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What is Tesla's AC motor REALLY?...Seeing the obvious that has never been seen before

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  • What is Tesla's AC motor REALLY?...Seeing the obvious that has never been seen before

    So, everyone KNOWS what Teslas AC induction motor "is", likely built one or more, and studied its use 10000000 ways.

    obviously,... but WHAT IF, knowing how a magnet works, you understood WHAT POWER GENERATION is in very simple terms as applied to the induction motor invention???

    Ive got 100s of pages, and pictures and proof (at least 200 of which is yet unpublished) for the indivisible dielectric inertial plane in ANY and ALL magnets, always self-centering, the counterspatial 'center' of any magnet which is not LOCATED at the center, but FORCED there, CONCENTRATED there,..... no diff. really than simplex child level fluid dynamics.

    SO, what IS an induction motor really? (sounds like a really dumb question, but is not). I forward that there is only ONE field, dielectricity, and that magnetism in true reduction is not , cannot be a field (as I was writing about endlessly for the past many months to be added to my work)

    The absolute truth, as it happens, magnetism is NOT a field in definition, once finally reduced, rather a force of the loss of dielectric inertia

    Magnetism is a FORCE, not a field, all spatially divergent Ether modalities are the loss of counterspatial inertia, expressed either as magnetism, or spatial condensates as matter, or as transverse expressions of electricity. There is only ONE FIELD, dielectricity, the rest are field modalities with divergent expressions.

    and no, Im not contradicting myself, however as a CONTRIVANCE, speaking about "magnetic fields" is acceptable for DISCUSSION, .......but the brass tacks are that MAGNETISM IS NOT A FIELD

    An induction motor, in very simplex (divinely so) terms, is nothing more than an INVERTED MAGNET

    And what the hell does that mean? It means that any magnet has 'its magnetism' centered around a concentrated dielectric inertial plane with SPATIAL MAGNETIC DIVERGENCE reciprocating, ........ and its the lowest possible pressure mediation and simplex mass-form and dually expressed ether modality in the universe, counterspatial (centered) dielectric and SPATIAL divergent magnetism......

    and the AC INDUCTION MOTOR? Just the opposite, the (whatever phase coil) coil is the spatial variant AT THE CENTER OF WHICH is a rotating magnet (or multiple magnets) {{{as driven by X, coal, nuclear etc}}}.

    the AC INDUCTION MOTOR both cannot be anything more complex than an "inside out" MAGNET, the spatial variant is at the center of which electrical creation (magnetic and dielectric) is created and possible.

    All electrical creation is nothing more complex than an "inverted magnet", with the dielectric (in this case the conductor, or as Dollard would say 'dielectric reflector') as the spatial binary to the centered (but divergent) rotating magnet(s).

    that a magnet is a hyperboloid at the center of which is the dielectric inertial plane cannot be refuted by anyone on earth

    electrical generation, the inverse HYPERBOLOID, is the AC induction motor

    the opposite of magnetic convergence (the simplex magnet) is electrical generation (AC motor)

    However, WHOLLY UNLIKE THE MAGNET.........Of course the AC MOTOR DOES NOT WORK AT ALL, and is upside down to nature....

    No AC motor on earth EVER EVER EVER created electricity
    (of its own accord)

    "upside down" (in this case inside OUT) 'mother nature' "Dont work"
    ....... we have to crank on our 'inverted magnet' to harvest the power we lust for.

    I actually have a lot Ive written on the induction motor is nothing more complex (surely a child could grasp it) than an inside-out magnet.

    More complicated than that? NO, impossible.

    Not that simple? Yes, it is that simple.

    Makes no sense? If you understand how a magnet 'works' and what magnetism 'is' and 'does', then YES it is just that damn simple.

    “No amount of praise is too much to bestow upon Edison for his (lamp / bulb), but all he did was wrought (‘work’) in known and passing forms. What I contributed constitutes a new and lasting edition to human knowledge. Like his lamp, my induction motor may be discarded and forgotten in the continuous evolution of the (electric motor?) arts, but my rotating field with its marvelous phenomena and manifestations of force (from magnetism) will last as long as science itself” - Nikola Tesla
    New York World Nov. 29, 1929, p. 10 col. 4-5. To the Editor of the World

    Nikola Tesla November 1928 interview:
    “No”, Dr. Tesla said with some feelings, “I would not give my rotating magnetic field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable, designed merely as mechanical contraptions to deceive the eye and ear!”
    Then saying: “A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come.” - Nikola Tesla
    Article: “A Famous Prophet of Science Looks into the Future” (Popular Science Monthly)

    sorry, I HAD TO include my latest picture creation.

    Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 12-31-2014, 08:40 AM.

