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Gerard Morin Energy
Originally posted by desa View Post
Attention high voltage transformer experimenters Gerard style.
I want each of you to know that I am not going to stop, the more
people oppose my venture the harder I work so let's have it while the
sun shines gentlemen, or go home. I was always told "GO BIG or GO HOME"
This piece of information applies to methods of exciting a HV transformer.
Marc made some posts that click with me about simple desktop
experiments that are clues to those who understand and search.
Opposing coils, bucking coils exciting a SAFE transformer meaning there
can be so much power during experimentation as tuning is done that
extreme danger is near.
This is why Marc is not coming out directly with everything he knows.
THIS POST IS FOR HITBY and others who have the time and materials.
The pump motor can excite or this device or a Tesla coil or a McCulloch
genset can excite the big oil filled cans. These large cans are like
capacitors when the Aether hits them and are good protection until
tuning for small safe amounts can be realized.
Some of these circuits with no sparkgap can be hard to control.
A sparkgap is a means of limiting and regulation incoming "energy gas"
or whatever you want to call it.
In the video we see a means of amplification, plain and simple.
I give you Marc B.
Marc Belanger 2 weeks ago
Don Smith devices are very effective and they DO work
regardless what anybody says. DO NOT Listen to the critics,
suppressionists, or anybody who says they could never work
because they work unbelievably if you follow his equations...
However, they are NOT safe to mess with as one device I have
created, a single module in resonance linked to the second
had started to gain momentum when I charged it up and without
any loading on it, I got nothing, as soon as the next stage of
the module was built, it started to charge and sound like the
old capacitor charger on a camera flash, charging up, whistling...
I'm not sure if it was supposed to do this, but I do believe the
circuits are similar in nature.
If you look at the camera flash circuits from a Fujitsu throw
away camera, they are basically a slayer exciter which charges
a capacitor for a one shot heavy load to fire the flash bulb at
a very high intensity..
Don's circuits do this over and over, gaining momentum as
they climb in wattage. The capacitors work in a different
way than science says they would according to his theory
and it is very accurate what he says. They are very dangerous
as the circuit has the ability to drive a utility transformer into
failure if we are not careful. This means it has the ability to
drive 20 or more amps into the high voltage side of a 13,800
volt system transformer (single phase is 7970 volts.) I have
measured loads up to 5900 watts with everything I could
load the transformer with. Since I did not utilize the voltage
divider he states to use, I was afraid i would just keep burning
up resistors because of the heat dissipation, however, at
the end of his circuit, we can use the resistors because cold
electricity thrives and outputs more power through high
resistances.. Those voltage divider resistors are in the
megaohm value and they work just fine to power anything
we want.
The voltage output gets to 60hz at 120 volts, but, it will not
remain stable at the exact voltage and frequency because
it varies. The dangerous part to do is wind a transformer to
step it down on our own adding capacitors to tune the coil,
so, I suggest using a utility transformer where it comes with
a tuned , matching set of weighed coils from the factory
and will work efficiently, as well, consistently.
The input of the transformer's high voltage bushing must be
protected with a fuse at 20% lower than the max value of
the transformer so it could not blow the coil. The transformer
would certainly explode like a massive bomb if it were pushed
with an overvoltage so it is vital the experiment is done in a
sheltered, fire proof area before using an oil filled transformer
since when they do overload and get hit with higher than
normal voltages, they tend to fire up, explode, pop their
top off and burst into flames shooting flaming oil everywhere.
I have not experienced this because I have a variac powering
the input and I have the ability to lower the voltage, keeping
it in check as I tested the circuit. The output of the secondary
(or low voltage bushing has the ability to easily kill anybody
who touches it, but, I am only saying this due to the current
it has the ability to push out. I have never touched the circuit
so I do not know for sure as cold electricity usually works in
the opposite manner with resistance than normal electricity).
Cold electricity powers bulbs of a lower wattage rating brighter
and hotter than a higher wattage bulb for whatever reason.
Motors and all sorts of other circuits work just fine, and, I
even tested sensitive electronics with no noise or ill effects
even though the waveform was all over the scope, making
resonant markers where the screen was all sorts of neat
looking chain like waves and multiple oscillations at the same
time. It is very wierd how it works, but, I highly recommend
that nobody try this at home unless they are an expert
trained with the safety of extremely high voltage circuits
since at one point I had two components too close together
and has a fireball form and launch from the two conductors
that weren't supposed to have high voltage at that extreme
in that location because the spark gap should have fired and
eliminated the discharge.
