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I have disproven Time Dilation and Theory of Relativity

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  • I have disproven Time Dilation and Theory of Relativity

    If you are on a face time call on earth to an astronaut twin brother traveling faster than speed of light, then acccording to time dialation , once astranaut came back to earth that astranaut may be 15 years younger looking than you

    Simply not true

    Because if you were on a "face time call" (like an iphone but better that is instantaneous communication no matter how fast your going or how far away you are)that entire time for 30 earth years watching terminater 2 50,000 times there would be no ****ing time dialation because you would have bothd watched the movie the same exact amount of times/hours/minutes/ect thus absolutley no differences in time between your twin brother and you regardless of how fast he was going!

    if they were both watchin terminator 2 the same amount of times then theres no difference in time

    any delay would be due to equip malfunction

    No things wouldnt happen faster on earth end because both are watching t2 the same amount of times

    Just because youre in a ****en rocket doesnt mean you do **** like watch tv faster

    if it takes 30 years on earth to watch terminator 50,000 times then by flying in a rocket doesnt mean you can watch termintor 50,000 in 20 years

    When atoms are cooled to absolute zero or super heated weird **** then happens, buut you wont experience that isolated in a rocket

    You see gravity effects cellular resperation however humans can only exist under certain gravity/atmospheric conditions thus we would and can never experience any other stronger gravity than eaths or we would explode and with too little gravity we get frail weak and die, we cant experience accelerated time but only slighly different fluctuations of cellular resperation rates until our bodies must go back to homeostasis

    in twin paradox my twin flying in the rocket sbodily functions do not magically speed up or slowdown if someone is traveling in a fast vehicle, does that even make sense?? Of course not

    If the face time call signal was instantaneous faster than light do you really beleive that you would be watch a humans face and voice in slow motion while they are in a rocket? Because that would mean they would have to be literally living in slow motion which is imposible for a human to do

    If 30 years on earth pass and my twin goes flys away in a rocket and comes back only 15 years older by einstiens time dilation theory then that means he must age slow motion while being on a rocket ship(wich is physically biologically imposible) because i watched my twin for the entire 30 earth years from a telescope
    Thus i will know my twin has aged 30 years not 15

    time is purely passage of events biologically and universally
    Earth time is charted as we go around the sun, its rather purely only passage of events we chart as we go around sun our biology also purely experiences a passage of events cells replicate divide ect nothing ambiguos

    If im on earth watching my twin brother take 3 ****s a day sleeping 7 hours a day (identicle habits ill be ****ting 3 times a day and sleeping 7 hours per 24hrs) then he will return the exact same age as me regardless of how fast he was going because he did all the exactt same stuff as me during this 30 year round trip voyage. Thus i have conclusively disproven time dilation and theory of relativity!

    We would obviously have to have a special iphone to watch each other all the time it would be documented proof
    We would age the same rate regardless of what sell out scientists and especially atheist sell out scientists would have u believe
    If hes doing the same amount of stuff ****ting 3 times in 24hrs ect how can you possibly argue time dilation exists

  • #2
    now please send me my FREE eric dollard writings and other books on electrical theory this **** fascinates me i deserve these books for disproving theory of relativity in a way for ALL to understand

    one day i want to meet eric dollard he is a legend i didnt know a damn thing about electricity 2 years ago , now i know a **** ton more than i used to, he inspired me, i didnt learn a that much from him because i dont have his books but he inspired me to learn this stuff. i have studied some MIT lectures on youtube , pretty fascinating stuff


    • #3
      Just because you fail to understand the first basic concept of time dilatation does not mean that it does not exist.

      High energy radiation creates a certain type of muons in the upper atmosphere which has a very short half-time, these travel towards Earth at a near light speed velocity. Based on these facts you can calculate what percentage of these muons would read the surface of the Earth.
      Actual measurements show that a much greater number arrives, which is only possible if their half time (magically) got longer of if time passed slower. When you apply the Lorentz transformation on this data your results match the actual measurements.
      Thus the time dilatation has been proven for the first time and it has been proven many times since.
      Basically if you have GPS you are using this very effect.

      After having been proven so thoroughly, there is absolutely no point in trying to disprove it.
      The story behind it however.... is a different story as the Lorentz transformations were first based on an ether-theory....

      Read a bit on special relativity before talking about it.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Ernst View Post
        Just because you fail to understand the first basic concept of time dilatation does not mean that it does not exist.

