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  • Originally posted by Dupe View Post
    Mikey are you currently using your SSG board 3 charger. I notice this shows a 14v run battery how have you configured it?
    Yes I am using the SSSG mode and I will test in CURRENT mode and
    report back. I just wondered if you ever encountered this.

    When I lower drive current, showdown is delayed to a higher
    voltage. Or it seems like it. I am still not sure.

    I will repeat this message soon.

    Thanks Dupe



    • Hi Mikey, just a couple of points. Firstly how are you monitoring your battery charging current! also I run a separate feedback wire directly from my batteries under charge. When your topping off at critical voltage levels it's best referenced direct from the battery, but make sure the connections are good!!


      • Originally posted by Dupe View Post
        Hi Mikey, just a couple of points. Firstly how are you monitoring your battery charging current! also I run a separate feedback wire directly from my batteries under charge. When your topping off at critical voltage levels it's best referenced direct from the battery, but make sure the connections are good!!

        Okay thank Dupe

        I will make sure I do that.


        • Okay here is what I did DUPE.

          I went right to the battery with the meter and tried to
          get good readings. I found out the whole thing is accurate
          and my figure is 320ohms per volt.

          However for GENERATOR MODE the machine uses (All on it's own)
          less power with the same resistor as SG mode.

          SG mode running off of 15volts X 350ma = input to Oscillator.

          When I am in GENMODE the battery charges up faster but
          CROWBAR control throws out the relay at the same voltage.

          I am still testing and will update you all for sure. I had some
          5% resistors that were no good for this job. I just got my
          order in the mail today for high tolerance resistors. I think they
          were 99cents for 100pcs shipped to the door. Very inexpensive
          it is just knowing and getting the right part for the job.

          I think SG mode is a little more temperamental for the SCR
          trigger resistors. The higher voltage spikes are invisible to the
          meter but the SCR knows that they are there.

          I am using a 1000uF cap coming off of the oscillator too and
          still those spikes are seen by the SCR. I of course need the
          spikes to keep my battery clean.

          I wound two more coils last night with my huge winder.
          It is so easy to wind a coil now and this makes research

          For instance I wound a 40 foot 26awg coil with 16 strands
          last night. Also I wound a 75 foot coil of 22awg with 10 strands.

          The wire I get all of the time is from washer pumps being
          thrown out as waste, I put 5 or 6 of them up and get a 145 foot
          5 strand then split that up on two spools and wind those together
          for a 75 foot one. Or I will wind two 130 foot coil of multi-stranded
          Litzed wire and wind those together to get the length and number
          of strands.

          The wind jobs take only minutes to perform.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 06-04-2015, 02:46 AM.


          • Hi Mikey, have a close look at the thyristor trigger point with your scope. You may have to experiment with values to achieve adequate filtering of stray spikes, an RC network may be of benefit. Also I mentioned the very nature of these circuits can give rise to spurious signals being radiated through wiring and component placements. By the way if you struggle with precise resistive values to achieve your top off crow bar then multi turn trim potts are ideal I often use these. You're a serious experimenter I like your use of salvaged items e.g. wound coils from pumps!! What are you currently charging with this circuit? Regards Dupe


            • Hey Dupe

              Thanks for dropping in again. I will look at it on the scope.

              Here is a typical trigger point

              I am having good results and have a RC circuit already added,
              good point indeed. Still i will look forward to see the results
              of your circuit when i build it for one of my oscillators.

              That 470uF cap and 1k/2k divider looks to be a great filter.

              Oh yeah on the old pump coils. I just slide them off the housing,
              load them on my Litzing machine. Most of those coils are only
              25awg so i don't want them except for a trigger wire.

              I just happened to have some coils all litzed that were to
              long and cut them in half or quarters to ticker with.

              I got the idea from HV fence chargers called "FENCERS" where
              HF oscillations are fired into a 15 foot piece of Litzed wire having
              many many strands producing 50,000 volts.

              I checked again and again on the voltage trigger and it works
              well. I stay within .1 volts which is great. I am keeping in
              mind the TVS parts and filters.


              • Hi Dupe

                Been stuck with these 3 SCR gate resistance values.

                I have learned a great deal fast. And thanks to you

                I have a voice to help me out so now I am digging

                out my 10k 20 turn pots that use the tiny screw

                driver to set them. I learned that as I do one gate

                then add other gate resistor to the 2nd one and

                a 3rd the resistance values shift up higher on the

                shutdown side.

                By the time I did all three over again I went from

                a 30.4v shutdown to a 32.4v shutdown so can really

                see the need for the adjustable pots to get in between

                resistance values where no combination of 1 percent

                resistor can go.

                I am still using my circuit, not yours yet. But I suspect

                That these parallel gate resistances commonly need the

                same adjustment pots as you have mentioned.

