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New permanent magnet motor video

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  • #16
    Howard Johnson

    Thanks Theo I am collecting your input

    Magnetic gates. John Bedini has a seminar on DVD and people would be better off watching that first.

    Discovering Magnetism Magnetic Gates Howard Johnson) (2006) - YouTube

    Mike PS I Am watching John B right now talk magmotors howard Johnson
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-12-2014, 08:59 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post


      @ Theo

      Here is a vid of magmotor just simple magnets on an angle. I have never seen such a simple arrangement that produces power for free.

      Free Energy Magnet Motor fan used as Free Energy Generator "Free Energy" light bulb - YouTube

      Some devices can act as either a motor or generator.

      None of my computer fans, when mechanically spun, generated a voltage. I doubt the rest of this video.


      • #18
        Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
        yes, that Indian guy and his watch batteries taped to the side of the fan motor. Either than or an induction field under the table.

        Ive seen that bogus video a few times.

        Some people send me links to that video.

        He should become an illusionist

        HE MAKES A HUGE MISTAKE AT 2:17 ON THE VIDEO, where you can see the fan blades stop moving VERY QUICKLY, hes got it powered externally

        Field pressures always find equalization, you can build one yourself, it wont work.
        Yes - that - and you notice he never hooks up the light to the fan and then spins it up which would slowly bring up the brightness if it was real. That is because simply hooking the wires to the light would turn on the light as the light bulb probably has a battery inside the base and simply hooking the wires together on it would turn it on. Output wires from fan are probably just shorted together. You first clue this is fake should be that he has an East Indian accent. Not sure why but there are a whole lot of fake energy videos from guys with that accent
        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


        • #19
          Originally posted by ewizard View Post
          Not sure why but there are a whole lot of fake energy videos from guys with that accent

          I know why, I translate ancient Pali (a prakrit) texts, and Indians have been FAMOUS for many 1000s of years for having "magic tricks".

          The "Saddhus magic"

          its used by traveling saddhus to impress the dumbz people to toss a coin or some food into their pot.

          Indians love "cool magic" like Americans love watching the Superbowl


          • #20
            Generator Windings

            Originally posted by wrtner View Post
            Some devices can act as either a motor or generator.

            None of my computer fans, when mechanically spun, generated a voltage. I doubt the rest of this video.
            Hello Wrtner

            Any coil with a magnet passing by it will produce power IF a capacitor is installed in parallel across the winding. I am not sure how he did it but I can tell you it works.

            One day I took an old washer motor and spun it up to speed. It didn't put out any power so I put an old run cap across the leads. First a 45uf oil filled 370vac.

            It produced about 2 amps before failing and what would have is it would stop generating even though it was still being turned so I had to unhook the load for a second.

            There is went again, it generated the 1-2 amps without dropping out.

            Next I added more in parallel til I had several hundred uf.

            I pulled the full rated amount of 9 amps from it to use an electric chainsaw out back in the woods.

            It is a motor rated at 9 amps 120vac but I use it to generate power.

            Type in Motor/generator on the web and you will see videos and more than what I had to work with.

            Everyone is doing that now.

            I did it 20 years ago.

            I think normally those little pc fan motors have a circuit but it can be bypassed with easy and made to generate.

            There is a guy who rewired one to make a JOHN BEDINI ENERGIZER.

            So yes I think you are right modifications are needed to get the tiny motor to make 1 vdc.

            My question about the video is "can magnets turn the fan blade in that arrangement" it has a magnet on every blade on an angle (Plain and simple) then a magnet above sends the thing spinning.

            What I did consider was the possibility of the dual magnet arrangement. Magnets in the motor and on the fan and maybe they are spaced just right (By accident) causing a double action to the drive magnet.



            • #21
              The Steorn Magnetic Motor

              HoJo Magnetic Motor - BEST Alternative Energy, AMAZING! - YouTube

              The Steorn Magnetic Motor - could it power your home for free? In this article, I will tell you more about Steorn the company and their development of a free energy device. I will explain why I believe that Steorn's products really can revolutionise the world in the near future and how you can start powering your home for free without having to wait for the first Steorn commercial unit to hit the market.

              History Of Steorn And Their Development Of Magnetic Motor Technology

              Steorn is a company based in Dublin, Ireland that over the last few years generated a lot of buzz and chat in the industry and on the internet as their publicity machine has gained traction.

              Steorn has been developing free energy magnetic motor technology since 2003. In 2009, they invited engineers and companies to become part of their development group and also successfully demonstrated their e-Orbo magnetic motor to the public. Their YouTube channel contains several demonstrations and evidence that the devices are working properly.

              What sets Steorn out from the crowd is their very corporate approach to magnetic motor technology which has previously attracted mostly garage workshop hobbyists with only a few poor commercial efforts.

              How Does It Work?

              Steorn explains on their web site that their motor is the result of over-unity technology. Over-unity technology is an area of fringe physics that does not obey the conventional laws of physics that we have come to take for granted.

