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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Safety Warning - Stay well away from powered up high voltage 'pole pig' transformers

    By the way Gerard, in a previous video of yours you placed a clamp meter right on the high voltage wire between the two high voltage 'pole pig' transformers, and that was/is extremely dangerous. The higher the current capacity of your generator powering the high voltage transformers, the more dangerous it is. If arcing occurs to someone from such a high voltage transformer arrangement because someone gets too close, they could be fried to a crisp. This is no joke. What you did in that video by not only going near the high voltage wire/terminals of the high voltage transformers but also actually placing a clamp meter that you were holding in your hand on the high voltage wire was extremely dangerous. Had arcing occurred there you could very well have been killed or very seriously injured. Experimenting with high voltage power line transformers is extremely dangerous unless you are well versed in safety procedures for working around such high voltage equipment. Again, you need need to stay far back from high voltage power line transformers when they are powered up.
    Last edited by level; 07-07-2015, 11:58 AM.


    • Originally posted by level View Post
      By the way Gerard, in a previous video of yours you placed a clamp meter right on the high voltage wire between the two high voltage 'pole pig' transformers, and that was/is extremely dangerous. .................................................. ................................

      .................................................. .................................

      Again, you need need to stay far back from high voltage power line transformers when they are powered up.
      Hi Level

      Again it doesn't hurt to repeat the warnings but I need to

      refer everyone to the video where Gerard talks about the HV

      experiments using the McCulloch. Please everyone watch the

      video first then comment. Okay well I guess I will have to type

      it in for those who refuse.

      The McCulloch was said to be a bi-polar generator of electricity

      but Gerard corrected that stating the it produces RF. And like

      the mini motor generators that produce RF a person will get

      a shock if the voltage is high enough but it will not burn you.

      If we are going to correct Gerard we need to listen to what

      he said on the subject first.

      I understand what all of the minds are doing with this post

      AND Gerards explanations about energy. If just bounces off

      as if the statements were never made with the standard

      university dogma filling in the air space between folks ears.

      Gerard specifically pointed out that energy in the form of

      RF is far less dangerous.

      It may well be a good idea to warn the average man who

      may come along and do the HV pole transformer experiments

      using another generator that does not produce RF.

      HITBY did post the waveform. The wave form coming from

      the McCulloch is very different.

      Also I think Gerard was using rubber boots as it was during

      the winter snowy season. Plus the pole transformers were

      on wooden pallets.

      Also the hard wire direct ground would make it virtually

      impossible for any RF energy to go to the high resistance

      path through a persons body to earth.

      Please re-watch the video to understand what Gerard

      said when he did address this subject of concern.

      It appears that everyone is so focused on getting

      shocked to death that no one will do any experiments.

      In fact about the only comment you will hear from 99.999 percent

      of the people is something like, "watch out" "Don't"

      "To dangerous" "Oh my God" " Be care full"

      AND so on and so forth.

      The other 1 percent go on to over come the dogma fears

      to make it all happen.

      The end of these fears has folks enrolling is classes to

      become university certified in about 4 -6 years, then

      if the teacher says so, you may proceed.

      It is a Nanny mind set "Mother may I?" "Yes you May"!!!

      "Simon says" "You put yer right foot in ya put yer right foot out"
      Last edited by BroMikey; 07-08-2015, 03:43 AM.


      • health and saftey liabilities

        So, by your blatant disregard for the dangers, you encourage others to play in a area that there is NO margin for error from death.

        For all who may still be watching this thread and thinking about replicating or trying anything close to this, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,P LEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PL EASE,
        watch this video and don't be the hot dog.

        When I was a young boy, I was in the boy scouts. As a region, there was a hike in a mountainous area that I was very familiar with. I was hiking along with my friends and knew of a short-cut over a ridge line that would save us a mile or more of hiking around it. I had no reservations whatsoever about taking this short-cut as I knew my capabilities and that I could safely navigate my friends over this short-cut down a very steep grade / cliff on the other side. - Which I did.
        However, I had not considered a long line of scouts behind us that I didn't know, nor did I consider them watching me where I went and following.