The spark gap was way too close and didn't operate as it was
supposed to, burning up several components , scaring the
daylights out of me. I replaced the electrodes and the burned
parts, one of the caps and off I went to test again, this time
starting it up at a lower level and not exceeding the power
level since I read the warnings don left in a question and
answer page I found. Look these pages up and save the data
before it disappears. You may wish to get trained if you wish
to experiment with it, however, high voltage electrical safety
is what you really need to understand, and, you will certainly
need the proper PPE. These circuits are deadly and they draw
in and output a different power than I have ever seen before.
I used a flyback transformer from a television set with great
success, but, then I listened to Don and tried an automotive
coil which was the best by far.
I do get some interference when the circuit is used and I
have much testing to do. I am not sure if we could build a
faraday cage around the device and do not know if it would
still draw it's energy in at that point, I will have to try it.
I am still out of the correct voltages and many adjustments
need to be made, as well, I have to study the phenomenon
more when I have more time. It is exciting, but also scary
at the same time. Many people would never believe it unless
they saw it, however, the man never lied and 2 of the 6
experiments he displayed in a pdf so far work correctly, but,
they are a beast to tune of they are not built correctly,
especially if the caps end up being in the wrong range.
He warns us in the wesite during a question and answer
session of what to do and what not to do. It is rather
interesting to know how he got the formulas, it's almost
as if he spoke top somebody from another planet to do
so.. How does one explain where he got that knowledge
from of the capacitor's charges, their amperages given
and the joule/coulombs equations that do not relate to
common ohm's law? The only thing that is accurate is
the voltage x amperage = wattage. It's amazing how the
info he gives actually does what he says. We'd all say it
was impossible until we watch him demonstrating the
Also, please do not try any of this .. if you do, it is strictly
at your own responsibility because it is a fire hazard, a death
trap, and, so dangerous.. The spark gap alone is scary,
when it is tuned correctly, it seems safe, however, high
voltages jump and we do NOT need to touch them to get
killed, if the arc jumps from the components to you, I could
guarantee you won't be around long to speak about it..
that is how powerful the devices can be if tuned correctly
and built within his specification. some folks claim to get
2000 watts out up to 4500 watts (the best claim I have seen).
I paid attention and got enough to max the transformer out
and I used my 15kVA transformer. The likelyhood of being
stronger than this... Yes, I think it could easily drive a
10 kVA and a 15KVA and still have more power, however,
I do not have the applianxces and other devices to load
more than maybe 7500 watts at one time all on the same
breaker panel. I used GFI circuits for the entire time in the
event something happened, and, I did test them for
functionality. They do work as they are suppoised to somehow..Last edited by BroMikey; 01-24-2016, 07:14 AM.
Bro Mikey
Again you post a circuit that I doubt that you test yourself . As I have built the circuit you describe from Marc . And I go ZERO results , this is not to say it can't work but I can not get it to work . It did produce multiple high voltage pulses with one input pulse so I will continue to look at it . But as I said no results as shown in the video. If you wish people to believe in what you say you will have to do better than this . As for everything you have post is nothing reproducible proof!!! And if you think I am a naysayer you are WRONG!!! I am only giving my results, so if someone else has been able to duplicate the results please let us know . I would love to talk with this person, so you may point out the errors in my way of thinking . And as to only go big or go home that's a load of BS!!!
You ask others to show proof your wrong, I am saying show where you have done so and let me know how I can . For I have built what Gerald has shown and is not OU.
If there is a way to do so I can not see it with the pump motor design .
So please enlighten me as to method to do so .
As for don smith I can not comment as I have not built any of his designs.
If Marc can't tell what he knows then why waste his time and anyone elses?
Either you know or you don't. I don't claim to know , but I do you don't either.
I like that you want share but must be real and reproducible with all info so it can be
duplicated by others.
Hello J
If think you are right and the circuit was only to show human body
energy could be amplified but Marc is saying it. That is significant to me
MARC is saying it.
I am like you when I build these circuits I don't know the best way to
calculate anything and it ends up different every time. I mean I know
how to add, subtract, multiple and divide but I don't know what I am
Marc B. showed this circuit quoting another guys name on the web
but the main thing MARC said was that the circuit worked like his
PELEX device did and according to MARC is using the bucking coils
to get extra.
