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Gerard Morin Energy

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  • Hey BroMikey,

    Can you provide a summary update on what is going on with Gerard and his tests? It's all gotten really confusing to follow. And while I don't share the attitude of the naysayers in this thread, there are some points that they make.

    From a far off view it seems that Gerard makes a vid showing some awesome stuff, makes some comments as to how there needs to be a follow up vid , then when the follow up vid comes out the experiment has changed and we are back to step 1 with Gerard showing awesome stuff, but needs to make a follow up vid.

    He mentioned that he was waiting on a controller, but there are other vids time dated before that vid showing him with a controller that appears identical to the one he says he needed. So apologizes, as i have said this is all getting really confusing.

    I just wish he would show vids with his experiment and then start powering many many many different electrical devices in as many different configs as possible. Who cares how to measure it when you can just show 10 street lights working, or 10 circular saws held by 10 people cutting 10 boards at the same time. Ya feeling me. It's starting to feel like he's stringing us around.


    • Originally posted by 10k View Post
      ...Who cares how to measure it when you can just show 10 street lights working, or 10 circular saws held by 10 people cutting 10 boards at the same time. Ya feeling me. It's starting to feel like he's stringing us around.
      I understand where you're coming from - after all, nobody cares how their TV or computer works, just that it works! Problem is, Gerard Morin makes unsubstantiated claims all of the time - where for example is the closed-loop motor/generator setup that he is on record as having built - incredible claim, followed by nothing, save moving swiftly on to the next video in his dog & pony show. Which you've noticed, as well as that "controller" distraction - he actually puts his failures down to the controller manufacturer failing to provide the desired information, which is a laugh.

      So in the absence of self-runners (which he claims to have achieved) it does not seem unreasonable that he should provide measurments to substantiate his claims, and he may actually learn something in the process - such as how to use a clamp-meter.


      • Originally posted by 10k View Post
        Hey BroMikey,

        Can you provide a summary update on what is going on with Gerard and his tests?

        So apologizes, as i have said this is all getting really confusing.

        I just wish he would show vids with his experiment and then start powering many many many different electrical devices .............Ya feeling me. It's starting to feel like he's stringing us around.
        Hello 10K

        3 things.

        (1) washer pump generator energy experiment video's

        (2) Pole pig HV energy multiplication

        (3) Larger washing machine pancake motor generator's

        I guess it depends on which one we focus on. In my understanding
        of Gerard's work on (1) we see several men making advances using
        this type of energy effectively and so it is with so many available
        projects on the web.

        Next is (2)

        The information became available through MARC B. and we saw that
        this phenomena has been witnessed by others tho it maybe to dangerous
        to foster a group of trainees to learn as we might only be recruiting
        the unaware for a death sentence.

        Conclusion? Yes it has been done and is repeatable.

        Next is (3)

        Gerard is now working on another motor generator combination that
        has been much harder to complete. In this instance the setup needs
        more than just a simple motor coupled up to a simple motor acting as
        a generator. It requires expensive controllers and I say controllers
        plural because everyone is struggling to find the best way.

        Pulse DC or a modified sinewave or a pure sinwave? And then most of
        what I can find is running at 12vdc to 36vdc that is inexpensive. Like
        we see on electric E-bikes and scooters. Some as high as several hundred

        I know, I work on these washing machine motors for a living and you can't
        find an easy circuit to power these pancake motors at the 120 volt AC
        input rating that they are designed for.

        Some are clipping the windings and paralleling to lower the voltage while
        others are going to a large corporation to get a custom made device. This
        is what Gerard is going through at the moment. How do I know? Because
        I have been through that dress rehearsal many times. So I can simpathize.

        Recently Gerard has come out in video stating that is simply showing
        his progress on his motor generator designs and welcomes others idea's.

        Let me know if I have not answered maybe a more specific question you
        might have had. To summarize, motor generators are and have been a
        popular way of creating reactive power by tuning each individual motor
        and motor acting as generator's coils. Matching or adjusting speed, voltage
        that limiting current to get a resonance of one form or another.

        Gerard has his hands full finding what he needs to complete what might
        have looked like a rather reasonably reachable accomplishment so we will


        • Originally posted by sprocket View Post
          Problem is, Gerard Morin makes unsubstantiated claims all of the time - where for example is the closed-loop motor/generator setup that he is on record as having built - incredible claim, followed by nothing, save moving swiftly on to the next video in his dog & pony show. ........................................ and he may actually learn something in the process - such as how to use a clamp-meter.

          Gerard did post an earlier result, one of many many tests. This was in
          sept. where were you sprocket? So are you calling Gerard a liar?

          Tittle Gerard Morin: Early Self Loop Over-Unity


          Published on Sep 30, 2015

          Achieved Self Loop on August 15th / 2015 : Gerard in this early test, of self looping has achieved Over-Unity. More testing will need to be done. This is explained why in the video.

          Successfully self looped for 11.5 hours, before shut down to retest compartments, everything was still in tact. Without any reading of temperatures of any source from the motor, the generator, the inverter, and charger. Everything was room temperature, 11.5 hours running constantly. I was using 1 Amp from the battery, and replacing it with 2 Amp back, AND running the whole generator with a Load of a large, a flood light with 1200 lumines.


