities until the evidence overwhelming indicates a consistent pattern of results. Then, we will having something to celebrate.

            Until then, we need to drop the plow, plant the crops - or the garden will never produce fruit.


            • Originally posted by wantomake View Post
              Hey Hitby,
              Since you are the best to judge at this point, and thanks for your efforts and time, does this idea need more testing and such? From the scaled down version testing I'm doing there's more to be found out with this setup.
              @wantomake, I have a BIG list of Testing planned (and I also try to incorporate special requests) before we put this to bed - I'm just starting to have fun, and in the event that we do see indications of OU - that will open up many more test as we investigate what to change that will vary the effect, leading to how do we enhance the same.

              Can you share with us your small scale testing to date, it could make us aware of some effect to watch for in larger scale testing.



              • Originally posted by 10k View Post
                A suggestion if I may. Continue with the experiment of course. However why doesnt hitby, chris, bromikey, genssec just go meet with gerard. Film the pole pig experiment again and get answers to these questions yall have. Then repeat, repeat, repeat.....
                @10k - I can only speak for myself, I am always up for a road trip, can even bring lots of test gear (Gerard seems to be lacking in this area) - But at the current time there are still several things to try with the equipment that is on hand. After doing every test I can think of, Then I would be prepared to either shake his hand in congratulation or ask for guidance to find the error in my ways.



                • Proper way

                  Thanks Hitby,
                  I will share what I can in the proper way I hope. Bromikey has asked the same by video.

                  The small scale I refer to is the Kurt setup I mentioned. Cause the two car coils are oil filled, but the same values. Can't step up then down to get any results like GM setup. I'm hunting for transformers (small scale) that will give a good reading I can share and post here.

                  Thanks Citfta, I'm a Harbor freight member will check this out and use your setup advice.
                  Last edited by wantomake; 03-20-2015, 02:27 PM.


                  • Thanks

                    Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    I contributed $$ to THIS project because I felt like we need to have an honest replication with data to either support Gerard's claims in some fashion, or put them to bed. And things are ALWAYS learned with experimentation. When this thread first started, I offered to contribute some $$, and I did because it is always my intention to be a man of my word, whether I believe something is for real or not.
                    The Benitez patents are there for all to see. They work. Matt spent a considerable amount of time working with a group of us to replicate the switch and get it working. I have NO DOUBTS about THAT technology. I believe the jury is still out on THIS. So far I haven's seen anything that would lead me to sell my house to invest in it.

                    @Turion (Dave) I want to state again my personal for your contribution to this project (and believing that we could do an honest evaluation), it made getting the McCulloch generator into my hands possible, we hope this will prove to be a wise investment on your part. Thanks also for turning BroMikey (and us all) on to the Benitez patents, they are intriguing.



                    • I celebrate the fact that you guys are doing the experiments and try to find out what is going on, instead of just saying it doesn't work .. it doesn't work ..

                      ohh I know everything about this .. it's impossible and blah blah blah ..

                      It's great to experiment, and even greater doing it in a joint effort ..

                      life has taught me the 2 followings things

                      1) nobody knows everything about anything!
                      2) and the ones that claims to do so are idiots!

                      it's so much nicer without cork sniffers

                      now I am NOT pointing finger at anyone here!! just expressing my general belief ..

                      you guys are great for pushing on!! some day soon, somebody will stumble upon something awesome that will change the way we use energy ..

                      you all have a good one
                      special thanks to "bromikey" and "hitby13kw"


                      • Originally posted by genessc
                        Well if anyone wants the two Drain pump setups I built, let me know. The one with the DC brushed motor driving it I'll let go for 60bux plus shipping and the one with the kollmorgan dc drive motor I'll let go for 100bux plus shipping. (the difference is the brushed dc motor takes 12vdc at ~4amps input to drive the drain pump into the 40watt lamp load, while the kollmorgan takes 30vdc at ~2amps input to do the SAME output into that 40watt lamp load.)

                        The 12vdc one is ~80% efficient, and the 30vdc one is around 50% efficient.

                        Any takers, hit me up at

                        Hi Gene

                        On the setup, I know you talk alot about efficiencies and how there is not more coming out but I never heard you talk about lighting up the whole room on it. Also I wondered if you had the step up transformers Gerard used for the tube lights?

                        Also did you have 100 watts of LED bulbs? Has this been back sometime ago and maybe the data is not fresh in your mind? You see efficiency on many OU devices for the actual pulsing transistor or motor may be underunity as they normally are YET the system conversion will make it possible to go OVERUNITY.

                        So focusing on low efficiency motor specs is redundant. Everyone knows that, what we want to here is if you did the tests and what were the specialized results. Maybe someone else should buy your setup and show you how to get the extra I mean after all you got what it seems like you wanted to see, nothing at all. Am I right?

                        From what I gather you don't think these types of systems can go OVERUNITY, isn't that right? I can't remember what your answer was on the Bedini stuff either, was that OU or just a conversion to you?

                        I would love to hear you say that you had gotten OU from one of your tests, did you ever get OU on anything? Just a thought. Hopefully you did and will share your ideas..



                        • Self-Looper On The Way

                          Hi Guys
                          FYI - from PESN
                          From: Gerard Morin
                          To: Sterling Allan
                          Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 10:26 PM

                          Hi Sterling, Things are progressing rapidly. Some new videos will be coming out shortly, from the self loop generator.. Just keep watching. Gerard Morin
                          Link: Free Energy Blog:2015:03:18 - PESWiki


                          • Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                            Hi Guys
                            FYI - from PESN

                            Link: Free Energy Blog:2015:03:18 - PESWiki
                            It sure gets quiet when someone pops up with the looper generator Idea. Thanks Bob, Gerard Morin will be out on youtube just as he always has done where the world can see how it's done.

                            So I quess Gene never did get OU, maybe someone bought his rig already, to bad.

                            You see people alway quote the mechanical aspects of our crude motors or like John Bedini said that his MONOPOLE circuit would only reach no higher than 85 PERCENT, but John and others didn't give up getting the extra.

                            Don't get me wrong, I love technical descriptions as long as the purpose of the discourse is not evasive. What it all boils down to is that some of us are believers and some of us are purely skeptical. It is okay you know, that is the way it should be.

                            To often the complex language is used to hide the true answer so the lengthy rambling it riddled with YES and NO. The true nature of an unstable mind.

                            Mikey PS Excuse me Bob I was not talking to you on that note, and this is a super quote from Gerard. So many people are blind to the extra but we are here to ride this one out.


                            • Look guys dig your machines back out and don't sell anything. The doubt is over.



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-21-2015, 01:51 AM.


                              • Gerard Morin replications. Gonna find more BRB

                                Magnets on the generator instead of motor


                                Here is is using two drill motors and two dual windings FROM the pumps rotor removed. Same thing just added his own rotor and strong magnets.


                                High Voltage information POLE PIGS stuff


                                Magnets and coils recirculating energy




                                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-21-2015, 03:00 AM.

