Originally posted by Ernst
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You cant have current flow without either a potential difference (voltage) or a dynamic magnetic field.
Not literally, but effectively power is recycled in Jettis's circuit but it has all the problems of losses so eventually we end up with flat batteries. Because of efficiency losses this simple system is unlikely to make up those losses by using the mechanical output of the motor. Theoretically we could have 3 to 1 but these types of motor are usually 50% efficient or less which gives us 1.5 to 1. Then when we add the losses of the generator and associated battery swapping etc we end up just less than 1 to 1

My conclusion is that we just have to find the right method of recycling and the right device, run in the right way and we will get more out than we put in. It is possible in my opinion.
I am interested in your exception "eddy currents" why are they an exception?