          • You see this video, and it blows most of your minds because
            you think that a motor can't produce 120v at 40-60 rpm's but
            I am telling you now that all of my washing machines operate
            at 160v pulsed DC that is a modified sinewave just like
            you see here in the video. The motor is using 120vac is
            being sent to the controller that makes 3 phase then
            the motr acting as a generator makes the same thing
            at 40-60 rpm's.

            The people are not aware of the way these new motors work yet.

            These new washers are expensive and they are called

            HIGH EFFICIENCY for good reason. These motors will revolutionize
            the way we see and use motors as compared to past designs.
            My recommendation to each of you is to get one and explore
            how different they really are. Hey I find myself in disbelief all
            of the time while I repair and cycle a high efficiency washer
            that has no transmission.

            These kind of motor generator ideas have been recreated in many forms
            over the past 75 years.

            The video does not represent every test that Gerard has ever made
            besides the test this summer using other means while he waited for
            his NEW!!! controller. He has more than one.

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Gerard did post an earlier result, one of many many tests. This was in
            sept. where were you sprocket? So are you calling Gerard a liar?

            Tittle Gerard Morin: Early Self Loop Over-Unity


            Published on Sep 30, 2015

            Achieved Self Loop on August 15th / 2015 : Gerard in this early test, of self looping has achieved Over-Unity. More testing will need to be done. This is explained why in the video.

            Successfully self looped for 11.5 hours, before shut down to retest compartments, everything was still in tact. Without any reading of temperatures of any source from the motor, the generator, the inverter, and charger. Everything was room temperature, 11.5 hours running constantly. I was using 1 Amp from the battery, and replacing it with 2 Amp back, AND running the whole generator with a Load of a large, a flood light with 1200 lumines.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 11-28-2015, 08:18 AM.


            • misuse of ammeter

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Gerard did post an earlier result, one of many many tests. This was in
              sept. where were you sprocket? So are you calling Gerard a liar?

              Tittle Gerard Morin: Early Self Loop Over-Unity


              Published on Sep 30, 2015

              Achieved Self Loop on August 15th / 2015 : Gerard in this early test, of self looping has achieved Over-Unity. More testing will need to be done. This is explained why in the video.

              Successfully self looped for 11.5 hours, before shut down to retest compartments, everything was still in tact. Without any reading of temperatures of any source from the motor, the generator, the inverter, and charger. Everything was room temperature, 11.5 hours running constantly. I was using 1 Amp from the battery, and replacing it with 2 Amp back, AND running the whole generator with a Load of a large, a flood light with 1200 lumines.
              That is the video where Gerard uses an AC meter to measure battery current. And he never did come back to confirm how long it ran. It was totally an invalid test proving nothing. Here is the discussion about it:



              • Morin Experiments and more

                Originally posted by Majestic81 View Post
                Marc Belanger is also giving a go at it!

                And thank you for sharing my video. I haven't found the parts I need for the generator (McCulloch) so, I am going to take my old tractor engine and mount it on the generator soon.. just finding time to do this all, go to work everyday, some overtime, (taking care of the family electrical construction business as i am the general manager) and, performing many experiments daily, however, it's tough to make the time as I am married and have 3 kids. Anyway, I have many theories as to what is happening with so many of the free energy devices and phenomenon that are stated to work out there, so, I am one that has the gear to duplicate and tet most of this stuff.. however, I just haven't completed after the engine died on the McCulloch.

                I'd like to state, the man who has given his all to complete the test Gerard has shown made one possible mistake, and, that was the fact that his generator was sitting on the concrete sidewalk with the metal frame touching the concrete. Concrete is a great conductor and the whole idea with the GM transformer energy is to totally eliminate grounding of the transformr or generator at all costs.

                Gerard had his lying on asphalt, and, aphalt is a dielectric with some conductive minerals and stones in it, however, it may have been a good enough insulator to eliminate ground to the system, Hitby13kw didn't do this and I feel his efforts and his results could be better shown if he isolated the entire system with good insulators like rubber blankets as I have done.

                I will eventually try a bunch of different tests with this system, but, in the meantime, I have come across another method of creating electricity that I am putting together now that has the very real potential to generate 100kW or more of high voltage electricity (yes, 13,800 volts @ 3 phases.)

                I am going to build a single phase device first , but, I have to gather a few components still while doing my other experiments that have been failing miserably lately. Losing your train of thought without writing the ideas down are a huge mistake for many of us, especially if they are unique inventions we could capitalize on regarding other phenomenon that would better our world.

                People have been publicly stating all sorts of terrible things about me , my work, and my education online and all I have to say is that I am ignoring them the best I can, blocking them by ip address when possible, because I or any of the other free energy enthusiasts out there that may pay attention to this can either lose their train of thought rather quickly, or, get in trouble for making aggressive responses. I have refrained lately from even responding and it is the best thing I've ever done because the vast majority of the folks trash talking with math formulas or science have not one clue that there may just be an answer that science doesn't yet know about.

                We have all been there.. when somebody shows us something deemed impossible to science, we have to try it first, then, when it doesn't work and we paid dearly to get it going, we get upset by the troublesome experience, as well as the finances we blew for trying. We get angered with others at times for the hoaxs, or, we just waste more time trying to get it working, asking questions, etc.

