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Free energy is a myth

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  • #46
    This is another interesting energy process that needs more unravelling as to the whys and wherefores: Next Big Future: Can the Emdrive Be Explained by Quantised Inertia?


    • #47
      I would like to know who here in this topic has built and spent money on a Tesla Switch besides Dave? It works! I have posted tons of pictures an results. It is hard as hell to tune that's a given.

      Dave has much more time testing then I and I believe him 100%. So if you can prove that the Tesla Switch / 3bGS does not work then please post REAL data.



      • #48
        Tesla Switch

        It isn't just building the Tesla switch, it's sitting and staring at the scope for hours and figuring out what little differences in what you see make BIG differences in performance. I had a HUGE advantage because I had someone helping me every single step of the way on my builds.

        The thing is, most people don't build...they just talk. And out of the FEW who DO build, you might find one who has the patience to do what has to be done to be successful. ME, I can be a royal pain in the ass with questions and make stupid mistakes and burn things up, but I just keep on building. And I have had some real successes, some mostly by accident. But I will take it any way I can get it.

        I have plans to try to run the entire retirement home I am building off of free energy devices. This will of course include some solar panels, especially as they become cheaper, but I want methods of producing power when the sun doesn't shine, so variations of the Tesla switch, the 3BGS and the Basic Free Energy Device are what I plan on using. With that in mind, I have committed $$ to developing this stuff.

        I sincerely believe we HAVE ALL THE PIECES. I have seen what happens when you put them all together, which is why I started that thread on Basic Free Energy Device. We will get there.
        “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
        —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


        • #49
          You could up a flashlight cap with this.

          Published on Jul 7, 2014

          Free Energy Generator Homemade Magnet Motor Free Electricity Free Energy Devices DoIt Yourself Free energy device free energy homemade green generator magnet mini motor electricity power DIY green power free electricity free energy free energy generator homemade free energy generator magnet motor free energy magnet motor magnet motor free energy homemade generator mini generator free energy generator magnet free energy magnet free energy motor magnet generator homemade free energy generator homemade mini generator mini generator homemade free power free power energy



          • #50
            I think it could work!!

            I remember 7 years ago a member of this present forum show a demonstration to Peter Lindemann about an experiment that Peter could not explain..

            The guy nickname was Sephyroth..


            Hope die last!!!


            • #51
              I think some folks should work on basic theories.

              this little program might help.

              12 volts on a 10000 uf cap = 720.00 Millijoules

              6 volts on a 20000 uf cap = 360 Millijoules

              = exactly half of the stored potential energy is lost.

              The relationship between voltage on a cap and energy stored in a cap is not
              linear. eg. 12 volts on a cap is about 4 times the energy as half the voltage
              on the same capacitor. Or 12 volts on a given capacitor is 4 times as much
              energy as 6 volts on the same cap.

              It seems the person in the video was not aware of basic electronics theory.

              A good example of how 50% efficiency can seem like OU to some people.

              However a 50% loss of energy is a 50% loss of energy is a 50% loss of energy.


              Tesla switch is one way to desulfate or condition a battery.

              No one has shown good evidence of any extra energy from a Tesla switch.
              Last edited by Farmhand; 09-07-2015, 09:04 PM.


              • #52

                The relationship between voltage on a cap and energy stored in a cap is not
                linear. eg. 12 volts on a cap is about 4 times the energy as half the voltage
                on the same capacitor. Or 12 volts on a given capacitor is 4 times as much
                energy as 6 volts on the same cap.

                It seems the person in the video was not aware of basic electronics theory.

                A good example of how 50% efficiency can seem like OU to some people.

                However a 50% loss of energy is a 50% loss of energy is a 50% loss of energy.

                Just your ansewr show me that you didnt pay attention to détails...
                Get out of your books and look back at the vid before posting like that...

                Pay attention at the end of the vid and Seph is showing them at 15 volt when he start the experiment it was at 12 volt

                Bring back your formula and explain the end result.. PLEASE
                Hope die last!!!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by peper10 View Post
                  I remember 7 years ago a member of this present forum show a demonstration to Peter Lindemann about an experiment that Peter could not explain..

                  The guy nickname was Sephyroth..


                  Good one Peper



                  • #54

                    Thanks Bro Mikey!!!

                    To summorized the theory behind this is , he have take a 12.23 volt at 10 000 mf , put the oscillator after the same cap and collected the EMF spikes in another cap...

                    At the end of the vid, he show the caps in serie showing 15 volts and that`s where i stick to my guns saying IT`S OVERUNITY...