        High energy radiation creates a certain type of muons in the upper atmosphere which has a very short half-time, these travel towards Earth at a near light speed velocity. Based on these facts you can calculate what percentage of these muons would read the surface of the Earth.
        Actual measurements show that a much greater number arrives, which is only possible if their half time (magically) got longer of if time passed slower. When you apply the Lorentz transformation on this data your results match the actual measurements.
        Thus the time dilatation has been proven for the first time and it has been proven many times since.
        Basically if you have GPS you are using this very effect.

        After having been proven so thoroughly, there is absolutely no point in trying to disprove it.
        The story behind it however.... is a different story as the Lorentz transformations were first based on an ether-theory....

        Read a bit on special relativity before talking about it.

        your post made absolutley no sense whatsoever you are just repeating what you read its convoluted and bull****

        the twin paradox says if you are on earth from 2015 -2045 thats 30 years and your twin flys off in a rocket at light speed or faster during this 30 years and returns he will not age at the same rate (wich is complete bull****)

        so therefore say you are 20 in 2015 and in 2045 you are 50 and then your twin comes back and if twin paradox were true ( but it is not) it says your twin may only be 40 years old

        so how in the hell does your twin age less WHILE you are watching him from some special iphone webcam that has no delay of communication. you watch your twin eat the same food as you do 3 times a day and sleep 7 hours a night for 30 years straight (you and your twin go through the exact same daily habits everything can be accounted for) through a really freaking good telescope or from a really good iphone that you and your twin have and watch each other for 30 years

        the twin paradox says there will be lost time wich is bull****, because you can account for every single day in those 30 years exactly what you two were doing

        its bullcrap and you want to talk about muons, lets talk about something everyone knows about instead, the thing is sell outs like neil degrass tyson and steven hawkins are all sell outs, sure they do know alot more than i do but they are pushing an agenda

        please argue the point i make that is not convoluted or confusing
        Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-26-2015, 03:08 AM.


        • #5
          How do you explain the Hafele–Keating experiment?


          • #6
            To JF,

            In your wild fantasy ramblings you have forgotten several basic laws of physics that are already well established and backed up by mathematics. Apparently you have never heard of the doppler effect and have no idea there is a limit to the speed of light. May I humbly suggest you get at least a high school understanding of physics before you try to promote your ideas.

            Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


            • #7
              I really like how you purposly avoid my refute of the twin paradox like i havent even said a word.

              Diversion tactics are good distractions

              I didnt refute doppler effect or muons or haefele keating did i? No, lets work on this one single thing first please ladies and gentlemen


              • #8
                Originally posted by citfta View Post
                To JF,

                In your wild fantasy ramblings you have forgotten several basic laws of physics that are already well established and backed up by mathematics. Apparently you have never heard of the doppler effect and have no idea there is a limit to the speed of light. May I humbly suggest you get at least a high school understanding of physics before you try to promote your ideas.

                Ok humble sir isaac newton , tesla found cosmic rays from antarus to be 50 times the speed of light ,look it up it was printed in new york times and backed up by wheatstone

                Like i said before dont try n divert yourself from arguing my twin paradox refute first


                • #9
                  Here is my 2 cents and observations. If you are floating around in the space station above earth, you will age at approximately the same rate as on earth, only slightly different because of the gravity difference. But, if you are traveling through space at near the speed of light, then the gravitational pull upon your body has lesser effect the closer you approach the speed of light. If you could ever reach the speed of light, then time would stand still and you wouldn't age past that point. All this is of course theoretical and hypothetical in nature. We don't have the technology yet or prove or disapprove this hypothesis. Experiments have been made that suggest that this is the case, although we yet don't know all the secrets of light, gravity, speed, or even electricity, even though we see and use these daily in our lives. When, if, our technology advances to the point where we can teat all these theories, then we may finally know the answer to your question. Good Luck. stealth


                  • #10
                    So what is your take on energy faster than light? It sounds like you are in favor of E=M*C2 people call this a limit. 186,000 miles per second squared must be it then.

                    How do you relate to speeds fastest than light? The math models are flawed.

                    Thanks Snoopy

                    Originally posted by citfta View Post
                    To JF,

                    In your wild fantasy ramblings you have forgotten several basic laws of physics that are already well established and backed up by mathematics. Apparently you have never heard of the doppler effect and have no idea there is a limit to the speed of light. May I humbly suggest you get at least a high school understanding of physics before you try to promote your ideas.

