Black Oops Gov staging FBI insider MURDERS, this report and
another one early this morning of an FBI investigator of the Obama
It will be a down hill run from here on out. Zhit runs down hill, my home
town of Detroit is proud to be named with Hillary's Club. Hillary sat
in Millers bar of Dearborn MI last night just before the slaughter.
In case you didn't know Dearborn MI is one of the most powerful strong
holds of sanctuary cities in the country. Sharia Law rules and the officials
are DEMOCRAT MUSLIMS. All elected in by the people.

another one early this morning of an FBI investigator of the Obama
It will be a down hill run from here on out. Zhit runs down hill, my home
town of Detroit is proud to be named with Hillary's Club. Hillary sat
in Millers bar of Dearborn MI last night just before the slaughter.
In case you didn't know Dearborn MI is one of the most powerful strong
holds of sanctuary cities in the country. Sharia Law rules and the officials
are DEMOCRAT MUSLIMS. All elected in by the people.
