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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Gerard will come through. I think of Gerard as a point of contact with the world and people will give him the answer that we need.
    Who Do Where Why What?


    • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
      Who Do Where Why What?

      Hey Orion

      You given me an open door to rant?

      Sorry I was so hard on you last time, please forgive me.

      Gerard is on a pedestal right now and people from around the world contact him. Nobody with the knowledge to make my pole pig roast a real barbecue wants to directly chime in and put their necks on the line, but they might tell Gerard.

      The point is that the knowledge exists, that is the point.

      I talked to Hiyby today and you would not believe it if I told you what is under way with that GENSET to pigs. We are finding out that the bi-polar Genset is a form of isolation that is desirable during tests of UNKNOWN configuration.

      Ground trap grounding and or aerial combinations, enhance the entrainment of Aetheric currents. If you or anyone you know of has a specific test to be done let me know and I will discuss it with the chief cook and bottle washer.

      Bless your heart boy

      Mikey PS my chin is out and ready
      Last edited by BroMikey; 04-01-2015, 03:16 AM.


      • Hi, another picture from Clarence, here his letters:

        "the rods are called copper bonded ground rods.
        they are 8 foot long.
        they are 5/8 inch diameter.
        any local hardware should stock them.

        you will need to get one of the brass oblong 5/8 diameter wire clamps to go with each rod.

        I have attached a photo to show what I am doing with them.




        • As a matter of fact HIYBY saw your post and is doing some grounding
          rods like you are posting.

          See what you have done?


          Originally posted by pedroxime View Post

          Hi, another picture from Clarence, here his letters:

          "the rods are called copper bonded ground rods.
          they are 8 foot long.
          they are 5/8 inch diameter.
          any local hardware should stock them.

          you will need to get one of the brass oblong 5/8 diameter wire clamps to go with each rod.

          I have attached a photo to show what I am doing with them.




          • Help

            What page on overunity? I'm a member but couldn't find Clarence.



            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Hey Orion

              You given me an open door to rant?

              I wasn't aware you needed an open door or an invitation.

              Sorry I was so hard on you last time, please forgive me.

              There's nothing to forgive, I understand the source well.

              Gerard is on a pedestal right now and people from around the world contact him.

              Why would any one put him on a pedestal? He has done nothing except contradict himself at every turn?

              Nobody with the knowledge to make my pole pig roast a real barbecue wants to directly chime in and put their necks on the line, but they might tell Gerard.

              The point is that the knowledge exists, that is the

              The point is that you make no sense to anyone with a logical mind that is the point.

              I talked to Hiyby today and you would not believe it if I told you what is under way with that GENSET to pigs.

              Do you think maybe it's time for you to give your friend the respect of spelling his name correctly?

              We are finding out that the bi-polar Genset is a form of isolation that is desirable during tests of UNKNOWN configuration.

              Most people would use an isolation transformer or use batteries with an inverter to do tests of UNKNOWN configuration. I thought the point of the Genset was that it contained a magical magnet of UNKNOWN configuration.

              Ground trap grounding and or aerial combinations, enhance the entrainment of Aetheric currents. If you or anyone you know of has a specific test to be done let me know and I will discuss it with the chief cook and bottle washer.

              You were warned about such things from wise, knowledgeable people and you accuse them of being unable to change a tire.

              Gerard will come through. I think of Gerard as a point of contact with the world and people will give him the answer that we need.

              honestly Mikey, do you not see a problem with the above statement you made? You began by stating Gerard had all the answers and now you state that "the people" will give him (Gerard) the answers that we need??? Please reread and restate this in some manner that makes sense. I have noticed that it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, however logical, you ignore it and start your rant never addressing the issue.

              Bless your heart boy

              Really? Thats what you say to grown men?

              Mikey PS my chin is out and ready
              Really? Nobody wants to fight Mikey. We want logical reasoning and facts. Something that Gerard and you seem to be unable to produce.


              • Note these are Steel ground rods with a copper cladding on them. (I pounded a couple of these into my own yard a while ago for Kapanadze replication attempts.)


                Originally posted by pedroxime View Post

                Hi, another picture from Clarence, here his letters:

                "the rods are called copper bonded ground rods.
                they are 8 foot long.
                they are 5/8 inch diameter.
                any local hardware should stock them.

                you will need to get one of the brass oblong 5/8 diameter wire clamps to go with each rod.

                I have attached a photo to show what I am doing with them.




                • Start at page 40 something If you know the subject. If not from the start... See you in a week lol,,, in 40 years +on the boards this is one I can say that was run from the start wit minimum of the interference from the trolls,, Mr Clarence is most humble and respectful gentlemen you can imagine. The 77 years of age do to you things unimaginable. I am absolutely convinced that hi presented OU. I let you decide for yourself.

                  Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal

                  Originally posted by wantomake View Post
                  What page on overunity? I'm a member but couldn't find Clarence.



