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  • The Keanu Reeves Testimony

    The Keanu Reeves Testimony

    The Holly-Weird satanic mafia traffic and eat children, huge amounts of
    money is made just selling organs. The murdering mob runs the show folks


    • Keanu Reeves Just Exposed the Hollywood Pedophiles Who Kill Babies, Eat their Flesh and Drink their Blood

      by Kathy Crest | Nov 20, 2017 | America, Breaking News, Culture, Entertainment, In the News, President Trump, Religion | 7 comments
      Keanu Reeves Just Exposed the Hollywood Pedophiles Who Kill Babies, Eat their Flesh and Drink their Blood

      by Kathy Crest:

      Keanu Reeves just exposed the sick and demented world of Hollywood elites. Their devotion to Lucifer has been an open secret known by many, but it is what goes on behind closed doors that will make one shutter.

      According to Reeves, Hollywood elites use “the blood of babies to get high”. He warns that “these people believe the more innocent the child, and the more it suffered before it died, the better the high.“ Speaking from Milan, Italy, where Reeves now designs motorbikes, he continued, “The revelations that are coming out of Hollywood now, I’m telling you, they are just the tip of the iceberg.” “Children are revered, they are put on pedestals, but they are also tortured, raped, murdered, and consumed in various ways. They are currency. And I’m sad to say this practice seems to be becoming more and more open in those circles in recent years.“

      Get yours now almost gone!

      Reeves has left the grips of Hollywood and confounded a motorcycle company in Milan, explaining that he is “building a future” where he is “free from Hollywood’s shackles.” He spoke with absolute revulsion about “the place of the child in Hollywood“. He is one of the few who put his morals above fame and fortune. Most of these people will do ANYTHING to reach the top, even if it means joining a Satanic cult that eats the flesh of babies and drinks their blood. He added that it was “inconceivable” that anybody could “be so selfish as to destroy a young person’s life for their own personal pleasure.” He called them “sociopaths”, and his claims mirror those of Justin Bieber, who recently came out with the same kind of accusations. Both say the industries are controlled by pedophiles.

      Justin Bieber also left the limelight. He, like Keanu Reeves, couldn’t take it anymore. He talked about going to a party held by top music moguls who brought in a young boy who was drugged. Bieber was encouraged to have sex the boy, to abuse him, but he refused. He said others took the boy back into a room and had their way with him. He learned later that the boy died that night. It was something that laid heavy on his conscience. He told how he had heard about this kind of thing before, and how the high ups would videotape you while you were engaged in the act, and then use the tape against you as blackmail. This is how they get you to do what they want. They promise you the world. They promise to make YOU a mogul. They often get you high so that you don’t feel the effects of what you have done.

      “They see it as the ultimate high,” Reeves said. “They say it gives them life. The more the child suffered, the more fear and hormonal adrenaline it had in its system at the time of death, the stronger the effect on the people who consume that blood. They live for this stuff.“ Hollywood is full of these predators. According to Reeve, they carry bottles of blood around and call it “red wine”. “From what I understand there is a supply chain that delivers young children on the regular. I’ve heard them refer to times of famine, times of feast.“

      “For a long time I thought it was a joke, or coded language. I didn’t think it could be what it seemed to be,” said Reeves, who explained “but then I got invited to a well-known mogul’s mansion and he had two dead babies in his fridge. A white one and a brown one. I freaked out, I broke this guy’s things, I broke his nose.
      “I called the police and they said I sounded crazy.“ More than likely the officer was paid to keep quiet. That is how things work there.

      Even though Reeves was a top producer in Hollywood, he kept to himself, and kept the secret locked up inside. He continued, “I just hope with all the dirt coming out of Hollywood now, people will start to wake up and realize the extent of what is going on there. People can’t be expected to take it all in at once.”
      “Until then, these people will keep getting away with it. Sometimes I dream about Hollywood burning to the ground.”

      Our Mission Statement

      Keanu Reeves Just Exposed the Hollywood Pedophiles Who Kill Babies, Eat their Flesh and Drink their Blood

      by Kathy Crest | Nov 20, 2017 | America, Breaking News, Culture, Entertainment, In the News, President Trump, Religion | 7 comments
      Keanu Reeves Just Exposed the Hollywood Pedophiles Who Kill Babies, Eat their Flesh and Drink their Blood

      by Kathy Crest:

      Keanu Reeves just exposed the sick and demented world of Hollywood elites. Their devotion to Lucifer has been an open secret known by many, but it is what goes on behind closed doors that will make one shutter.

      According to Reeves, Hollywood elites use “the blood of babies to get high”. He warns that “these people believe the more innocent the child, and the more it suffered before it died, the better the high.“ Speaking from Milan, Italy, where Reeves now designs motorbikes, he continued, “The revelations that are coming out of Hollywood now, I’m telling you, they are just the tip of the iceberg.” “Children are revered, they are put on pedestals, but they are also tortured, raped, murdered, and consumed in various ways. They are currency. And I’m sad to say this practice seems to be becoming more and more open in those circles in recent years.“

      Get yours now almost gone!

