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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • level

    As I stated before I won't spend much time trying to change your mind about anything.

    There is far more to existence than we are aware, have means to measure, or even ability to comprehend.

    Nobody here in this forum needs a lecture on the extents of what electricity is accordingly to conventional thinking. But most ARE here to expand what electricity can be, discover a broader interpretation about other forms of power that are present all around us, but not well understood.

    Some of these forms of power can do work... but are difficult to measure. Some of these forms of power are inextricably linked to conventional power, but simply hidden by the shadow of Yin (as Yan).

    I have experienced many things in life that I cannot measure nor do I understand. I have simply taken notice of phenomena that supports a likelihood. So in short, an entry level belief.

    I happen to believe that mankind deserves to see and build knowledge of the big picture. I fully expect that I will have to earn this knowledge with others that have the ability to be open to infinite possibilities.

    These possibilities are not fantasies - they are possibilities in search of defining criteria, and replication with others.

    If that really disturbs your reality box, you might want to find a new place to exchange. This place is filled with dreamers and doers - not those limited by dogma.



    • Hello DavidE. Your comments are not directed to me or anything I have said here. They are directed to something you are imagining. I have already pointed out that I am very open minded about the concept of free energy; however, if a person is going to make measurements, they should do them right. Doing improper measurements and making incorrect assumptions can only lead a person down the garden path. A person either is interested in what is true or they are not. Just because the output of a certain type of circuit may be hard to measure, it certainly doesn't mean it is OK to do incorrect measurements and then try to draw conclusions from those incorrect measurements. That of course doesn't make any sense. If someone doesn't know how to make proper measurements, they should ask for help. There are probably various people around who might be willing to help if someone is sincerely looking for some help.
      Happy Experimenting!


      • Originally posted by level View Post
        . Doing improper measurements and making incorrect assumptions can only lead a person down the garden path.
        Happy Experimenting!

        Here is a garden path for all. Watch as the voltage is stepped
        down and adjustments are made. There is something to learn here.


        • Resonant coil effects. Don't be fooled by the pancake it is just a coil.


          • level

            Hello DavidE. Your comments are not directed to me or anything I have said here. They are directed to something you are imagining. I have already pointed out that I am very open minded about the concept of free energy; however, if a person is going to make measurements, they should do them right. Doing improper measurements and making incorrect assumptions can only lead a person down the garden path. A person either is interested in what is true or they are not. Just because the output of a certain type of circuit may be hard to measure, it certainly doesn't mean it is OK to do incorrect measurements and then try to draw conclusions from those incorrect measurements. That of course doesn't make any sense. If someone doesn't know how to make proper measurements, they should ask for help. There are probably various people around who might be willing to help if someone is sincerely looking for some help.
            Thank you for confirming that I was having a conversation with my self.

            "Taking measurements" - I have seen evidence that there are more than one or two types of energy in our world. Since we only have instruments that measure garden variety DC/AC how would you suggest we measure and verify other types?

            By what means do you have to assure integrity of data produced by existing instruments? The closer we look at any data set, we must conclude that it is only ever a relative point of reference - nothing more.

            Its like discussing grounding - grounding has an infinite number of values relative to how and where its measured. Utilizing scientific method, do you think all grounding represents the same value?

            When you are an infant (developmentally) certain things make sense. But when you grow and become an adolescent, another range of things appear as most relevant. Again when you are an adult, and then a transcendent adult each one of these stages has a perspective based reality. The truth most often accepted/offered, is the narrative (the story) that can be held by the observer.

            Help? For many the point of inviting other observations (posting) is to re-consider your most current view and determine if your interpretation should change. Learning and evolving perspectives is simply a human condition. Truth is a gradient, not an absolute. Truth is not necessarily nested in any ill intent. any utterance could be completely "innocent."

            Now if you are the Creator, God or the Immutable one - I will grant you absolute authority - to know (no questions asked). All other creations, just have their view as they pass through the experiential plane.

            I posted on this thread so that you might take a step back and allow that others may hoist experimental interpretations in search of more powerful narratives.

            Any one individual here should be willing to launch their thoughts until social resonance is discovered. Isn't that the point of Internet collaboration?

            Replications can also hasten new possibilities, and in that doing may serve to erase old paradigms (old observational truths).

            I think you illustrate the largest of truths. All observations are illusions chosen based on a selected perspective meaning, nothing more.

            Back to Gerard Morin. He has a curious way to communicate, but his fearless tenacity (his style) will help new ideas be born. I only hope that he stays in the vein that he has started, because experimentally I have seen some strong evidence for the fundamental nature of his work. Now I might change this view depending on how he chooses next to illustrate what he claims to know.

            But that's for tomorrow's consideration. Please don't tell me that you don't believe in tomorrow?


            • BroMikey

              Like a pump!




              • Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                Thank you for confirming that I was having a conversation with my self.
                You're welcome.

                Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                "Taking measurements" - I have seen evidence that there are more than one or two types of energy in our world. Since we only have instruments that measure garden variety DC/AC how would you suggest we measure and verify other types?
                As I have said, if you are powering a real load with real power, you should be able to measure it. If there is some reason that you can't measure it with standard instruments, then a person should at least be able to demonstrate and/or explain why they can't measure things in a normal way. There may still be ways to make useful measurements even if there is some unusual form of energy at work. For example, if you are powering a light bulb with some unknown form of energy, you could still measure the light and heat coming off that light bulb using appropriate equipment as a way to gauge the output. Where there is a will, there is a way.


