Safety Warning - Stay well away from powered up high voltage 'pole pig' transformers
By the way Gerard, in a previous video of yours you placed a clamp meter right on the high voltage wire between the two high voltage 'pole pig' transformers, and that was/is extremely dangerous. The higher the current capacity of your generator powering the high voltage transformers, the more dangerous it is. If arcing occurs to someone from such a high voltage transformer arrangement because someone gets too close, they could be fried to a crisp. This is no joke. What you did in that video by not only going near the high voltage wire/terminals of the high voltage transformers but also actually placing a clamp meter that you were holding in your hand on the high voltage wire was extremely dangerous. Had arcing occurred there you could very well have been killed or very seriously injured. Experimenting with high voltage power line transformers is extremely dangerous unless you are well versed in safety procedures for working around such high voltage equipment. Again, you need need to stay far back from high voltage power line transformers when they are powered up.
By the way Gerard, in a previous video of yours you placed a clamp meter right on the high voltage wire between the two high voltage 'pole pig' transformers, and that was/is extremely dangerous. The higher the current capacity of your generator powering the high voltage transformers, the more dangerous it is. If arcing occurs to someone from such a high voltage transformer arrangement because someone gets too close, they could be fried to a crisp. This is no joke. What you did in that video by not only going near the high voltage wire/terminals of the high voltage transformers but also actually placing a clamp meter that you were holding in your hand on the high voltage wire was extremely dangerous. Had arcing occurred there you could very well have been killed or very seriously injured. Experimenting with high voltage power line transformers is extremely dangerous unless you are well versed in safety procedures for working around such high voltage equipment. Again, you need need to stay far back from high voltage power line transformers when they are powered up.