                  • Originally Posted by BroMikey View Post
                    Hey Orion

                    You given me an open door to rant?

                    I wasn't aware you needed an open door or an invitation.

                    Sorry I was so hard on you last time, please forgive me.

                    There's nothing to forgive, I understand the source well.
                    The point is that you make no sense to anyone with a logical mind that is the point.
                    You were warned about such things from wise, knowledgeable people and you accuse them of being unable to change a tire.

                    Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                    Who Do Where Why What?

                    Hey Orion

                    If you or anyone you know of has a specific test to be done let me know and I will discuss it with the chief cook and bottle washer.

                    Bless your heart boy

                    Mikey PS my chin is out and ready there are plenty of knowledgeable around with flat tires. The flat tire analogy is where you are flat out when it comes to practical OU. Now do you get it? Dur...?
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 04-01-2015, 06:48 PM.


                    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                      Hey Orion

                      If you or anyone you know of has a specific test to be done let me know and I will discuss it with the chief cook and bottle washer.

                      Bless your heart boy

                      Mikey PS my chin is out and ready there are plenty of knowledgeable around with flat tires. The flat tire analogy is where you are flat out when it comes to practical OU. Now do you get it? Dur...?
                      No Mikey, I don't get it.

                      I can't have a rational conversation with you so I give up.
                      You skip logic and go straight to insults.

                      Matt Jones called you an idiot, but I find you to be more comical. Like trying to keep a straight face and talk to superhero wearing a unitard.

                      You and Hitby have been taken in but it is your journey and because time and money have been invested; leave no stone unturned by all means.
                      I'm sure there is much more comedy to be found under each and every one of those stones so long as Hitby doesn't touch the wrong thing.

                      Good luck! boy


                      • Originally posted by citfta
                        Hi Orion,

                        I have decided to follow the advice of Solomon. I don't remember the exact verse, but in Proverbs he tells us we shouldn't waste our time arguing with fools. Anyone that wants to take offense at that only needs to look at the evidence. He also said a fool is wise in his own eyes.

                        My original intentions when I first started posting was to try and help. But you can see what that turned into.

                        Yeah you're right Carroll and if you argue with them, it only serves to make you look bad I give up.


                        • When you run out of things to test, try this

                          From two copper clad ground rods run to the primary on the pole pig. From the output of the pole pig go through a FWBR to a car battery and measure current and voltage, open circuit and closed circuit.


                          1. ground rods should be vertical in the ground and as far apart as is reasonably possible, at least 30 feet (10 meter).

                          2. ground rods should be oriented North and South so the earth between acts as a conductor that "cuts" the magnetic field of the earth. (Your specific place on the earth may mean that "perfect" North and South is not optimum.

                          3. use a pole pig because it has a large amount of copper in it. (Joseph Newman) Your typical ignition coil is not large enough.

                          4. After you test North and South you can experiment with East West. According to some reports, Hendershot oriented his experiments in an East West direction.

                          5. Be sure you know how to connect the battery with the correct polarity. If you don't, you may be in for a surprise.
                          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                          • Curious.

                            Clarence is using a car battery to run a true sinewave inverter, and he takes one leg from the 120vac sine out into one side of the windings on both of the toroid cores and then on to one side of the Load which is the lamps and the smart charger which feeds back out to charge that 12vdc battery.

                            The other leg of the 120vac sine he feeds into the other side of the primary windings on both of the toroids as well as he then connects this side into the ground via the 4 centered ground rods. The other rods are then arrayed out around the 4 center ground rods and each of those acts as a disparate pickup for the ac volt/current going thru the ground as the conductor for that part of the circuit. Note that the bottom leg of the 120vac isn't directly connected out to the Loads, but is only connected directly to the other side of the primaries on both toroids.

                            He then has Large guage wire of few turns as the secondaries on both toroids and those are connected up to close a loop between the secondaries.

                            From the top 120vac lead he connects one direct electrical connection to the top few turn secondary "circle" between the two Toroids. This is not normal so its noted. It must somehow coseed the 120vac signal on the very low voltage but high current secondary that the pure sine inverter is feeding into the pair of toroids.

                            The bottom 120vac lead is not then directly connected to that few turn secondary circle between the two toroids. Instead it comes back out of the ground via the 28 spread out ground rods and then goes thru the few turns (same number of turns as the secondaries themselves?) around that secondary "circle" which implies hes picking up Current there... and from there it goes out to the lamp and battery charger as load.

                            There could be a gain in this "OPEN" system which incorporates the ground as the Current matrix which probably tugs at the telluric nature of Very large currents that run in the mantle of the earth... this sort of a "plug in" would create a localized morass to integrate with and from.

                            It would be interesting to see the DCR measurements taken between each of the Rods and then take Impedance measurements using two rods at a time to see how they look at the frequencies the impedance measuring device is capable of measuring at.