                    The formule for those that are Library rats is::

                    Here, we have made use of the fact that the charge $Q$ is common to all three capacitors. Hence, the rule is:
                    The reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance of two capacitors connected in series is the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances.
                    For $N$ capacitors connected in series, Eq. (116) generalizes to $1/C_{\rm eq} =\sum_{i=1}^N (1/C_i

                    Hope die last!!!


                    • #55
                      What you are overlooking is how easy it is to fake that video. In the second example where he supposedly shows more voltage that he started with you don't know for sure that he is using the same two caps. If the cap he supposedly charged from the oscillator is much smaller than the other cap then it is very easy to get a voltage on it that is more than half the voltage on the first cap. And the first cap will appear not be discharged to the half-way point either. All he needs to do is practice a little and use a resistor to transfer the charge from the one cap to the other. With a little practice he can tell just how long he needs to keep the resistor connected to give the voltages you saw in the video. If you don't want to believe me you can prove it to yourself.

                      Charge a 10,000 mf cap to 12 volts and then using a 100,000 ohm resistor move some of that charge to a 1,000 mf cap. If you time it right you can easily do what he did in the video.

                      Just because it is on YouTube doesn't make it real.
                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • #56

                        Cifta!! I dont mind being challenge by others or reconsider a theory..
                        In 2014 i have perform the same experimentation with the FORCED CHARGE CIRCUIT and obtain the same result.. The tread was here but i cant find it anymore..

                        Have you try to perform it and do you realize that the caps in serie are the sum of one cap in capacitance???

                        The end resule would be more PLAUSIBLE if the experiment was done with super caps...

                        I have high hope on the larger cap mesurements..
                        Hope die last!!!


                        • #57
                          Hi again Peper,

                          I think this is the thread you are referring to:

                          If you go back and read that thread you will see there was a lot of discussion about the conservation of charge. But according to all the math there is in fact a loss of energy even in the second time of cap charging. It all has to do with the way you are measuring it. By the way two caps in series have half the capacity of a single cap of the same value. Two caps in parallel have twice the capacity of a single cap of the same value. Putting the two caps in series and then measuring the voltage is confusing because you really only have half the capacitance and therefore the voltage will read higher than if you had all the charge in one cap of the same value. But your total energy is less when put into the two caps. All of this is explained in more detail in the thread you referred to.
                          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                          • #58
                            Like i have said

                            Just dont read the first page Citfta....
                            Go to the 2 nd page and read it TO THE END...
                            You will see Peter agreeing with Seph on the calculations of the lower voltage caps...

                            It`s all in there but you are just too lazy to read it to the end..
                            Hope die last!!!


                            • #59
                              Peter Lindemann Peter Lindemann is offline
                              Gold Member Join Date: Apr 2007
                              Location: Liberty Lake, Washington
                              Posts: 1,127




                              I agree with you completely. Bedini built only one SG motor system that I saw run continuously for 60 days. There are many pictures of it on the net. The system used a "Cole Switch" triggered by a hall effect device to turn the two power coils on and off. The output pulses were taken off a separate winding on each coil and wired in SERIES and then put through a FWB to a capacitor rated at 333,000uf @ 36 volts. This was charged just a few volts above the battery and then discharged across a rotating mechanical contacter to charge five 12 volt batteries in parallel. The charge batteries were receiving one large current surge approximately once a second. Every 12 hours, John would take one battery from the charge side and swap it out with the run battery. After running for 2 months, the point was made, and the system was shut off.

                              This arrangement is what worked! I never did the math on the energy transfer before, but it is obvious now WHY this arrangement outperformed every other set-up. What a revelation!!!

                              Awesome work, Sephiroth!


                              Post number #39 Look it up
                              Hope die last!!!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by peper10 View Post
                                Just dont read the first page Citfta....
                                Go to the 2 nd page and read it TO THE END...
                                You will see Peter agreeing with Seph on the calculations of the lower voltage caps...

                                It`s all in there but you are just too lazy to read it to the end..

                                If you go back and read post number 35 where Sep asks for Peter's input you will see Peter is agreeing with Sep's calculations. And if you read all of post 35 you will see no where do the calculations show any energy gain. They all show a loss. He just shows that some ways to transfer the energy are more efficient than other ways.

                                Then Peter goes on to talk about the Bedini machine which was using a better way to charge batteries. I also agree that charging batteries with high current pulses appear to give extra energy to the batteries and will keep them charged better than any other way I have found.

                                But that is not the what I was addressing when I said you didn't gain energy by transferring charge from one cap to another. And I haven't seen anything in that thread that shows otherwise.

                                Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.