                My goal here is to be part of the community, trying to get the devices functioning, even though I may be wrong at times, my intentions are all good, even if I decided to not go public with some of the few devices I have designed which are successful, such as Pelex, because I feel the world is not ready for it to be released. I am waiting for others to proceed first, such as the Over-unity Reactionless Generator which is based upon Tesla's original paper. My device Pelex was also based on a Tesla theory, but, it wasn't designed by him or built by him at any point in time, however, we have noticed that there are very abnormal fields being produced by it that retard the waves coming from cellular devices to the tower, or vice versa. The cellular system is extremely powerful, so, if we could block the cell site's transmission to the cellphone and opposite without knowing what the field is that is being produced, it could be most likely very dangerous and not worth my time if I am going to endanger myself, my family or millions of others with my design. I decided to take the device completely apart and have not one written record in my possession of the device for the fear it would be stolen and abused. The device pound for pound has 5000% more energy output per input watt than any other generator in the world, so, I do not feel the system could safely broadcast fields of any kind without hurting cellular structures, such as plants, animals and humans. I don't feel I am being greedy by letting it go.. I am just going to replace it with my new technology which will be operational shortly.

                I have NOT stolen one piece of information from Gerard Morin or others, however, I have combined both Gerard's washer pump generator and Pelex to successfully loop them while under load and have run the device for several hours without any input on a 7aH lead acid battery powering a charger, a transformer, the prime mover motor, and, the load of the pump generator and hairpin circuit that was added to it.

                When folks tell me the battery was doing the work, they have no clue what they are talking about, and, yes, i will sit here and justify it here because the transformer has losses, the motor and generator have losses, the bulb has a load and losses, the wiring and hairpin circuit have load and losses as well, all way more than the input could ever supply, and, on top of it all, it has a 50 amp battery charger running in 10 amp mode supplying a safe charge back to the battery which is powered all by the battery and motor, goes from the generator into my 3 transformer Pelex device, then, out into the light bulb, to the charger, looped back to the battery, otherwise the battery would die.

                It wasn't what I expected because the device is a pulsed waveform, literally a square wave from the GM pump motor generator, then, transferred into what appears to be a modified sinewave without the pulses or sharp edges, only while it is under load. Pelex needs a clean sinewave to amplify it's energy, and, it needs a very very deep ground rod. I actually had to weld two 10' copper rods together after this past summer since the use of it under heavy load dried up the Earth and needed a better ,moistened ground.

                Once the ground was made better, the device started again outputting well over 2800 watts with less than 5 watts of input at 120v ac 60hz.

                When my rf tester started to have a low frequency grumble at 300 feet away, I knew I had to shut it down. I have literally run a true sinewave inverter from a cigarette lighter (only good for 100 watts) to invert and output enough energy to run (4) 100 watt led flood lamps (at full bore) (1) 800 watt heater (1600w peak, m800w rms) (1) 1200 watt blow dryer (925 watts rms) (3) air conditioners, (1) 12,500 btu, (1) 10,000 BTU & (1) 6500 btu equalling well over 3000 watts, but, my claim was less so it would be within the 3000 watt range that I said was it's maximum handling capacity. The Pelex device has a #30 awg magnet wire at it's first transformer coil, and, the output is a #12 solid high voltage wire with very heavy insulation which can not handle over 25 amps. 3000 watts at 120 volts is 25 amps, so, I had it overloaded and the wires were getting hot , making the entire unit warm, but, still was functional.

                If the device were relying on the primary coil to handle the amperage, it would have been smoked out at the 50 watt mark. The primary takes not one watt of load from the secondary, it is completely rectionless as the Tesla phase conjugate mirror theory states. Pelex takes the energy from the wall, amplifies it, then pumps it into the Earth, and, it recooperates itself by coming back through the ground wire as an astounding amount of energy, releasing the energy from loading the primary coil, as Tesla did.. This is why the ground has to be so deep. I do feel the energy is coming from the ether or ionisphere though because i do not feel the energy is being totally amplified from the wall energy itself. I thought originally that Positrons were responsible for this but people starting questioning my theory of why it was doing so. I thought they were being somehow induced to the Pelex device from the space/atmosphere barrier, invisibly transforming into the electron flow, and , instead of annihilating each other (which would be destruction of energy), they amplified the energy creating a burst of energy, amplifying the output. Supposedly the annihilation theory states that when the positron and electron bombard each other, they eliminate each other and form the photon, but, I didn't get this effect, I get bursts of electricity at the input cycle of 60 hz.

                Who knows, maybe it does do what I thought.. but, the phase conjugate theory also appeals to me and is an explanation since a good portion of the amperage comes through the ground wire like Tariel kapanadze's device does.


                • Originally posted by Belangers View Post

                  And thank you for sharing my video. I haven't found the parts I need for the generator (McCulloch) so, I am going to take my old tractor engine and mount it on the generator soon.. just finding time to do this all, go to work everyday, some overtime, (taking care of the family electrical construction business as i am the general manager) and, performing many experiments daily, however, it's tough to make the time as I am married and have 3 kids. Anyway, I have many theories as to what is happening with so many of the free energy devices and phenomenon that are stated to work out there, so, I am one that has the gear to duplicate and tet most of this stuff.. however, I just haven't completed after the engine died on the McCulloch.