              Using the magnetism contained within standard magnets, their repelling force can be used and converted into rotary motion. This can then be converted into electricity for immediate use, storage or transmission to elsewhere.

              How To Generate 7 Kilowatts Without Waiting For Steorn

              Within five years time, Steorn will have probably brought this technology to market either directly themselves or via partners. But what if you don't want to wait that long to stop paying power bills?

              One option is to pay ?419 to gain access to Steorn's knowledge development base (SKDB). Whether this will give enough details for you to create your own motor quickly is not clear.

              A better alternative is to do what many thousands of others are doing every day - make your own magnetic motor. The beauty of this technology is that it is so incredibly simple and little more than a rotor, some strategically placed magnets and basic wiring. All you need is some tools.

              ZERO POINT MAGNET GENERATOR Cheap Alien Alternator Barack Camelot Clinton Cloak Energy Free Generator George Green HHO Hamel Hilary Hydrogen Invisible Larry Lawrence Machine Magnet Magnetic Magnetism McCain Motor Obama Overunity Paul Perendev Potomac Project Shielding TESLA Tesla Time Travel UFO Xpenzif anti anti-gravity antigravity aviation car cavity clean coils computer effect electric energy engine environment field free gas gravitons


              • #22
                Magnetic sheilding

                Self Running Magnetic Motor Stator Test #2 update - YouTube

                One Way Magnetic Shielding - Is Indeed The Holy Grail - YouTube

                Published on Feb 19, 2013

                Updates, FAQ's and Reports Now Archived at:
                Stator Pro, Magnetic Engine Technology
                James Roney Stators, Up and Personal
                Pleaseee pass the links around. Thanks a million!

                Request from Youtuber for an improved stator test as to better examine the dynamics of the imbalance in the James Roney One Way Magnetic Stator. Results are genuine and thus have not been faked.

                Magnets used in this video:
                N42 Neodymium Magnets - 1"x1"x1/4"
                N42 Neodymium Magnets - 1" round by 1/4" thick
                N42 Neodymium Magnets - 2"x4"x1/4" buried inside of stator
                Opposite poles of attraction are used in this demonstration.

                No tricks of any kind were used in the making of this video.


                Is a self-running magnet motor possible??? Is my one way magnetic shielding technique the Holy Grail to making a running magnet motor??? I simply don't know one way or the other until all tests are exhausted. That's why I'm exploring all avenues. By the way, my work has absolutely nothing to do with perpetual motion.

                SPECIAL NOTICE: A con artist is someone who intentionally lies to someone to swindle/scam them out of something for monetary/financial gain. Someone who gives away free information is no more a con artist then someone who gives away FREE food samples in a grocery store. All my info is 100% FREE and 100% OPEN SOURCE. I'm just someone having fun playing with magnets who shares their findings and insights with the public. Anyone who accuses me of being a con artist amounts to nothing more than reckless, ignorant and unsubstantiated allegations and will be banned.


                First... a big THANK YOU! all those who have given me 'constructive" feedback and encouragement in the continued research and development of free energy via magnetism. Sadly there are those out there who feel it's their duty to lie and mislead you about my research. To set the record straight, my work has nothing to do with perpetual energy as magnets don't last forever. Nor does my work have anything to do with V-gates, Bedini motors or what have you. Rather my work is about magnetism itself and how one might build a motor that uses only magnets to run without any magnet wire of any kind.
                Formally stated; Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; in this case, magnetic forces. My objective is simple: "To overcome the cause and effect between two opposite poles where not all of the net gain from the initial attraction is totally lost by an equal and opposite attraction."
                Because of all the lies, false claims and accusations made against my simple experiments with magnets, I feel it's best that I turn off comments. However I have left the negative comments and ignorant attacks on my work so as you can easily identify the culprits and flamers that caused me to turn off comments in the first place. You have my permission to "have at them" on my behalf via their channel.
                Lastly, I currently work from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM, seven days a week ever since early 2013. Thus I've no time for magnets right now. That will drastically change in early 2014 once I retire from my job.

                If you CAREFULLY replicate my work, you will discover what I have revealed in my videos 'actually works' the way it works in my videos. Rather than attack my work, do it yourself and then you will see my research and results are as real as it gets. Otherwise bug off and don't come back.
                *By the way, I have nothing for sale. Never did. All the info is "OPEN SOURCE" only that I claim Copyright to my videos itself and not the information or contents contained within, thus my videos my NOT be used to make money from on YouTube or elsewhere without written permission. I do NOT have a working prototype at this time, nor have I ever had an actual working prototype.


                James Roney Stators


                • #23

                  As I recall steon .. 200 kits were issued to interested academics world wide who replicated the device, this then was the promo video we don't have the device so I guess tptb prevailed .... again
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                    As I recall steon .. 200 kits were issued to interested academics world wide who replicated the device, this then was the promo video we don't have the device so I guess tptb prevailed .... again

                    Ireland is to close to the Queen of England. The suppression is everywhere so we will have to use our heads to implement and infiltrate so as not to ruffle any feathers.



