Again I will repeat that American politics in no way has anything to do with who runs our country or the world. If you can take it, here is the truth in video form. I understand that it is almost unbearable for many of you to taste of the reality of our dark world but hiding from the knowledge won't save you from these tyrants.
Listen to the 80 year old women who is smarter than you and I are about world events.

As you listen to Leuren you can see the fruits of what the RULING ELITE
has caused, not only the death of star fish now but sea lion's, whales,
you name it the pacific is dying fast.
And not because there are to many people either. These ELITIST are fracking chemicals into our deep wells in the name of oil and gas.
They are causing this and know exactly what they are doing.
These ELITIST are allowing and causing the nuclear leaks all around the world and FUKUSHIMA is such a big release that the Pacific is broken.
Mainstream News is finally reporting on this after 4 years of radiation
Chem-trails, gulf oil leak, Fukushima, gas fracking, GMO foods are weakening
our ability to stay well. Billions of dead creatures with the people next in line.
The goal is to reduce the worlds population down to 500,000,000, this means 6,500,000,000 of us have got to go.
Billions of Jellyfish, Blue ones, of course people will chime in and say
this happens every year just like this, when they know this is not so.
Even our reluctance scientific community is being forced into the spotlight
to tell the truth, even though they have tried to hide it 4 years.
Pictures: Billions of Blue Jellyfish Wash Up on American Beaches

Listen to the 80 year old women who is smarter than you and I are about world events.

As you listen to Leuren you can see the fruits of what the RULING ELITE
has caused, not only the death of star fish now but sea lion's, whales,
you name it the pacific is dying fast.
And not because there are to many people either. These ELITIST are fracking chemicals into our deep wells in the name of oil and gas.
They are causing this and know exactly what they are doing.
These ELITIST are allowing and causing the nuclear leaks all around the world and FUKUSHIMA is such a big release that the Pacific is broken.
Mainstream News is finally reporting on this after 4 years of radiation
Chem-trails, gulf oil leak, Fukushima, gas fracking, GMO foods are weakening
our ability to stay well. Billions of dead creatures with the people next in line.
The goal is to reduce the worlds population down to 500,000,000, this means 6,500,000,000 of us have got to go.
Billions of Jellyfish, Blue ones, of course people will chime in and say
this happens every year just like this, when they know this is not so.
Even our reluctance scientific community is being forced into the spotlight
to tell the truth, even though they have tried to hide it 4 years.
Pictures: Billions of Blue Jellyfish Wash Up on American Beaches

