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No American Ruling Class

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  • #61
    ABC News run by Russian False Jews

    Here ABC is lying about the doctrines of Islam, because AMERICA has been run by Islamic leaders for decades.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-19-2015, 10:03 AM.


    • #62
      Compare and Contrast

      In most courses of study, in schools of various types from elementary to schools of "higher" education, students and others inclined to mental pursuits all encounter, at some point, one pervasive question. The student is asked to compare an contrast two ideas. The ideas may be related or quite dissimilar, but difficult and challenging questions are often posed.

      If you have a creative mind, this process or line of questioning can produce an extremely broad and numerous array of questions. Some make sense and some will not. Even the author of a question may be unable to say what is the point. What is the point and why ask the question? Is there a purpose in asking the question? Can there be a purpose if the author of the question has no identifiable purpose in asking the question? Teacher can be really weird. The whole exercise can be a big FAIL. I find it intriguing to contrast research in the energy field and research in the sociological or religious fields. But, that is not the comparison I want to explore here.

      The Georgia Guide-stones present a lot of challenges. They raise social, religious and philosophic questions. They raise ethical and moral questions. Personally, I find them to be quite disturbing. Mainly, I think this is because they so obviously want to be compared to the ten commandments in the Bible. With that said, here are my comments and rant.

      1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
      This one is in total opposition to the God of the Bible that commands Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and populate the earth and then repeats the command to Noah after the flood.

      2. Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.
      This is essentially a repeat of #1, but it starts to make me wonder who is going to make this happen and how it is going to work. This seems to open the door for a lot of meddling with people's private business.

      3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
      This, of course, is an attack on what the God of the Bible did at the "Tower of Babel" God confounded the rebellious descendants of Noah and so this commandment tells us to keep this rebellion going by undoing what God purposely did to put a lid on human rebellion.

      4. Rule Passion—Faith—Tradition—and all things with tempered reason.
      This, again, sounds like permission for governments to attempt to regulate "passion", "faith", and "tradition". Really? And who is going to decide for me what is "reasonable"? Get out of here.

      5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
      So, now, the hidden agenda is really put on full display. Somehow we are supposed to come up with fair laws and just courts to "protect" us. We had sure better get busy and get those courts to do their job. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

      6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
      So, the agenda is clear. This is all about world government. Can you repeat after GHW? New World Order. (repeat until you have nausea.)

      7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
      Yeah, how's that working out for you? The biggest government and the biggest growth in government and the number of police horror stories is exploding like a bomb.

      8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
      How about "do not kill" and "do not steal"? You would think those would come first. No, according to this piece of granite, we need to attend to "social duties".

      9. Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.
      How about just leaving me alone? Is this another little way to get between me and my family and friends? I do like the idea of truth. How about truth in the halls of congress? Or maybe, truth from the President of the US? Even just truth on the witness stand would be an improvement.

      10. Be not a cancer on the earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.
      Yeah, right, repeat it. Go hug a tree.

      Needless to say, I don't much care for the 10 New Commandments. It seems like the old ones need to be revisited. There are plenty of laws already to go around.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • #63
        Why Our Rulers Kill Us

        Understand where I grew up, here it is. The presidents speech insulting Christianity. Listen closely. The World Rulers have been funding Muslims to buy land in my old home town for decades.

        Immigration has been going on behind our backs for generations.

        Here the young man dismantles Obama's religious rant piece by piece.

        So basically what we have here is a president who makes fun of Christian adherence to the Bible. Obama states that their is NOT one way to God but many many ways to God.

        Also that anyone who follows a religious practice that teaches only one way to God is arrogant. Of course people thought he was talking about the attitude that Muslim extremest take when they justify killing Christians and Jews.

        But that is not what Obama said at all. "The Doctor of common sense" represents the working class people in Detroit who understand their colored Presidents speech.