                    • #25
                      Magnet motor



                      • #26
                        Magnetic Shielding Secrets

                        ► ► ► The Secret Behind The James Roney Stator ◄ ◄ ◄ - YouTube

                        This video is now public. For reasons unbeknown to me, most were not able to view it once I added them to the allowed list for this video. I have turned comments back on.

                        ► One way shielding. A must see to believe. I originally posted this video on Youtube and then Youtube to sent me a letter telling me point blank from their legal department telling me that posting these videos that show cause and effect of magnets related to generating free energy, is in violation of Youtube's community guidelines. When you read their community guidelines, you quickly see that in no way, shape or form do my videos violate Youtube's community guidelines. If so, point it out to me then. Note: I'm not selling anything, or asking for anything, nor am I promoting a product for sale, nor am I endorsing anyone, which is not even covered in the community guidelines anyway. I'm not violating any community rules here whatsoever. Copy and repost my videos where ever you like while you still can, before my video are gone for a third time!! ► Can't say I did not warn you. ◄

                        ► FYI: Google Pours Massive Investment into Renewable Energy Research. Don't believe me??? Just Google it! lol

                        ► We must remember that Google is a publicly traded company, and Google does not want some small guy like me coming along and pulling the rug out from underneath their feet?

                        ► Food for thought: Ask yourself this. Why is it that some free magnetic energy channels stay up that are on the up and up, while other channels like mine get taken down???

                        SPECIAL NOTE TO KNOWITALLS:

                        First... a big THANK YOU! all those who have given me 'constructive" feedback and encouragement in the continued research and development of free energy via magnetism. Sadly there are those out there who feel it's their duty to lie and mislead you about my research. To set the record straight, my work has nothing to do with perpetual energy as magnets don't last forever. Nor does my work have anything to do with V-gates, Bedini motors or what have you. Rather my work is about magnetism itself and how one might build a motor that uses only magnets to run without any magnet wire of any kind.

                        Formally stated; Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; in this case, magnetic forces. My objective is simple: "To overcome the cause and effect between two opposite poles where not all of the net gain from the initial attraction is totally lost by an equal and opposite attraction."

                        Because of all the lies, false claims and accusations made against my simple experiments with magnets, I feel it's best that I turn off REAL TIME comments and will approve them. However I have left the negative comments and ignorant attacks on my work so as you can easily identify the culprits and flamers that caused me to turn off comments on most of my videos in the first place. You have my permission to "have at them" on my behalf via their YouTube channel.

                        Lastly, as a business owner, my day starts at 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM, seven days a week ever since early 2013. Thus I've no time for magnets right now. That will drastically change in early 2014 once I close my current business for good.

                        If you CAREFULLY replicate my work, you will discover what I have revealed in my videos 'actually works' the way it works in my videos. Rather than attack my work, do it yourself and then you will see my research and results are as real as it gets. Otherwise bug off and don't come back.

                        *By the way, I have nothing for sale. Never did. All the info is "OPEN SOURCE" only that I claim Copyright to my videos itself and not the information or contents contained within, thus my videos my NOT be used to make money from on YouTube or elsewhere without written permission. I do NOT have a working prototype at this time, nor have I ever had an actual working prototype.


                        James Roney Stators


                        • #28
                          I was ALMOST going to call a stinker on the "monopole" video until I saw it, since no such thing exists.


                          • #29
                            Crazy People

                            Isn't it crazy that all of these people making these motors work can't hear any air noise. They all think is works and for them is does. As for the rest of the people who say it will never work, that is correct for them as well.

                            The "AIR NOISE" is the noise of millions of buzzing voices who say "IT'LL NEVER WORK" now thats a lot of noise.

                            As long as people don't know it won't work they keep on hoping and believing they can make a free energy machine

                            That James guy can't find time right now to work on his magnets so he gave it all away on youtube. The dead batteries inside and the shielding makes for a one way magnet. Or mono directed type whatever you call it.

                            IT WORKS is the main thing and while people with DEEEP understanding and POWERFUL credentials say it can't function the poor boys will make it work.

                            Also I need to put up some pictures of Howard Johnsons shielding materials, he used rubber spacers and metals. Plus Howie has a ceramic tile cutter he used on magnet blocks instead of using it to cut bathroom floor tiles for around the stool

                            Triangular cuts glued to rectangular shaped blocks with shields redirected the magnetic pathways til Howard had (FOR ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSES) a UNIDIRECTIONAL magnetic magnet or whatever it is called.

                            Whatever folks call it, the magnets pull hard on one pole and the other one don't work.

                            The free energy fun is just beginning and the AIR NOISE is so low now that no one can hear their voices anymore.

                            Thanks to men like John Bedini, Peter L. Aaron, Eric, I can't begin to name them all.



                            • #30
                              Magnetic Engines