        Only after they dislodged rocks onto the heads of scouts below them and falling / sliding down the cliff, did I recognize the seriousness of my arrogance. They did not have the knowledge to keep themselves or others safe.

        Have you been / are you arrogant in ignoring the saftey of others around you in this field? This is NOT changing a flat tire and anyone who makes it seem like it is in the same category of saftey as that, is seriously, dangerously, leading others to their harm, or death. I would hate to be held legally liable for someone's death because of some arrogant childish rant.

        Stay alive, don't follow this dangerous path unless you KNOW all the dangers and have all the saftey precautions and equipment!


        • No one ever said not to follow the safety guidelines set

          forth at the beginning of this thread. This just shows me

          who side you are on. You are stooping to new lows to lie

          against me. You are wrong to spend all your time fear mongering.

          You have the pigs, start showing results. Stop wasting my time.

          I don't want to hear your twisted line of unethical garbage.

          Go tell your story rhyme theology to someone you can more

          easily brainwash.

          You are lying against me and I don't like you doing that.

          You are not smart. You are not right.

          The reason you are twisting all of the posts to suit your

          viewpoint is because I hit a soft spot, being that fear keeps

          you from doing the tests. And the reason I know that, is because

          you have the transformers and don't use them therefore

          you don't have any results.

          It is the same ole trash that every one could get hurt and your

          insurance policy might not cover that or you might go to

          jail if you got pined down in a court for suggesting an experiment.

          A classic ninny response of men in America who let the women

          run things.

          Stop messing up my thread with your twisted lies. I don't like

          whinny people ruining decent interactions.

          You guys want to whine, twist, lie on me that will be fine on

          your own thread. Not here.

          Start showing some results with HV or go hide in the closet.

          Is this is what men have become?

          It is like suggesting a home birth and everybody in the hood

          want to call the police on you.

          Anyone doing these tests need to follow the safe route.

          This is good common sense.

          To make is harder for people to lie on me and twist my posts

          I will post another safety video. Here it is.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 07-08-2015, 07:09 AM.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Hi Level
            Again it doesn't hurt to repeat the warnings but I need to
            refer everyone to the video where Gerard talks about the HV
            experiments using the McCulloch. Please everyone watch the
            video first then comment. Okay well I guess I will have to type
            it in for those who refuse.
            The McCulloch was said to be a bi-polar generator of electricity
            but Gerard corrected that stating the it produces RF. And like
            the mini motor generators that produce RF a person will get
            a shock if the voltage is high enough but it will not burn you.
            If we are going to correct Gerard we need to listen to what
            he said on the subject first.
            I understand what all of the minds are doing with this post
            AND Gerards explanations about energy. If just bounces off
            as if the statements were never made with the standard
            university dogma filling in the air space between folks ears.
            Gerard specifically pointed out that energy in the form of
            RF is far less dangerous.
            It may well be a good idea to warn the average man who
            may come along and do the HV pole transformer experiments
            using another generator that does not produce RF.
            HITBY did post the waveform. The wave form coming from
            the McCulloch is very different.
            Also I think Gerard was using rubber boots as it was during
            the winter snowy season. Plus the pole transformers were
            on wooden pallets.
            Also the hard wire direct ground would make it virtually
            impossible for any RF energy to go to the high resistance
            path through a persons body to earth.
            Please re-watch the video to understand what Gerard
            said when he did address this subject of concern.
            It appears that everyone is so focused on getting
            shocked to death that no one will do any experiments.
            In fact about the only comment you will hear from 99.999 percent
            of the people is something like, "watch out" "Don't"
            "To dangerous" "Oh my God" " Be care full"
            AND so on and so forth.
            The other 1 percent go on to over come the dogma fears
            to make it all happen.
            The end of these fears has folks enrolling is classes to
            become university certified in about 4 -6 years, then
            if the teacher says so, you may proceed.
            It is a Nanny mind set "Mother may I?" "Yes you May"!!!
            "Simon says" "You put yer right foot in ya put yer right foot out"

            Hello BroMilkey. It is very obvious from what you wrote here that you have little idea of what you are talking about. Ordinary boots of whatever type with rubber soles are not likely going to help much at all when you are dealing with high voltages at higher current capacities. Even at very low power levels such as with very small tesla coils you can still get shocks and small burns. At power levels in the hundreds or thousands of Watts you can easily be killed or badly injured. Don't kid yourself. Any generator that can power AC loads like lights and heaters and power tools can potentially kill you just by touching a live wire on the output of the generator. Raise the generator output voltage to even higher voltage using a high voltage power transformer and it becomes much more dangerous and deadly.