        The young Black man is not self righteous, just a regular Joe. He goes on to say in another video that because he said that a Muslim leader seemed like he needed to take a bath that YOUTUBE banned him.

        Also many other examples where Muslim's in America get special treatment. Our Rulers do not want us to be free. Nor do THEY want freedom from energy dependence. It is all the same thing.

        Free energy is only a for instance. Instead of using the free energy devices that hundreds of good inventors have patented, the Rulers of our world hate and kill them.

        THEY tie up their patents for decades til the man is to old to do anything with it. These Rulers put poison in Stan Meyers dinner at a place he was known to eat at. Can you imagine? These people "THEY" have so much power that they can plant a killer inside of a restaurant? THEY do not have to take the day off work so THEY don't lose their position in life to murder someone, that is THEIR position.

        "THEY" want everything kept just the way you see it, spiraling downward.

        To do this "THEY" know that the will of the people must be broken. The problem with that idea is that the old die and young energetic off spring will always rise above the THEIR plan.

        The Ruling Class know how to bring down any empire, such as America, by looking at the historical examples.

        Obama speaks as front man for the World Banks who are OWL worshiping, tree hugging gays who make perverts look like angels.

        There have been many examples of inventors who were killed in the 20th century or they were bought off. Free energy is all up to the individual.

        Keep it to your self and stay busy making joules of excess power with them.

        It is already being done.
        Last edited by BroMikey; 02-21-2015, 02:05 AM.


        • #64
          Obama's insulting Christianity? And to think I didn't like him until now!


          • #65
            Originally posted by Dingus View Post
            Obama's insulting Christianity? And to think I didn't like him until now!
            Well I guess I don't hold it against you with all this phony Christianity in the USA.

            It is all about money and how people look. Very ungodly.

            So yeah you are right. I would never go inside these wooden cHurches.

            You are better off going to the bar.well ya gotta get old enough.


            • #66
              The problem with Christianity

              The problem with talking about Christianity or religion is that everybody thinks they know what it is. It seems to me that most people who call themselves Christian and most people who think they are Christian, don't really understand it well enough to explain it to anyone else. If THAT is true, then what hope to non-Christians have of understanding it? The simple fact is that they don't. Non-Christians are hopelessly befuddled when it comes to understanding it. No matter how simple it is to me or you, it is impossible without something called "the touch of faith".

              This is ALMOST the same with free energy, COP>1 and all the other things people talk about in this forum, including volts, amps, energy, heat, momentum, etc. Either you get it or you don't. That is why I can't get too worked up about it. Excited, yes. But, I realize people are going to believe what they want to believe. It is too easy and too simplistic to put out the general claim that, "you just don't understand, you need to listen to ME". Well, you don't need to listen to me. But, you'd better listen to somebody and the person you listen to had better be trustworthy.
              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


              • #67
                Blind following Blind People

                Yes wayne it is almost impossible to help anyone to see clearly.

                For instance tithing is not a christian command yet every wood cHurch corporation commands the Tithe as the pure word of God.

                Paul never lived off of the money given in the form of offering either. Paul was a tent maker.

                Here is an expose of who rules the world and which religion they are.


                Last edited by BroMikey; 02-22-2015, 11:57 AM.


                • #68
                  Video Crunched on Leuren Moret

                  Many of you may not have had time to watch this video So let me help you understand the women's motivation. Here is the Title first.

                  Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup -- Geopolitics, Jesuits & History


                  She was some kind of nuclear official starting in the late 60's early 70's after years of higher learning. Many other things could be said about her.

                  She is 80.

                  I am not here to say that. I want to relay one thing that she said, to you.

                  She pointed out how many countries help America to become a free place to go and someone very close to Leuren, who was an older person, a male sat her down as a little girl and told her many lost details about history.

                  Sat her down when she was young and absorbent, making her rehearse what she was being shown to be sure she remembered it right because he knew she could deliver the message at the end of her life.