      Reeves has left the grips of Hollywood and confounded a motorcycle company in Milan, explaining that he is “building a future” where he is “free from Hollywood’s shackles.” He spoke with absolute revulsion about “the place of the child in Hollywood“. He is one of the few who put his morals above fame and fortune. Most of these people will do ANYTHING to reach the top, even if it means joining a Satanic cult that eats the flesh of babies and drinks their blood. He added that it was “inconceivable” that anybody could “be so selfish as to destroy a young person’s life for their own personal pleasure.” He called them “sociopaths”, and his claims mirror those of Justin Bieber, who recently came out with the same kind of accusations. Both say the industries are controlled by pedophiles.

      Justin Bieber also left the limelight. He, like Keanu Reeves, couldn’t take it anymore. He talked about going to a party held by top music moguls who brought in a young boy who was drugged. Bieber was encouraged to have sex the boy, to abuse him, but he refused. He said others took the boy back into a room and had their way with him. He learned later that the boy died that night. It was something that laid heavy on his conscience. He told how he had heard about this kind of thing before, and how the high ups would videotape you while you were engaged in the act, and then use the tape against you as blackmail. This is how they get you to do what they want. They promise you the world. They promise to make YOU a mogul. They often get you high so that you don’t feel the effects of what you have done.

      “They see it as the ultimate high,” Reeves said. “They say it gives them life. The more the child suffered, the more fear and hormonal adrenaline it had in its system at the time of death, the stronger the effect on the people who consume that blood. They live for this stuff.“ Hollywood is full of these predators. According to Reeve, they carry bottles of blood around and call it “red wine”. “From what I understand there is a supply chain that delivers young children on the regular. I’ve heard them refer to times of famine, times of feast.“

      “For a long time I thought it was a joke, or coded language. I didn’t think it could be what it seemed to be,” said Reeves, who explained “but then I got invited to a well-known mogul’s mansion and he had two dead babies in his fridge. A white one and a brown one. I freaked out, I broke this guy’s things, I broke his nose.
      “I called the police and they said I sounded crazy.“ More than likely the officer was paid to keep quiet. That is how things work there.

      Even though Reeves was a top producer in Hollywood, he kept to himself, and kept the secret locked up inside. He continued, “I just hope with all the dirt coming out of Hollywood now, people will start to wake up and realize the extent of what is going on there. People can’t be expected to take it all in at once.”
      “Until then, these people will keep getting away with it. Sometimes I dream about Hollywood burning to the ground.”

      My stomach churns every time I think of the horror these babies are put through and the selfishness that engulfs our world. This cult is not limited to the entertainment industry. It has infiltrated our government, the sports world, Wall Street, religious sects, and anywhere there is big money. Child sex trafficking is big business all around the world. Children are stolen from homes, taken from orphanages, and women are even kidnapped and impregnated, just so their child can be used in a ritual. They are even made to watch as their baby is murdered. Why do you suppose so many government figures push for late term abortions? They get a thrill out of knowing these poor babies are being ripped out of the wombs of their mothers and torn to shreds by the tools that end their lives. THIS is why our government has such a control over Hollywood, and why Hollywood has such control over us. The only way we will ever put a stop to it, is to expose these people for what they are. There is no word horrible enough to describe them. This is why they fear President Trump. He is not one of them and he knows what they are. He has set out to destroy them, and to bring down their evil empire. Pray that he succeeds. Pray that no more children will be subjected to this kind of terror. Educate yourselves, as I have done. The information is all over the internet. I use to think it couldn’t possibly be true. But the signs are all there. And now we have the proof. People need to come forth, without fearing for their lives. Too many have died trying to get the truth out. Hollywood has been exposed, and now it is our government’s turn.


      • California the Benedict Arnold of the USA

        Vote Democrat


        • it is awful mikey, living here. I hope to leave soon.
          The recipients of welfare really support whoever gives them money.
          I see a shift away from liberal as the new administration makes adjustments.
          The distribution of liberals can be seen in this article.

          California's most conservative and liberal cities: Where's yours? | The Sacramento Bee

          The fires and insurance give economic boost to persons in the building trades
          and they are working men having pride and values in earning there own way.
          The U turn on the direction of the country is beginning to give hope.
          When there are good paying jobs it makes a difference.


          • Here is who controls the world. They Created "TYLER" since the 60's
            thru CIA ring tech or a super collider neuronet, this A.I. is set to control
            with thousands of subsystems. Beyond the average skeptic

            But Tyler is really not there like people think about Lucifer. The so
            called "light Barer" of it is not real.

            Artificial Intelligence PsyOps Tyler and Q Anon with Quinn Michaels



            • Child's Body Found

              The trafficking of humans = $160 Billion per quarter is
              what the world runs on, no American rulers.

              Arizona / Mexico Border search and rescue military Seals, National
              Guard. Toys, sex lube, childrens bodies and clothes their size all
              trafficked right under out noses thru 1000's of square miles of
              desert homeless camps.

              Rotting flesh, decapitated 9-12yr old child's body found.

              The homeless camps are good cover for human trafficking camps.

              it's all going down now in Arizona.See Minute 6:00 for explanation
              and minute 9:00 for actual skeletal footage.


              Many people hate our country, flag and values. You who hate us need
              to leave for another land.

              .................................................. ..................................
              Last edited by BroMikey; 06-08-2018, 07:14 PM.