            In another comment I explained what the term 'radio frequency' (RF) actually represents, but you have ignored what I wrote and continue to talk nonsense about how 'RF at high voltages can shock you but it won't' burn you'. It is not just about how high the voltage is or what the frequency is, but it is also about the current capacity of the generator powering the system. Voltage x current = power. At very low power levels you may not even notice much of a shock at frequencies above 10 kHz or so depending how you contact the high voltage, but at higher and higher power levels the danger level increases quickly.

            I'll try to be as clear as I can about this. Anyone who would put any part of their body close to a high voltage terminal on a high voltage power transformer without having the proper specialized protective gear for that purpose, at any frequency or waveform type at higher power levels, doesn't know what they are doing. In the video I saw of Gerard Morin's demo, the guy from France placed his hand close to the high voltage transformer terminal to measure the temperature with an infrared thermometer, and Gerard placed a clamp meter which are typically only safety rated to a max of 600V right on the high voltage connecting wire while holding the clamp meter in his bare hand. This is extrememly dangerous. If anyone says otherwise then they simply don't have any idea what they are talking about. If a person doesn't fully understand what I am saying here then they should definintely not be playing around with high voltage power transformers.

            BroMikey, you youself posted a link to a safety video previously in which it is demonstrated that ordinary rubber boots and leather gloves and even thick rubber gloves may not offer protection from high voltage on a power line or power transformer. Apparently you didn't watch the safety video you yourself posted a link to. Linesmen use very special safety equipment rated at a very high voltage like say a 30kV safety rating, and they check their equipment such as the special very thick rubber gloves they use daily for wear and damage such as pin prick holes, etc. Even with safety equipment on they still take various other precautions to reduce risks. They are trained to know what they can and cannot touch and to know what to keep a safe distance from and what those safe distances are, etc.

            Now everyone should think carefully about this. Would someone who is safety conscious and knows what they are doing put their hand or any part of their body anywhere near the high voltage terminal or insulator or connecting wire on a high voltage power transformer when it is powered on? I can tell you with certainty that doing so is extremely careless and dangerous. Be safe. Use common sense and don't mess with things like high voltage unless you fully understand what you are doing and know the dangers, and fully understand and know how to work safely around such things.

            Last edited by level; 07-08-2015, 06:09 PM.


            • heres a video showing what einstein i mean, edison was trying to keep ac from being put out, but he couldnt figure out his own problem. it shows how to send power long distances which dc current died off after like 2 miles or something. and what those pigs do.


              • with all the hoopla, I had to look.

                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                You are not smart. You are not right.

                This is a projection...please see mirror for the truth.

                As always, you are unable to discuss an issue using logic. You invariably turn to insults.

                The reason you are twisting all of the posts to suit your

                viewpoint is because I hit a soft spot, being that fear keeps

                you from doing the tests.

                Completely illogical, the people with whom you choose to fight are the ones who know how to safely handle high voltage.

                A classic ninny response of men in America who let the women

                run things.

                You just insulted every female on this planet.


                • Guys? I respect all of you for your entries but please

                  the results? Show me your results. Don't beat me up

                  and run me into the corner. I might bust out balling.

                  Results gentlemen. Results.

                  Step one

                  Gentlemen start your engines.

                  We are losing this race. Fear mongering is a favorite

                  I understand but many will do just fine without

                  injury. The rest? Who knows.

                  So you guys can give a result? I don't

                  see the results yet. With all of you giving the correct

                  safety information, what's the hold up?

                  This train has all "BRAKE MEN" and no "ENGINEERS"

                  It's good to know all of you "BREAK MEN" are there.