                  I'd like to state, the man who has given his all to complete the test Gerard has shown made one possible mistake, and, that was the fact that his generator was sitting on the concrete sidewalk with the metal frame touching the concrete. Concrete is a great conductor and the whole idea with the GM transformer energy is to totally eliminate grounding of the transformr or generator at all costs.

                  Gerard had his lying on asphalt, and, aphalt is a dielectric with some conductive minerals and stones in it, however, it may have been a good enough insulator to eliminate ground to the system, Hitby13kw didn't do this and I feel his efforts and his results could be better shown if he isolated the entire system with good insulators like rubber blankets as I have done.

                  I will eventually try a bunch of different tests with this system, but, in the meantime, I have come across another method of creating electricity that I am putting together now that has the very real potential to generate 100kW or more of high voltage electricity (yes, 13,800 volts @ 3 phases.)

                  I am going to build a single phase device first , but, I have to gather a few components still while doing my other experiments that have been failing miserably lately. Losing your train of thought without writing the ideas down are a huge mistake for many of us, especially if they are unique inventions we could capitalize on regarding other phenomenon that would better our world.

                  People have been publicly stating all sorts of terrible things about me , my work, and my education online and all I have to say is that I am ignoring them the best I can, blocking them by ip address when possible, because I or any of the other free energy enthusiasts out there that may pay attention to this can either lose their train of thought rather quickly, or, get in trouble for making aggressive responses. I have refrained lately from even responding and it is the best thing I've ever done because the vast majority of the folks trash talking with math formulas or science have not one clue that there may just be an answer that science doesn't yet know about.

                  We have all been there.. when somebody shows us something deemed impossible to science, we have to try it first, then, when it doesn't work and we paid dearly to get it going, we get upset by the troublesome experience, as well as the finances we blew for trying. We get angered with others at times for the hoaxs, or, we just waste more time trying to get it working, asking questions, etc.

                  My goal here is to be part of the community, trying to get the devices functioning, even though I may be wrong at times, my intentions are all good, even if I decided to not go public with some of the few devices I have designed which are successful, such as Pelex, because I feel the world is not ready for it to be released. I am waiting for others to proceed first, such as the Over-unity Reactionless Generator which is based upon Tesla's original paper. My device Pelex was also based on a Tesla theory, but, it wasn't designed by him or built by him at any point in time, however, we have noticed that there are very abnormal fields being produced by it that retard the waves coming from cellular devices to the tower, or vice versa. The cellular system is extremely powerful, so, if we could block the cell site's transmission to the cellphone and opposite without knowing what the field is that is being produced, it could be most likely very dangerous and not worth my time if I am going to endanger myself, my family or millions of others with my design. I decided to take the device completely apart and have not one written record in my possession of the device for the fear it would be stolen and abused. The device pound for pound has 5000% more energy output per input watt than any other generator in the world, so, I do not feel the system could safely broadcast fields of any kind without hurting cellular structures, such as plants, animals and humans. I don't feel I am being greedy by letting it go.. I am just going to replace it with my new technology which will be operational shortly.

                  I have NOT stolen one piece of information from Gerard Morin or others, however, I have combined both Gerard's washer pump generator and Pelex to successfully loop them while under load and have run the device for several hours without any input on a 7aH lead acid battery powering a charger, a transformer, the prime mover motor, and, the load of the pump generator and hairpin circuit that was added to it.

                  When folks tell me the battery was doing the work, they have no clue what they are talking about, and, yes, i will sit here and justify it here because the transformer has losses, the motor and generator have losses, the bulb has a load and losses, the wiring and hairpin circuit have load and losses as well, all way more than the input could ever supply, and, on top of it all, it has a 50 amp battery charger running in 10 amp mode supplying a safe charge back to the battery which is powered all by the battery and motor, goes from the generator into my 3 transformer Pelex device, then, out into the light bulb, to the charger, looped back to the battery, otherwise the battery would die.

                  It wasn't what I expected because the device is a pulsed waveform, literally a square wave from the GM pump motor generator, then, transferred into what appears to be a modified sinewave without the pulses or sharp edges, only while it is under load. Pelex needs a clean sinewave to amplify it's energy, and, it needs a very very deep ground rod. I actually had to weld two 10' copper rods together after this past summer since the use of it under heavy load dried up the Earth and needed a better ,moistened ground.

                  Once the ground was made better, the device started again outputting well over 2800 watts with less than 5 watts of input at 120v ac 60hz.

                  When my rf tester started to have a low frequency grumble at 300 feet away, I knew I had to shut it down. I have literally run a true sinewave inverter from a cigarette lighter (only good for 100 watts) to invert and output enough energy to run (4) 100 watt led flood lamps (at full bore) (1) 800 watt heater (1600w peak, m800w rms) (1) 1200 watt blow dryer (925 watts rms) (3) air conditioners, (1) 12,500 btu, (1) 10,000 BTU & (1) 6500 btu equalling well over 3000 watts, but, my claim was less so it would be within the 3000 watt range that I said was it's maximum handling capacity. The Pelex device has a #30 awg magnet wire at it's first transformer coil, and, the output is a #12 solid high voltage wire with very heavy insulation which can not handle over 25 amps. 3000 watts at 120 volts is 25 amps, so, I had it overloaded and the wires were getting hot , making the entire unit warm, but, still was functional.