  • #2
    Got it, Maybe

    Hi Ken,
    Faraday had found the strongest magnetic attraction on a magnet to be centered in the middle of each pole. Not on the end. He did use another magnet to make this determination so the test was influenced by the second magnet's fields or force. See image:

    This has caused me uncertainty of your concepts until now. However, all is not harmony in Wonderland. Since you have hundreds of tests and experiments on this subject matter, and I am deep into another model of a different nature, I ask for your results. You have stated the strongest magnetic pull or force is on the edge of the poles of the magnet. The centrifugal edge. Could another magnet be blind to the centrifugal forces and only see the centripetal/dielectric, while ferrous metals see the centrifugal forces? And if so, why does the magnet then ignore the dielectric plane in the middle of the other magnet? Or does it?
    Last edited by tachyoncatcher; 12-31-2014, 12:50 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
      Hi Ken,
      You have stated the strongest magnetic pull or force is on the edge of the poles of the magnet. The centrifugal edge. Could another magnet be blind to the centrifugal forces and only see the centripetal/dielectric, while ferrous metals see the centrifugal forces? And if so, why does the magnet then ignore the dielectric plane in the middle of the other magnet? Or does it?

      Faraday did tons of wonderful stuff, but if you read his works, MANY of his conclusions are VERY PRIMITIVE

      As for the gauss readings on the edge vs. the center, any gaussmeter will show that to anyone.

      also why a steel ball increases speed (NOT accelerates) towards the edge of the face of the magnet if you let it go at the center.

      Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
      Hi Ken,
      And if so, why does the magnet then ignore the dielectric plane in the middle of the other magnet? Or does it?

      all is pressure mediation, ....seems youre confusing the MIDDLE (of a face) with the CENTER ITSELF.

      It doesnt "ignore it", no, if you bring two maggies together (SNAP!) , they will rest AT or JUST AT each others faces, they will not (of course) rest along each others edges, ....that of course is the lowest pressure cancellation.


      • #4
        The Bloch Wall

        So what we are looking at, when we look at a magnet, is a stabilized dielectric. Which is a model of the "forces" of the universe?

        And an AC motor manipulates/reverses it's magnetic centers (dielectric) to create movement.

        Are we still comfortable using the term "Bloch Wall" to describe the center of a magnetic field (force)?

        So we move change the location (invert) of the bloch wall within the structure of the AC motor to create movement in time.


        Some say that all phenomena in the observable universe is a manipulation/irritation of this same dielectric force.
        Light, sound, heat etc.

        Dollard believes that the sun is a giant ethereal (force) transducer. An antenna of sorts. A giant dielectric. (My paraphrase)

        Mother nature has set us up with some very good models of how all this stuff works. All we need is the eyes to see and do.

        Bottom line, I think a lot of us believe these systems/models can, theoretically, be set up in self generation mode, with constantly rotating naturally reversing bloch walls, to produce vast amounts of observable phenomena.

        Thanks for the thought experiment.

        I love these two;

        Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
        “No amount of praise is too much to bestow upon Edison for his (lamp / bulb), but all he did was wrought (‘work’) in known and passing forms. What I contributed constitutes a new and lasting edition to human knowledge. Like his lamp, my induction motor may be discarded and forgotten in the continuous evolution of the (electric motor?) arts, but my rotating field with its marvelous phenomena and manifestations of force (from magnetism) will last as long as science itself” - Nikola Tesla
        New York World Nov. 29, 1929, p. 10 col. 4-5. To the Editor of the World

        Nikola Tesla November 1928 interview:
        “No”, Dr. Tesla said with some feelings, “I would not give my rotating magnetic field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable, designed merely as mechanical contraptions to deceive the eye and ear!”
        Then saying: “A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come.” - Nikola Tesla
        Article: “A Famous Prophet of Science Looks into the Future” (Popular Science Monthly)
        Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


        • #5
          the only AC motor ive ever seen that was made by Mr Tesla himself had a switching device built into the back of it.
          Tesla looked at fluid in the same way the looked at energy in a lot of ways, maybe not always but I know he did do it.
          so what was the switching device for? was it to make the motor run efficiently? or was it to multiply the energy gained?
          im thinking it was to make the motor run with minimal energy and then the motor created a funnel of energy?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
            Are we still comfortable using the term "Bloch Wall" to describe the center of a magnetic field (force)?
            alas thats only a name and BARELY a description of something..... " a black 4 legged animal".......... for example.........which doesnt even tell you if its a cat or what it is....

            ....and it is far far removed from ANY explanation of WHAT it is, or WHY it is (there), etc etc etc.

            Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
            And an AC motor manipulates/reverses it's magnetic centers (dielectric) to create movement.
            magnetic and reciprocating divergence in the case of the magnet, ......or the "inside out magnet", with radial electrical production..

            the former is NATURE, the later is our invention for energy production.

            The later doesnt work of course,....rather we are turning (for example) coal into radial electricity.

            We are (of course) trading stored force and motion potential (gas, coal, work etc etc) and (of course) converting it to our needs.

            Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
            So we move change the location (invert) of the bloch wall within the structure of the AC motor to create movement in time.;

            Weve placed the rotating SPATIAL at the center of a COUNTERSPATIAL dielectric reflector (ala Dollard's phraseology, implied a COIL of course)

            instead of magnetic divergence ala the magnet, ........we have RADIANT electrical production, divergent from the induction motor system.