                  Break is over.

                  Respectfully show me that your higher learning is worth knowing.

                  The HV from a TV or microwave will kill you, so what. Care to try again?
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 07-08-2015, 07:10 PM.


                  • Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
                    with all the hoopla, I had to look.
                    There is not a female alive that qualities as the male version Ninny. Don't

                    put this off on the girls, they know the drill.

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-08-2015, 07:43 PM.


                    • Dear Doctor Smith of LOST IN SPACE

                      Here is the big one.

                      16-year-old 'electric boy' from India can withstand shocking 11,000 volts w | Daily Mail Online


                      • It gets real quiet when the information does not support the

                        university dogma, huh, boys? The boy from India has shown

                        you all that you have no idea what energy is or does but

                        the universities teach you or shall I say indoctrinated you

                        to lie in the face of the new information. The universities

                        teach changing your mind every 5 minutes to fit the

                        propaganda. Admit it I am right. If teacher says no no

                        then you had better get a doctorate and come back later

                        to check with teacher.

                        I feel that folks should be careful and have always said so

                        and when people call me a liar I don't like that.

                        Energy is not what you think it is.

                        Yes I defend Gerard but I won't lie on you to support

                        my ideas like you have been taught to lie on me to

                        keep your university dogma.

                        I have been to several colleges and they are

                        full of twisted lies that are not accidental.

                        I am speaking to the high mind at the universities

                        that mix truth with lies and pose themselves as

                        self righteous superheros. The best there is and

                        all of that malarkey.

                        You tread on my integrity and I will expose your lie.

                        Nothing personal. I know that it is your weakness so I am

                        trying to be careful here.


                        • look. itd be a little bit better if youd proved something first though, instead of telling everybody to go out and shock themselves first. there isnt no proof, 3 radiator heaters running, and a saw that runs for a total of supposedly max like 1700 watts on a 1200 watt generator. ok, so wheres the real power draw? you plugged them in thats all youve shown. and your telling people to stick their hands around transformers. watch that video i posted. thats what a transformer is for. besides that, tell us in what way the transformer is doing by telling the steps if its not doing that.


                          • I used to have a color chart for "tongue testing" voltage.... from pink to black. That would be a good way to see what your limits are. Of course there would be but two outcomes - 1. you live and achieve a huge respect for electric or 2. you die and no longer have to deal with earthly problems.

                            Seems as though I read somewhere of a 21 joule limit on the body, but this depends on the overall path the current travels. I once discharged a 5000 volt 0.5uf cap from arm to foot - blatant stupidity on my part - the experience was like hearing an explosion inside my head then it took a few seconds to "reboot". Never rush a test...

                            On another note, the tones or coils squealing inside the smart drive was most likely caused by a feedback loop allowing the driver/stator to go into self oscillation. Thus creating an RF signal through the system.


                            • some more selective information?

                              Mikey, its amps that kill you. How many times have you been told you must take both amps and volts together to understand what is going on?

                              You can have 10,000 amps available at 1 or 2 volts but because the voltage is so low, it wont break down the skin's resistance (unless you have an open wound, then your dead).
                              11,000 volts at no amps is nothing. You can do that by walking across carpet and touching a doorknob. Everyone has done that!

                              It is when you have the volts to penetrate the body, and have the amps to back up the voltage, then the amps kill the heart, cook the body.

                              Quit trying to present sweetened, incomplete, selective information as that is just as bad as not informing people of the dangers of what you are telling them to do. Still negligent liability.

                              Very bad behaviour. THINK man, THINK. Dont just flap you lips with any emotion you might have. Use your brains, God gave them out for a reason.
                              When you respond with emotion, logic goes out the window. No-one can afford not to think with this stuff!


                              • Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                                Mikey, its amps that kill you.

                                Use your brains, God gave them out for a reason.
                                When you respond with emotion, logic goes out the window. No-one can afford not to think with this stuff!

                                I guess you are right about being careful. I have always said that

                                contrary to your lies. I see how you are. So correct and so able

                                to twist the conversation. I see you. Your version of gOd.

                                Good luck with that.


