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New permanent magnet motor video

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  • Self rotating magnetic motor Free energy



    • Amigo's Magnet motor explanation.



      • Car Motor size magnetic Motor.

        In Conclusion

        This is a unique system that will grant you a huge deal of electrical independence. You will save more than 80% from your bill every month. It can be built with simple materials with a cost as low as $100. It will work all year long, and much more, so that you do not have to worry or keep investing money on it. More than 30.000 families have already benefited from this product. Now it is your turn!



        • Magnetic motor

          JLN Labs - RGen 2.0 (Rotating Generator)

          JLN Labs - RMOD V1.1


          • magnetic pumping action

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Respectfully magnetic toys

            Published on May 7, 2015

            This video explains how magnetism is actually caused by the Magnetic Spin Vortex. It covers what the spin vortex is, and it is not, and the importance of understanding it in the field of Permanent Magnet Motive Force Systems.

            The Magnetic Spin Vortex

            I posted a simple comment on that youtube page - pump the bottom one with the top one up and down and NOT side by side. I spent countless hours over 3 months on these spinners before I ever tried to build the original SG - that was 16 years ago.

            To me, it is like this toy but magnetically - that is what I found anyway:

            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              I posted a simple comment on that youtube page - pump the bottom one with the top one up and down and NOT side by side. I spent countless hours over 3 months on these spinners before I ever tried to build the original SG - that was 16 years ago.

              To me, it is like this toy but magnetically - that is what I found anyway:
              Hi Aaron

              I must be thick because I do not understand your comment. But I am
              having flashbacks of Xmas 1963. Just kidding had to throw that in
              because I buy the children a top when I can still find one.

              I have always loved to watch a top spin, still do. I have been thinking
              about John's concave rotor magnet assemblies from the conference
              2010 Ferris Wheel bright red saying something like this to the audience

              "You want to know why you don't have what I have here in this example?"

              The magnet spin vortex and the SG have always intrigued me. I would
              love for you to explain anything about this post more clearly as it directly
              relates to both magnet motors AND those awesome coils with their
              own capacitance.

              Good to talk with you Aaron.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-12-2015, 09:06 AM.


              • Here is one to ponder. Youtube. Insane accidental discovery with neodymium maqnets. Free energy? After you calculate the energy needed to lift that stack of neos, then calculate how much energy is used to keep it running, I think this could qualify as a free energy magnetic motor. Simple, functional and efficient. All we need to do is build a large one big enough to draw energy from it. Good Luck. stealth
                Last edited by Stealth; 11-12-2015, 12:50 AM.


                • Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                  Here is one to ponder. Youtube. Insane accidental discovery with neodymium maqnets. Free energy? After you calculate the energy needed to lift that stack of neos, then calculate how much energy is used to keep it running, I think this could qualify as a free energy magnetic motor. Simple, functional and efficient. All we need to do is build a large one big enough to draw energy from it. Good Luck. stealth
                  Hey Stealth

                  I see the top but I do not understand how neo's play in. Do you have
                  a video link?

                  Have a good one.

                  Yeah I saw this.



                  Last edited by BroMikey; 11-12-2015, 01:58 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    I spent countless hours over 3 months on these spinners before I ever tried to build the original SG - that was 16 years ago.
                    In 1997 when that video was made I was 40 years old. So you were 24 years then? The old picture. Time flies when you are having fun.

                    What stood out was the idea of a "ramp" these motor schemes all use
                    some form of a "RAMP" be it made of metal or magnets. I am just now
                    seeing how a wide variety of "RAMPS" are used in many motors.

                    The picture "GIF" animation above is like most proof work only showing
                    one piece of the larger puzzle.

                    Thank again Aaron.


                    • Magnet motor belt driven.


                      Published on Apr 1, 2015

                      Rotors = 3:1 (The mini are 1/3 the diameter of the big rotor = .33)
                      12:4 = 3:1 (Number of Magnets)
                      45:15 = 3:1 (The rotors swap neutral every 15* and every 45* they reverse direction on the graph)
                      90:30 = 3:1 (Magnets Spaced) (90* out of a 30* clock = 60, 45 and 15 sec)
                      180:60 = 3:1 (Equilateral Triangle) (60 60 60) 666
                      360:120 = 3:1 (Mini Rotors Placed)
                      3:1 timing belt is probably required! (Disconnect capacitor drive)


                      • The real secret to PM motors



                        • Originally posted by SisMika View Post
                          The real secret to PM motors

                          They stole your design, Hey? But you caught them. Now go
                          ahead and make the money. Where can I buy your motor plans?

                          I know, I know you are the guy that knows everything so why even try.

                          Still thinks he's one of a kind. Here let me give you what you want


                          Happy Now? Where is that rattle?
                          Last edited by BroMikey; 12-04-2015, 08:57 PM.


                          • Hello group members
                            Today were are graced with the privilege of watching the joy
                            of another mans project motor. Have fun.


                            Published on Nov 22, 2015

                            Mueller / RomeroUK with New Magnets, Neodymium 8 Magnets, of 2 x 20 mm Diameter x 10 mm Thick, as Motor Only.

                            2 x Coils as One Coil for Motor, 2 x Coils as One Coil for Trigger.

                            The rest of the Circuit is yet Bedini Style, the Red LED is Lighted when the Motor Coils are Powered, Negative Rail on Oscilloscope, the White LED is Lighted on Collapse EMF and Generator of the Motor Coils, the Positive Rail on the Oscilloscope.

                            Components :

                            - Transistor : Silicon NPN 2N4401
                            - Diodes : 1N4148
                            - Coils all 4 Coils are 0.2mm Emaeled Copper Wire, about 12 mH each.
                            - Cores : 2 x 9 Ferrite Cores, 5.5 mm diameter about 60 mm Length
                            - Magnets : Neodymium 8 Magnets, of 2 x 20 mm Diameter x 10 mm Thick, N52

                            Characteristics :
                            - Motor Coils work in Attraction Mode
                            - RPM : 40 Hz / 8 = 5 Rotations per Second so about 300 RPM / Rotations Per Minute
                            - Operating Voltage : 12 Volts
                            - Power Consumption : not measured yet


                            Update / 2015-11-23 21:06 :

                            - Power Consumption : 58 mA @ 11.58 Volts so about 0.67164 Watts ~ 670 mili Watts.

                            With a "Better Version" of Command : 2 x Monostables, 2 x Motor Coils and 8 mm Diameter Magnets I got ~ 72 mili Watts, so, as it is this is way worse.

                            Let's see it when the PIC Commander will be in effect. Stand by...


                            • Amigo the party is just beginning so don't miss this one.
                              His work is based on the Howard Johnson stuff

                              The man says he is not going to be on youtube anymore
                              because people are calling him a fake and attacking him at
                              overunity. He made the excuse that humanity must not be ready
                              for this break through.

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              this one is Mylow

                              he was Not a fair player and was caught with a "string/thread" drive
                              in the Vid [I think Tinsel found the spot where you could see it ...
                              might have been member Wattsup at ??

                              been awhile ?

                              It was clearly visible under magnification.



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 12-19-2015, 02:38 AM.