                Thanks Dupe. I am glad there is still a person around

                who knows how to get the job done without a spice


                Also since the gate resistance is some what critical

                I have grown to like the 1 percent tol. so I am thinking

                I should get close to the 8000 - 9500 ohm values say

                within a 1000 ohms and them put a 2k 25 turn pot

                on the rest of the amount needed so tol is closer.

                Most of the adjustable pots that are cheap are 10 percent


                What do you think of my idea?
                Last edited by BroMikey; 06-10-2015, 07:17 AM.


                • Okay I did it Dupe

                  Just like you said I used one of these I ordered a few

                  years back. It turned out I needed 9000-9400 ohms

                  but wasn't real sure so I used a 4700 + 4300 + 1k cermet.

                  It really gives me a lot of leg room.

                  The 1k pot is 10 percent tolerance and I am using about 200 ohms

                  of its 1000 so 20 ohms +or- = .1 volt variance. I think.

                  This it 31v shutdown.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 06-10-2015, 09:26 AM.


                  • Nice one Mikey...much better idea to trim precisely your reference voltages.
                    Your more recent SSG circuits show a cap bank of 10x5000uf, just remind me of how you're dumping the charge into you batteries. Earlier diagrams show a battery so I presume you were radiant charging? If so how do they compare.

                    BTW what schematic drawing program are you using for all your posts? Regards Dupe
                    Last edited by Dupe; 06-10-2015, 07:03 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Dupe View Post
                      Nice one Mikey...much better idea to trim precisely your reference voltages.
                      Your more recent SSG circuits show a cap bank of 10x5000uf, just remind me of how you're dumping the charge into you batteries. Earlier diagrams show a battery so I presume you were radiant charging? If so how do they compare.

                      BTW what schematic drawing program are you using for all your posts? Regards Dupe
                      Hi Dupe

                      That's just WINDOWS PAINT free hand on the diagram work

                      I radiant charge SG mode (HV SPIKES) AND radiant GENERATOR MODE

                      (current pulses)

                      Yes for now with the small scooter charger I use RADIANT GENMODE.

                      I can talk about the cap dump also in a minute.

                      I put a switch on the radiant chargers so most of the time I DON'T

                      use SG mode. What JOHN BEDINI taught me was to use the SG mode

                      periodically on a battery to lower its resistance by cleaning off the

                      sulfation. However during my instructional classes as I call them

                      I could not get the battery to climb after using SG mode all of the

                      time. So John showed me GENERATOR mode. Just to give you

                      a quick example, I had been wondering what to do when charging

                      took hours longer than normal. The battery would not go up.

                      I was inputting 2-3 amps@24volts SG mode charging two 12v

                      wheel chair batteries 30ah each.

                      The batteries had always charged before.

                      So I made the change internally and GENMODE charged the batteries

                      on half the current in minutes.

                      Its like you can only spike a battery so long and the battery

                      must have the current pulses(GENMODE)

                      Both functions are very important.

                      Yes you are right about one of the chargers being equipped

                      with a cap dump as well. Everything I just mentioned PLUS

                      a capacitor discharging unit too.

                      You can really force feed a battery with a dump. This little charger

                      is only 2 amps on the input but those caps can pack quite a wallop.

                      With this little cap dump I have charged a 300ah 24vdc battery bank.

                      So the beauty of a cap dump is it's ability to charge any battery bank

                      with a tiny input.

                      If I just use SG MODE or GENMODE on that big of a battery

                      it takes days longer to charge it and it will only float up

                      so far because that amount of current is to small.

                      The battery sees it as a float charge and it will not climb

                      being to large of a battery bank. Take the same Oscillator, and

                      I am, and use a 50,000-60,000uf cap bank and that huge

                      battery will get its butt kicked all around. It will climb and charge.

                      The battery will not respond as if it were being float charged,

                      hanging in some sort of limbo.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-11-2015, 02:49 AM.


                      • Hello everyone this BroMikey

                        I promised to update the circuit in progress as I build it.

                        I keep my promises. Below is my new double channel

                        Bedini Oscillator and control board COMPLETED!!!!!!!

                        This is tested/proven/ready for building for those

                        who might want to charge a battery the right way.

                        The circuit control operates in Hi-Med-Low and shutdown.

                        At start up a 24volt battery bank gets 3amps at 15volt

                        of generator mode current pulses. This input is close

                        to the same as a 24 volt 1.5 amp transformer on

                        start up. Generally about 1 hour later at 26v the relay

                        with the 100 ohm resistor drops out leaving the circuit

                        running at 2 amps @15vdc.

                        Then about 3 hours later the 28v range is reached and

                        resistor 680 ohm drops out leaving the Oscillator running

                        on 1 amp 15vdc.

                        So this is a step charger starting at 45 watts pulsing the

                        battery 1 hour then 30 watts and 15 watts respectively.