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-26-2015, 07:59 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by johnnyfalcon View Post
                      your post made absolutley no sense whatsoever you are just repeating what you read its convoluted and bull****

                      the twin paradox says if you are on earth from 2015 -2045 thats 30 years and your twin flys off in a rocket at light speed or faster during this 30 years and returns he will not age at the same rate (wich is complete bull****)

                      so therefore say you are 20 in 2015 and in 2045 you are 50 and then your twin comes back and if twin paradox were true ( but it is not) it says your twin may only be 40 years old

                      so how in the hell does your twin age less WHILE you are watching him from some special iphone webcam that has no delay of communication. you watch your twin eat the same food as you do 3 times a day and sleep 7 hours a night for 30 years straight (you and your twin go through the exact same daily habits everything can be accounted for) through a really freaking good telescope or from a really good iphone that you and your twin have and watch each other for 30 years

                      the twin paradox says there will be lost time wich is bull****, because you can account for every single day in those 30 years exactly what you two were doing

                      its bullcrap and you want to talk about muons, lets talk about something everyone knows about instead, the thing is sell outs like neil degrass tyson and steven hawkins are all sell outs, sure they do know alot more than i do but they are pushing an agenda

                      please argue the point i make that is not convoluted or confusing
                      The point is; you do not make any point and you are completely missing the point.
                      Your post proves one thing beyond a shadow of doubt: you haven't the faintest clue about special relativity. The question you ask is this: I am too damned lazy to pick up a book and read about the subject so please teach me in a way that does not involve too much effort from my side. You ask this question by writing a post that is so dumb that anyone who reads it gets a bit dumber because of it. I have seen this so often now. People who do not understand a simple principle and then come up with their own twisted dumb-a$$ theory and put it on internet to infect others with their stupidity.

                      The twin paradox does not exist, that is true, but the reason is slightly different. While your brother moves away from you he ages more slowly. Communication between the two of you is not physically possible, but if it were, you would both hear the other talk very slowly. While your brother moves towards you exactly the same situation exists, both parties see the other party ageing slower (moving slower, eating slower, sleeping longer etc.). The Twin paradox however does not exist because when your brother turns around (first he flew away from you, then he comes back) his frame of reference is not an inertial one. That means that the laws of Newton and Coulomb and indeed Special Relativity do not apply. (you will have to turn to General Relativity)

                      Now you will say I am only repeating what I have read. Partly that is true, I figured out the twin paradox by myself after a hint of my professor. (if you can read Dutch, read the attached file. I am not going to translate it for you)
                      You too should definitely read some more to increase the intelligence of your communications.


                      Ps. faster than light travelling is quite another story. Has to do with mass and energy. It would be possible if the traveller were not subject to inertia. But that would introduce a number of terrible paradoxes (cause and effect related) so that 'they' have agreed that it is not possible at all. Tesla does indeed contradict that.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        why exacly in your own words do you feel my brother would age more slowly in a rocket?
                        Because of gravity??remember he is sheilded from extreme gravity/speed in the rocket because you only feel g-force when accelarating. You also dont feel speed either you could only seee it through rocket window
                        I read as much as i can but im not going to jump arguments and talk about muons when im talking about twin paradox, but i am perfectly open to the connection
                        Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                        The point is; you do not make any point and you are completely missing the point.
                        Your post proves one thing beyond a shadow of doubt: you haven't the faintest clue about special relativity. The question you ask is this: I am too damned lazy to pick up a book and read about the subject so please teach me in a way that does not involve too much effort from my side. You ask this question by writing a post that is so dumb that anyone who reads it gets a bit dumber because of it. I have seen this so often now. People who do not understand a simple principle and then come up with their own twisted dumb-a$$ theory and put it on internet to infect others with their stupidity.

                        The twin paradox does not exist, that is true, but the reason is slightly different. While your brother moves away from you he ages more slowly. Communication between the two of you is not physically possible, but if it were, you would both hear the other talk very slowly. While your brother moves towards you exactly the same situation exists, both parties see the other party ageing slower (moving slower, eating slower, sleeping longer etc.). The Twin paradox however does not exist because when your brother turns around (first he flew away from you, then he comes back) his frame of reference is not an inertial one. That means that the laws of Newton and Coulomb and indeed Special Relativity do not apply. (you will have to turn to General Relativity)

                        Now you will say I am only repeating what I have read. Partly that is true, I figured out the twin paradox by myself after a hint of my professor. (if you can read Dutch, read the attached file. I am not going to translate it for you)
                        You too should definitely read some more to increase the intelligence of your communications.