                  The Mob will cut your heart out without conscience. Ruthless maniacs.

                  These are our rulers.


                  • #69
                    Farnese Jesuit Rulers

                    Our rulers are Jesuits "FARNESE" sorry boys "All roads do lead to Rome"


                    • #70
                      World powers

                      These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

                      Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
                      Cavendish (Kennedy)
                      De Medici
                      Sinclair (St. Clair)
                      Warburg (del Banco)
                      Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

                      The Astor Bloodline

                      The Bundy Bloodline

                      The Collins Bloodline

                      The DuPont Bloodline

                      The Freeman Bloodline

                      The Kennedy Bloodline

                      The Li Bloodline

                      The Onassis Bloodline

                      The Reynolds Bloodline

                      The Rockefeller Bloodline

                      The Rothschild Bloodline

                      The Russell Bloodline

                      The Van Duyn Bloodline

                      Here is a picture of how the WORLD POWERS are organized

                      These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO | Humans Are Free

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 03-02-2015, 04:27 AM.


                      • #71
                        Money controls All

                        The Large Families that rule the world - Expression of Truth

                        Alcoa Inc.
                        Altria Group Inc.
                        American International Group Inc.
                        AT&T Inc.
                        Boeing Co.
                        Caterpillar Inc.
                        Coca-Cola Co.
                        DuPont & Co.
                        Exxon Mobil Corp.
                        General Electric Co.
                        General Motors Corporation
                        Hewlett-Packard Co.
                        Home Depot Inc.
                        Honeywell International Inc.
                        Intel Corp.
                        International Business Machines Corp
                        Johnson & Johnson
                        JP Morgan Chase & Co.
                        McDonald’s Corp.
                        Merck & Co. Inc.
                        Microsoft Corp.
                        3M Co.
                        Pfizer Inc.
                        Procter & Gamble Co.
                        United Technologies Corp.
                        Verizon Communications Inc.
                        Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
                        Time Warner
                        Walt Disney
                        Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.,
                        CBS Corporation
                        NBC Universal

                        Nothing more than World Power Front men.


                        • #72
                          WorldWide Law

                          With the moral decline of the younger generation, drug use, pornography, murder, gang wars, homosexuality and hate towards authority in general has brought about the need for military in our cities.

                          40 years ago the city of Pontiac Michigan could not tear down old houses for being shot at buy the homeless living in the area, so The National Guard has been called upon since then.

                          In the 80's the hoods bought automatic weapons so some areas continue to be riddled with bullet holes. Even the military armed National Guard men feared for their lives.

                          It is no wonder that drones and Fema camps are being built/erected. This generation is lost and void of any rules.


                          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-08-2015, 06:41 AM.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                            Don't get my hopes up.


                            • #74
                              World Powers

                              This is who controls America and every one else.

                              Military Industrial Complex weaponry can vaporize anyone, anywhere, anytime and can clone you as well. THEY wipe THEIR bottoms in 100 dollar bills. Money is nothing.




                              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-20-2015, 07:53 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                                This is who controls America and every one else.

                                Military Industrial Complex weaponry can vaporize anyone, anywhere, anytime and can clone you as well. THEY wipe THEIR bottoms in 100 dollar bills. Money is nothing.
                                It may be shocking to you but I believe that America's economic problems are not created by market conditions, they are planned and orchestrated to devalue and to destroy the value of the dollar. It was done by an unseen government that I'll discuss later in this message.

                                Our economic destiny is controlled by the Federal Reserve system that is now headed by Alan Greenspan. Think about this. It is not a government institution. It is controlled by a group of Class A stockholders including the Rothschilds of Europe and the David Rockefellers of America...

                                So get this one thought. The value of the dollar is controlled by an agency which is not controlled by America. You don't have to have a Ph.D. in finance to understand that. The value of your dollar is controlled by an organization, the Federal Reserve that is not controlled by America. That's a fact.