                  If the device were relying on the primary coil to handle the amperage, it would have been smoked out at the 50 watt mark. The primary takes not one watt of load from the secondary, it is completely rectionless as the Tesla phase conjugate mirror theory states. Pelex takes the energy from the wall, amplifies it, then pumps it into the Earth, and, it recooperates itself by coming back through the ground wire as an astounding amount of energy, releasing the energy from loading the primary coil, as Tesla did.. This is why the ground has to be so deep. I do feel the energy is coming from the ether or ionisphere though because i do not feel the energy is being totally amplified from the wall energy itself. I thought originally that Positrons were responsible for this but people starting questioning my theory of why it was doing so. I thought they were being somehow induced to the Pelex device from the space/atmosphere barrier, invisibly transforming into the electron flow, and , instead of annihilating each other (which would be destruction of energy), they amplified the energy creating a burst of energy, amplifying the output. Supposedly the annihilation theory states that when the positron and electron bombard each other, they eliminate each other and form the photon, but, I didn't get this effect, I get bursts of electricity at the input cycle of 60 hz.

                  Who knows, maybe it does do what I thought.. but, the phase conjugate theory also appeals to me and is an explanation since a good portion of the amperage comes through the ground wire like Tariel kapanadze's device does.

                  [COLOR="Purple"]Hey Marc

                  I see you chimed in on my big cap dump thanks for the wow!!! But
                  really dude you take the cake on energy building adventures.
                  We all love to hear about great success stories and yours is no exception.

                  My goodness I need to learn what a Pelex does and also learn more about
                  phase conjugate theory. This post is making my day.

                  That sure is a lot of goodies running off a cigarette lighter, sweet!!

                  Oh and I know it can be done. According to some inventor friends various
                  kinds of energy flows travel mostly on the outside of the wire can carry
                  far more power on a thin wire than with hot currents we use today.

                  You sure are a busy man yet I hope in time you will continue to throw
                  me a line as I learn something new and love to grow in understanding.

                  You made reference to some grounding experiments? Have you checked
                  out Clarence new BARBOSA & LEAL augmentation? Grounding is such
                  an important study with energy pumping devices that on the surface
                  seem to have so many losses you would think they could never come
                  out on top.

                  HitBy13kw is following through on his own version that can produce a
                  set amount of power as low as 5 watts on up by some sort of standing
                  wave bell ringing of a capacitor. Actually i think I made a wreck out of
                  his explanation.

                  I haven't made any large advances in thought concerning how xtra
                  energy can be had but little by little it is coming around.
                  Especially when I hear from you.

                  And as for the little pencil necks running around online crunching zero's
                  and one's taking pot shots at your work, remember they never do any
                  practical experiments, no hands on, punch a card for the man who only
                  get to see the world from their exclusionary fish bowl.

                  On the other hand guys like you and Hitby are constantly going outside
                  the box leaving them all baffled and blinded by the trail of dust billowing
                  over their heads. AAA+++ that's what I say.

                  Maybe things will slow down this winter and you will have extra time.
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 11-28-2015, 09:37 AM.


                  • Thanes scooter motor rewind job for extended runtime.



                    • Originally posted by Belangers View Post

                      And thank you for sharing my video. I haven't found the parts I need for the generator (McCulloch) so, I am going to take my old tractor engine and mount it on the generator soon.. just finding time to do this all, go to work everyday, some overtime, (taking care of the family electrical construction business as i am the general manager) and, performing many experiments daily, however, it's tough to make the time as I am married and have 3 kids. Anyway, I have many theories as to what is happening with so many of the free energy devices and phenomenon that are stated to work out there, so, I am one that has the gear to duplicate and tet most of this stuff.. however, I just haven't completed after the engine died on the McCulloch.

                      I'd like to state, the man who has given his all to complete the test Gerard has shown made one possible mistake, and, that was the fact that his generator was sitting on the concrete sidewalk with the metal frame touching the concrete. Concrete is a great conductor and the whole idea with the GM transformer energy is to totally eliminate grounding of the transformr or generator at all costs.

                      Gerard had his lying on asphalt, and, aphalt is a dielectric with some conductive minerals and stones in it, however, it may have been a good enough insulator to eliminate ground to the system, Hitby13kw didn't do this and I feel his efforts and his results could be better shown if he isolated the entire system with good insulators like rubber blankets as I have done.

                      I will eventually try a bunch of different tests with this system, but, in the meantime, I have come across another method of creating electricity that I am putting together now that has the very real potential to generate 100kW or more of high voltage electricity (yes, 13,800 volts @ 3 phases.)

                      I am going to build a single phase device first , but, I have to gather a few components still while doing my other experiments that have been failing miserably lately. Losing your train of thought without writing the ideas down are a huge mistake for many of us, especially if they are unique inventions we could capitalize on regarding other phenomenon that would better our world.

                      People have been publicly stating all sorts of terrible things about me , my work, and my education online and all I have to say is that I am ignoring them the best I can, blocking them by ip address when possible, because I or any of the other free energy enthusiasts out there that may pay attention to this can either lose their train of thought rather quickly, or, get in trouble for making aggressive responses. I have refrained lately from even responding and it is the best thing I've ever done because the vast majority of the folks trash talking with math formulas or science have not one clue that there may just be an answer that science doesn't yet know about.

