A1MoGen: 1/one brush set(width of 6 commutator segments) of Negative & Positive,
energizes 7 singular coils(27% of the max coils for motoring) at once.
Below is the "break down" for the 7 energized coils. (*singular coils is winded around 8 armature poles with AIW 18.5 or 19 awg*)
The pole# with the number of turns passing & where the pole is interacting with the North and South stator magnets.
Pole #1 ---> 30 turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #2 ---> 60 turns ---> start North magnetic... Repulsion mode
Pole #3 ---> 90 T ---> North repulsion
Pole #4 ---> 120 T ---> N. Bisector between poles 4 & 5
Pole #5 ---> 150 T ---> North repulsion
Pole #6 ---> 180T ---> end North magnet
Pole #7 ---> 210 Turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #8 ---> 210 Turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole # 9 ---> 180T ---> start South magnetic... Attraction mode
Pole #10 ---> 150T ---> south attract
Pole #11 ---> 120 T ---> S. Bisector between poles 11 & 12
Pole #12 ---> 90 T ---> south attract
Pole #13 ---> 60 turns ---> end South magnetic... Attract mode
Pole #14 ---> 30 turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #15 starts the same sequence for the other opposite motoring brush set/pair of positive & negative
Looking at the #s of turns near the bisectors of the North & South stator magnets...
The A1MoGen's coils magnetic fields are Beautiful & Powerful!
Keep it Clean and Green
A DC motor company would have to be FN stupid not to at least build an A1MoGen prototype!
Basically, it's a 210 turns of 19awg motor when you use all the inputs!
energizes 7 singular coils(27% of the max coils for motoring) at once.
Below is the "break down" for the 7 energized coils. (*singular coils is winded around 8 armature poles with AIW 18.5 or 19 awg*)
The pole# with the number of turns passing & where the pole is interacting with the North and South stator magnets.
Pole #1 ---> 30 turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #2 ---> 60 turns ---> start North magnetic... Repulsion mode
Pole #3 ---> 90 T ---> North repulsion
Pole #4 ---> 120 T ---> N. Bisector between poles 4 & 5
Pole #5 ---> 150 T ---> North repulsion
Pole #6 ---> 180T ---> end North magnet
Pole #7 ---> 210 Turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #8 ---> 210 Turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole # 9 ---> 180T ---> start South magnetic... Attraction mode
Pole #10 ---> 150T ---> south attract
Pole #11 ---> 120 T ---> S. Bisector between poles 11 & 12
Pole #12 ---> 90 T ---> south attract
Pole #13 ---> 60 turns ---> end South magnetic... Attract mode
Pole #14 ---> 30 turns ---> Zero/0 torque
Pole #15 starts the same sequence for the other opposite motoring brush set/pair of positive & negative
Looking at the #s of turns near the bisectors of the North & South stator magnets...
The A1MoGen's coils magnetic fields are Beautiful & Powerful!
Keep it Clean and Green
A DC motor company would have to be FN stupid not to at least build an A1MoGen prototype!
Basically, it's a 210 turns of 19awg motor when you use all the inputs!