In the video his input is 1000 watts and he gets out more than this.
As soon as I figure out how to build it better I will let you all know.
BTW Marc uses the pump motor of Gerard's to loop his PELEX in
one of his video's, did you see that one?
Look on YOUTUBE for PELEX device.
eHello bro Mikey
Yes I did see that video but still is not what Gerald has shown and is not as he post as OU device . I am not calling anyone out as false but am only saying I can get any results with the same setup . I am not blaming Marc if he wishes not give away his design and wishes to profit from his work . He deserves all that he works for and I wish him the best .
But then don't claim your for free energy as your for profit for energy and is what we already have . I am sure there is a way but if anyone knows they want money, I wish them the best but are help no one and is just status or credit they want or maybe some type of fame .
I look to change things and care not about wealth or status or credit . Every man builds upon the shoulders of other men who came before them .
I wish not offend anyone but seek to understand and produce a device which help not only myself but others . Let not greed or fame get in the way . In other words don't think more of yourself than you ought to.
As once said:
Listen to the truths within my words and not the manner in which they are spoken .
Best wishes
Belanger contacted me by PM a few days ago and said he needs a McCullough generator to complete his experiments, and knows that I have a couple. He was interested in BUYING one, but I told him I would be willing to donate one to the cause. I have not heard back from him. Does anyone know how to contact him?
I'm a little short of cash due to recent family stuff and the holidays, but depending on shipping costs, should be able to figure out a way to get it to him, especially if he will pay sone for the shipping.
Dave“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View PostBelanger contacted me by PM a few days ago and said he needs a McCullough generator to complete his experiments, and knows that I have a couple. He was interested in BUYING one, but I told him I would be willing to donate one to the cause. I have not heard back from him. Does anyone know how to contact him?
I'm a little short of cash due to recent family stuff and the holidays, but depending on shipping costs, should be able to figure out a way to get it to him, especially if he will pay sone for the shipping.
DaveDude if Marc gets a holt
of a decent genset that he might even alter the winding configuration
for to produce a Bucking field right off the bat.
Let me see if he is over run right now. You have a good heart Dave
and always well spoken, you will see good things.
PS I left him a message but it is to close to do anything else but wrap
4 the kiddies them wonderful gifts.Last edited by BroMikey; 12-23-2015, 06:50 AM.
Originally posted by j dove View PosteHello bro Mikey
Yes I did see that video but still is not what Gerald has shown and is not as he post as OU device . I am not calling anyone out as false but am only saying I can get any results with the same setup . I am not blaming Marc if he wishes not give away his design and wishes to profit from his work . He deserves all that he works for and I wish him the best .
Best wishes
Gerard's name. We have a lot to learn, be patient. I understand you.
All the best to you
Here is Marc
Marc Belanger
+Mark Tillotson Hi Mark, I believe that tansformers of any
efficiency have to be very close to resonance if they do
not already resonate, especially if we wish to draw in energy
from another place wirelessly. The system I built utilizes
transformer coils matched with capacitors to resonate at
the Schumann Resonant frequency of 7.8 hz.
I got the idea of how I would do this from Stanley Meyer's
VIC coil, however, it didn't work until I built the core myself
which caused an overunity just like Gerard Morin's transformer
phenomenon. When I scoped the coil with my variable air
capacitor and found resonance, I read the capacitance and
found what I have aimed for from a frequency chart around
8 hz.
When I adjusted this and soldered the cap onto the coil,
I was receiving a signal at 7.8 hz and the coil was automatically
outputting several volts of power without any input.. I was
just using the transformer as a receiver of this energy and
by applying a signal to the other coil, I was receiving additional
energy that I didn't expect. With the correct input, there isn't
any issues at all with obtaining resonance without adding
outside components such as capacitors, however, to make
this happen if they aren't in resonance already, minor adjustments
of the capacitance can be made to both coils in a couple of ways,
first to improve the efficiency, as well, by rebuilding the coils to
make the inductor have more capacitance in combination by
winding a secondary with a thin aluminum plate or foil, and,
building the windings over an oil impregnated paper dielectric
with the primary wound over the top of the secondary using a
very fine, extremely conductive wire, this can be accomplished
fairly easily, if the correct frequencies are obtained purposely.