                      We have all been there.. when somebody shows us something deemed impossible to science, we have to try it first, then, when it doesn't work and we paid dearly to get it going, we get upset by the troublesome experience, as well as the finances we blew for trying. We get angered with others at times for the hoaxs, or, we just waste more time trying to get it working, asking questions, etc.

                      My goal here is to be part of the community, trying to get the devices functioning, even though I may be wrong at times, my intentions are all good, even if I decided to not go public with some of the few devices I have designed which are successful, such as Pelex, because I feel the world is not ready for it to be released. I am waiting for others to proceed first, such as the Over-unity Reactionless Generator which is based upon Tesla's original paper. My device Pelex was also based on a Tesla theory, but, it wasn't designed by him or built by him at any point in time, however, we have noticed that there are very abnormal fields being produced by it that retard the waves coming from cellular devices to the tower, or vice versa. The cellular system is extremely powerful, so, if we could block the cell site's transmission to the cellphone and opposite without knowing what the field is that is being produced, it could be most likely very dangerous and not worth my time if I am going to endanger myself, my family or millions of others with my design. I decided to take the device completely apart and have not one written record in my possession of the device for the fear it would be stolen and abused. The device pound for pound has 5000% more energy output per input watt than any other generator in the world, so, I do not feel the system could safely broadcast fields of any kind without hurting cellular structures, such as plants, animals and humans. I don't feel I am being greedy by letting it go.. I am just going to replace it with my new technology which will be operational shortly.

                      I have NOT stolen one piece of information from Gerard Morin or others, however, I have combined both Gerard's washer pump generator and Pelex to successfully loop them while under load and have run the device for several hours without any input on a 7aH lead acid battery powering a charger, a transformer, the prime mover motor, and, the load of the pump generator and hairpin circuit that was added to it.

                      When folks tell me the battery was doing the work, they have no clue what they are talking about, and, yes, i will sit here and justify it here because the transformer has losses, the motor and generator have losses, the bulb has a load and losses, the wiring and hairpin circuit have load and losses as well, all way more than the input could ever supply, and, on top of it all, it has a 50 amp battery charger running in 10 amp mode supplying a safe charge back to the battery which is powered all by the battery and motor, goes from the generator into my 3 transformer Pelex device, then, out into the light bulb, to the charger, looped back to the battery, otherwise the battery would die.

                      It wasn't what I expected because the device is a pulsed waveform, literally a square wave from the GM pump motor generator, then, transferred into what appears to be a modified sinewave without the pulses or sharp edges, only while it is under load. Pelex needs a clean sinewave to amplify it's energy, and, it needs a very very deep ground rod. I actually had to weld two 10' copper rods together after this past summer since the use of it under heavy load dried up the Earth and needed a better ,moistened ground.

                      Once the ground was made better, the device started again outputting well over 2800 watts with less than 5 watts of input at 120v ac 60hz.

                      When my rf tester started to have a low frequency grumble at 300 feet away, I knew I had to shut it down. I have literally run a true sinewave inverter from a cigarette lighter (only good for 100 watts) to invert and output enough energy to run (4) 100 watt led flood lamps (at full bore) (1) 800 watt heater (1600w peak, m800w rms) (1) 1200 watt blow dryer (925 watts rms) (3) air conditioners, (1) 12,500 btu, (1) 10,000 BTU & (1) 6500 btu equalling well over 3000 watts, but, my claim was less so it would be within the 3000 watt range that I said was it's maximum handling capacity. The Pelex device has a #30 awg magnet wire at it's first transformer coil, and, the output is a #12 solid high voltage wire with very heavy insulation which can not handle over 25 amps. 3000 watts at 120 volts is 25 amps, so, I had it overloaded and the wires were getting hot , making the entire unit warm, but, still was functional.

                      If the device were relying on the primary coil to handle the amperage, it would have been smoked out at the 50 watt mark. The primary takes not one watt of load from the secondary, it is completely rectionless as the Tesla phase conjugate mirror theory states. Pelex takes the energy from the wall, amplifies it, then pumps it into the Earth, and, it recooperates itself by coming back through the ground wire as an astounding amount of energy, releasing the energy from loading the primary coil, as Tesla did.. This is why the ground has to be so deep. I do feel the energy is coming from the ether or ionisphere though because i do not feel the energy is being totally amplified from the wall energy itself. I thought originally that Positrons were responsible for this but people starting questioning my theory of why it was doing so. I thought they were being somehow induced to the Pelex device from the space/atmosphere barrier, invisibly transforming into the electron flow, and , instead of annihilating each other (which would be destruction of energy), they amplified the energy creating a burst of energy, amplifying the output. Supposedly the annihilation theory states that when the positron and electron bombard each other, they eliminate each other and form the photon, but, I didn't get this effect, I get bursts of electricity at the input cycle of 60 hz.

                      Who knows, maybe it does do what I thought.. but, the phase conjugate theory also appeals to me and is an explanation since a good portion of the amperage comes through the ground wire like Tariel kapanadze's device does.

