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Bucking Coil Inverter

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  • #76
    Guidelines to Bucking Coils

    To all who would like a better grasp of this bucking coil idea,

    Guidelines to Bucking Coils.pdf To date, this is the Bible for this subject.

    "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
    Nikola Tesla


    • #77
      Originally posted by prochiro View Post
      To all who would like a better grasp of this bucking coil idea,

      Guidelines to Bucking Coils.pdf To date, this is the Bible for this subject.


      Chris Sykes of HyIQ is running a thread you all may find of interest:
      Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy


      • #78
        Maybe you could find this link interesting

        Attached Files


        • #79

          Hello All

          We have seen that the bucking coils can react with produced waves and a disc of magnets. They also react to a small running motor close by and really react to the scalarbeamer. For those that want to see something really strange see the following for magnet details and check out what a scalarbeamer does to this system, POWER.


          "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
          Nikola Tesla


          • #80
            Here is my replication of the Skywatcher bucking coil inverter




            • #81
              hi wistiti. can you further describe how your partnered coils connect to the fwbr. are the central connections twisted together and the outer connections twisted together.


              • #82
                Hi folks, Hi wistiti, great video, thanks for sharing.
                I might have observed a similar back charging of input batteries, though it seemed to disappear, so i may have done something or changed something for it to disappear.
                I'm going to rebuild following your setup wistiti.
                For clarity, you have a bifilar coil for first layer running whole length of ferrite core?
                Wound on top of that you have two separate single strand coils, meeting in the center of core?
                Are the partnered coils wound opposite to one another?
                I do know your input batteries are very discharged and probably corroded inside, so they may be acting more like capacitors or combination.
                What wire gauges are you using and is that a 120 volt ac input led bulb or 12 volt ac input?
                Thanks, i'm going to build one like you have built it.
                peace love light


                • #83
                  hi sky. i believe it's a 12v led lamp. bear in mind chris sykes recommendation that the bloch walls of the primary and secondary should be in different locations on the core,so maybe wind your primaries from 1 end to about 2 thirds of the core length,so the primary bloch wall is in the 1 third of the core length area and the secs meet in the middle of the core.


                  • #84
                    Hi voltan, thanks for the information.
                    Thought I would try something a little different, as that is an interesting effect wistiti is showing.
                    peace love light


                    • #85
                      Hi Sky, voltan and all!
                      See my anser below. Sky, you are my inspiration on these one! so go as you feel it my friend!

                      Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                      Hi folks, Hi wistiti, great video, thanks for sharing.
                      I might have observed a similar back charging of input batteries, though it seemed to disappear, so i may have done something or changed something for it to disappear.
                      I'm going to rebuild following your setup wistiti.
                      For clarity, you have a bifilar coil for first layer running whole length of ferrite core? (Yes)
                      Wound on top of that you have two separate single strand coils, meeting in the center of core? (Yes)
                      Are the partnered coils wound opposite to one another? (Yes as shown by Chris or EM Junky and the same of your first post.)
                      I do know your input batteries are very discharged and probably corroded inside, so they may be acting more like capacitors or combination.
                      What wire gauges are you using. (Bifilar 23awg. Partenered bucking30awg) and is that a 120 volt ac input led bulb or 12 volt ac input? (12vdc)
                      Thanks, i'm going to build one like you have built it.
                      peace love light


                      • #86
                        I have the feeling that wire gauge have something to do with the magnetism/effect...


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by voltan View Post
                          hi wistiti. can you further describe how your partnered coils connect to the fwbr. are the central connections twisted together and the outer connections twisted together.
                          Hi voltan!
                          Yes exactly as you said!


                          • #88
                            thanks for your input so far wistiti.
                            and hi to all. the concept described in the quote in the following post didn't go so i been running it as in the new pic. my led globe starts at 38v dc, can run down to about 30v dc. at 50v dc it draws 10 ma, and at 59v 14ma all with rectification and smoothing cap. nice load for these experiments.notable also is there is no turn ratio this configuration 1:1 is sufficient to light the led bulb with 4.5v input and vr1 turned up. then i can back vr1 all the way to 100k and the bulb stays dimly lit.
                            turns out half wave rectification improves efficiency,as in the new new pic.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by voltan; 02-05-2015, 09:39 PM.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by voltan View Post
                              thanks for your input so far wistiti.
                              and hi to all. this is just a concept i'm going to try. the idea being that something interesting might happen when you charge up an inductor whose inductance changes when the field collapses, if i'm correct with this assumption. the red arrows show - to + and push on field collapse. might be less than 4 diodes required and i will try it with 1n5189s to minimize losses. my led globe starts at 38v dc, can run down to about 33v dc and at 50v dc it draws 10 ma, all with rectification and smoothing cap. nice load for these experiments, tho this will have pulsed output unless i put a smoothing cap and diode across the output. i figure most of the output from this will be 1 polarity,pulsed dc.
                              Good! let us know what is your result.


                              • #90
                                Hi all,

                                Just a few days ago I ran into the partnered output coils concept (im fairly new to electronics, but learn quick) and have been studying it all since. I am going to start attempting replications and builds, but there are soooo many different designs, so I thought I'd as for some input....

                                I started with making the "Re-emf joule thief battery charger", which I have sitting in front of me now. I want to build something that actually meets the specs for being a "partnered secondary coils" setup, and have a few questions.

                                First off, it seems to me that the size wire compared to the number of turns and the size/type of core used is important here. It also seems that there should be several hundred turns on the secondaries, and the ratio from primary to secondary should be somewhere in the 1:3 to 1:5 range, possibly closer to 1:3 or 1:4.

                                I have quite a few ferrite yokes, small toroids, and ferrite rod from am/fm radios. I don't have enough beads to make a tube long enough to be worthwhile. I have 2 sizes of straight, round yokes from a projection tv along with several different size cone shaped ones. I have plenty of wire of various sizes that I've recovered from motors, yokes, transformers, etc, and plenty of components that are useable in these projects, including 20 2n3055's, MJL21194's, and some good ones from amplifiers and tv's.

                                What would you suggest I use to start with? I was thinking of using one of the straight, round, approx 1.5" yokes with 28awg secondaries and 22 or 23 bifilar primaries, with a turn ratio of 1:3. Does that sound like a decent place for me to start, or should I try to use something non-circular? or maybe one of the cores from a flyback if I can manage to get it out without breaking?

                                Also, would a speed control board from a dremel work for the square pulse driver? It's an AC board... can I run it with DC or should I stick with AC on it? Or just use the function gen on my PC thru a stereo amplifier?

                                Sorry for the mass amount of questions here!!!!


