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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Lets go.

    Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
    @10k - I can only speak for myself, I am always up for a road trip, can even bring lots of test gear (Gerard seems to be lacking in this area) - But at the current time there are still several things to try with the equipment that is on hand. After doing every test I can think of, Then I would be prepared to either shake his hand in congratulation or ask for guidance to find the error in my ways.


    I have every intention of going back up to see Gerard very soon, I'm just in the process of moving over the next week or so. Sorry I haven't been active or responding to forum so busy with the move! If you guys want to head up there together I would be very excited to meet you all! I'm going to be experimenting with temperature responsive paint and thermocrystalline films to see if the temperature affect aft of the spark gap can be seen with those materials. I saw a video someone used a toy car that has some of that thermo-reactive paint and it showed a cold temperature change with Gerards setup. Now that stuff is just a novelty item and doesn't have much of a range. I found a company that makes industrial and experimental products in this area; they are sending me several samples for my experiment free of charge! Will be doing a video at some point with respect the the temperature experiments.


    • Here is a motor Generator system on a larger scale



        This is very cool. Interestingly enough Gerard taught me how to do this very same thing while I was visiting. He taught me as a novelty in the first few hours after arriving at his house. He taught me with small AA battery not a solar panel though; same same.


        • Great to hear that. What people miss is that the unlearned by university standards who don't know a joule from a watt can explore the roots of energy and come up with something that works.

          All of the school smarts in the world can never substitute for a vision, a dream and is the same thing as faith. Move over world. The gifts available inside each of us to excel in any area of understanding are waiting to unfold.

          I look forward to a replication of what you have learned. The spacing between magnets using iron with the addition of the woven coil network should cause some kind of internal generation. Cross wound field interacting with the OVERUNITY device called a magnet.

          Originally posted by StudentofEnergy View Post

          This is very cool. Interestingly enough Gerard taught me how to do this very same thing while I was visiting. He taught me as a novelty in the first few hours after arriving at his house. He taught me with small AA battery not a solar panel though; same same.


          • can't wait

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            It sure gets quiet when someone pops up with the looper generator Idea. Thanks Bob, Gerard Morin will be out on youtube just as he always has done where the world can see how it's done.

            So I quess Gene never did get OU, maybe someone bought his rig already, to bad.

            You see people alway quote the mechanical aspects of our crude motors or like John Bedini said that his MONOPOLE circuit would only reach no higher than 85 PERCENT, but John and others didn't give up getting the extra.

            Don't get me wrong, I love technical descriptions as long as the purpose of the discourse is not evasive. What it all boils down to is that some of us are believers and some of us are purely skeptical. It is okay you know, that is the way it should be.

            To often the complex language is used to hide the true answer so the lengthy rambling it riddled with YES and NO. The true nature of an unstable mind.

            Mikey PS Excuse me Bob I was not talking to you on that note, and this is a super quote from Gerard. So many people are blind to the extra but we are here to ride this one out.
            Yes, can't wait to see what Gerard comes out with. I hope to show how to use those washing machine motors on the table in his video. I have a motorized wheelchair wheel (very similar to washer motors) outputs good ac when turned as generator. This the older type that's a wheel and motor.

            Trying to get a video on soon as I can.
            Last edited by wantomake; 03-21-2015, 09:16 PM.


            • Looped

              Motor Generator Looped. First a gasoline engine is used to get the magnet flywheel going. Then the motor above keeps the magnet rotor/generator turning.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-22-2015, 06:41 AM.


              • Turion Motor Generator

                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-22-2015, 06:41 AM.


                • Originally posted by citfta
                  That was an interesting video. I have a couple of questions about it if you don't mind. You posted that Gerard taught you to do the same thing. Can you replicate it and get it to work? Also do you have a schematic of how those coils were wired together so I can try it myself? It was not clear from the video exactly how the coils were wired up. I have plenty of wire and also plenty of magnets.

                  Thanks for any information you can share.