                      I can't wait to see the video on the measurements.


                      • The Proof Of OVERUNITY

                        Here it is again from Marc B. proving OVERUNITY by pulsing coils
                        and in this case it looks like a send receiver pair of coils.

                        Energy from the zero point, stopping the mouths of the bench warmers.


                        This difficult to tune circuit really does work. Once folks
                        try to utilize my method of building and tuning, it will make
                        life a lot easier to get one functioning. A magnet is used
                        to change the flux path of the device once it is powered
                        up, and, it seems that once used in a few different areas,
                        the longer it remains powered and the frequency is found
                        per size of the load, a device will need to be used for each
                        large device we utilize without the danger of being charged
                        for that amount. Since this device uses from the uA to the
                        mA range of idle current it is vital to know it can be used
                        for very large loads such as continuous water or fuel pumps,
                        and, many other devices. Why aren't we building them for
                        power in our homes ?? The coils use minimal idle amperage
                        like wall wort power supplies, but at a much lower amperage.
                        When we add load, the amperage dropped. The more we add.
                        The lower it goes. This cost me $2.25 worth of ferrite and
                        copper to make.

                        This circuit is not an efficient design to draw in wireless
                        energy from a Tesla coil or any other phase conjugate device
                        which pumps energy into the Earth to use the earth's core
                        as a magnetic coupling. The input frequency or oscillation
                        frequency range which is in the lower radio frequency is not
                        intended to transmit and receive as Tesla , Dr. Moray,
                        Don Smith, Tariel Kapanadze or others do or did. I am not
                        in any way responsible for injuries if one that has no
                        experience with transformers hurts themselves or others
                        trying this device. Please do NOT try this at home.
                        IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS

                        I wasn't able to put much power into the circuit with the
                        power supply since it is a light duty function generator,
                        however, as you all could see, the LED should make the
                        amperage climb the amount of amperage used, not opposite,
                        which is happening here, where the circuit is dropping
                        1.7 mA to make the LED illuminate. I apologize to everybody,
                        I used #30 wire to wind the coils, all of them, not #34 as
                        i stated in the video. The system is a real pain in the ass
                        to tune, so, my suggestion would be to wind the primary of
                        the coil with at least 120 turns of #30 wire to maybe 150
                        turns so it is more efficient as my variac instantly shut off
                        once connected, even though the thing was turned all the
                        way down, it saw a short and popped a breaker in my home.

                        I suggest making the primary coil much longer, using 30
                        gauge wire, then, remove the winding and weigh it on a
                        very accurate scale. Once completed, match the weight
                        precisely for the other two coils using the larger gauge
                        you will need for the secondary, which will be for one core
                        worth of windings (there are 2 cores and 2 windings, wires
                        being joined together in the middle, not the cores, so,
                        consider each ferrite's core to be one of the pieces of wire
                        to be weighed, not both, then wind the secondaries on the
                        ferrites separately, So, after we establish having both coils
                        being wound on the core to weigh exactly what the primary
                        winding weighs, wind the cores in the correct direction,
                        starting at the left using the right hand rule, then the next
                        core from the right, meeting in the middle in opposing
                        directions (the windings of both coils must come together
                        in the middle and connected to each other, adding a layer
                        of transformer resin over the wires between layers if you
                        are making your coils to operate with 120 vac input, make
                        sure you use at least 1 turn of wire per volt so it could
                        operate without popping your breaker.

                        If you do not insulate between layers, you will have to
                        worry about using a very high quality magnet wire with
                        a good enough layer of insulation. The coils must be very
                        tight and no air pockets/voids between them making the
                        windings have imperfections otherwise there will be
                        symmetry problems within the magnetic field and it will
                        NOT function correctly. The 60 turn coil in the video is
                        the primary (this is what I recommend winding much
                        longer to be used as the input for a 120vac input from
                        a variac so the voltage can be tuned... The primary coil
                        needs to slide back and forth for proper tuning , so, to
                        make this work in the event the weights of the wire are
                        a bit off, wrap 4 turns of decent quality printing paper
                        around the secondary layer of the left core (if you live
                        in the northern hemisphere, the left core must be used
                        and the cores must be wound counter clockwise, if southern,
                        all is opposite, right core will be used for the primary coil
                        and the coils must be wound clockwise from below the
                        equator due to the Bernoulli effect..

                        In my video, the input voltage is a 20 V saw tooth wave,
                        input frequency will be around 148.606 khz , within the
                        low radio frequency range as a Tesla Coil's inputs are.
                        On the scope, I have just taken the time to shoot the
                        circuit from the LED before running out of sd card space,
                        I was showing the output frequency to be between 2 and
                        20 MHZ when tuning.. I didn't pay particular attention to
                        this as it isn't very important since we tune the circuit to
                        be the brightest first, then adjust accordingly with each
                        load. I used different frequencies and waves to do so, so,
                        in the event you do not have a variac, you can build a
                        driver circuit from high voltage transistors in parallel to
                        feed the input of the circuit so it has some driving power.