                        From 28v to 31vdc the Oscillator has been sending 400ma to the

                        battery of current pulses for several hours. Well it takes

                        several hours the first few times but mine doesn't. Yours

                        might take a few hours. After getting the battery to 31v

                        and keeping it charged up to that, will charge faster and

                        faster each cycle. Mine is charging up to 31v from 28v in

                        30 minutes AND one more thing. My 11 year old boy

                        will tell you just how much more powerful a fully charged

                        scooter battery is compared to the old way. And with

                        the ALUM the scooters go faster, further or last longer

                        by 50 percent. Alum converted batteries are

                        high density batteries and rival lithium batteries for a fraction

                        of the cost. My scooters all use 12ah 12v batteries that produce

                        more amp hours than factory specs allow for. Maybe as high

                        as 16-18ah under heavy use.

                        No more hot current frying the battery, COLD BOILING IS HERE!!!!!

                        THIS IS ONE OF MY FINAL CIRCUITS READY TO BUILD!!!!!

                        All parts and values are listed and readily available.

                        Enjoy your scooter ENERGIZER compliments of John Bedini

                        technology. The design relates to the SSG energizer

                        bike wheel chargers without the rotating mass.

                        The practical application and alterations are BroMikey's

                        and are free for distribution to whoever wants to build it.

                        The connected circuitry to protect and control the

                        Hybrid Oscillator is compliments of BroMikey and are free

                        for the takin as always.

                        Don't forget to pop the tops on your scooter batteries

                        the next time you get a chance and shoot them with

                        ALUM. You will never be the same after that.

                        May God Bless you All.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 06-21-2015, 08:20 AM.


                        • For those of you wondering about the way the SSSG

                          charges/Energizes a battery, look at this nice mans

                          video for GENERATOR MODE. This is what I have built

                          shown in the diagram without the rotating mass.

                          I chose his video because it is a much nicer done video

                          than I can do at the moment. Generator mode still

                          offers a degree of spiking along with the current

                          pulses. This is what my waveform looks like on one

                          of my old scopes in a poorly lit room. Hard to show

                          on video right now for me. I am building in the aircon

                          back bedroom staying cool right now and do not have

                          all of my latest equipment at arms reach.

                          I have run the scope shots many times and they all

                          look like this.

                          Many have asked what is the big deal? The answer

                          is that pulsing gives the battery a rest interval

                          not associated with DC chargers that hot boil your

                          battery. I am running more power into my battery

                          by means of this Oscillator in GENERATOR MODE

                          without heating, a conventional charger can

                          never do that. Also I should add that I am using an old

                          15.9v laptop adapter to power the oscillator.

                          Some have reasoned that they could do the same type

                          of charging with a pulse coming from a switch-mode

                          PC supply. That is an impossible feat as these type

                          of supplies are fixed voltage right on the button.

                          Plus the wrong kind of pulse.

                          Also an Oscillator such as the one John Bedini has

                          shown will feed a cap dump without wasting power

                          during the dumps off times.


                          Last edited by BroMikey; 06-12-2015, 09:12 AM.


                            this maybe off topic buit this is also a beasty charger for consideration hope u can draw a schematic out of this I want to incorporate ur circuit with this simple re emf charger



                            • Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                              this maybe off topic buit this is also a beasty charger for consideration hope u can draw a schematic out of this I want to incorporate ur circuit with this simple re emf charger

                              Yes, everybody knows that this is RENE's charger, its a GENMODE
                              current pulse with an extra diode sending back a spike
                              to the battery. Rene said it charged batteries fast but
                              he used a 20volt supply to charge a 12 volt battery.

                              This system will draw down the primary fast.

                              The diagram is all over the web, it is RENE's BEMF charger.
                              Here is his first video in 2012


                              I have thought it over for 3 years now. But I never tried
                              the circuit yet to see if the circuit really is twice as efficient
                              as a regular pulse charger because of the recirculation loop.

                              First we should run this version.

                              The video you posted has two toroidsThis is
                              not the same.


                              • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                                Yes, everybody knows that this is RENE's charger, its a GENMODE
                                current pulse with an extra diode sending back a spike
                                to the battery. Rene said it charged batteries fast but
                                he used a 20volt supply to charge a 12 volt battery.

                                This system will draw down the primary fast.

                                The diagram is all over the web, it is RENE's BEMF charger.
                                Here is his first video in 2012


                                I have thought it over for 3 years now. But I never tried
                                the circuit yet to see if the circuit really is twice as efficient
                                as a regular pulse charger because of the recirculation loop.

                                First we should run this version.

                                The video you posted has two toroidsThis is
                                not the same.
                                Ive run the original version with my solar 2 10 w in series 32 v and charged fast
                                on a 30 Ah battery... the modified version by a German made it bigger instead of bifilar coil has changed to toroids for bigger output the video show output of 6 amps which is great compared to the original version.... the parts are there except for the diagram .... Anyway hope you can make a sketch out of it