                  I will indeed :P. I'm in the middle of a move and just jump on in the evenings to see any new discourse on the forums. I'll try and briefly describe his method and how it differed from the video; I think its the exact same principal used. So he takes a 1/2" to 3/4" piece of thin wood the length and width of a magnet. I would say 1/2 to 3/4" x 1 to 2" x 3 to 4" piece of thin 'mounting' strip of wood. You take two equally strong and sized magnets something akin to the size described above for the 'mounting' strip of wood. So ideally you would have a wooden core think strip separating the magnetic attraction fields of two magnets; ergo, N - S or unlike poles faces facing each other. So then he took a thicker gaged wire something similar to what we saw in the video mentioned above. It was copper wire though, and leaves one end hanging and starts to wrap the other end. Now he tells me that every 4 wraps you should solder a jumper between the coil preceding with the coil following; I will experiment with the need for this at a later date. So continue wrapping the length of the wooden stick and you have an end hanging free on the other side. So you have the wooden core and the magnetic and then the coil around and two ends hanging. Now the last two components are a(n) Led or string of Led's and a capacitor(small charge, I was going to experiment with something in the mV to single digit volt range). The LED's and the Capacitor are in parallel with the rest of the power looping circuit. Now all this is soldered together similarly to how its done in the video mentioned above. So you need a charge to start the looping process, right? So we need just a little bit of power to flip the magnetic 'wind' or flux lines but once they are flipping you are good to go. Take a 1.2v double (AA) battery and connect the + and - to either leg of the circuit before the load and capacitance and watch your LED's light. Of course you remove the battery as soon as the LED's light, I saw in the video above he left the solar charger hooked up for 60 seconds. I would experiment with time and see if there is a charge difference or what observable change takes place in a 1 second charge and a 60 second charge. Anyway there you have it and this little setup could fit in your backpack and go with you on camping trips or emergency kit. You would just need to start or prime the circuit and you have limitless potential photons by starting the flux flip. Give it a try! I will be doing this and other experiments when I'm moving! Lol ok back to packing! Good Luck Everyone! oh and psssssst keep an eye open for some Gerard news soon.


                  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                    That is an old video of my first generator build, before I even put coils on it. It was to show that I could run the motor without the voltage in the primaries dropping, and in fact, the primary voltage increased sightly, and then climbed even higher when the system was shut down. The problem was, it requires a balance between the load on the motor (turning the generator) and the load on battery #3, which in this case was about 20 watts worth of 120 volt light bulbs running on the inverter. Most people are not capable of getting the system to balance...just too many factors in play. So I have moved on, but the 3BGS system DOES work. If you read the "Three Battery Generating System" thread, you will find not less than 20 people who have replicated and seen success. Unfortunately, the SAME 20 people have also seen failure. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Welcome to my world. It can, however, extend the run time of the primary batteries significantly in EVERY case. And if the batteries are rotated, will extend it even longer, which is why I recommend this setup as an important part of the "Basic Free Energy Device." If you use the motor to run a generator and add a little back to the batteries from the generated power, you have a winner.

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                      That is an old video " If you use the motor to run a generator and add a little back to the batteries from the generated power, you have a winner.


                      Kool. to me dumping is best I thought. Do you use a cap dump or a steady stream to send some back?


                      • Originally posted by citfta
                        Hi Bro Mikey,

                        I will continue my discussion with you on this thread rather than hijack Chet's thread on the Akula device.

                        I don't know where you got the idea I was mad. Please just answer the question instead of accusing me of being mad. I am not mad at all.

                        I don't know why we misunderstand sometimes. The universities are good for add subtract multiply and divide, that is it well maybe some algebra. The rest of it with the theory of energy is way off so someone not to schooled might do just as well as someone who is really high up.

                        School is good to get a more complex OU device running along for practical use in most cases yet OU can be had by even a school girl.

                        Now that is what I meant. Me a one fingered typist. Good to hear you are gonna show your new motor build running. I am a show me sort of guy.

                        I don't mean to be rude ya know but it grinds me when people run down uneducated guys. Or the beginner. Almost no one can show any practical OU around the world, only a handful. This site is a leader is this process of discovery. Don't miss out while the music is playing.

                        Mikey PS glad you can play hardball and not just throw in over nuttin


                        • Originally posted by StudentofEnergy View Post

                          This is very cool. Interestingly enough Gerard taught me how to do this very same thing while I was visiting. He taught me as a novelty in the first few hours after arriving at his house. He taught me with small AA battery not a solar panel though; same same.
                          Thanks for the video,
                          Yes as citfta said, could you show a schematic of this? A video at normal speed would be great!!!!
                          What were the two coils made of? Iron and copper?