Accidentally, it isn't very common for any resonance to happen,
however, with transformers of super quality, the resonant
frequency is the optimum frequency to reach, beyond this,
the device will saturate and cause massive losses. To obtain
overunity, the core has to be very specific, either cut to
eliminate the Lenz effect which is the unwanted flux path
that creates the CEMF to cause the load to be forced back
to the input/source like any ordinary transformer works.
I completely eliminate the source load and transfer it by
creating magnetic manipulation similar to Tom Bearden's
MEG operation to initiate an incoming stream of energy that
is channeled in using a sharp pulse/spike containing a high
voltage pulsed square wave with a very noticeable sharp
spike of 50-125 volts at the leading edge of the squarewave
that's produced by the permanent magnet rotor. This works
kind of like a switch to turn on a stream or channel of energy
from the atmosphere, allowing it to become attracted to the
device's magnetic field by the oscillating pulses by attracting
or manifesting a very unique phenomenon.
This creates a "Flip Flop" of scalar energy forced from the
forward and reversed flux surrounding the dual core that
attracts the energy from one core while the other is merely
pulsing a magnetic radiation that allows the energy to be
channeled from an aetheric source during the change in wave
from + to - , and, the funny part is that it can only happen
while the load is connected to the device. This incoming
energy is forced to the secondary by induction, however,
the primary coil's pulses create the field that this energy is
attracted to, however, it can't induce to it since it is already
powered up and it's field aligns and synchronizes the flux of
the secondary, allowing the scalar waves to be induced like
The device sees an AC waveform on it's output under load,
and, while one polarity of pulse happens, one core releases the
field attracting the source energy while the primary coil induces
the aetheric electricity which causes the secondary core to
release atmospheric electricity as cold electricity to the load
while the other pulse happens of the opposite polarity , then
the opposing core attracts this stream of energy while the the
other core causes the field to be induced and transformed to
usable electricity of the opposite polarity. (to make it easier
to imagine, one coil pulses and the core's field attracts the
stream of energy while the other one induces to give one half
of the output wave, then, the opposite happens and the other
core attracts while the other side induces the opposite wave.)
In other words, we have 3 coils.
The first coil is the primary or "pulse" coil as Stan Meyer used
to give to the core in his VIC system. The pulse creates a
magnetic field of opposing polarity, causing an attraction from
the aether to one core and it's field as the other core's field
allows this energy channeled in from the aether to be induced
into the primary which is connected to it's output. Since the
cores are separated, the input coil is a series/closed or shorted
coil that receives this pulse of energy from the generator
without being able to transform from one side of the transformer
to the other since it is a shorted coil that's wound around both
of the cores, making the flux shift directions during the shift
in polarity as the magnet passes the coil in the generator for
each polarity. The next two coils wound around one end of
each laminated core supplies an oscillating field that turns
the beam of incoming energy on, the next coil induces it and
sends it to the output for use to do work.
There are 3 ways I have designed this transformer to work,
and, all 3 need to resonate to function as i do in the Gerard
Morin Transformer experiment. I have found a way to do this
much more efficiently using utility transformers as Gerard does,
however, it was very difficult to do and it took time for me to
back engineer this phenomenon a few years back when I saw
this happen during a local power company failure when one
of their customer's permanent magnet genset backfed their
system since the customer left their main open while their
generator was in operation, as they were illegally installed
without an up to date transfer switch. Their generator fed
a faulted high voltage shielded cable which was arcing and
exploding over and over without killing the generator or
popping it's circuit breaker. The engineer recreated the
failure on paper and calculated the load to be well over
400 amps worth of energy to create such a calorie rating ,
by the volume of the fire and damage to the existing cables
of another circuit in the manhole where it all took place.
The system was feeding the secondary side of a transformer,
fed the high side (primary side) by backfeed, and, since all
switches in the system were shut down, nobody could figure
out that the customer's generator was operating. The
transformer was installed on the floor of the manhole and
all of the ground cables were blown off of it from the cable
fault, which caused a massive explosion at a cable splice.