                        Ps. faster than light travelling is quite another story. Has to do with mass and energy. It would be possible if the traveller were not subject to inertia. But that would introduce a number of terrible paradoxes (cause and effect related) so that 'they' have agreed that it is not possible at all. Tesla does indeed contradict that.
                        Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-27-2015, 11:07 AM.


                        • #13
                          Neither you nor your twin IS ageing slower. All your bodily functions and daily routine continue as they have always done. It is just that seen from your frame of reference your twin is ageing slower, and indeed, seen from his frame of reference you are ageing slower. Then there seems to be a paradox because during his trip you see him ageing slower and he sees you ageing slower, so when he returns will you be younger or will he be younger? You can not both be younger than the other one.
                          That is the paradox (which you have also missed).
                          The paradox is solved by recognizing that special relativity only describes inertial frames of reference, meaning there is no acceleration and no change of direction. But to return to you your twin must change direction and during that moment his frame of reference is not an inertial one.
                          As to your question why is he ageing slower?
                          Because Maxwell showed that the speed of light can be derived from 2 properties of the vacuum. These properties remain the same whether you are moving or not, so also the speed of light must remain the same for you and for your travelling twin. This fact has severe consequences because it is entirely different from what you would suspect.
                          For example: a train is moving at 100 km/h, I am standing still and my brother is driving a car at 80 km/h in the same direction as the train.
                          The train will pass me with a speed of 100 km/h (obviously) and the train will pass my brother with a speed of 100-80=20 km/h.
                          Now replace that train by a bundle of light. That light will pass me with a speed of c and it will pass my brother also with a speed of c (NOT c - 80km/h).
                          Continued reasoning along this line will get you the Lorentz transformations which include time dilation.
                          Learn Dutch and translate the document that I gave you earlier or for a much more complete derivation read "Relativity" by Albert Einstein. It is a small book, wherein this is explained in a surprisingly simple manner.

                          Last edited by Ernst; 03-28-2015, 01:53 AM.


                          • #14
                            Do you realize both frames of reference have to agree that the speed of light is a constant in lorentz transformation but this has been disproven by wheatstone and tesla

                            You mention also that this is a paradox, by definition means a paradox is some thing that may or maynot be true because evidence isnt conclusive. Relativists love that word its a crutch it doesnt exclaim something is 100percent fact by definition butrather using that word is an obvious hesitation to call something a fact!using this word people want to pass something off as fact though

                            so rather than me needing to study dutch you need to brush up on english so you are not fooled by this word
                            Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                            Neither you nor your twin IS ageing slower. All your bodily functions and daily routine continue as they have always done. It is just that seen from your frame of reference your twin is ageing slower, and indeed, seen from his frame of reference you are ageing slower. Then there seems to be a paradox because during his trip you see him ageing slower and he sees you ageing slower, so when he returns will you be younger or will he be younger? You can not both be younger than the other one.
                            That is the paradox (which you have also missed).
                            The paradox is solved by recognizing that special relativity only describes inertial frames of reference, meaning there is no acceleration and no change of direction. But to return to you your twin must change direction and during that moment his frame of reference is not an inertial one.
                            As to your question why is he ageing slower?
                            Because Maxwell showed that the speed of light can be derived from 2 properties of the vacuum. These properties remain the same whether you are moving or not, so also the speed of light must remain the same for you and for your travelling twin. This fact has severe consequences because it is entirely different from what you would suspect.
                            For example: a train is moving at 100 km/h, I am standing still and my brother is driving a car at 80 km/h in the same direction as the train.
                            The train will pass me with a speed of 100 km/h (obviously) and the train will pass my brother with a speed of 100-80=20 km/h.
                            Now replace that train by a bundle of light. That light will pass me with a speed of c and it will pass my brother also with a speed of c (NOT c - 80km/h).
                            Continued reasoning along this line will get you the Lorentz transformations which include time dilation.
                            Learn Dutch and translate the document that I gave you earlier or for a much more complete derivation read "Relativity" by Albert Einstein. It is a small book, wherein this is explained in a surprisingly simple manner.

                            Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-28-2015, 02:14 PM.


                            • #15
                              It all sounds like useless babble on this forum but whats new.

                              Anyway someone else proved that light is not the limiting factor and they did it scientifically. It's still being verified.

                              Faster than light particles found, claim scientists | Science | The Guardian

                              As far as your theory everyone is right, its just babble from an uneducated person. But again on this forum we see it everyday. Just a candidate for the ignore list, nothing new.

                              Last edited by Matthew Jones; 03-28-2015, 10:00 PM.

