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  • Hi folks, Hi wistiti, thanks for info., i will have to try that also when i get a chance.
    Hi mike, thanks for the very informative info.
    Wow, my guess of coil turns must have been very close and so are your numbers, i measured it and one strand is 4.4 ohms.
    So, when i get a chance, tomorrow i will remove more than half the windings to get close to 1.3 ohms.
    Maybe it will also give faster charging in addition to less heat.
    peace love light


    • Thanks Sky

      Tonight I remembered the phrase Dynamic resistance. This is a value

      of resistance in my base triggering diode that was unknown. Channels

      one and two have been in need of balancing because channel 2 has

      no diode resistance and that channel ran hotter than channel one.

      Here is what I did.

      Now both channels pull together like any good team of horses do.

      I have always wanted to get around to this portion of tuning.

      I still don't have an inferred laser probe to make measurements

      much easier so the tip of my finger had to suffice.

      I really enjoy learning new things.
      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-22-2015, 09:50 AM.


      • Hi to all
        I think the German version is double RENe charger in one thats why the title 12 and 24 can be single 12 or 24 v output???

        His previous video showing 3 parallel rene charger using solar

        this is much simpler in a solar set up having two series panels to have 36 v output
        Im planning to use in this in my keppe motor design using junk fan blades and shaft

        its currently 40* deg C in the Philippines and no other choice but to utilize this source

        I mlooking for the lowest ma input for a fan to circulate air around the house

        still in the planning stage.....


        • I mlooking for the lowest ma input for a fan to circulate air around the house

          still in the planning stage.....
          Here is what I do with my 36" fan out in the 110 degree heat

          where I work in the shade on the deck. It is a great alternative

          to high amp draw AC and for a battery source project.

          I hope you get some extra.

          Great low voltage gadgets.

          C-Ya goin back to the pool

          Last edited by BroMikey; 06-21-2015, 08:39 PM.


          • Hi folks, Hi mike, the battery settled to 12.96 volts after 6 hours resting.
            This is a brand new 235 cold cranking amps tractor battery, with sulfuric acid and no salts.
            I removed a few coil layers and ended up with only two coil layers for 1.3 ohms.
            The frequency is much higher, as before, it was probably between 100-300 hertz.
            Now it sounds like it's in the kilohertz.
            I raised the base resistor to 1kohm and with the 30.5 volt input it is drawing
            total .25 amps-7.6 watts.
            Only the base resistor is a little warm, coil is cool so far.
            I'll let it run a bit and see if anything heats up.
            Then i will discharge this battery to 12 volts and do some more cycles.
            peace love light


            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Here is what I do with my 36" fan out in the 110 degree heat

              where I work in the shade on the deck. It is a great alternative

              to high amp draw AC and for a battery source project.

              I hope you get some extra.

              Great low voltage gadgets.


              C-Ya goin back to the pool


              Nice one on that Bro Mickey

              especially the stand .... I have junk alum radiator from humifier and sure will fit ur fan thanks


              • Hi folks, after i topped up battery again, yesterday with the 1.3 ohm coil, it's voltage rested at 13.0 volts this morning.
                Was able to get 141 watt hours down to 12 volts using a 38 watt load.
                Will see how the watt hours improve after more cycles.
                Here is circuit and ferrite bead core-bifilar coil.

                peace love light


                • Hi folks, this is for anyone that may be working on or building the Rene re-emf charger.
                  I found that by removing the inline resistor, between the transistor emitter and charge battery, that i was able to remove almost all heat in my circuit.
                  Before, the base resistor was actually getting hot after awhile.
                  Now, even with only a 220 ohm-1 watt base resistor and 47 nanofarad capacitor in parallel, the resistor remains only warm.
                  I switched back to using the 19.5 volt lap top power supply, so it's now using .35 amps at 19.2 volts total input or around 6.7 watts.
                  It is charging very efficiently now that almost all heat has been tweaked out of the circuit.
                  peace love light
                  Last edited by SkyWatcher; 06-23-2015, 05:39 PM.


                  • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                    Hi folks, this is for anyone that may be working on or building the Rene re-emf charger.
                    I found that by removing the inline resistor, between the transistor emitter and charge battery, that i was able to remove almost all heat in my circuit.
                    I am not sure which resistor because this circuit does not show

                    an emitter resistor. Is this your circuit? Or did you have a circuit

                    that was similar? Here is RENE's circuit and as far as I see it

                    does not have an emitter resistor. In fact from the emitter to the

                    battery is a straight shot.

                    I added an emitter resistor on a circuit at times to lower transistor

                    heat like John Bedini shows in his circuits but RENE did not use one.

                    Can you post a diagram?

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 06-23-2015, 07:29 PM.


                    • Hi mike, i was following this diagram, i think L1 and L2 are light bulbs.

                      Anyway, the circuit is running very good now, so no problems.
                      peace love light
                      Last edited by SkyWatcher; 06-23-2015, 11:01 PM.