                        Even though the circuit won't use much power, the input
                        capacity will have a lot to do with the circuit's output.
                        Coming in at 120 vac alone will change the entire operation
                        of the device, however, when running through the different
                        waves and pulses, the brightest, most powerful wave was
                        the sinewave, however, it was 10%-12% less efficient than
                        the sawtooth. The circuit powered up and fed a load
                        successfully using a sinewave, sawtooth, pulse, 4 shot
                        pulse train and an 8 shot pulse train. The square wave
                        worked by did not show much output, as my Pelex device
                        will not do, so, you could see the similarity.
                        (neilson and barbosa's circuit is nothing close to this circuit,
                        they cheat with their 0utput by taking an input from ground
                        which is most likely due to some sort of tie to the power
                        companies neutral being grounded as they utilize the Earth
                        as a return to the system.

                        My Pelex device does not use Earth as a return, it uses
                        it's last output coil to do so... the Earth connection on my
                        device is only for shielding from emi as it creates a Faraday
                        cage over the entire device. The device utilizes a ground
                        to draw in positrons as I feel the Tesla phase conjugate
                        system functions, making the ground wire draw in the
                        equal and opposite amount of useful electrons from ground
                        which will later interact with the flow of positive ions,
                        positrons, or whatever they are.. I just know some sort
                        of positive particles are drawn in to be able to interact
                        to force an induction of a non wired, explosive amount
                        of energy which is NOT normal to be drawn in for use
                        with any form of wiring.

                        Please feel free to ask questions regarding this device
                        privately so the suppressionits do NOT get my info to
                        try... they could try and figure this all out by what is
                        written here and online. I am open to give this info out
                        to the public at no charge, however, partnered coils are
                        not anything that I have invented, it was a mistaken
                        discovery, however, my other methods use them in
                        combination with a very unique core that I have cast
                        and it is made of a material that has NEVER been made
                        or used before, anywhere on the planet! . The weighing
                        of coils before winding them is highly recommended as
                        the transformers will automatically be as close to or in
                        resonance as one could possibly get without tuning,
                        provided the wiring is weighed evenly "per coil" and
                        the primary coil's resistance is high enough so the variac
                        will not blow your circuit breaker or fuse in the event
                        there are not enough turns and too large of conductor

                        It is VITAL that the partnered coil is considered as two
                        separate coils while weighing the wire! remember to leave
                        yourself and ample tail to connect solid wire to a flexible
                        multi stranded wire that will not easily break while tuning
                        the circuit. The circuit is self resonant and would be self
                        healing if we use metallized film capacitors to fine tune
                        resonance if needed so the coils are harmonically balanced
                        for perfect resonance and maximum efficiency once
                        completed. I am under the assumption that anybody
                        building this has Tesla coil experience. I would expect
                        that you do so you understand how this is done and
                        why it does what it does.

                        I know Tesla coils very well, however, the partnered
                        coil I only understand the magnetic flux, and how
                        Lenz's law is bypassed by the use of this transformer
                        or any other based upon this "partnering of coils
                        without a link in it's core. If the core connected,
                        the primary would hold massive load requirements.

                        This circuit is not an efficient design to draw in
                        wireless energy from a Tesla coil or any other phase
                        conjugate device which pumps energy into the Earth
                        to use the earth's core as a magnetic coupling,
                        as Tesla, Don Smith, Tariel Kapanadze or others
                        do or did. I am not in any way responsible for injuries
                        if one that has no experience with transformers hurts
                        themselves or others trying this device.

                        Please do NOT try this at home. IT IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-24-2016, 07:23 AM.


                        • Since Gerard was kind enough to introduce us to the pump motors, I thought I might post a bit here about kind of a hybrid between what he has shown us, and what I have been working on. I built a test unit with ONE coil and the results were interesting enough that I wanted to build a bigger unit.

                          This is a generator based on the pump motor coils and what will eventually be a Matt Jones modified razor scooter motor run on a "potential difference" circuit. I built it with an off the shelf motor to get a baseline, and then will switch out the motors.

                          Additional coils could be added to use as "motor coils" instead of using the razor scooter motor, but when you use the "potential difference" circuit, you really DON'T need to worry about that, since better than 80% of the energy used to run the motor is recovered anyway.

                          These "U" shaped coils under load will speed the motor up. If you run a magnet across the END of the coils instead of BETWEEN the coils it will generate electricity, but will NOT speed up under load. I built this with six magnets on the rotor and 8 coils so that only TWO magnets at a time will have magnetic lock on the coil cores, which is important if you want your motor to have a chance of turning without drawing so many amps it lights on fire. It could pull as much as 30 amps on startup, so be aware of that if you are going to try something similar. I've burnt up a few razor scooter motors with similar setups.

                          Here's the video.

                          I have family business to take care of the next couple days, but should have this build finished on Monday and will be publishing data and results for those interested.

                          Last edited by Turion; 12-11-2015, 09:01 AM.
                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • That is an awesome build Turion

                            Gerard is going to be watching this, me too.
                            Experimenting is the way to go.


                            • Replication problems


                              Lately, I've been somewhat interested in these free energy projects. I understand that this isn't exactly 'free energy,' but it's an interesting project to experiment .

                              Natural energy / Free Energy it is Real! In this clip my first of Gerard Morin's method of tapping the electricity that is all around us. I should be DEAD after touching .


                              • I absolutely love this motor. Have a look. Split rotor with Hatem repulsion principal this is something to explore.

                                Untitled 1