The instance that started the overvoltage is called Ferro
Magnetic resonance, and it is known to usually happen
when 2 transformers of different sizes are connected in
parallel and the system is being energized one phase at
a time, creating a feedback loop through the different
phases, returning on another phase instead of a neutral
cable. The bonds to the ground in the manhole were
rotted off, and, the other places where equipment was
supposed to be tied to a ground were burned off, causing
the cold radiation affect and an overunity that resulted
in 6.5 times the transformer's full rated output of 15 kW,
feeding Since the system was a 3 phase system, the
transformer only fed back to one phase, but, since the
phase was tied in Delta to the transformers in the system,
the systemn kept feeding this abnormal amount of energy
and did not open the unit's circuit breaker.
Mathematically, the engineer stated the system was producing
around 400 amps, so, if we calculate the wattage times
6.5 times, we get 97,000 watts, which divided by 240 volts
equals 406 amps.. very close to what the engineer rated
the arcing and explosions from it's heat in an enclosed area.
Last edited by BroMikey; 01-24-2016, 06:50 AM.
Gerard you are such a great man. Under so much fire he can't
even look square at the camera but will not stop. Strongman!!
That's right keep up the fight.The terms are all
up in the air around the world of invention.
Published on Dec 26, 2015
In This video, Gerard explains what he has been up to the last couple months, and where things are going. Gerard is a researcher who shares his information openly as his results and conclusions push him forward. Gerard is planning more videos in the near future.Last edited by BroMikey; 12-29-2015, 10:56 PM.
Thanks Gerard
I was not 100 percent sure so this is good to know. Sometimes
it is hard to follow a video without a flow chart. Just a poster
board with marker on it or even a caulk board can get others
on the same page as you are.
I know, because I ponder all of your video's during the day for
months now. I remembered what you said (WAY BACK) that you
wanted to replace the McCulloch with something else, to power
your utility transformers.
At THAT time I thought about it and was not sure but I knew you
were never going to get 15,000 volts out of the washer motors. I
figured maybe you would get a few thousand at the most out of
what I didn't know. At first I thought 2 pole pigs but now it is
clear that the best way to eliminate the losses is to feed one pig
with the high voltage.
I can see where a 16,000 volt generator would increase efficiencies
well past conventional designs by a direct conversion of mechanical
power into a resistance free Ultra-High Voltage.
I know additionally that you did mention the rotary spark gap for
later to regulate HZ down to 60HZ plus a rectifier first so that all
devices (including your looping battery charger) could be plugged
in for full operation.
Even without the more complex features many replicators would
be more than happy to settle for a design that only produces heat
at far less costs than current conventional systems can offer.
This device could revolutionize home heating charges for those who
could afford the many thousands for the initial setup cost, such as
a solar installation would require or wind.
I think your system could be considered more attractive for say an
engineer or a handy man who builds things and could make it a DIY
project, keeping costs lower.
I think the oil filled transformers are the way to go and you are on
the verge of a major break through in the way we all see FREE ENERGY
In time we will see the scaled down version that runs at the same
voltages. This could bring the cost for a proof of concept down so
low, everyone could have one in a short time.
Once the word get's out "THE DOUBT ABOUT OVERUNITY" will be
gone forever.
We are ALL counting on you GerardLast edited by BroMikey; 12-31-2015, 08:29 AM.
Thanks for the pep talk and the pressure BroMikey haha Joking.
You are absolutely right, if you think about it, the big corporations are producing millions of volts, for one reason, it takes the resistance away. You can create more volts, for less HP. the water is free for the big hydros, so they don't give a damn. Hydro dam is the cheapest because Water is free, all you got to do is build a dam. This is why the produce high voltage.. does not promote resistance. Way over the HP they require.
Back to work!
BTW, I really enjoyed the diagram with the little guy getting electrocuted, laughed hard.
Originally posted by Gerard_Morin View Postthe big corporations are producing millions of volts, for one reason, it takes the resistance away. You can create more volts, for less HP.
This is why the produce high voltage.. does not promote resistance. Way over the HP they require.
They use high voltage to avoid the heat losses found in this equation. I squared * R.
High voltage low current.... fits that equation nicely
You don't get to change resistance.
Here is another magnet motor generator running.
Published on Feb 1, 2014
The purpose of this Self Looped Generator proof of concept project is to determine what happens when you take 12v dc components (12v battery and motor) that produce 120vac and plug in a Kill-A-Watt meter to a CFL bulb. Then with the same power produced by the motor, plug in a battery charger to recharge the same battery. Then take a drill to see what kind of a voltage drop occurs and if the battery voltage is either sustained or dropped. The results are pretty impressive as a portable setup without any external power from the power company or fumes.