                • Originally posted by DavidE View Post

                  Now if you are the Creator, God or the Immutable one - I will grant you absolute authority - to know (no questions asked). All other creations, just have their view as they pass through the experiential plane.
                  Thanks David

                  It is clear that you are not only well able to convey your thoughts
                  from the elevated plateau you hail from, by mere words but are far wiser
                  than most will ever even ponder.

                  Wisdom is a gift.

                  Each person, such as our friend Gerard, has a gift and should
                  not be judged as wrong on the basis of meter reading.

                  And especially not to be compared with other people who have a
                  completely different gift.

                  I understand the skeptical mind, it is the flat tire of human nature.

                  I like to cheer lead so as to relieve the pressure of valueless fears
                  of what people may think of me if I don't convince them all I am
                  superman Mr perfect everything

                  To human nature a cheer leader appears to be an idiot
                  because human nature wants to pout.

                  You gotta Bee kidding me, some people are really peer pressure
                  driven robots?My garsh what a prison.

                  Outsiders peer into our discussions and wonder what we are
                  doing or thinking, namely messengers.

                  The war is on for clear evaluation so one tool after another
                  is being formulated to add to our ac and dc metering that
                  we may have more to measure with.

                  I see people with temp probes and LED indicator/detectors
                  of many types. Some measure magnetism and some other
                  forms of radiant if we may call it that.

                  Thanks you for allowing me to project my ideas into the public
                  domain where someone may benefit in a small way.

                  That is my hope. Blowing in the wind

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 05-12-2015, 07:00 AM.


                  • Wow, bromikey and davide, i observe this thread and others and you two are on fire in the wisdom arena.
                    "valueless fear", that simple small quote should be made into bumper stickers, shirts or something.
                    Truth is, fear never has any value, because it freezes people in time, like those blue meanies did to people in the yellow submarine movie cartoon with the beatles.
                    carry on.
                    peace love light


                    • I think I can I think I can

                      Woo Woo doesn't pull the Choo Choo.

                      Yes there are other forms of energy. I have seen them, felt them, and all but tasted them. So what?

                      This thread is about a real person who made real claims about real power and then basically disappears while his cheerleaders sit in a circle jerk and throw childish insults at anyone asking logical questions. Seems a bit hypocritical on the part of the woo woo tribe if you ask me.


                      • Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
                        Woo Woo doesn't pull the Choo Choo.

                        Yes there are other forms of energy. I have seen them, felt them, and all but tasted them. So what?

                        This thread is about a real person who made real claims about real power and then basically disappears while his cheerleaders sit in a circle jerk and throw childish insults at anyone asking logical questions. Seems a bit hypocritical on the part of the woo woo tribe if you ask me.

                        It's twisted thoughts like yours that prove a twisted mind. You guys are
                        the one's insulting everyone with you supposed higher grammar.

                        It is a stinky way of twisting all of the perimeters, I have watched
                        this all my life. If I say I am cold you will say I am hot.

                        Gerard is right, human nature is a flat tire, quit crying about it.

                        Gerard is working hard and I don't see anything coming from you
                        but non-sense.

                        You remind me of the armadillo out back, just got his head
                        in everything and hoping for a vulnerable morsel to eat.

                        You are not going to eat our friend Gerard.

                        Come back when you can show us something positive.

                        The only one insulting is you, so go back to your hole
                        and crawl in like all creeping things or grow up out
                        of your lower nature and come up higher.

                        Fat chance, course I am hurting your feelings giving
                        you the low down. Stop it!! Just stop it!!

                        And quit twisting the story.

                        Well that is my 2 cents. What a bunch of whiny folks
                        who always need to be pet and stroked.

                        Michael Rowland (Central Kansas) PS I don't hide behind screen names.
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 05-14-2015, 01:36 AM.


                        • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                          Wow, bromikey and davide, i observe this thread and others and you two are on fire in the wisdom arena.
                          "valueless fear", that simple small quote should be made into bumper stickers, shirts or something.
                          Truth is, fear never has any value, because it freezes people in time, like those blue meanies did to people in the yellow submarine movie cartoon with the beatles.
                          carry on.
                          peace love light
                          Hey Sky

                          Been following your work. Thank you for your kind words that DAVID
                          has inspired from me. Looking at David's posts gives me something to
                          come up to someday. He uses words properly.

                          I like analogies such as the FLAT TIRE one. But I can see I have
                          a lot to learn. Really fear of losing position with friends is the
                          single most powerful pitfall for human kind.

                          Many folks hate Gerard for trying his best to show the phenomena
                          he had stumbled on and can not always seem to get it to work
                          every time.

                          Once you have seen the phenomena you are a changed person
                          for life. This is a difficult position to hold in the face of antagonistic

                          Never the less Gerard is doing his best to share with his limited
                          internet connection and literary skills.

                          Gerard is fearless to take such a position.

                          Here he is

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-14-2015, 02:18 AM.


                          • A warning to all of the trolls, the secret is out and thousands
                            are running motor generators more than ever before.

                            Thanks Gerard



                            • Thanks Gerard, don't worry about us Gerard we are for you



                              • Thanks Gerard here is version 2, busy bee gets the honey


