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Theoretical physicists discover aether

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  • Theoretical physicists discover aether

    A few quotes from the article:

    "In physical terms, the model describes the universe as being filled with a quantum fluid."

    "In addition to not predicting a Big Bang singularity, the new model does not predict a "big crunch" singularity, either."

    "Ali and Das explain in their paper that their model avoids singularities because of a key difference between classical geodesics and Bohmian trajectories. Classical geodesics eventually cross each other, and the points at which they converge are singularities. In contrast, Bohmian trajectories never cross each other, so singularities do not appear in the equations."

    "In cosmological terms, the scientists explain that the quantum corrections can be thought of as a cosmological constant term (without the need for dark energy) and a radiation term. These terms keep the universe at a finite size, and therefore give it an infinite age. The terms also make predictions that agree closely with current observations of the cosmological constant and density of the universe."

    No big bang, no dark energy, no beginning or end of time, and a universe filled with a fluid medium, albeit a "quantum fluid" which is, apparently, the new term for aether since they no doubt live in fear of that particular word.

    No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

  • #2
    Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
    albeit a "quantum fluid" which is, apparently, the new term for aether since they no doubt live in fear of that particular word.

    the CULT OF QUANTUM are the quintessential GIANT AZZHOLES posing as genuine science of our time.

    Their god is the prick Einstein, and whats WORSE is they piss on the Ether....

    but what is their substitute????? VIRTUAL PARTICLES

    and what kiddies are "virtual particles"????? These unicorn horseshat fantasies that Quantum is based upon????????

    Yes, here we have it:
    “A virtual particle is an abstraction, which facilitates in calculations and understanding, the
    term is very vague and loosely defined, they never appear as inputs or outputs of experiments, their existence is questionable at
    best,…however they are very useful in rendering concepts and making equations balance out”.

    which is AS INSANE as saying "Unicorns did it"

    “The word Ether has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics only because its past association with opposition to
    This is unfortunate because stripped of these connotations, it nicely captures the way most physicists actually thin about the
    vacuum. The modern concept of vacuum space confirmed by every experiment is a relativistic Ether. But we do not call it this because
    Ether is a taboo term.” - Robert B. Laughlin


    • #3
      Hahaha The quantum excuse. how often do I here that word when the people using it are talking rubbish


      • #4
        The young Michael Faraday was not schooled like the elite.
        It is fortunate that he was encouraged to try and it may be possible that he
        developed a way to see what was going on.

        If he where to sit next to a cell phone tower that human brain function would be more difficult than trying to keep the academia from partially interpreting a vision into algebraic half truths.

        Imagine what would happen if the manifestation of energy in Aether be reduced to a 2 dimensional cymatic chladni plate that everyone would study a closed system approach and be retarded.


        • #5
          What I find more interesting than the particular words they use is the concepts that fly in the face of the orthodox paradigm:

          There was no big bang and there are no "singularities", nor "dark energy", nor "dark matter".

          Time is infinite so there will never be an end of time and there was no beginning of time.

          These ideas are spawned by a newer form of geometry. While Euclidean geometry has served us well, it definitely has its flaws. My opinion is that the basis of that flaw is the fact that it is based on a closed, perfectly round circle which does not exist in nature. Look around you and you will not find any naturally occurring perfect circles on either the micro or macro scale. The items that come closest are those made by man, not nature. But even with that flaw, Pi gives us a hint - it is an irrational number with infinite decimal places.