                      • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                        Hi mike, i was following this diagram, i think L1 and L2 are light bulbs.

                        Anyway, the circuit is running very good now, so no problems.
                        peace love light
                        Wow, Dude

                        That is so cool. I never would have dreamed of a circuit like that.

                        Where on earth do people get this stuff from?

                        I gotta try that one too. It reminds me of a Bedini Litzed coil

                        that took on a new adventure whetever, sounds good to me.

                        I heard of that, where the coils are all twisted up or not twisted

                        together and put on a spool, then each length of wire is

                        connected up in series to make one continuous coil.

                        Kind of made me wonder why they didn't wind it right in the

                        first place so I remembered folks asking about the Tesla

                        patent stuff where Tesla does this

                        But I guess I just have not wrapped my head around this one


                        Either way nice of you to share what you did and that it

                        works well now.


                        • Huh, not sure what you meant in that post.
                          I found that hand drawn circuit pic in a forum.
                          All i know is, it seems to be a nice charger.
                          Is there something you would like to add about it, that would improve it, i'm all ears or eyes.
                          peace love light


                          • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                            Huh, not sure what you meant in that post.

                            Is there something you would like to add about it, that would improve it, i'm all ears or eyes.
                            peace love light
                            Well here Sky let me explain

                            First of all I will need to look at it more since you just posted this.

                            My comment about the litz coil being a probable Bedini coil failed

                            experimental free energy setup being used this way meaning

                            thousands and thousands of people have wound these multi

                            strand coils based of John Bedini's SSG bike wheel diagrams.

                            As time goes on when these many thousands of experimenter

                            could not get the amounts of energy to self run their wheel

                            these coils got used in other charger applications. On one hand

                            I find that funny and on the other hand when you think about

                            it long enough it is a great way to get the momentum going.

                            Only guessing here but it does look like a multi-strand litzed

                            coil on the spool. If this is wrong please correct me.

                            Now what I mean is that this configuration of a multi-stranded

                            coil was probably born out of the SSG.

                            I have seen many of these coils re-wired in various ways

                            to form a booster converter. What really makes me laugh

                            is the fact that John Bedini has instigated millions of inventions.

                            The bloody men that body slammed the boy wiz-kid against the

                            wall with threats are being paid back a million fold.

                            That is what I am chuckling over.

                            By the way many inventor do withhold critical information

                            either because they have been threatened or concerned their

                            invention with fall into the wrong hand, but whatever that

                            reason might be only brings in the next wiz-kids invention

                            that works just as well to get the extra.

                            So now let us switch gears. HAVE YOU DONE THE BEDINI SSG

                            BIKE WHEEL WORK??????

                            Okay now you can compare this circuit to that circuit.

                            If you have nothing to compare your circuit to then what is

                            the goal of that circuit you built?

                            I can tell you what the main goals are when I build the Bedini

                            SSSG oscillator energizers. High efficiency is numeral ono.

                            Many make high efficiency claims as just a generalization

                            never providing any figures. The RE-EMF chargers IMPLY 2X

                            efficiencies as compared to the Bedini SSG facts.

                            Where is the data? Does this RE-EMF slogan have any

                            documented data behind the claims of WWAAAAAAY more efficient

                            than any charger on the web? This is RENE's boast but what

                            I would like to see is the proof behind the boast.

                            I am sure that the RE-EMF charge quite possible might be

                            the fastest one around but I have no facts to back it up

                            and fast charges can never out do the normal C20 rate

                            format. You see RENE made the claim that it charged waaaay faster and

                            better and more efficiently. I want facts if I can get them.

                            To get to the bottom of this question someone must show input

                            and output figures. Until then it is just another 70 percent boost

                            Last edited by BroMikey; 06-24-2015, 05:21 PM.


                            • Hi mike, i see.
                              It is a regular, non twisted bifilar coil i made for a charger.
                              Yes, i have done the bike wheel experiments.
                              Mainly, i just wanted a charger to charge bigger batteries and reduce sulfation build up or battery damage caused by regular chargers.
                              I am doing charging cycles to see how efficient it might be, that takes time.
                              And yes, I AM fully aware of the shenanigans being played out on this planet and beyond.
                              peace love light


                              • Hey Dupe

                                I found out something new about this energizer when I bought

                                another razor scooter, the batteries needed reconditioned and

                                I did this successfully as always thanks to John Bedini technology.

                                This latest charger build does not have a MOV or a TVS on it

                                anywhere and when I tried to put these goofed up, dried out

                                dumpster batteries on for a long slow simmering the crowbars

                                shutdown at 28vdc on the meter. So I learned a big lesson

                                today that sulfated batteries getting hammered with spikes

                                are exposed in the light of a crowbar.

                                I have never used a MOV or TVS yet I see the write ups

                                from ON SEMI. I don't know if I need a 12v one or a 30 volt one.

                                I don't know. Any suggestions? I really don't understand

                                the usage so maybe just get me started?
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 06-25-2015, 07:02 AM.