                            Curious stuff... will be curious to hear any updates about it working... and measured outputs compared to measured inputs...


                            Originally posted by desa View Post
                            Start at page 40 something If you know the subject. If not from the start... See you in a week lol,,, in 40 years +on the boards this is one I can say that was run from the start wit minimum of the interference from the trolls,, Mr Clarence is most humble and respectful gentlemen you can imagine. The 77 years of age do to you things unimaginable. I am absolutely convinced that hi presented OU. I let you decide for yourself.

                            Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal


                            • Out of reach

                              Originally posted by desa View Post
                              Start at page 40 something If you know the subject. If not from the start... See you in a week lol,,, in 40 years +on the boards this is one I can say that was run from the start wit minimum of the interference from the trolls,, Mr Clarence is most humble and respectful gentlemen you can imagine. The 77 years of age do to you things unimaginable. I am absolutely convinced that hi presented OU. I let you decide for yourself.

                              Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal
                              Thanks desa,
                              Nice to read a kind voice here. Yes I read and understand the ground grid is hugh with 50 or 60 of the copper coated rods . Too pricey for me. And I don't have that much land. But very interesting to read and learn of the find over on OU.



                              • You see these posts Hitby?

                                I told you the people here are not all flat tires. Gene is a wiz kid and so is Wayne. Thanks so much guys I am rereading trying to grasp these details.

                                It looks like somebody knows way more than me on the subject of grounding
                                and I am so glad to be able to learn from each of you.

                                Clarence has a lot of faith. That is all it takes to move mountains. These are the voices of wise counsel. Oh and following Solomon is all well and good but he didn't follow his own advice.

                                I have pondered grounding but having no prior knowledge from experimentation has left me only to wonder. Now I have more to go on.

                                HITBY was asking me "Should I place the rods North south or east west"??

                                I don't know was my reply. There are a lot of things I don't know so I go online to my buddies who usually have some input. One man can not know everything you know? There is no shame in that.

                                A special thanks as always to the grown ups who have offered their help.

                                Mikey PS you guys are making my day again

                                Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
                                From two copper clad ground rods run to the primary on the pole pig. From the output of the pole pig go through a FWBR to a car battery and measure current and voltage, open circuit and closed circuit.


                                1. ground rods should be vertical in the ground and as far apart as is reasonably possible, at least 30 feet (10 meter).

                                2. ground rods should be oriented North and South so the earth between acts as a conductor that "cuts" the magnetic field of the earth. (Your specific place on the earth may mean that "perfect" North and South is not optimum.

                                3. use a pole pig because it has a large amount of copper in it. (Joseph Newman) Your typical ignition coil is not large enough.

                                4. After you test North and South you can experiment with East West. According to some reports, Hendershot oriented his experiments in an East West direction.

                                5. Be sure you know how to connect the battery with the correct polarity. If you don't, you may be in for a surprise.

                                Originally posted by genessc View Post

                                Clarence is using a car battery to run a true sinewave inverter, and he takes one leg from the 120vac sine out into one side of the windings on both of the toroid cores and then on to one side of the Load which is the lamps and the smart charger which feeds back out to charge that 12vdc battery.

                                The other leg of the 120vac sine he feeds into the other side of the primary windings on both of the toroids as well as he then connects this side into the ground via the 4 centered ground rods. The other rods are then arrayed out around the 4 center ground rods and each of those acts as a disparate pickup for the ac volt/current going thru the ground as the conductor for that part of the circuit. Note that the bottom leg of the 120vac isn't directly connected out to the Loads, but is only connected directly to the other side of the primaries on both toroids.

                                He then has Large guage wire of few turns as the secondaries on both toroids and those are connected up to close a loop between the secondaries.

                                From the top 120vac lead he connects one direct electrical connection to the top few turn secondary "circle" between the two Toroids. This is not normal so its noted. It must somehow coseed the 120vac signal on the very low voltage but high current secondary that the pure sine inverter is feeding into the pair of toroids.

                                The bottom 120vac lead is not then directly connected to that few turn secondary circle between the two toroids. Instead it comes back out of the ground via the 28 spread out ground rods and then goes thru the few turns (same number of turns as the secondaries themselves?) around that secondary "circle" which implies hes picking up Current there... and from there it goes out to the lamp and battery charger as load.

                                There could be a gain in this "OPEN" system which incorporates the ground as the Current matrix which probably tugs at the telluric nature of Very large currents that run in the mantle of the earth... this sort of a "plug in" would create a localized morass to integrate with and from.

                                It would be interesting to see the DCR measurements taken between each of the Rods and then take Impedance measurements using two rods at a time to see how they look at the frequencies the impedance measuring device is capable of measuring at.

                                Curious stuff... will be curious to hear any updates about it working... and measured outputs compared to measured inputs...

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 04-02-2015, 02:06 AM.