                          If you could, thanks.


                          • Here is a replication showing amp draw with changes to the additional magnets



                            • Oh I understand completely. Thanks for the input, you will be a winner.


                              Originally posted by citfta
                              Mikey, I don't know why you think I am trying to run down uneducated guys. I have certainly known some over-educated idiots in my work career. I have also had the pleasure of working with some brilliant uneducated individuals. I have never intentionally run down anyone that I know of. Sorry if you interpreted my postings as coming across that way.

                              And I am quite sure I have never run down the beginner. In fact if you were to do a search of my posts on this forum you would find I have spent many hours typing posts to try and help the beginner.

                              Now let me explain why I am skeptical of Gerard. I hope Dave (Turion) doesn't mind me using him as an example.

                              When Dave came to this forum a couple of years ago, he said he had seen something he couldn't explain and wanted help. In plain english he described his situation with the 3BGS and offered no fancy words or wild explanations. He asked for help to try and duplicate his findings and help in getting to the bottom of what was going on with his system. He was clearly sincere in his efforts and made no wild claims or grand theories. I became interested and joined in the research.

                              Now compare that to Don Smith and his device. Don has made all kinds of claims about his system. But to an experienced person his claims don't make sense. As just an example he claimed that neon sign transformers were overunity. He made that claim because he took the open circuit voltage and mutiplied that by the short circuit current. Doing so gave him a value for wattage that exceded the input value of the device. The problem is that is NOT how you calculate the wattage. The wattage has to be calculated by multiplying the current under load by the voltage under the SAME load. That is the only way to calculate the output wattage.

                              In addition Don tried to use the ARRL amateur radio operators handbook to further support his theories. That is an excellent book by the way for learning electronics. However Don didn't learn the real electronics taught in the book. He tried to use some of the charts in the book to explain his theory. However He clearly did not understand the purpose of the charts and totally applied them in the wrong way. When I saw those videos I came to a couple of conclusions. Here was a guy who either was trying to pull some kind of scam by using a bunch of wild unsupported theories or else he didn't have a clue what he was doing. To the best of my knowledge no one has been able to get any of his devices to do what he claims they do. There was a thread on this forum for several months that was very active with builders that could not get the same results he claimed.

                              Now comes Gerard making claims and also using electronic terms he either doesn't understand or is intentionally using them incorrectly to confuse or overwhelm his listeners. And there are some close similarities between his device and Don Smith's devices. Both of them claim the secret of OU is converting 120 volt AC to a higher voltage and then converting it back down.

                              Maybe now you can understand why I am skeptical of Gerard's claims. I hope I am proven wrong. That would be great to have such a simple circuit to get OU and some real useful power at that.

                              When I mentioned real electronics in the discussion about Don Smith I am of course referring to the accepted theories used to create all our modern technology. Do I believe that theory is complete? No I do not. I feel sure there is more to electricity than what we have been taught. However the modern theory has accomplished a lot and until there is a better one it shouldn't be thrown out.

                              Respectfully and sincerely,


                              • Originally posted by citfta
                                Hi Hitby,

                                I have watched several of your videos now and am impressed with your serious efforts to study the claims made by Gerard. You seem to have the equipment and knowledge of how to use the equipment to get to the bottom of those claims. Thank you for your efforts. I am eagerly awaiting your final conclusions. I sincerely hope I am wrong about my opinion of Gerard. It would be wonderful if the secret to OU was as simple as he claims.

                                @citfta , Thanks for taking the time to watch my work, I value your knowledge and training, so the tip of a hat from you means something to me. had everything except the McCulloch generator when Gerard first announced his findings, so we noted to ourselves, if we had that bit we could test this claim, then BroMikey started his Campaign and hooked me up with a generator, now we get to play.

                                Have no ax to grind one way or the other, just thought we could show our results and let people make up their own minds, maybe save a few people an unneeded headache. However at this time from the tests done to date, have to admit we are leaning in your direction about Gerard’s claims – but hope springs eternal. Time will tell, perhaps soon we will be doing the happy dance.


